Kde sa rozmanitosť stretáva s hodnotou - Katalo.sk

Healler Animal B2 STRONG 60 tob

Doplnok stravy.Určený na regeneráciu organizmu a zdravé srdce.

Pozrite sa aj Kozie kolostrum 60tob

cena 21.4 €

Carbofit aktívne uhlie 60tob

Doplnok stravy.

Pozrite sa aj Kolostrum COMBI 60tob

cena 7.57 €

Pestrec mariánsky Plus 60tob TOPVET

Prostriedok na podporu správnej funkcie pečeňového tkaniva a stimuláciu vylučovania žlče.

Pozrite sa aj Biopron FORTE 60tob

cena 10.95 €

Lišaj väčší Plus TOPVET 60tob

Bylinný extrakt zo sladkého drievka - močové cesty

Objav podobné ako Lišaj väčší Plus TOPVET 60tob

cena 12.14 €

Valovič kvapky Hem 50 ml

Charakteristika: Bylinné výťažky obsiahnuté v prípravku pomáhajú zachovávať zdravé cievne steny pri hemoroidoch, podporujú hojenie rán a napomáhajú chrániť bunky hrubého čreva pred radikálmi, ktoré ich poškodzujú. Prípravok sa doporučuje pri problémoch s hrubým črevom, pri ťažkostiach s vyprázdňovaním, nepravidelnej stolici, hemoroidoch, svrbení konečníka a pri zápale hrubého čreva. Nepoužívajte: V prípade alergie na zložky prípravku. Nie je vhodný pre deti do 10 rokov. Nesmie sa používať ako náhrada vyváženej a rozmanitej stravy a zdravého životného štýlu. Tehotenstvo a dojčenie: Nie je vhodný pre tehotné a dojčiace ženy. Použitie: Prípravok sa odporúča užívať v dávke 12 kvapiek 2x denne. Kvapky sa užívajú najlepšie 20 minút pred jedlom, nakvapkajú sa na lyžičku vody. Zloženie: extrakty: Calendula officinalis (Nechtík lekársky), Aesculus hippocastanum (Pagaštan konský), Hamamelis virginiana (Hamamel virgínsky), Sambucus nigra (Baza čierna), Equisetum arvense (Praslička roľná). Upozornenie: Výživový doplnok sa nesmie používať ako náhrada rozmanitej stravy. Neprekračovať odporúčanú dennú dávku. Uchovávajte na tmavom a suchom mieste pri teplote do 25°C, mimo dohľadu a dosahu detí! Dbajte na príjem pestrej a vyváženej stravy a zdravý životný štýl.

Objav podobné ako Valovič kvapky Hem 50 ml

cena 8.39 €

JV KVAPKY Hem 50 ml

Výživový doplnok, bylinný, priaznivo pôsobiaci na činnosť hrubého čreva.

Objav podobné ako JV KVAPKY Hem 50 ml

cena 6.89 €

adidas OPEN HEM TIGHTS Legíny Čierna

adidas OPEN HEM TIGHTS Čierna. Značka Adidas Originals nám klope na dvere a ponúka ultra trendové a veľmi ženské legíny. Vďaka čiernej farbe ich hravo zladíte s akýmkoľvek oblečením a stanú sa tak obľúbeným kúskom vo vašom šatníku. Siahnite aj vy po tom najlepšom spojencovi sezóny, vďaka ktorému budete vždy trendovo a pohodlne oblečená..

Objav podobné ako adidas OPEN HEM TIGHTS Legíny Čierna

cena 40.0 €

J.V.KVAPKY - HEM na činnosť hrubého čreva 50ml

Obsah J.V.KVAPKY-HEM: 50ml Charakteristika J.V.KVAPKY-HEM: - účinný pri akútnom aj chronickom zápale hrubého čreva - výborný doplnok pri problémoch s hemoroidmi - pomáha odstraňovať svrbenie konečníka , zmierňovať bolesti pri sedení a vyprázdňovaní - spravideľňuje stolicu a zlepšuje vyprázdňovanie. Hamamelis pomáha zachovať zdravé cievne steny, aj pri hemoroidoch. Sambucus obsahuje prirodzené antioxidanty, pomáha chrániť bunky pred radikálmi, ktoré ich poškodzujú. Equisetum podporuje dobrú cirkuláciu krvi. Calendula podporuje dobre hojenie rán. Aesculus zvyšuje odolnosť organizmu proti vonkajším vplyvom, pomáha k fyzickej pohode. Zloženie J.V.KVAPKY-HEM: Calendula officinalis (Nechtík lekársky), Aesculus hippocastanum (Pagaštan konský), Hamamelis virginiana (Hamamel virgínsky), Sambucus nigra (Baza čierna), Equisetum arvense (Praslička roľná). Dávkovanie J.V.KVAPKY-HEM: 2x denne12 kvapiek do trochy vody/ na lyžičku vody, 20 min. pred jedlom. Upozornenie J.V.KVAPKY- HEM: Prípravok je určený pre deti od 10 rokov. Výživový doplnok nenahrádza pestrú stravu. Neprekračujte odporúčané dávkovanie.

