Kde sa rozmanitosť stretáva s hodnotou - Katalo.sk
Armistice BILBAO SANDALE W Sandále Žltá
Armistice BILBAO SANDALE W Žltá. Neexistuje lepší spôsob ako v lete odmeniť vaše chodidlá. Otvorená obuv od značky Armistice v žltej farbe vám zaručí pohodový deň! Tajomstvo úspechu sa skrýva v remienkoch z plátna a podrážke z gumy. Naozaj pohodlná voľba!.
Pozrite sa aj TyToo Glamorous (5999094501829)
Schmoove OLIVA SANDALE W Sandále Zlatá
Schmoove OLIVA SANDALE W Zlatá. .
Pozrite sa aj Vintage Glamorous II (E01.4203.80)
Schmoove MALTA SANDALE W Sandále Hnedá
Schmoove MALTA SANDALE W Hnedá. .
Pozrite sa aj SANDALE REH.C.37/C.24/ T16 PU2 BIEL
Pozrite sa aj
- Glamorous Design E07P.4244.5390 (E07P.4244.5390 (350 mm))
- Glamorous Rome E07P.4243.5390 (E07P.4243.5390 (350 mm))
- Glamorous Rome E07P.4243.9091 (E07P.4243.9091 (350 mm))
- Glamorous Rome E07P.4243.9000 (E07P.4243.9000 (350 mm))
- Glamorous Design E07P.4244.9091 (E07P.4244.9091 (350 mm))
- Glamorous Design E07P.4244.9000 (E07P.4244.9000 (350 mm))
- MAX FACTOR Lipfinity Lip Colour 125 So Glamorous 2,3 ml + Top Coat 1,9 g (8005610624761)
Schmoove MALTA SANDALE W Sandále Čierna
Schmoove MALTA SANDALE W Čierna. .
Objav podobné ako Schmoove MALTA SANDALE W Sandále Čierna
TyToo Glamorous (5999094501829)
Dočasné tetovanie – pre deti od 3 rokov Trblietavé tetovanie s motívom dievčatka pre deti od 6 rokov je odolné voči vode a vydrží 8 až 18 dní. Veľká kreatívna sada TyToo Glamorous obsahuje 36 tetovaní s najobľúbenejšími dievčenskými motívmi. Obrázky sa dajú z pokožky v prípade potreby ľahko odstrániť alkoholom alebo detským olejčekom. Väčšie sady na tetovanie od spoločnosti TyToo obsahujú pohyblivé oči alebo samolepiace kamienky, takže si dizajn môžete ešte viac ozdobiť. Sada obrázkov na tetovanie sa dodáva v škatuľke s aplikátorom, lepidlom a farebnými trblietkami. Kľúčové vlastnosti kreatívnej sady TyToo GlamorousKrabička obsahuje 36 tetovaní s najobľúbenejšími dievčenskými motívmi.Tetovanie trblietkami je vhodné pre deti od 6 rokov alebo od 3 rokov pod dohľadom dospelej osoby.Kreatívny set TyToo Glamorous je vodeodolnýObrázky vydržia na pokožke 8 až 18 dníV prípade potreby zľahka odstráňte alkoholom alebo detským olejom.Väčšie sady na...
Objav podobné ako TyToo Glamorous (5999094501829)
Výrobca: Európsky výrobca, Certifikácia: OEKO-TEX Standard 100 class II., Farba: hnedá, Gramáž: 380 g/m2, Motív: Jednofarebné, Šírka: 145 cm, Zloženie: FACE: 95%PL + 5%EA BACK: 100%PL, Ošetrovanie: 12
Objav podobné ako Kabátovina GLAMOROUS TEDDY LAMMY bronze
Výrobca: Európsky výrobca, Certifikácia: OEKO-TEX Standard 100 class II., Farba: čierna, Gramáž: 380 g/m2, Motív: Jednofarebné, Šírka: 145 cm, Zloženie: FACE: 95%PL + 5%EA BACK: 100%PL, Ošetrovanie: 12
Objav podobné ako Kabátovina GLAMOROUS TEDDY LAMMY black
NEONAIL Glamorous Wonderland adventný kalendár
NEONAIL Glamorous Wonderland, 1 ks, Modeláž nechtov pre ženy, Spríjemnite si čakanie na Vianoce. Adventný kalendár NEONAIL Glamorous Wonderland ukrýva 24 kozmetických prekvapení, s ktorými bude každý deň krajší. Stačí otvoriť okienko. Obsah sady: UV Gel Polish (limited colors) gélový lak na nechty s použitím UV/LED lampy 11 x 3 ml Minimalist Color Base podkladový lak na nechty s použitím UV/LED lampy 2 x 7,2 ml Top Glow Pink Aurora Flakes gélový vrchný lak na nechty s trblietkami 7,2 ml Simple One Step Color Protein gélový lak na nechty s použitím UV/LED lampy 7,2 ml Transfer Foil zdobiace fólie 1 ks trblietavý prášok na nechty 2 x 1 g Nail Art Zircon 2 g Metal Nail Ornaments 50 ks Glitre na tvár i telo 1 ks balzam na pery a líca 1 ks mini riasenka 1 ks krém na ruky 1 ks Vlastnosti: 24 darčekov na rozbalenie – od začiatku decembra až do Štedrého dňa mix kozmetických produktov na každodenné použitie pre dokonale upravené ruky skvele sa hodí ako darček
Objav podobné ako NEONAIL Glamorous Wonderland adventný kalendár
Tuhý dezodorant Glamorous Kvitok 42ml
