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Choetech 10000 mAh PD18 W Power Bank with 10 W Wireless Charger (B650)
Powerbank pre mobilné telefóny a tablety, 10000 mAh, USB-C 18 W, QI bezdrôtové nabíjanie 10 W, 2 výstupy až 12 V a 3 A, LED indikácia stavu Bezdrôtové nabíjanies power bank ChoeTech Power bank ChoeTech predstavuje tiež bezdrôtovú nabíjačku podporujúcu rýchle nabíjanie Power Delivery aj Quick Charge. Pýši sa mimoriadne veľkou kapacitou batérie 10 000 mAh, spoľahlivosťou, dlhou životnosťou a sadou inteligentných ochranných systémov. V neposlednom rade vás ohromí tiež bezdrôtové nabíjanie rôznych prístrojov.KAPACITA BATÉRIE10 000 mAhROZHRANIEUSB-C/USB-ARÝCHLE NABÍJANIEPD 3.0/QC 3.0Power banka ChoeTech podporuje rýchle nabíjanieČo sa týka bezdrôtového nabíjania, externá nabíjačka Choetech prispôsobuje svoj výkon práve nabíjanému zariadeniu na 5, 7,5 alebo 10 W. Vďaka portu USB-C, ktorý podporuje napájanie Power Delivery až do 18 W, môžete svoj mobilný telefón nabiť už za 3 alebo 4 hodiny. Power bank Choetech je vhodná nielen pre telefóny, ale aj AirPods Pro,...
Pozrite sa aj Choetech 3 600 W / 1 200 000 mAh Bidirectional Charging Superspeed Power Station (BS009)
ChoeTech MFi Power Bank PD 18 W with Lightning Cable 1000 mAh Black (B688)
Powerbank pre mobilné telefóny a tablety, 10000 mAh, USB-C, rýchle nabíjanie 18 W, 2 výstupy až 5 V a 3 A, LED indikácia stavu Powerbanks dvomi káblamiPowerbank ChoeTech MFi disponuje dvomi integrovanými káblami, umožňuje tak nabíjanie dvoch zariadení súčasne, čo oceníte predovšetkým na cestách. Vďaka svojej veľkej kapacite 10 000 mAh vám poskytne dostatok energie pre mobilné telefóny i tablety. Je navrhnutá špeciálne pre iPhony, iPady aj iPody.KAPACITA BATÉRIE10 000 mAhROZHRANIEUSB-C/LightningRÝCHLE NABÍJANIEPD 3.0/QC 3.0Powerbank ChoeTech MFi podporuje rýchle nabíjanieDva káble powerbank ChoeTech umožňujú dve rôznorodé napájania. Kábel PFI Lightning podporuje funkciu Power Delivery 3.0 a druhý kábel USB-C spolupracuje s technológiou Quick Charge 3.0. Dosahuje výkon až 18 W. S powerbank ChoeTech nabijete svoje zariadenia až 4× rýchlejšie ako s bežnou nabíjačkou.Čipová sada zaisťuje bezpečnosťPowerbank ChoeTech MFi je vybavená čipovou sadou, ktorá nastavuje...
Pozrite sa aj Choetech 300 W/76800 mAh Portable Power Station (2023 model) (BS002-V2)
ChoeTech Multi Charge USB-C PD 60 W + 3× USB-A Charging Station (PD72-1C3U-EU)
Nabíjačka do siete – s podporou rýchleho nabíjania, celkový výkon 72 W (1 × 60 W, 3 × 12 W), výstup USB-A a USB-C, technológia rýchleho nabíjania USB Power Delivery, prepäťová ochrana, dĺžka káblu 1,5 m Nabíjačkaso štyrmi výstupmiNabíjačka do siete ChoeTech Multi Charge vás ohromí svojou kompatibilitou. Môžete s ňou nabíjať notebooky, MacBook, iPady, iPhony, čítačky kníh, Bluetooth speakery, power banky a mnoho ďalších zariadení.ROZHRANIEUSB-C/3× USB-AVÝKON72 WDĹŽKA KÁBLA1,5 mDostatočný výkon pre štyri zariadeniaNabíjačka do siete ChoeTech Multi Charge vďaka svojmu výkonu zvládne nabíjať štyri zariadenia naraz. Port USB-C podporuje funkciu Power Delivery s výkonom až 60 W, ľahko s ním nabijete váš notebook. Pre mobilné telefóny môžete využiť až tri USB-A porty s celkovým výkonom 12 W.Lepšie technológie pre bezchybnú prevádzkuChoeTech Multi Charge disponuje technológiou inteligentného nabíjania, ktorá ľahko rozpozná nabíjané zariadenie a poskytne tak optimálnu...