Objav podobné ako J.V.KVAPKY - HEM na činnosť hrubého čreva 50ml

cena 7.56 €

adidas OPEN HEM TP Tepláky/Vrchné oblečenie Hnedá

adidas OPEN HEM TP Hnedá. Vybavte sa okamžite joggingovými nohavicami v hnedej farbe, ktoré má pre vás v talóne značka Adidas Originals. Sú praktické, pohodlné na nosenie a ich štýlový vzhľad dokonale zodpovedá trendom sezóny. S takýmto kúskom budú tréningy chvíľami čistého a nefalšovaného šťastia!.

Objav podobné ako adidas OPEN HEM TP Tepláky/Vrchné oblečenie Hnedá

cena 52.0 €

Bavlnené rifle AllSaints DAX ASYM HEM JEAN W070EA

Rifle z kolekcie AllSaints, skinny strih so zvýšeným pásom. Model vytvorený z hladkého denimu.

Objav podobné ako Bavlnené rifle AllSaints DAX ASYM HEM JEAN W070EA

cena 89.99 €

Funko POP! Star Wars - KOR Axe (Hem CH) (889698472517)

Figúrka – figúrka, soška, zberateľská, motív Star Wars, výška 10 cm, materiál vinyl, s pohyblivou hlavou Ak patríte medzi zberateľov figúrok, ktoré stvárňujú postavy superhrdinov zo známych a populárnych filmov, televíznych seriálov, videohier či komiksov, potom máte skvelú príležitosť, ako opäť rozšíriť svoju zbierku. Čaká na vás zberateľská škatuľka s figúrkou Funko POP Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker – KOR Axe (Chrome). Objednajte si svoju novú zberateľskú figúrku, ktorá predstavuje postavu KOR Axe, jednu zobľúbených postáv z filmovej série Hviezdnych vojen. Figúrka je vyrobená z kvalitného, mäkkého vinylu, je príjemná na dotyk, dosahuje výšku 10 cm a je vhodná pre deti od 3 rokov. Táto postava patriaca do série populárnych vinylových figúrok Funko POP by nemala v žiadnej zbierke chýbať. Kľúčové vlastnosti figúrky Funko POP Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker – KOR Axe (Chrome)Zberateľská škatuľka obsahujúca figúrku Funko POP Star Wars: KOR AxeFunko...

Objav podobné ako Funko POP! Star Wars - KOR Axe (Hem CH) (889698472517)

cena 19.04 €

VALOVIČ J.V. KVAPKY - HEM na činnosť hrubého čreva 50 ml

Valovič J.V. KVAPKY - HEM na činnosť hrubého čreva 50 ml Výživový doplnok bylinný (bylinný komplex) - obsahuje extrakty uvedených rastlín: Calendula officinalis (Nechtík lekársky), Aesculus hippocastanum (Pagaštan konský), Hamamelis virginiana (Hamamel virgínsky), Sambucus nigra (Baza čierna), Equisetum arvense (Praslička roľná). Priaznivo pôsobi na činnosť hrubého čreva (Nechtík).

