Kde sa rozmanitosť stretáva s hodnotou - Katalo.sk

Albano 2571 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2571 Čierna. boots Woman BLACK Albano Closure: zip Lining: leather Insole: leather Sole: eco-leather Heel: 8.5 cm Platform: 3 cm Leg height: 12 cm Reference size: 37 Fit: regular Ankle boots from the Albano line, made of leather. They have a zip closure that makes them easy to put on. The sole guarantees optimal comfort with every step. Perfect for accompanying you in style with every step..

Pozrite sa aj KingCamp Albano 5 (6936876807266)

cena 142.3 €

Albano 2501 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2501 Čierna. Chelsea Woman BLACK Albano Lining: leather Insole: leather Sole: eco-leather Heel: 3 cm Platform: 1.5 cm Leg height: 21 cm Reference size: 37 Fit: regular Ankle boots from the Albano line, made of leather. They have a closure with side elastics that facilitate the fit. The sole guarantees optimal comfort with every step. With clean lines and refined details, these ankle boots add a touch of refinement to any look, from the casualness of everyday life to the elegance of a special occasion..

Pozrite sa aj Přírodní léčení (978-80-264-2571-7)

cena 121.3 €

Albano 2570 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2570 Čierna. boots Woman BLACK Albano Closure: zip Lining: leather Insole: leather Sole: eco-leather Heel: 3.5 cm Platform: 2 cm Reference Size: 37 Fit: regular Ankle boots from the Albano line, made of leather. They have a zip closure that makes them easy to put on. The sole guarantees optimal comfort with every step. The upper is enriched by a fake zip. With sophisticated lines and refined details, these ankle boots add a touch of refinement to any look, from the casualness of everyday life to the elegance of a special occasion..

Objav podobné ako Albano 2570 Čižmičky Čierna

cena 135.3 €

Albano 2504 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2504 Čierna. boots Woman BLACK Albano Lining: leather Insole: leather Sole: eco-leather Heel: 3.5 cm Platform: 2 cm Leg height: 18.5 cm Reference size: 37 Fit: regular Ankle boots from the Albano line, made of leather. They feature a side elastic fastening that makes them easy to put on. The sole guarantees optimal comfort with every step. With clean lines and refined details, these ankle boots add a touch of refinement to any look, from the casualness of everyday life to the elegance of a special occasion..

Objav podobné ako Albano 2504 Čižmičky Čierna

cena 121.3 €

Albano 2536 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2536 Čierna. boots Woman BLACK Albano Closure: zip Lining: leather Insole: leather Sole: rubber Heel: 7 cm Leg Height: 16 cm Reference Size: 37 Fit: regular Ankle boots from the Albano line, made of leather. They have a zip closure that makes them easy to put on. The sole guarantees optimal comfort with every step. The upper is enriched by an application with three bands. Perfect for completing every look with style..

Objav podobné ako Albano 2536 Čižmičky Čierna

cena 135.3 €

Albano 2611 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2611 Čierna. boots Woman BLACK Albano Closure: zip Lining: leather Insole: leather Sole: eco-leather Heel: 6 cm Leg Height: 10.5 cm Reference Size: 37 Fit: regular Ankle boots from the Albano line, made of leather. They have a zip closure that makes them easy to put on. The sole guarantees optimal comfort with every step. They are characterised by a designer heel. Perfect for completing every look with style..

Objav podobné ako Albano 2611 Čižmičky Čierna

cena 106.85 €

Albano 2550 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2550 Čierna. boots Woman BLACK Albano Closure: zip Lining: leather Insole: leather Sole: eco-leather Heel: 8 cm Leg Height: 13.5 cm Reference Size: 37 Fit: regular Ankle boots from the Albano line, made of leather. They have a zip closure that makes them easy to put on. The sole guarantees optimal comfort with every step. They are characterised by a designer heel. Perfect for completing every look with style..

Objav podobné ako Albano 2550 Čižmičky Čierna

cena 126.35 €

Albano 2800 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2800 Čierna. boots Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 2800 Čižmičky Čierna

cena 171.1 €

Albano 2789 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2789 Čierna. boots Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 2789 Čižmičky Čierna

cena 171.1 €

Albano 2590 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2590 Čierna. boots Woman BLACK Albano Closure: zip Lining: leather Insole: leather Sole: eco-leather Heel: 9 cm Leg Height: 12 cm Reference Size: 37 Fit: regular Ankle boots from the Albano line, made of leather. They have a zip closure that makes them easy to put on. The sole guarantees optimal comfort with every step. They are characterised by a designer heel. Perfect for completing every look with style..