Tuhý dezodorant Glamorous Kvitok 42ml Zvodná jemná kvetinová vôňa kolekcie dezodorantov Glamorous zvýrazňuje ženskosť a citlivosť, kým prvok vanilky a dreva dodáva nádych sebavedomia. Citrusové akcenty bergamotu a pomaranča dotvárajú nezamniteľnú vôňu, vďaka ktorej sa budete celý deň cítiť príjemne sviežo. Dezodorant eliminuje nepríjemný telesný pach tým, že zabraňuje množeniu baktérií, ktoré ho spôsobujú rozkladaním zložiek potu. Zároveň napomáha prirodzenému odstraňovaniu odpadových a škodlivých látok z tela – poteniu. Vaše telo sa tak môže bezpečne zbaviť škodlivých látok, na rozdiel od antiperspirantov. Priaznivé účinky tuhého dezodorantu: podporuje prirodzenéné odstraňovanie odpadových látok z tela, eliminuje zápach pomocou prírodných zložiek, hydratuje pokožku, nezanecháva „ulepený pocit“ a fľaky na oblečení, neobsahuje sódu bikarbónu. Frakcionovaný kokosový olej je odľahčenou nekomedogénnou verziou klasického kokosového oleja – oveľa rýchlejšie sa však vstrebáva, pričom má ľahkú textúru a nezanecháva mastný film. Zvláčňuje suchú, popraskanú, podráždenú pokožku, napomáha jej regenerácii a zabraňuje strate hydratácie. Rastlinný vosk Candelilla vytvára ochrannú vrstvu a zabraňuje tak vysúšaniu a poškodeniu citlivej pokožky v dôsledku nepriaznivých podmienok vonkajšieho prostredia. Na odstránení zápachu a obmedzení vlhkosti v podpazuší sa podieľa aj marantový prášok (arrowroot). Dezodorant obsahuje aj antibakteriálny Polyglyceryl-3 Caprylate (ester získaný z repkového oleja) a Triethyl Citrate (rastlinný ester k.citrónovej), ktoré výrazne eliminujú rast baktérií spôsobujúcich zápach. Dezodorant zároveň neobsahuje sódu bikarbónu, pre mnohých ľudí dráždivú zložku. Dezodorant je vhodný aj pre vegánov. Použitie Po osprchovaní natrite jemnú vrstvu dezodorantu do podpazušia (príliš netlačte, radšej natierajte jemne a viackrát). V prípade potreby použite 2x denne. Upozornenie Pri prechode na prírodnú kozmetiku je niekedy pre organizmus potrebná dlhšia adaptácia (cca 1-2 týždne), počas ktorej môže dochádzať ku krátkodobému zvýšenému zápachu. Pre zachovanie kvality skladujte na suchom, chladnom a tmavom mieste. Pri vyšších teplotách môže dezodorant príliš zmäknúť – čo však neovplyvňuje jeho účinok.
Objav podobné ako Tuhý dezodorant Glamorous Kvitok 42ml
Preciosa Náhrdelník Glamorous White 7126P00
Šperk je dodávaný v originálnom balení.
Objav podobné ako Preciosa Náhrdelník Glamorous White 7126P00
KVITOK Tuhý dezodorant Glamorous. 42 ml
Kvitok Tuhý dezodorant Glamorous. 42 ml Prirodzený pevný dezodorant s aktívnou antimikrobiálnou látkou bráni vzniku nepríjemného zápachu. Nevysušuje pokožku, nezanecháva lepkavý pocit ani škvrny na oblečení.
Objav podobné ako KVITOK Tuhý dezodorant Glamorous. 42 ml
Sheila E., The Glamorous Life, CD
Objav podobné ako Sheila E., The Glamorous Life, CD
Kvitok Glamorous tuhý dezodorant 45 ml
Kvitok Glamorous, 45 ml, Dezodoranty unisex, Dezodorant Kvitok Glamorous účinne bojuje proti nepríjemnému zápachu a dodá vám dlhodobo pocit komfortu a sviežosti. Vlastnosti: príjemne vonia príjemne osviežuje chráni pred nepríjemným zápachom nedráždi pokožku Zloženie: vegánsky produkt Použitie: Vhodný na každodenné použitie. Aplikujte na čistú a suchú pokožku podpazušia. Používajte podľa potreby.
Objav podobné ako Kvitok Glamorous tuhý dezodorant 45 ml
Prim Glamorous Rome - B E07P.4243.9000
Objav podobné ako Prim Glamorous Rome - B E07P.4243.9000
MPM Quality Vintage Glamorous II E01.4203.80
Hodiny nemajú kryt batérie.
Objav podobné ako MPM Quality Vintage Glamorous II E01.4203.80
KVITOK Tuhý dezodorant Glamorous 42 ml
Eliminuje rast baktérií spôsobujúcich zápach, zjemňuje pokožku a udržuje v nej hydratáciu.
Objav podobné ako KVITOK Tuhý dezodorant Glamorous 42 ml
Kvitok Senses Glamorous telový krém 60 ml
Kvitok Senses Glamorous, 60 ml, Telové mlieka a krémy unisex, Telový krém Kvitok Senses ošetruje vašu pokožku a dodáva jej potrebnú výživu a dlhodobú hydratáciu. Vlastnosti: hĺbkovo hydratuje pokožku intenzívne vyživuje a zvláčňuje regeneruje pokožku účinne vyživuje pokožku Zloženie: vegánsky produkt obsahuje minimálne 99 % zložiek prírodného pôvodu Použitie: Naneste prípravok na čistú pokožku a jemne vmasírujte do úplného vstrebania.