Pozrite sa aj Choetech 2000W / 624.000mAh Portable Power Station (BS006)
Pozrite sa aj
- ChoeTech B659 10000mAh solar Power Bank+wireless charging
- Choetech 1200W / 300.000mAh Portable Power Station (BS005 (BS003))
- ChoeTech 50 000 mAh PD65W power bank (B664)
- VENOM VS4203 Meta Quest 2 Charging Station
- Choetech PD 45 W 20000 mAh Power Bank (B653)
- BigBen Charging Station - Xbox (3665962006421)
- BigBen Charging Station - PS5 (3665962006414)
- VENOM VS4796 Joy-Con Charging Station
- Nitho Charging Station – Xbox One (6971308700500)
- PlayStation 5 DualSense Charging Station (PS719374107)
- Hori Solo Charging Station – Xbox (810050910279)
- Hori Dual Charging Station – Xbox (810050910262)
- ChoeTech Multi Charge USB-C PD 60 W + 3× USB-A Charging Station (PD72-1C3U-EU)
- Choetech 10000 mAh Magnetic Wireless Charger Power Bank with Phone Holder (B651)
- PowerA Duo Charging Station White - Xbox (617885028250)
- PowerA Duo Charging Station Black - Xbox (617885025594)
- PlayStation VR2 Sense controller charging station (PS719480693)
- ChoeTech MFi Magnetic Iwatch Charging Cable (T319)
- AlzaPower Car Cable For Charging Station 2 m čierny (APW-CB12TDCB)
- Romoss Portable Power Station RSP100
Newland charging station, 2 slots
Charging station, 2 slots, order separately: power supply, fits for: BS80
Objav podobné ako Newland charging station, 2 slots
Newland charging station, 2 slots
Charging station, 2 slots, incl.: connection cable (USB-C), fits for: WD4
Objav podobné ako Newland charging station, 2 slots
Zebra charging station, 2 slots
Charging station, 2 slots, order separately: power supply, connection cable (USB-C), fits for: RS2100
Objav podobné ako Zebra charging station, 2 slots
Zebra Charging station, 2 slots
Charging station, 2 slots, order separately: power supply, DC cable, power cord, fits for: WS50 (Wrist)
Objav podobné ako Zebra Charging station, 2 slots
Zebra charging station, 2 slots
Charging station, 2 slots, order separately: power supply, DC cable, power cord, fits for: WS50
Objav podobné ako Zebra charging station, 2 slots
Honeywell EDA51-HB-2, charging station
Honeywell EDA51-HB-2, charging station
Objav podobné ako Honeywell EDA51-HB-2, charging station
Honeywell EDA61K-HB-2 charging station
Honeywell EDA61K-HB-2 charging station
Objav podobné ako Honeywell EDA61K-HB-2 charging station
Datalogic MC-HS7500 charging station, 2 slots
Datalogic MC-HS7500 charging station, 2 slots
Objav podobné ako Datalogic MC-HS7500 charging station, 2 slots
Honeywell EDA70-CB-2 charging station, 4slots
Honeywell EDA70-CB-2 charging station, 4slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell EDA70-CB-2 charging station, 4slots
Zebra charging station insert, pack of 2
Charging station insert, pack of 2, fits for: TC53, TC58, TC53e, TC58e
Objav podobné ako Zebra charging station insert, pack of 2
Honeywell RT10-BC-2 battery charging station, 2 slots
Honeywell RT10-BC-2 battery charging station, 2 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell RT10-BC-2 battery charging station, 2 slots
Honeywell charging station EDA50-CB-2, 4 slots
Honeywell charging station EDA50-CB-2, 4 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging station EDA50-CB-2, 4 slots
Honeywell charging station EDA50K-CB-2, 4 slots
Honeywell charging station EDA50K-CB-2, 4 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging station EDA50K-CB-2, 4 slots
Honeywell charging station EDA52-CB-2, 4 slots
Honeywell charging station EDA52-CB-2, 4 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging station EDA52-CB-2, 4 slots
Honeywell charging station EDA61K-CB-2, 4 slots
Honeywell charging station EDA61K-CB-2, 4 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging station EDA61K-CB-2, 4 slots
Zebra CRD4S-RFD8500-2R charging station, 2 slots
Zebra CRD4S-RFD8500-2R charging station, 2 slots
Objav podobné ako Zebra CRD4S-RFD8500-2R charging station, 2 slots