Objav podobné ako Albano 2590 Čižmičky Čierna

cena 135.3 €

Albano 2732 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2732 Čierna. boots Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 2732 Čižmičky Čierna

cena 171.1 €

Albano 2829 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2829 Čierna. boots Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 2829 Čižmičky Čierna

cena 153.1 €

Albano 2720 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2720 Čierna. boots Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 2720 Čižmičky Čierna

cena 153.1 €

Albano 2734 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2734 Čierna. boots Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 2734 Čižmičky Čierna

cena 174.68 €

Albano 2759 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2759 Čierna. boots Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 2759 Čižmičky Čierna

cena 180.1 €

Albano 2569 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2569 Čierna. boots Woman BLACK Albano Closure: zip Lining: leather Insole: leather Sole: leather Heel: 9.5 cm Reference measurement: 37 Fit: regular Ankle boots from the Albano Luxury line, made of suede. They have a zip closure which makes them easy to put on. They are characterized by a designer heel. The sole guarantees optimal comfort with every step. Make every step a statement of class and style..

Objav podobné ako Albano 2569 Čižmičky Čierna

cena 212.3 €

Albano 2801 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2801 Čierna. boots Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 2801 Čižmičky Čierna

cena 180.1 €

Albano 2407/70 Čižmičky Čierna

Albano 2407/70 Čierna. boots Woman BLACK Albano Closure: zip Lining: leather Insole: leather Heel: 8 cm Leg Height: 12 cm Reference Size: 41 Fit: regular Pointed ankle boots with golden clamp made of leather and with an 8 cm heel. Versatile and easy to match, these shoes ensure softness and resistance thanks to the upper entirely made of leather which guarantees an elegant and always refined style..

Objav podobné ako Albano 2407/70 Čižmičky Čierna

cena 135.3 €

Přírodní léčení (978-80-264-2571-7)

Elektronická kniha - autor Melissa Corkhill, 128 stran, česky Co může být lepšího než umět pomoci sobě i svým blízkým zmírnit či vyléčit zdravotní potíže, a to pomocí přírodních prostředků? Melissa Corkhill v této knize nabízí řadu praktických doporučení, jak těžit z možností, které nám nabízí příroda. Najdete zde tipy na pěstování vlastních bylinek, recepty na výrobu rostlinných léčivých přípravků a rady, jak s nimi pracovat. Zjistíte, že přírodní cestou lze odstranit řadu běžných neduhů (nachlazení, chřipku nebo třeba bolavá záda), a naučíte se využívat rostlinných léčiv i při zmírňování příznaků závažnějších nebo dlouhodobějších zdravotních potíží (ekzémy, senná rýma, revmatismus aj.). S využitím bylin ze zahrádky, rostlin z volné přírody a koření, které pravděpodobně máte doma v kuchyni, se brzy naučíte vyrábět si vlastní léčivé přípravky. Melissa Corkhill je nadšenou zastánkyní a propagátorkou přírodní medicíny a léčení vlastními silami s využitím...

Objav podobné ako Přírodní léčení (978-80-264-2571-7)

cena 8.6 €

Pohádky z lesa (978-80-271-2571-5)

Elektronická kniha - autor Lenka Jakešová, 104 stran, česky V dutině starého dubu žije šťastná datlí rodinka – rodiče a jejich čtyři čerstvě vylíhnutá ptáčátka. Tatínek s maminkou léčí přes den stromy v lese a shánějí potravu. Každý večer přinášejí svým dětem kromě pochoutek i jednu pohádku, kterou jim za odměnu vyprávěly vyléčené stromy. Chtěli byste se dozvědět, proč modřín na zimu opadává, jak je možné, že jedličce rostou šišky směrem nahoru nebo jaký tvar listů má lípa? Tak se pohodlně uvelebte v hnízdečku a zaposlouchejte se do vyprávění datlího tatínka.

Objav podobné ako Pohádky z lesa (978-80-271-2571-5)

cena 10.8 €

Když světlo projde špínou, zůstane čisté (999-00-001-2571-5)

E-kniha - autor Irena Fuchsová, 400 stran Třicátá kniha Ireny Fuchsové, Když světlo projde špínou, zůstane čisté, je román o dívce, která v osmnácti letech, v roce 1968, začala pracovat v kolínském divadle. Autorka stěžejní část románu, týkající se let 1968 až 1992, napsala před dvaceti lety, pod pracovním názvem, Když jsme všichni měli doma komouše.

Objav podobné ako Když světlo projde špínou, zůstane čisté (999-00-001-2571-5)

cena 4.49 €

Albano - Čižmičky Béžová

Albano - Béžová. .