Objav podobné ako Kvitok Senses Glamorous telový krém 60 ml
KVITOK Šľahaný telový krém Glamorous 60 ml
Harmónia jemných kvetinových vôní kolekcie Glamorous zvýrazňuje ženskosť a citlivosť, zatiaľ čo prvok vanilky a dreva dodáva nádych sebevedomia.
Objav podobné ako KVITOK Šľahaný telový krém Glamorous 60 ml
Gucci Flora – Glamorous Magnolia darčeková sada pre ženy
Gucci Flora – Glamorous Magnolia, Dámske sady pre ženy, Hľadáte ideálny darček pre svoju drahú polovičku, sestru či maminku? Dámska parfémová sada Gucci Flora – Glamorous Magnolia vašim blízkym zaručene vykúzli úsmev na tvári. Vlastnosti: poteší všetky ženy miniatúra vône je ideálna do kabelky Obsah sady: Gucci Flora Gorgeous Magnolia parfumovaná voda 50 ml parfumovaná voda cestovný sprej 10 ml
Objav podobné ako Gucci Flora – Glamorous Magnolia darčeková sada pre ženy
WONDERSKIN Wonder Blading Lip Stain Masque zlupovací rúž odtieň Glamorous 4 ml
WONDERSKIN Wonder Blading Lip Stain Masque, 4 ml, Rúže pre ženy, Krásne zvýraznené pery nikdy nevyjdú z módy. Rúž WONDERSKIN Wonder Blading Lip Stain Masque pokryje povrch vašich pier súvislou vrstvou neodolateľnej sýtej farby, a tak perfektne podčiarkne akékoľvek líčenie, či už sa chystáte do práce, na schôdzku alebo na večierok. Umožní vám však pery nielen zvýrazniť, ale im aj dodať žiaduci tvar, prípadne im aj dopomôcť k plnšiemu vzhľadu. V priebehu chvíľky vám skrátka pomôže dosiahnuť nádherne sfarbené a dokonale tvarované pery, ktoré doslova priťahujú pohľady a zvádzajú k bozkom. Vlastnosti: vysoká pigmentácia dlhotrvajúca výdrž Zloženie: vegánsky produkt
Objav podobné ako WONDERSKIN Wonder Blading Lip Stain Masque zlupovací rúž odtieň Glamorous 4 ml
WONDERSKIN Wonder Blading Lip Stain Kit zlupovací rúž odtieň Glamorous 4 ml
WONDERSKIN Wonder Blading Lip Stain Kit, 4 ml, Rúže pre ženy, Krásne zvýraznené pery nikdy nevyjdú z módy. Rúž WONDERSKIN Wonder Blading Lip Stain Kit pokryje povrch vašich pier súvislou vrstvou neodolateľnej sýtej farby, a tak perfektne podčiarkne akékoľvek líčenie, či už sa chystáte do práce, na schôdzku alebo na večierok. Umožní vám však pery nielen zvýrazniť, ale im aj dodať žiaduci tvar, prípadne im aj dopomôcť k plnšiemu vzhľadu. V priebehu chvíľky vám skrátka pomôže dosiahnuť nádherne sfarbené a dokonale tvarované pery, ktoré doslova priťahujú pohľady a zvádzajú k bozkom. Obsah sady: WONDERSKIN Wonder Blading Lip Stain Masque zlupovací rúž 4 ml WONDERSKIN Blading Activator fixačný sprej na pery 9 ml Vlastnosti: dlhotrvajúca výdrž vysoká pigmentácia Zloženie: vegánsky produkt Použitie: Rúž naneste jemnými ťahmi na pery od stredu ku kútikom. Nechajte zaschnúť. Prebytky rúžu odstraňujte obrúskom.
Objav podobné ako WONDERSKIN Wonder Blading Lip Stain Kit zlupovací rúž odtieň Glamorous 4 ml
MAX FACTOR rúž 2,3 g balzam Lipfinity 1,9 g Odtieň 125 So Glamorous
Dlhotrvajúci rúž Lipfinity, ktorá sa vo 2 krokoch postará o to, aby farba na vašich perách vydržala bez akejkoľvek ujmy po celý dlhý deň.
Objav podobné ako MAX FACTOR rúž 2,3 g balzam Lipfinity 1,9 g Odtieň 125 So Glamorous
MAX FACTOR Lipfinity Lip Colour 125 So Glamorous 2,3 ml + Top Coat 1,9 g (8005610624761)
Rúž – dlhotrvajúci, plné krytie, tekutá textúra Sada tekutého rúžu Max Factor Lipfinity Lip Colour a hydratačného balzamu Top Coat zanecháva na koži oslňujúcu intenzívnu farbu. Odtieň rúžu č. 125 So Glamorous je základnou pigmentovanou vrstvou, ktorá sa vďaka kombinácii priľnavých polymérov prichytí na pery. Druhá flexibilná vrstva Top Coatu potom zaručuje jej jemnosť, ktorá sa prispôsobípohybu pier. Jednotlivé vrstvy kožu nevysušujú, ale hydratujú a chránia pred vonkajšími vplyvmi. Dlhotrvajúca farba 125 So Glamorous rýchlo schne a vydrží na perách po celý deň. Vďaka rúžu Lipfinity Velvet Matte a Top Coatu vykúzlite plné a zvodný pery.Kľúčové vlastnosti sady tekutého rúžu Max Factor Lipfinity Lip Colour 125 So Glamorous a Top CoatuSada tekutého rúžu a hydratačného balzamu od Max Factorposkytuje perám potrebnú hydratáciu, výživu aj zvýraznenie125 So Glamorous pery nevysušuje – chráni ich pred vonkajšími vplyvmiInteligentné dvojfázové...