Objav podobné ako VALOVIČ J.V. KVAPKY - HEM na činnosť hrubého čreva 50 ml

cena 7.9 €

Urban Classics Ladies Boxy Lace Hem Tee Dress black - XS

Urban Classics100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported

Objav podobné ako Urban Classics Ladies Boxy Lace Hem Tee Dress black - XS

cena 19.08333 €

Urban Classics Ladies Boxy Lace Hem Tee Dress black - S

Urban Classics100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported

Objav podobné ako Urban Classics Ladies Boxy Lace Hem Tee Dress black - S

cena 19.08333 €

Urban Classics Ladies Boxy Lace Hem Tee Dress black - M

Urban Classics100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported

Objav podobné ako Urban Classics Ladies Boxy Lace Hem Tee Dress black - M

cena 19.08333 €

Urban Classics Ladies Boxy Lace Hem Tee Dress black - XL

Urban Classics100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported

Objav podobné ako Urban Classics Ladies Boxy Lace Hem Tee Dress black - XL

cena 19.08333 €

Urban Classics Ladies Boxy Lace Hem Tee Dress black - 3XL

Urban Classics100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported

Objav podobné ako Urban Classics Ladies Boxy Lace Hem Tee Dress black - 3XL

cena 19.08333 €

Urban Classics Ladies Boxy Lace Hem Tee Dress black - 4XL

Urban Classics100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported

Objav podobné ako Urban Classics Ladies Boxy Lace Hem Tee Dress black - 4XL

cena 19.08333 €


RAMENNÝ TLAKOMERDetekuje nepravidelný tep, tzv Arytmiu.Tlakomer je vybavený jednoduchou pamäťou až pre 30 meraní bez uloženia dátumu a času. Keď sa pamäť prekročí, najnovšie meranie nahradí najstarší záznam.Tlakomer môže byť


cena 48.9 €

Emporio Armani Lounge Hooded Sweatshirt Navy Mikiny Modrá

Emporio Armani Lounge Hooded Sweatshirt Navy Modrá. The Emporio Armani Lounge Hooded Sweatshirt Navy boasts a regular fit with a drawstring hood and long sleeves. Its kangaroo pocket, ribbed cuffs and hem, and distinguished chest logo elevate this piece to the height of sophistication and exclusivity. Regular fit Drawstring hood Ribbed cuffs and hem Kangaroo pocket 60% Cotton, 40% Polyester Emporio Armani branding Loungewear collection.

Objav podobné ako Emporio Armani Lounge Hooded Sweatshirt Navy Mikiny Modrá

cena 111.59 €

Tommy Jeans Fleece Hoodie Light Grey Heather Mikiny Šedá

Tommy Jeans Fleece Hoodie Light Grey Heather Šedá. Crafted in a fashion-forward Light Grey Heather, the Tommy Jeans Fleece Hoodie boasts a regular fit and features a drawstring hood, a kangaroo pocket, and rib-knit cuffs and hem, this hoodie exudes an air of exclusivity and luxury. Regular fit Drawstring hooded neck Kangaroo pocket Rib-knit cuffs and hem Embroidered logo Tommy Jeans branding 55% Cotton, 45% Polyester.

Objav podobné ako Tommy Jeans Fleece Hoodie Light Grey Heather Mikiny Šedá

cena 80.53 €

Marshall Artist Cascade Bubble Jacket Black Bundy Čierna

Marshall Artist Cascade Bubble Jacket Black Čierna. The Marshall Artist Cascade Bubble Jacket in black offers a flawless fit, featuring a customizable peak and hood. Its full-length zipper closure ensures maximum coverage, while convenient side pockets provide ample storage. With elasticated cuffs and hem, this jacket promises both style and comfort Regular fit Adjustable peak and hood Full zip fastening Side pockets Elasticated cuffs and hem Padded Marshall Artist branding 100% Nylon shell with a polyester fill.

Objav podobné ako Marshall Artist Cascade Bubble Jacket Black Bundy Čierna

cena 102.03 €

Tommy Jeans Signature Logo Graphic Sweatshirt Black Mikiny Čierna

Tommy Jeans Signature Logo Graphic Sweatshirt Black Čierna. Crafted in a fashion-forward black, the Tommy Jeans Signature Logo Graphic Sweatshirt boasts a regular fit and features a crew neck, long sleeves, and rib-knit cuffs and hem. With a graphic print adorning the front and back, this sweat exudes an air of exclusivity and luxury. Regular fit Crew neck Slightly dropped shoulders Rib-knit cuffs and hem Graphic print logo on the chest and back Tommy Jeans branding 100% Cotton.

Objav podobné ako Tommy Jeans Signature Logo Graphic Sweatshirt Black Mikiny Čierna

cena 69.8 €

Tommy Jeans Signature Logo Graphic Hoodie Dark Night Navy Mikiny Modrá

Tommy Jeans Signature Logo Graphic Hoodie Dark Night Navy Modrá. Crafted in a fashion-forward Dark Night Navy, the Tommy Jeans Signature Logo Graphic Hoodie boasts a regular fit and features a drawstring hood, a kangaroo pocket, and rib-knit cuffs and hem. With a graphic print adorning the front and back, this hoodie exudes an air of exclusivity and luxury. Regular fit Drawstring hooded neck Slightly dropped shoulders Kangaroo pocket Rib-knit cuffs and hem Graphic print logo on the chest and back Tommy Jeans branding 100% Cotton.