Objav podobné ako Albano - Čižmičky Béžová

cena 154.2 €

Albano - Čižmičky Béžová

Albano - Béžová. .

Objav podobné ako Albano - Čižmičky Béžová

cena 158.2 €

Albano 3150AL Lodičky Zlatá

Albano 3150AL Zlatá. Lining Genuine Leather. Outside Cotton Fabric. Construction Type: Glued. 9 cm. heel. Made in Italy..

Objav podobné ako Albano 3150AL Lodičky Zlatá

cena 88.95 €

Albano 3095AL Lodičky Čierna

Albano 3095AL Čierna. Lining Genuine Leather. Outside Genuine Leather. Construction Type: Glued. 11,5 cm. heel. Made in Italy..

Objav podobné ako Albano 3095AL Lodičky Čierna

cena 88.95 €

Albano 3031AL Sandále Other

Albano 3031AL . Lining Genuine Leather. Outside Genuine Leather. Construction Type: Glued. 11,5 cm. heel. Made in Italy..

Objav podobné ako Albano 3031AL Sandále Other

cena 78.95 €

Albano 3150AL Lodičky Čierna

Albano 3150AL Čierna. Lining Genuine Leather. Outside Cotton Fabric. Construction Type: Glued. 9 cm. heel. Made in Italy..

Objav podobné ako Albano 3150AL Lodičky Čierna

cena 88.95 €

Albano 3120AL Lodičky Strieborná

Albano 3120AL Strieborná. Lining Genuine Leather. Outside Cotton Fabric. Construction Type: Glued. 11 cm. heel. Made in Italy..

Objav podobné ako Albano 3120AL Lodičky Strieborná

cena 93.95 €

Albano 4235 Sandále Hnedá

Albano 4235 Hnedá. Lining Synthetic. Outside Synthetic. Construction Type: Glued. Made in Italy..

Objav podobné ako Albano 4235 Sandále Hnedá

cena 68.95 €

Albano 3031AL Sandále Čierna

Albano 3031AL Čierna. Lining Genuine Leather. Outside Genuine Leather. Construction Type: Glued. 11,5 cm. heel. Made in Italy..

Objav podobné ako Albano 3031AL Sandále Čierna

cena 78.95 €

Albano 5085 Sandále Béžová

Albano 5085 Béžová. Sandals Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 5085 Sandále Béžová

cena 100.3 €

Albano 5122 Sandále Béžová

Albano 5122 Béžová. Sandals Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 5122 Sandále Béžová

cena 121.3 €

Albano 5135 Sandále Béžová

Albano 5135 Béžová. Sandals Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 5135 Sandále Béžová

cena 100.3 €

Albano 5135 Sandále Strieborná

Albano 5135 Strieborná. Sandals Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 5135 Sandále Strieborná

cena 100.3 €

Albano 5242 Sandále Strieborná

Albano 5242 Strieborná. Sandals Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 5242 Sandále Strieborná

cena 121.3 €

Albano 5085 Sandále Čierna

Albano 5085 Čierna. Sandals Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 5085 Sandále Čierna

cena 100.3 €

Albano 5211 Sandále Čierna

Albano 5211 Čierna. Sandals Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 5211 Sandále Čierna

cena 121.3 €

Albano 5211 Sandále Ružová

Albano 5211 Ružová. Sandals Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 5211 Sandále Ružová

cena 121.3 €

Albano 5242 Sandále Zlatá

Albano 5242 Zlatá. Sandals Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 5242 Sandále Zlatá

cena 121.3 €

Albano 3359 Sandále Zlatá

Albano 3359 Zlatá. With heel Woman GOLD Albano Closure: adjustable strap Lining: Leather Insole: Faux leather Sole: Leather Heel: 9cm Reference size: 37 Fit: Regular Sandals with platinum-colored laminated heel from the Albano line made of fabric. They feature a closure made up of an adjustable strap. Versatile and easy to match, these shoes ensure softness and resistance thanks to the lining made entirely of leather. They are characterized by an elegant and modern style..

Objav podobné ako Albano 3359 Sandále Zlatá

cena 87.4 €

Albano 3325 Sandále Strieborná

Albano 3325 Strieborná. With heel Woman SILVER Albano Closure: adjustable strap Lining: leather Insole: leather Sole: leather Heel: 10 cm Platform: 1.5 cm Reference Size: 37 Fit: regular Sandals from the Albano line with rhinestones and adjustable strap closure. The laminated silver effect gives it a modern and sophisticated style. The sole guarantees optimal comfort with every step..