Objav podobné ako MAX FACTOR Lipfinity Lip Colour 125 So Glamorous 2,3 ml + Top Coat 1,9 g (8005610624761)
Max Factor Lipfinity Lip Colour dlhotrvajúci rúž s balzamom odtieň 125 So Glamorous 4,2 g
Max Factor Lipfinity Lip Colour, 4,2 g, Pery pre ženy, Krásne zvýraznené pery nikdy nevyjdú z módy. Rúž Max Factor Lipfinity Lip Colour pokryje povrch vašich pier súvislou vrstvou neodolateľnej sýtej farby, a tak perfektne podčiarkne akékoľvek líčenie, či už sa chystáte do práce, na schôdzku alebo na večierok. Umožní vám však pery nielen zvýrazniť, ale im aj dodať žiaduci tvar, prípadne im aj dopomôcť k plnšiemu vzhľadu. V priebehu chvíľky vám skrátka pomôže dosiahnuť nádherne sfarbené a dokonale tvarované pery, ktoré doslova priťahujú pohľady a zvádzajú k bozkom. Vlastnosti: vysoká pigmentácia dlhotrvajúca výdrž hydratuje a ošetruje pery dodáva perám jemný lesk Použitie: Rúž naneste jemnými ťahmi na pery od stredu ku kútikom.
Objav podobné ako Max Factor Lipfinity Lip Colour dlhotrvajúci rúž s balzamom odtieň 125 So Glamorous 4,2 g
Rude Cosmetics The Roaring 20's Ombre Blush púdrová lícenka odtieň Glamorous 10 g
Rude Cosmetics The Roaring 20's Ombre Blush, 10 g, Lícenky pre ženy, Chcete svojej tvári dodať zdravý, svieži vzhľad? Lícenka Rude Cosmetics The Roaring 20's Ombre Blush vám s tým pomôže. Zahalí líca do jemného farebného nádychu podobného prirodzenému rumencu. Hodiť sa vám však bude aj na zvýraznenie rysov a korigovanie tvaru tváre, napríklad keď budete chcieť opticky pozdvihnúť líca. Pár ťahom štetcom či hubkou a vaše líca získajú sviežosť, ktorá podčiarkne akýkoľvek štýl líčenia. Vlastnosti: dodá lícam zdravú farbu vytvára prirodzený rumenec rozjasňuje ľahko sa používa má dlhotrvajúcu výdrž Zloženie: vegánsky produkt Použitie: Nanášajte na líca pomocou širokého štetca a rozotrite dostratena.
Objav podobné ako Rude Cosmetics The Roaring 20's Ombre Blush púdrová lícenka odtieň Glamorous 10 g
EAX 951000CC512 Opasky Čierna
EAX 951000CC512 Čierna. Belts Accessories BLACK AX Armani Exchange Closure: buckleDimensions: Height 4 cm, size 115 (see size guide), the length corresponds to the distance between the end of the buckle and the central holeBelt from the AX Armani Exchange line in solid-colored leather. Classic closure with logoed metal buckle, versatile and easy to match. An elegant and glamorous accessory suitable for any occasion. class=descrizione data-language=IT Closure: buckleDimensions: Height 4 cm, size 115 (see size guide), the length corresponds to the distance between the end of the buckle and the central holeBelt from the AX Armani Exchange line in solid-colored leather. Classic closure with logoed metal buckle, versatile and easy to match. An elegant and glamorous accessory suitable for any occasion..
Objav podobné ako EAX 951000CC512 Opasky Čierna
Nacree 724Y032 Čižmičky Čierna
Nacree 724Y032 Čierna. boots Woman BLACK Nacree Closure: zipLining: eco-leatherInsole: eco-leatherSole: eco-leatherHeel: 9 cmLeg height: 10.5 cmReference Size: 37Fit: regularAnkle boots from the Nacree line, made of eco-leather. They have a zip closure that makes them easy to put on. The sole guarantees optimal comfort with every step. From rainy days to glamorous evenings, these ankle boots adapt perfectly to every occasion. Choose versatility without sacrificing elegance. class=descrizione data-language=IT Closure: zipLining: eco-leatherInsole: eco-leatherSole: eco-leatherHeel: 9 cmLeg height: 10.5 cmReference Size: 37Fit: regularAnkle boots from the Nacree line, made of eco-leather. They have a zip closure that makes them easy to put on. The sole guarantees optimal comfort with every step. From rainy days to glamorous evenings, these ankle boots adapt perfectly to every occasion. Choose versatility without sacrificing elegance..
Objav podobné ako Nacree 724Y032 Čižmičky Čierna
Emme Marella RAVENNA Padavé nohavice Modrá
Emme Marella RAVENNA Modrá. Paw Woman BLUE Emme Marella Women's trousers from the Emme Marella line, made of a cotton blend. They feature a flare line, a button closure and comfortable pockets. Try them with a pair of sneakers or a pair of pumps for a more glamorous look. The model is 1.70 cm tall and wears a size 42.
Objav podobné ako Emme Marella RAVENNA Padavé nohavice Modrá
Emme Marella RAVENNA Padavé nohavice Biela
Emme Marella RAVENNA Biela. Paw Woman WHITE Emme Marella Women's trousers from the Emme Marella line, made of a cotton blend. They feature a flare line, a button closure and comfortable pockets. Try them with a pair of sneakers or a pair of pumps for a more glamorous look. The model is 1.70 cm tall and wears a size 42.