Objav podobné ako Tommy Jeans Signature Logo Graphic Hoodie Dark Night Navy Mikiny Modrá

cena 75.17 €

Tommy Jeans Logo Embroidery Hoodie Black Mikiny Čierna

Tommy Jeans Logo Embroidery Hoodie Black Čierna. Experience classic sophistication with the Tommy Jeans Logo Embroidery Hoodie in black. With a regular fit and slightly dropped shoulder, this hoodie exudes effortless style. The drawstring hooded neck, kangaroo pocket, and rib-knit cuffs and hem add functionality to its luxurious design. Adorned with the iconic Tommy Jeans logo embroidery, this hoodie is a must-have for any fashion-forward individual. Regular fit Drawstring hooded neck Kangaroo pocket Rib-knit cuffs and hem Tommy Jeans logo embroidery on front Tommy Jeans branding 80% Cotton, 20% Polyester.

Objav podobné ako Tommy Jeans Logo Embroidery Hoodie Black Mikiny Čierna

cena 65.67 €

Niu' AW23504J022 Tričká s krátkym rukávom Biela

Niu' AW23504J022 Biela. T-shirt Woman WHITE Niu' Women's sweater, from the Niū Fashion collection. Oversized fit, round neck, elbow-length sleeves and dropped hem. Original and trendy, perfect for a total look full of personality. The model is 170 cm tall and wears size 40. class=descrizione data-language=IT Women's sweater, from the Niū Fashion collection. Oversized fit, round neck, elbow-length sleeves and dropped hem. Original and trendy, perfect for a total look full of personality. The model is 170 cm tall and wears size 40..

Objav podobné ako Niu' AW23504J022 Tričká s krátkym rukávom Biela

cena 100.3 €

Niu' AW23504J018 Tričká s krátkym rukávom Zelená

Niu' AW23504J018 Zelená. T-shirt Woman GREEN Niu' Women's sweater, from the Niū Fashion collection. Oversized fit, round neck, elbow-length sleeves and dropped hem. Original and trendy, perfect for a total look full of personality. The model is 170 cm tall and wears size 40. class=descrizione data-language=IT Women's sweater, from the Niū Fashion collection. Oversized fit, round neck, elbow-length sleeves and dropped hem. Original and trendy, perfect for a total look full of personality. The model is 170 cm tall and wears size 40..

Objav podobné ako Niu' AW23504J018 Tričká s krátkym rukávom Zelená

cena 93.3 €

Tommy Jeans Flag Badge Relaxed Hoodie Dark Night Navy Melange Mikiny Modrá

Tommy Jeans Flag Badge Relaxed Hoodie Dark Night Navy Melange Modrá. Elevate your wardrobe with the Tommy Jeans Flag Badge Relaxed Hoodie in Dark Night Navy Melange. This piece features a relaxed fit, drawstring hooded neck, rib-knit cuffs and hem, and dropped shoulders for a comfortable and stylish look. Show off your sophisticated style with the iconic Tommy flag graphic badge on the chest. Exude elegance with every wear of this premium hoodie. Relaxed fit Drawstring hooded neck Rib-knit cuffs and hem Graphic flag badge on the chest Tommy Jeans branding Dropped shoulders 78% Cotton, 22% Polyester.

Objav podobné ako Tommy Jeans Flag Badge Relaxed Hoodie Dark Night Navy Melange Mikiny Modrá

cena 102.03 €

Tommy Jeans Essential Zip Windbreaker Jacket Black Bundy Čierna

Tommy Jeans Essential Zip Windbreaker Jacket Black Čierna. Experience the epitome of luxury with the Essential Zip-Thru Relaxed Windbreaker Jacket from Tommy Jeans. This black jacket features a relaxed fit, slightly dropped shoulders, and a funnel neck with a full zip closure for ultimate comfort. Complete with handy side pockets and elasticated cuffs and hem, and finished with the iconic Tommy Jeans flag patch on the chest. Elevate your wardrobe with this exclusive jacket. Relaxed fit Slightly dropped shoulders Funnel neck Full zip closure Two waist angled pockets Elasticated cuffs and hem Tommy Jeans branding Tommy Jeans flag patch on chest 100% Nylon.