Honeywell battery charging station 220275-000-SP, 2 slots
Honeywell battery charging station 220275-000-SP, 2 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station 220275-000-SP, 2 slots
Zebra charging station CRD-EC30-2SCHG1-01, 2 slots
Zebra charging station CRD-EC30-2SCHG1-01, 2 slots
Objav podobné ako Zebra charging station CRD-EC30-2SCHG1-01, 2 slots
Honeywell battery charging station CT30P-QBC-2, 4 slots
Honeywell battery charging station CT30P-QBC-2, 4 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station CT30P-QBC-2, 4 slots
Honeywell CT30P-CB-UVN-2, charging station 4 slots
Honeywell CT30P-CB-UVN-2, charging station 4 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell CT30P-CB-UVN-2, charging station 4 slots
Honeywell CT30P-CB-UVB-2, charging station 4 slots
Honeywell CT30P-CB-UVB-2, charging station 4 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell CT30P-CB-UVB-2, charging station 4 slots
Honeywell charging station CT45-5CB-UVB-2, 5 slots
Honeywell charging station CT45-5CB-UVB-2, 5 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging station CT45-5CB-UVB-2, 5 slots
Honeywell charging station CT45-5CB-UVB-BAT-2, 4slots
Honeywell charging station CT45-5CB-UVB-BAT-2, 4slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging station CT45-5CB-UVB-BAT-2, 4slots
Honeywell CT50-HB-2-R charging-/communication station, USB
Honeywell CT50-HB-2-R charging-/communication station, USB
Objav podobné ako Honeywell CT50-HB-2-R charging-/communication station, USB
Honeywell charging station CT50-NB-2, 4 slots, Ethernet
Honeywell charging station CT50-NB-2, 4 slots, Ethernet
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging station CT50-NB-2, 4 slots, Ethernet
Honeywell charging-/communication station CT60-HB-UVN-2, USB
Honeywell charging-/communication station CT60-HB-UVN-2, USB
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging-/communication station CT60-HB-UVN-2, USB
Honeywell charging-/communication station CT30P-EB-UVB-2, Ethernet
Honeywell charging-/communication station CT30P-EB-UVB-2, Ethernet
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging-/communication station CT30P-EB-UVB-2, Ethernet
Honeywell battery charging station CT40-QBC-2, 4 slots
Honeywell battery charging station CT40-QBC-2, 4 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station CT40-QBC-2, 4 slots
Honeywell CT40-CB-UVB-2 charging station, 4 slots
Honeywell CT40-CB-UVB-2 charging station, 4 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell CT40-CB-UVB-2 charging station, 4 slots
Honeywell charging station CT40-CB-UVN-2, 4 slots
Honeywell charging station CT40-CB-UVN-2, 4 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging station CT40-CB-UVN-2, 4 slots
Honeywell CT40-HB-UVB-2 charging/transmitter station, USB
Honeywell CT40-HB-UVB-2 charging/transmitter station, USB
Objav podobné ako Honeywell CT40-HB-UVB-2 charging/transmitter station, USB
Honeywell battery charging station EDA50-QBC-2, 4 slots
Honeywell battery charging station EDA50-QBC-2, 4 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station EDA50-QBC-2, 4 slots
Honeywell charging-/communication station EDA52-EB-UN-2, Ethernet
Honeywell charging-/communication station EDA52-EB-UN-2, Ethernet
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging-/communication station EDA52-EB-UN-2, Ethernet
Zebra SAC-TC55-2BTYC1 baterie charging station, 2 slots
Zebra SAC-TC55-2BTYC1 baterie charging station, 2 slots
Objav podobné ako Zebra SAC-TC55-2BTYC1 baterie charging station, 2 slots
Zebra CRD-TC7X-SE2CU2-02 charging station, 2 slots
Zebra CRD-TC7X-SE2CU2-02 charging station, 2 slots
Objav podobné ako Zebra CRD-TC7X-SE2CU2-02 charging station, 2 slots
Honeywell CT37-HB-UVB-2 charging-/communication station, USB
Charging-/communication station, USB, incl.: power supply, order separately: power cord, fits for:CT37
Objav podobné ako Honeywell CT37-HB-UVB-2 charging-/communication station, USB