Objav podobné ako Emme Marella RAVENNA Padavé nohavice Biela
Calvin Klein Jeans K50K509195 Opasky Hnedá
Calvin Klein Jeans K50K509195 Hnedá. Belts Accessories BROWN Calvin Klein Closure: buckle Dimensions: Height 3.5 cm, size 115 (see size guide), the length corresponds to the distance between the end of the buckle and the central hole Belt from the Calvin Klein line in solid color leather. Classic closure with metal logo buckle, versatile and easy to match. Elegant and glamorous accessory suitable for any occasion..
Objav podobné ako Calvin Klein Jeans K50K509195 Opasky Hnedá
Calvin Klein Jeans K50K510365 Opasky Čierna
Calvin Klein Jeans K50K510365 Čierna. Belts Accessories BLACK Calvin Klein Closure: buckle Dimensions: Height 3.5 cm, size 115 (see size guide), the length corresponds to the distance between the end of the buckle and the central hole Belt from the Calvin Klein line in solid color leather. Classic closure with metal logo buckle, versatile and easy to match. Elegant and glamorous accessory suitable for any occasion..
Objav podobné ako Calvin Klein Jeans K50K510365 Opasky Čierna
Calvin Klein Jeans K50K510372 Opasky Čierna
Calvin Klein Jeans K50K510372 Čierna. Belts Accessories BLACK Calvin Klein Closure: buckle Dimensions: Height 3.5 cm, size 115 (see size guide), the length corresponds to the distance between the end of the buckle and the central hole Belt from the Calvin Klein line in solid color leather. Classic closure with metal logo buckle, versatile and easy to match. Elegant and glamorous accessory suitable for any occasion..
Objav podobné ako Calvin Klein Jeans K50K510372 Opasky Čierna
Calvin Klein Jeans K50K510364 Opasky Čierna
Calvin Klein Jeans K50K510364 Čierna. Belts Accessories BLACK Calvin Klein Closure: buckle Dimensions: Height 3.5 cm, size 115 (see size guide), the length corresponds to the distance between the end of the buckle and the central hole Belt from the Calvin Klein line in solid color leather. Classic closure with metal logo buckle, versatile and easy to match. Elegant and glamorous accessory suitable for any occasion..
Objav podobné ako Calvin Klein Jeans K50K510364 Opasky Čierna
Calvin Klein Jeans K50K510371 Opasky Čierna
Calvin Klein Jeans K50K510371 Čierna. Belts Accessories BLACK Calvin Klein Closure: buckle Dimensions: Height 3.5 cm, size 115 (see size guide), the length corresponds to the distance between the end of the buckle and the central hole Belt from the Calvin Klein line in solid color leather. Classic closure with metal logo buckle, versatile and easy to match. Elegant and glamorous accessory suitable for any occasion..
Objav podobné ako Calvin Klein Jeans K50K510371 Opasky Čierna
Catrice Hemp Mint Glow Lip Balm - 10 High On Life Starostlivosť & podkladové bázy na pery Zelená
Catrice Hemp Mint Glow Lip Balm - 10 High On Life Zelená. 10 High On Life - Discover Catrice's Hemp & Mint Glow Lip Balm, a color-intensifying lip balm infused with hemp oil and menthol. Achieve shiny, hydrated lips with a natural pink hue that evolves based on pH. A must-have for a glamorous and refreshing look. Dive into the world of beauty with Catrice's Hemp & Mint Glow Lip Balm. This revolutionary lip balm combines the benefits of hemp oil and menthol to offer your lips an incomparable glow. Its innovative formula deeply hydrates while intensifying the natural color of the lips, perfectly adapting to their unique pH. In addition to providing a refreshingly minty tingling sensation, this balm leaves lips visibly plumper and subtly sparkling. Designed to enhance your natural beauty, Catrice's Hemp & Mint Glow Lip Balm is a must-have in your makeup routine. With its versatile pink hue and creamy texture, it accompanies you throughout the day for soft, radiant, and irresistibly beautiful lips.Warning: Although Hemp & Mint Glow Lip Balm is a quality beauty product, it is recommended not to apply it on sensitive or irritated skin. Be sure to test the product on a small patch of skin before extended use to avoid any adverse reactions. Opt for a glamorous and refreshing look with Catrice lip balm, the perfect companion for irresistibly beautiful lips..
Objav podobné ako Catrice Hemp Mint Glow Lip Balm - 10 High On Life Starostlivosť & podkladové bázy na pery Zelená
Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 147 Vampire Líčenie obočia Hnedá
Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 147 Vampire Hnedá. 147 Vampire - Discover Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, a must-have for hydrated and enhanced lips. Its liquid texture provides high pigmentation for vibrant lips.Easy to apply with its applicator, this lipstick ensures flawless makeup all day long, perfect for your day and evening looks. Give your lips the care they deserve with Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick. This renowned brand offers a premium product that hydrates and nurtures your lips while providing a liquid texture and intense pigmentation. Application is a breeze with its convenient applicator. Whether for a sophisticated daytime makeup or a glamorous evening look, this liquid lipstick is suitable for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick is a must-have in your makeup bag. Its innovative formula ensures long-lasting wear, guaranteeing flawless lips from morning to night. Its elegant and compact packaging makes it the perfect companion for your travels, allowing for quick touch-ups at any time of the day. For enhanced lips, follow our product recommendations for stunning results.Create sophisticated and glamorous looks for your special evenings using Cream Liquid Lipstick. Pair it with neutral eye makeup to highlight your lips and create an elegant contrast. You can opt for a single layer for a natural effect or layer colors for a more intense and bold look. For optimal wear, don't forget to apply a lip primer before using this lipstick. With Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, unleash your creativity and enhance your smile on any occasion..
Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 147 Vampire Líčenie obočia Hnedá
Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 124 Gone Rogue Líčenie obočia Červená
Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 124 Gone Rogue Červená. 124 Gone Rogue - Discover Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, a must-have for hydrated and enhanced lips. Its liquid texture provides high pigmentation for vibrant lips.Easy to apply with its applicator, this lipstick ensures flawless makeup all day long, perfect for your day and evening looks. Give your lips the care they deserve with Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick. This renowned brand offers a premium product that hydrates and nurtures your lips while providing a liquid texture and intense pigmentation. Application is a breeze with its convenient applicator. Whether for a sophisticated daytime makeup or a glamorous evening look, this liquid lipstick is suitable for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick is a must-have in your makeup bag. Its innovative formula ensures long-lasting wear, guaranteeing flawless lips from morning to night. Its elegant and compact packaging makes it the perfect companion for your travels, allowing for quick touch-ups at any time of the day. For enhanced lips, follow our product recommendations for stunning results.Create sophisticated and glamorous looks for your special evenings using Cream Liquid Lipstick. Pair it with neutral eye makeup to highlight your lips and create an elegant contrast. You can opt for a single layer for a natural effect or layer colors for a more intense and bold look. For optimal wear, don't forget to apply a lip primer before using this lipstick. With Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, unleash your creativity and enhance your smile on any occasion..
Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 124 Gone Rogue Líčenie obočia Červená
Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 115 Poise Líčenie obočia Ružová
Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 115 Poise Ružová. 115 Poise - Discover Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, a must-have for hydrated and enhanced lips. Its liquid texture provides high pigmentation for vibrant lips.Easy to apply with its applicator, this lipstick ensures flawless makeup all day long, perfect for your day and evening looks. Give your lips the care they deserve with Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick. This renowned brand offers a premium product that hydrates and nurtures your lips while providing a liquid texture and intense pigmentation. Application is a breeze with its convenient applicator. Whether for a sophisticated daytime makeup or a glamorous evening look, this liquid lipstick is suitable for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick is a must-have in your makeup bag. Its innovative formula ensures long-lasting wear, guaranteeing flawless lips from morning to night. Its elegant and compact packaging makes it the perfect companion for your travels, allowing for quick touch-ups at any time of the day. For enhanced lips, follow our product recommendations for stunning results.Create sophisticated and glamorous looks for your special evenings using Cream Liquid Lipstick. Pair it with neutral eye makeup to highlight your lips and create an elegant contrast. You can opt for a single layer for a natural effect or layer colors for a more intense and bold look. For optimal wear, don't forget to apply a lip primer before using this lipstick. With Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, unleash your creativity and enhance your smile on any occasion..
Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 115 Poise Líčenie obočia Ružová
Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 138 Excess Líčenie obočia Ružová
Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 138 Excess Ružová. 138 Excess - Discover Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, a must-have for hydrated and enhanced lips. Its liquid texture provides high pigmentation for vibrant lips.Easy to apply with its applicator, this lipstick ensures flawless makeup all day long, perfect for your day and evening looks. Give your lips the care they deserve with Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick. This renowned brand offers a premium product that hydrates and nurtures your lips while providing a liquid texture and intense pigmentation. Application is a breeze with its convenient applicator. Whether for a sophisticated daytime makeup or a glamorous evening look, this liquid lipstick is suitable for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick is a must-have in your makeup bag. Its innovative formula ensures long-lasting wear, guaranteeing flawless lips from morning to night. Its elegant and compact packaging makes it the perfect companion for your travels, allowing for quick touch-ups at any time of the day. For enhanced lips, follow our product recommendations for stunning results.Create sophisticated and glamorous looks for your special evenings using Cream Liquid Lipstick. Pair it with neutral eye makeup to highlight your lips and create an elegant contrast. You can opt for a single layer for a natural effect or layer colors for a more intense and bold look. For optimal wear, don't forget to apply a lip primer before using this lipstick. With Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, unleash your creativity and enhance your smile on any occasion..
Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 138 Excess Líčenie obočia Ružová
Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 107 RBF Líčenie obočia Fialová
Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 107 RBF Fialová. 107 RBF - Discover Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, a must-have for hydrated and enhanced lips. Its liquid texture provides high pigmentation for vibrant lips.Easy to apply with its applicator, this lipstick ensures flawless makeup all day long, perfect for your day and evening looks. Give your lips the care they deserve with Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick. This renowned brand offers a premium product that hydrates and nurtures your lips while providing a liquid texture and intense pigmentation. Application is a breeze with its convenient applicator. Whether for a sophisticated daytime makeup or a glamorous evening look, this liquid lipstick is suitable for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick is a must-have in your makeup bag. Its innovative formula ensures long-lasting wear, guaranteeing flawless lips from morning to night. Its elegant and compact packaging makes it the perfect companion for your travels, allowing for quick touch-ups at any time of the day. For enhanced lips, follow our product recommendations for stunning results.Create sophisticated and glamorous looks for your special evenings using Cream Liquid Lipstick. Pair it with neutral eye makeup to highlight your lips and create an elegant contrast. You can opt for a single layer for a natural effect or layer colors for a more intense and bold look. For optimal wear, don't forget to apply a lip primer before using this lipstick. With Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, unleash your creativity and enhance your smile on any occasion..
Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 107 RBF Líčenie obočia Fialová
Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 133 Destiny Líčenie obočia Oranžová
Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 133 Destiny Oranžová. 133 Destiny - Discover Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, a must-have for hydrated and enhanced lips. Its liquid texture provides high pigmentation for vibrant lips.Easy to apply with its applicator, this lipstick ensures flawless makeup all day long, perfect for your day and evening looks. Give your lips the care they deserve with Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick. This renowned brand offers a premium product that hydrates and nurtures your lips while providing a liquid texture and intense pigmentation. Application is a breeze with its convenient applicator. Whether for a sophisticated daytime makeup or a glamorous evening look, this liquid lipstick is suitable for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick is a must-have in your makeup bag. Its innovative formula ensures long-lasting wear, guaranteeing flawless lips from morning to night. Its elegant and compact packaging makes it the perfect companion for your travels, allowing for quick touch-ups at any time of the day. For enhanced lips, follow our product recommendations for stunning results.Create sophisticated and glamorous looks for your special evenings using Cream Liquid Lipstick. Pair it with neutral eye makeup to highlight your lips and create an elegant contrast. You can opt for a single layer for a natural effect or layer colors for a more intense and bold look. For optimal wear, don't forget to apply a lip primer before using this lipstick. With Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, unleash your creativity and enhance your smile on any occasion..
Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 133 Destiny Líčenie obočia Oranžová
Lelli Kelly LK4540 Čižmičky Ružová
Lelli Kelly LK4540 Ružová. Amphibians Child FUCHSIA Lelli Kelly Closure: laces/zip Lining: fabric Insole: eco leather Leg height: 11 cm Reference size: 31 Fit: regular Lelly Kelly girls' ankle boots made of patent fuchsia eco leather. They have a zip and lace opening for easy on and off. They are embellished with side wings that can be closed with snap buttons. The ultra-light and breathable sole guarantees optimal comfort throughout the day. A shoe designed for all free-spirited and glamorous little girls..
Objav podobné ako Lelli Kelly LK4540 Čižmičky Ružová
Lelli Kelly LK4544 Čižmičky Červená
Lelli Kelly LK4544 Červená. Amphibians Child RED Lelli Kelly Closure: zip/laces Lining: fabric Insole: eco leather Leg height: 11 cm Reference size: 31 Fit: regular Lelly Kelly girls' ankle boots made of red glitter eco leather. They have a zip and lace opening for easy on and off. They are embellished with side wings that can be closed with snap buttons. The ultra-light and breathable sole guarantees optimal comfort throughout the day. A shoe designed for all free-spirited and glamorous little girls..
Objav podobné ako Lelli Kelly LK4544 Čižmičky Červená
Primigi 8449911 Nízke tenisky Červená
Primigi 8449911 Červená. low Child RED Primigi Closure: laces/zip Lining: fabric Insole: leather Reference Size: 26 Fit: regular Primigi baby sneakers for girls in eco leather. They have an opening with laces and zip that make them easier to put on. Embellished with fabric inserts and Scottish animal print that give them a glamorous and trendy style. The sole also guarantees maximum flexibility and the breathable and anatomical insole provides ideal comfort throughout the day. They are easily paired with casual and sophisticated looks..
Objav podobné ako Primigi 8449911 Nízke tenisky Červená
Julien 925 Čižmy do mesta Čierna
Julien 925 Čierna. Amphibians Woman BLACK Julien Closure: zip/laces Lining: fabric Insole: fabric Plateau: 3.5 cm Wedge: 4.5 cm Leg Height: 16 cm Reference Size: 37 Fit: regular Julien women's ankle boots made of eco leather. They have a lace-up and zip opening that makes them easy to put on. The upper is embellished with a black ribbon and matching eyelets. They are combined with a thick rubber-coated sole that guarantees these shoes optimal softness and resistance throughout the day. The clean lines give these shoes a glamorous and versatile style that allows them to be worn on different occasions..
Objav podobné ako Julien 925 Čižmy do mesta Čierna
Catrice Mascara Glam Doll Easy Wash Off Power Hold Volume - 1 Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna
Catrice Mascara Glam Doll Easy Wash Off Power Hold Volume - 1 Čierna. 10 Ultra Black - Get long-lasting volume and curl with Catrice's Glam & Doll Easy Wash Off Power Hold Volume Mascara. Featuring innovative tube technology, it ensures easy removal with warm water. Achieve expressive lashes that last up to 24 hours, effortlessly washed off at night for a hassle-free makeup routine. Indulge in the captivating allure of Catrice's Glam & Doll Easy Wash Off Power Hold Volume Mascara. Boasting an innovative tube technology, this mascara not only delivers striking volume and curl but also simplifies makeup removal with just warm water. With each application, its anti-smudge formula envelops each lash, offering expressive definition that lasts up to 24 hours. Whether you're conquering the day or glamming up for the night, this mascara ensures your lashes steal the spotlight. Bid farewell to tedious makeup removal rituals as this mascara effortlessly washes off, leaving behind no residue or irritation. Elevate your beauty routine with Catrice's iconic Glam & Doll mascara, designed to enhance your natural beauty with ease and elegance.Unleash the power of captivating lashes with Catrice's Glam & Doll Easy Wash Off Power Hold Volume Mascara. Infused with cutting-edge tube technology, this mascara revolutionizes your beauty routine by delivering long-lasting volume and curl that stays put for up to 24 hours. Its unique anti-smudge formula coats each lash, providing a dramatic yet natural look that enhances your eyes' allure. Experience effortless removal at the end of the day with just warm water, leaving your lashes feeling clean and rejuvenated. Elevate your makeup game with Catrice's Glam & Doll mascara, the ultimate solution for effortlessly glamorous lashes.Discover the secret to glamorous lashes with Catrice's Glam & Doll Easy Wash Off Power Hold Volume Mascara. Engineered with innovative tube technology, this mascara offers the perfect balance of long-lasting volume and effortless removal. Its anti-smudge formula wraps each lash, creating bold definition that lasts up to 24 hours. Enjoy hassle-free cleanup at the end of the day with warm water, ensuring a seamless transition from day to night. Elevate your beauty routine with Catrice's iconic Glam & Doll mascara, delivering unparalleled sophistication and allure to every flutter..