Objav podobné ako Albano 3325 Sandále Strieborná

cena 111.4 €

Albano 3216 Sandále Hnedá

Albano 3216 Hnedá. With heel Woman BRONZE Albano Closure: adjustable strap Lining: Leather Insole: Eco-leather Sole: Leather Heel: 9 cm Reference Size: 37 Fit: Regular Sandals with adjustable crossed strap from the Albano line made of fabric. Versatile and easy to match, these shoes ensure softness and resistance thanks to the lining made entirely of leather. They are distinguished by an elegant and modern style..

Objav podobné ako Albano 3216 Sandále Hnedá

cena 99.4 €

Albano 3298 Sandále Čierna

Albano 3298 Čierna. With heel Woman BLACK Albano Lining: Leather Insole: Eco-leather Sole: Leather Heel: 8 cm Reference Size: 37 Fit: Regular Heeled sandals from the Albano line made of fabric. Versatile and easy to match, these shoes ensure softness and resistance thanks to the lining made entirely of leather. They are distinguished by the presence of the knotted rhinestone insert that extends on the front and guarantee an elegant and modern style..

Objav podobné ako Albano 3298 Sandále Čierna

cena 111.4 €

Albano 3251 Sandále Zlatá

Albano 3251 Zlatá. With heel Woman GOLD Albano Lining: Leather Insole: Eco-leather Sole: Leather Heel: 9 cm Reference Size: 37 Fit: Regular Sandals with rhinestone spiral from the Albano line made of fabric. Versatile and easy to match, these shoes ensure softness and resistance thanks to the lining made entirely of leather. They are distinguished by an elegant and modern style..

Objav podobné ako Albano 3251 Sandále Zlatá

cena 105.4 €

Albano 3262 Sandále Zlatá

Albano 3262 Zlatá. With heel Woman GOLD Albano Closure: adjustable strap Lining: Leather Insole: Eco-leather Sole: Leather Heel: 7.5 cm Reference Size: 37 Fit: Regular Sandals with adjustable strap from the Albano line made of fabric. Versatile and easy to match, these shoes ensure softness and resistance thanks to the lining made entirely of leather. They are distinguished by the presence of the rhinestone insert knotted on the front that guarantee an elegant and modern style..

Objav podobné ako Albano 3262 Sandále Zlatá

cena 99.4 €

Albano 3249 Sandále Zlatá

Albano 3249 Zlatá. With heel Woman GOLD Albano Lining: Leather Insole: Eco-leather Sole: Leather Heel: 2.5 cm Reference Size: 37 Fit: Regular Sandals with low laminated heel from the Albano line made of fabric. Versatile and easy to match, these shoes ensure softness and resistance thanks to the lining made entirely of leather. They are distinguished by the pattern with bands of rhinestones that join in a knot on the side and guarantee an elegant and modern style..

Objav podobné ako Albano 3249 Sandále Zlatá

cena 105.4 €

Albano 3325 Sandále Zlatá

Albano 3325 Zlatá. With heel Woman GOLD Albano Closure: adjustable strap Lining: leather Insole: leather Sole: leather Heel: 10 cm Platform: 1.5 cm Reference Size: 37 Fit: regular Sandals from the Albano line with rhinestones and adjustable strap closure. The laminated gold effect gives it a modern and sophisticated style. The sole guarantees optimal comfort with every step..

Objav podobné ako Albano 3325 Sandále Zlatá

cena 111.4 €

Albano 3251 Sandále Čierna

Albano 3251 Čierna. With heel Woman BLACK Albano Lining: Leather Insole: Eco-leather Sole: Leather Heel: 9 cm Reference Size: 37 Fit: Regular Sandals with rhinestone spiral from the Albano line made of fabric. Versatile and easy to match, these shoes ensure softness and resistance thanks to the lining made entirely of leather. They are distinguished by an elegant and modern style..

Objav podobné ako Albano 3251 Sandále Čierna

cena 105.4 €

Albano 3260 Sandále Čierna

Albano 3260 Čierna. With heel Woman BLACK Albano Closure: strap Lining: leather Insole: eco-leather Sole: leather Heel: 8 cm Reference Size: 38 Fit: regular Sandals with rhinestone heel from the Albano line, made of satin. They have a strap closure that makes them easy to put on. They are characterised by an elegant and timeless style..

Objav podobné ako Albano 3260 Sandále Čierna

cena 123.4 €

Albano 5181 Sandále Strieborná

Albano 5181 Strieborná. Sandals Woman Albano.

Objav podobné ako Albano 5181 Sandále Strieborná

cena 107.3 €

Pozrite sa aj