Objav podobné ako Tommy Jeans Essential Zip Windbreaker Jacket Black Bundy Čierna

cena 83.58 €

Pennyblack PINO Svetre Biela

Pennyblack PINO Biela. Knitwear Woman Pennyblack Women's sweater, from the Pennyblack collection in a wool and alpaca blend, featuring small rhinestones on the front and sleeves. Boat neck and dropped shoulders, it has soft lines and high edges, tight at the wrists and hem. Cosy & glam, for sparkling parties. The model is 170 cm tall and wears size S. class=descrizione data-language=IT Women's sweater, from the Pennyblack collection in a wool and alpaca blend, featuring small rhinestones on the front and sleeves. Boat neck and dropped shoulders, it has soft lines and high edges, tight at the wrists and hem. Cosy & glam, for sparkling parties.The model is 170 cm tall and wears size S..

Objav podobné ako Pennyblack PINO Svetre Biela

cena 103.0 €

Marella FRECCIA Svetre Béžová

Marella FRECCIA Béžová. Knitwear Woman BEIGE Marella Women's sweater from the Marella Monochrome collection, in a cashmere blend, with a straight fit and ribbed edges. Round neck, long sleeves with dropped hem. Side slits at the bottom. Wear them with the matching trousers for a super casual daily look. The model is 170 cm tall and wears size 40. class=descrizione data-language=IT Women's sweater from the Marella Monochrome collection, in a cashmere blend, with a straight fit and ribbed edges. Round neck, long sleeves with dropped hem. Side slits at the bottom. Wear them with the matching trousers for a super casual daily look.The model is 170 cm tall and wears size 40..

Objav podobné ako Marella FRECCIA Svetre Béžová

cena 128.3 €

Marella FRECCIA Svetre Čierna

Marella FRECCIA Čierna. Knitwear Woman BLACK Marella Women's sweater from the Marella Monochrome collection, in a cashmere blend, with a straight fit and ribbed edges. Round neck, long sleeves with dropped hem. Side slits at the bottom. Wear them with the matching trousers for a super casual daily look. The model is 170 cm tall and wears size 40. class=descrizione data-language=IT Women's sweater from the Marella Monochrome collection, in a cashmere blend, with a straight fit and ribbed edges. Round neck, long sleeves with dropped hem. Side slits at the bottom. Wear them with the matching trousers for a super casual daily look.The model is 170 cm tall and wears size 40..

Objav podobné ako Marella FRECCIA Svetre Čierna

cena 128.3 €

Twin Set 232TT3491 Svetre Béžová

Twin Set 232TT3491 Béžová. Knitwear Woman WHITE Twinset Women's sweater from the Twinset collection in a wool and mohair blend with a lizard print. It has a regular fit, a round neck finished with tulle ruffles, long sleeves, ribbed cuffs and hem. Wear it to add style and personality to your look. The model is 170 cm tall and wears size S. class=descrizione data-language=IT Women's sweater from the Twinset collection in a wool and mohair blend with a lizard print. It has a regular fit, a round neck finished with tulle ruffles, long sleeves, ribbed cuffs and hem. Wear it to add style and personality to your look.The model is 170 cm tall and wears size S..

Objav podobné ako Twin Set 232TT3491 Svetre Béžová

cena 169.0 €

Pennyblack NARDO Svetre Biela

Pennyblack NARDO Biela. Knitwear Woman Pennyblack Women's cardigan from the Pennyblack collection in a wool and alpaca blend with jewel buttons and small rhinestones on the front and sleeves. Deep V-neck and dropped shoulders, it has soft lines and high, tight edges at the cuffs and hem. Just what you need to warm up your party look. The model is 170 cm tall and wears size S. class=descrizione data-language=IT Women's cardigan from the Pennyblack collection in a wool and alpaca blend with jewel buttons and small rhinestones on the front and sleeves. Deep V-neck and dropped shoulders, it has soft lines and high, tight edges at the cuffs and hem. Just what you need to warm up your party look.The model is 170 cm tall and wears size S..

Objav podobné ako Pennyblack NARDO Svetre Biela

cena 103.0 €


Diagnostické prúžky HEMOPHAN sú určené na semikvantitatívnu analýzu moču. Diagnostické prúžky HEMOPHAN sú určené na in vitro diagnostické použitie oprávnenou a profesionálne vyškolenou osobou. Testovacie močové prúžky sú určené na stanovenie nasledovných parametrov v moči: HEM (krv)

Objav podobné ako HEMOPHAN

cena 5.78 €

Shaddy 109220120 Sandále Zelená

Shaddy 109220120 Zelená. Netherlands Woman GREEN Shaddy Jeans of the Roy Roger's line, in cotton mixed. It has a high life, comfortable pockets and a crooked hem. Perfect both with a pair of sneakers for a more Easy style and with gods for a more refined look..