Objav podobné ako Catrice Mascara Glam Doll Easy Wash Off Power Hold Volume - 1 Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna
Essie Nail Polish 13.5ml - 604 Press Pause Laky na nechty Šedá
Essie Nail Polish 13.5ml - 604 Press Pause Šedá. 604 Press Pause - Essie, the epitome of elegance. 13.5ml nail polish offering professional colors, brilliant shine, perfect coverage, long-lasting wear, and quick drying. Enhance your nails with this outstanding quality formula, perfect for every season. Explore the captivating world of beauty with Essie nail polish, a perfect fusion of sophistication and style. Designed to complement your look throughout the year, this 13.5ml polish embodies the essence of elegance. Offering vibrant professional colors, brilliant shine, flawless coverage, and long-lasting wear, each application is a work of art.Essie's advanced formula ensures optimal glide during application, making it easy to create flawless manicures. Plus, the optimized drying time allows for instant beauty without compromising on quality. Transform your nails into an artistic canvas with Essie's rich and varied palette, offering shades for every occasion.Wrap your nails in sophistication and confidence with this renowned nail polish. Whether for a glamorous evening, a casual day, or a special event, Essie accompanies you with elegance. Experience timeless beauty and professional quality with Essie, redefining the art of manicure with every application..
Objav podobné ako Essie Nail Polish 13.5ml - 604 Press Pause Laky na nechty Šedá
Essie Nail Polish 13.5ml - 472 Prima Bella Laky na nechty Fialová
Essie Nail Polish 13.5ml - 472 Prima Bella Fialová. 472 Prima Bella - Essie, the epitome of elegance. 13.5ml nail polish offering professional colors, brilliant shine, perfect coverage, long-lasting wear, and quick drying. Enhance your nails with this outstanding quality formula, perfect for every season. Explore the captivating world of beauty with Essie nail polish, a perfect fusion of sophistication and style. Designed to complement your look throughout the year, this 13.5ml polish embodies the essence of elegance. Offering vibrant professional colors, brilliant shine, flawless coverage, and long-lasting wear, each application is a work of art.Essie's advanced formula ensures optimal glide during application, making it easy to create flawless manicures. Plus, the optimized drying time allows for instant beauty without compromising on quality. Transform your nails into an artistic canvas with Essie's rich and varied palette, offering shades for every occasion.Wrap your nails in sophistication and confidence with this renowned nail polish. Whether for a glamorous evening, a casual day, or a special event, Essie accompanies you with elegance. Experience timeless beauty and professional quality with Essie, redefining the art of manicure with every application..
Objav podobné ako Essie Nail Polish 13.5ml - 472 Prima Bella Laky na nechty Fialová
Essie Nail Polish 13.5ml - 861 Imported Bubbly Laky na nechty Biela
Essie Nail Polish 13.5ml - 861 Imported Bubbly Biela. 861 Imported Bubbly - Essie, the epitome of elegance. 13.5ml nail polish offering professional colors, brilliant shine, perfect coverage, long-lasting wear, and quick drying. Enhance your nails with this outstanding quality formula, perfect for every season. Explore the captivating world of beauty with Essie nail polish, a perfect fusion of sophistication and style. Designed to complement your look throughout the year, this 13.5ml polish embodies the essence of elegance. Offering vibrant professional colors, brilliant shine, flawless coverage, and long-lasting wear, each application is a work of art.Essie's advanced formula ensures optimal glide during application, making it easy to create flawless manicures. Plus, the optimized drying time allows for instant beauty without compromising on quality. Transform your nails into an artistic canvas with Essie's rich and varied palette, offering shades for every occasion.Wrap your nails in sophistication and confidence with this renowned nail polish. Whether for a glamorous evening, a casual day, or a special event, Essie accompanies you with elegance. Experience timeless beauty and professional quality with Essie, redefining the art of manicure with every application..
Objav podobné ako Essie Nail Polish 13.5ml - 861 Imported Bubbly Laky na nechty Biela
Essie Nail Polish 13.5ml - 928 Dance 'Til Dawn Laky na nechty Ružová
Essie Nail Polish 13.5ml - 928 Dance 'Til Dawn Ružová. 928 Dance 'Til Dawn - Essie, the epitome of elegance. 13.5ml nail polish offering professional colors, brilliant shine, perfect coverage, long-lasting wear, and quick drying. Enhance your nails with this outstanding quality formula, perfect for every season. Explore the captivating world of beauty with Essie nail polish, a perfect fusion of sophistication and style. Designed to complement your look throughout the year, this 13.5ml polish embodies the essence of elegance. Offering vibrant professional colors, brilliant shine, flawless coverage, and long-lasting wear, each application is a work of art.Essie's advanced formula ensures optimal glide during application, making it easy to create flawless manicures. Plus, the optimized drying time allows for instant beauty without compromising on quality. Transform your nails into an artistic canvas with Essie's rich and varied palette, offering shades for every occasion.Wrap your nails in sophistication and confidence with this renowned nail polish. Whether for a glamorous evening, a casual day, or a special event, Essie accompanies you with elegance. Experience timeless beauty and professional quality with Essie, redefining the art of manicure with every application..
Objav podobné ako Essie Nail Polish 13.5ml - 928 Dance 'Til Dawn Laky na nechty Ružová