Honeywell battery charging station CT4X-QBC-1BAY-2, 4 slots
Honeywell battery charging station CT4X-QBC-1BAY-2, 4 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station CT4X-QBC-1BAY-2, 4 slots
Honeywell CT50-EB-2-R charging-/communication station, USB, ethernet
Honeywell CT50-EB-2-R charging-/communication station, USB, ethernet
Objav podobné ako Honeywell CT50-EB-2-R charging-/communication station, USB, ethernet
Honeywell CT50-QBC-2-R battery charging station, 4 slots
Honeywell CT50-QBC-2-R battery charging station, 4 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell CT50-QBC-2-R battery charging station, 4 slots
Honeywell charging-/communication station CT60-EB-UVN-2, Ethernet, USB
Honeywell charging-/communication station CT60-EB-UVN-2, Ethernet, USB
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging-/communication station CT60-EB-UVN-2, Ethernet, USB
Honeywell charging-/communication station CT30P-EB-UVN-2, Ethernet, USB
Honeywell charging-/communication station CT30P-EB-UVN-2, Ethernet, USB
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging-/communication station CT30P-EB-UVN-2, Ethernet, USB
Honeywell CT40-EB-UVB-2 charging/transmitter station, USB, ethernet
Honeywell CT40-EB-UVB-2 charging/transmitter station, USB, ethernet
Objav podobné ako Honeywell CT40-EB-UVB-2 charging/transmitter station, USB, ethernet
Honeywell EDA52-NB-UVN-2 charging-/communication station, 4 slots
Honeywell EDA52-NB-UVN-2 charging-/communication station, 4 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell EDA52-NB-UVN-2 charging-/communication station, 4 slots
Honeywell charging station CT45-5CB-UVN-BAT-2, 4 slots
Honeywell charging station CT45-5CB-UVN-BAT-2, 4 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging station CT45-5CB-UVN-BAT-2, 4 slots
Honeywell CT30P-NB-UVN-2 charging-/communication station, 4 slots, Ethernet
Honeywell CT30P-NB-UVN-2 charging-/communication station, 4 slots, Ethernet
Objav podobné ako Honeywell CT30P-NB-UVN-2 charging-/communication station, 4 slots, Ethernet
Honeywell charging-/communication station CT30P-NB-UVB-2, 4 slots, Ethernet
Honeywell charging-/communication station CT30P-NB-UVB-2, 4 slots, Ethernet
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging-/communication station CT30P-NB-UVB-2, 4 slots, Ethernet
Honeywell CT40-NB-UVB-2 charging/transmitter station, 4 slots, ethernet
Honeywell CT40-NB-UVB-2 charging/transmitter station, 4 slots, ethernet
Objav podobné ako Honeywell CT40-NB-UVB-2 charging/transmitter station, 4 slots, ethernet
Honeywell charging-/communication station CT60-NB-UVN-2, Ethernet, 4 slots
Honeywell charging-/communication station CT60-NB-UVN-2, Ethernet, 4 slots
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging-/communication station CT60-NB-UVN-2, Ethernet, 4 slots
Pozrite sa aj
- Romoss Portable Power Station RS1000
- Romoss Portable Power Station RS1500
- Romoss Portable Power Station RS500
- Romoss Portable Power Station RS300
- Jackery Explorer 2 000 Power station (Explorer 2000 PRO)
- Choetech 10000 mAh PD18 W Power Bank with 10 W Wireless Charger (B650)
- ChoeTech 15W 2 Coils Super Fast Wireless Charging Stand Black (T524-F)
- ChoeTech B657 20000 mAh solar Powerbank
- ChoeTech MFi Power Bank PD 18 W with Lightning Cable 1000 mAh Black (B688)
- Xtorm Portable Power Station 1300 (XP1300)
- Xtorm Portable Power Station 500 (XP500)
- Xtorm Portable Power Station 300 (XP300U)
- Eloop Orsen W4 Wireless Charging Station 50 W Black (W4_Black)
- ChoeTech 10W Fast Wireless Charging Pad Panda Style (T528-S)
- Choetech All in One Multifunction Docking Station Black (HUB-M21)
- Energizer Mini AA + 2× AA Power Plus 2000 mAh (EN007)
- ColorWay AAA 400 mAh 2 ks (CW-UBAAA-01)
- Choetech MFi Power Bank for Apple Watch (T315)
- Aukey Aircore Series3-in-1 Wireless Charging Station (LC-A3-BK)
- ChoeTech RGB Illuminated 15 W Wireless Charging Mouse Pad (T543-F)