Objav podobné ako Shaddy 109220120 Sandále Zelená

cena 41.6 €

Desigual 23SWFD16 Sukňa Modrá

Desigual 23SWFD16 Modrá. miniskirts Woman Desigual Women's mini skirt from the Desigual line, in washed effect denim. It has a regular fit, comfortable pockets, a medium waist and a frayed hem. It stands out for its contemporary character and streetwear style. The model is 170 cm tall and wears size M.

Objav podobné ako Desigual 23SWFD16 Sukňa Modrá

cena 49.5 €

Emme Marella PABLO Svetre Modrá

Emme Marella PABLO Modrá. High Neck Woman BLUE Emme Marella Women's sweater from the Emme Marella collection, in wool blend yarn with lurex, straight line. High neck, long sleeves with dropped hem. Wear it to give style and personality to your look. The model is 170 cm tall and wears size S.

Objav podobné ako Emme Marella PABLO Svetre Modrá

cena 87.35 €

Roy Rogers P22RND232P3210975 Oblekové nohavice Biela

Roy Rogers P22RND232P3210975 Biela. Cropped Woman WHITE Roy Roger's Jeans from the Roy Roger's line, in a cotton blend. It features a high waist, comfortable pockets and a cuffed hem. Perfect with both a pair of sneakers for an easy style and with pumps for a more sophisticated look..

Objav podobné ako Roy Rogers P22RND232P3210975 Oblekové nohavice Biela

cena 85.0 €

Emme Marella GABBIA Svetre Zelená

Emme Marella GABBIA Zelená. Choker Woman GREEN Emme Marella Women's sweater from the Emme Marella line, made of stretch viscose. It has a straight line, a round neckline, long sleeves, a slightly longer back hem and ribbed cuffs. Try it for a sophisticated and trendy look. The model is 1.70 cm tall and wears a size S.

Objav podobné ako Emme Marella GABBIA Svetre Zelená

cena 44.5 €

Desigual 23SWPW04 Sukňa Oranžová

Desigual 23SWPW04 Oranžová. To the knee Woman ORANGE Desigual Women's shorts from the Desigual line, in a cotton blend. It features a straight line, a zip fastening, a frayed hem and macramé workmanship. Try it with the matching shirt for a feminine and modern look. The model is 170 cm tall and wears size 42.

Objav podobné ako Desigual 23SWPW04 Sukňa Oranžová

cena 59.5 €

Liu Jo 8A2020T3318 Sukňa Biela

Liu Jo 8A2020T3318 Biela. To the knee Woman WHITE Liu Jo Shorts from the Liujo line in solid color. They have a regular fit, comfortable pockets, a folded hem and a belt with a bow. Perfect for accompanying your free time or more informal occasions with style. The model is 170 cm tall and wears size 42..

Objav podobné ako Liu Jo 8A2020T3318 Sukňa Biela

cena 61.6 €

Marella ESPERIA Svetre Čierna

Marella ESPERIA Čierna. Choker Woman BLACK Marella Sport Women's sweater from the Marella Sport line, in a wool blend. It has a straight line, a round neckline, long sleeves and a patterned insert on the hem. Wear it for a ladylike, feminine and sophisticated look. The model is 170 cm tall and wears size S..

Objav podobné ako Marella ESPERIA Svetre Čierna

cena 99.4 €

Roy Rogers A22RRU505CC53XXXX Svetre Modrá

Roy Rogers A22RRU505CC53XXXX Modrá. High Neck Man Roy Roger's Men's sweater from the Roy Roger's line, in wool blend. It features a regular fit, a turtleneck, ribbed cuffs and hem, and a logo patch on the left sleeve. Perfect to give a casual chic twist to every daily look. The model is 180 cm tall and wears size M..

Objav podobné ako Roy Rogers A22RRU505CC53XXXX Svetre Modrá

cena 100.3 €

Emme Marella RENA Svetre Biela

Emme Marella RENA Biela. High Neck Woman WHITE Emme Marella High neck sweater from the Emme Marella collection, with a cropped line. Made of a merino wool blend. High neck, long sleeves with dropped hem and cuff at the bottom. Wear it to give style and personality to your look. The model is 180 cm tall and wears size 40..

Objav podobné ako Emme Marella RENA Svetre Biela

cena 87.35 €