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KISS Umelé riasy LuXtension Multipack Volume Full Set

Umelé riasy sa ľahko nanášajú a poskytujú ľahké a pohodlné nosenie. Sú opakovane použiteľné a vhodné pre nositeľky kontaktných šošoviek.

Pozrite sa aj KISS Lash Couture LuXtension – Cluster Kit (731509798531)

cena 21.0 €

KISS Umelé riasy Multipack The New Natural Pearl Earring

Umelé riasy pre prirodzený vzhľad The New Natural Pearl Earring – kto by tušil, že zmeniť váš vzhľad by mohlo byť tak jednoduché a rýchle. Nečakajte - pripravte sa na umelé riasy a užite si ich zmenu tak, aby vyhovovala každej vašej nálade a každému okamihu.

Pozrite sa aj KISS True Volume Lash – Ritzy (731509634860)

cena 20.2 €

KISS Umelé riasy MLB bolder – Slim Thicc

Doprajte svojim riasam povznesenie s objemnými a prirodzene vyzerajúcimi umelými riasami, ktoré bez námahy dodajú každému vzhľadu šmrnc, ideálny pre každodenné aj špeciálne príležitosti.

Pozrite sa aj DERMACOL Hair Ritual Volume Set (8595003126472)

cena 9.3 €

KISS Umelé riasy Sister Nature Vegan Mink - Ivy

Ručne vyrobené prírodné riasy v recyklovateľnom obale dodajú vašim očiam neodolateľný pohľad. Vlákna prírodného pôvodu sú oveľa tenšie ako umelé, čo zaistí prirodzený vzhľad.

Objav podobné ako KISS Umelé riasy Sister Nature Vegan Mink - Ivy

cena 8.6 €

KISS Umelé riasy The New Natural Half Lash

Umelé riasy pre prirodzený vzhľad The New Natural Half Lash – kto by tušil, že zmeniť váš vzhľad by mohlo byť tak jednoduché a rýchle. Nečakajte - pripravte sa na umelé riasy a užite si ich zmenu tak, aby vyhovovala každej vašej nálade a každému okamihu.

Objav podobné ako KISS Umelé riasy The New Natural Half Lash

cena 8.5 €

KISS Umelé riasy The New Natural 02 Silver Ring

Umelé riasy pre prirodzený vzhľad Lash Couture – kto by tušil, že zmeniť váš vzhľad by mohlo byť tak jednoduché a rýchle. Nečakajte - pripravte sa na umelé riasy a užite si ich zmenu tak, aby vyhovovala každej vašej nálade a každému okamihu.

Objav podobné ako KISS Umelé riasy The New Natural 02 Silver Ring

cena 8.5 €

KISS Umelé riasy The New Natural 01 White Shirt

Umelé riasy pre prirodzený vzhľad Lash Couture – kto by tušil, že zmeniť váš vzhľad by mohlo byť tak jednoduché a rýchle. Nečakajte - pripravte sa na umelé riasy a užite si ich zmenu tak, aby vyhovovala každej vašej nálade a každému okamihu.

Objav podobné ako KISS Umelé riasy The New Natural 01 White Shirt

cena 8.5 €

KISS Umelé riasy Lash Couture Rebel Collection 03 Rockstar

Modernizovaný dymový a nadčasový vzhľad 90. rokov so zafajčenými očnými linkami, chaotické a ležérne.

Objav podobné ako KISS Umelé riasy Lash Couture Rebel Collection 03 Rockstar

cena 10.5 €

KISS Sada pre aplikáciu umelých rias Lash Couture LuXtension Cluster Kit

Sada obsahuje: Trsové umelé riasy 40 ks 2 veľkosti Short a Medium pinzeta Kefka na riasy Sada lepidlá a odstraňovače na umelé riasy Lash Adhesive & Remover Kit

Objav podobné ako KISS Sada pre aplikáciu umelých rias Lash Couture LuXtension Cluster Kit

cena 16.3 €

KISS Umelé riasy Lash Couture Rebel Collection 02 Main Character

Modernizovaný dymový a nadčasový vzhľad 90. rokov so zafajčenými očnými linkami, chaotické a ležérne.

Objav podobné ako KISS Umelé riasy Lash Couture Rebel Collection 02 Main Character

cena 10.5 €

KISS Umelé riasy Lash Couture Rebel Collection 01 Downtown Girl

Modernizovaný dymový a nadčasový vzhľad 90. rokov so zafajčenými očnými linkami, chaotické a ležérne.

Objav podobné ako KISS Umelé riasy Lash Couture Rebel Collection 01 Downtown Girl

cena 10.5 €

KISS Umelé riasy kvitnúce so žiariacim vzhľadom Blooming Lash 1 pár Lily

Umelé riasy kvitnúce so žiariacim vzhľadom Blooming Lash s Multi-Angle technológiou prinášajú riasam plnší objem. Mieša sa dobre s vlastným riasami - výsledkom sú husté riasy a zvodný pohľad! Kto by tušil, že zmeniť váš vzhľad by mohlo byť tak jednoduché a rýchle. Nečakajte - pripravte sa na umelé riasy a užite si ich zmenu tak, aby vyhovovala každej vašej nálade a každému okamihu!

Objav podobné ako KISS Umelé riasy kvitnúce so žiariacim vzhľadom Blooming Lash 1 pár Lily

cena 7.2 €

KISS Umelé riasy pre prirodzený vzhľad Looks So Natural 1 pár Shy

Umelé riasy pre prirodzený vzhľad Looks So Natural Kto by tušil, že zmeniť váš vzhľad by mohlo byť tak jednoduché a rýchle. Nečakajte - pripravte sa na umelé riasy a užite si ich zmenu tak, aby vyhovovala každej vašej nálade a každému okamihu!

Objav podobné ako KISS Umelé riasy pre prirodzený vzhľad Looks So Natural 1 pár Shy

cena 6.5 €

KISS Umelé riasy Lash Couture Triple Push-Up Collection 1 pár Teddy

Umelé riasy Lash Couture Triple Push-Up Collection poskytnú vašim riasam výrazné zdvihnutie. Výsledkom je dramatický 3D efekt. Definovaný bohatý vzhľad. Viac elegantných štýlov rias, na ktoré je aplikovaná technológia s viacerými hrúbkami a ktoré budú zmiešané s prirodzenými riasami. Objemný vzhľad - 3-vrstvový efekt skladaný v jednom pásme poskytuje maximálny objem a pohodlie. Štedro definované - husto výrazná a plná, ale prirodzená vďaka mikrovláknu.

Objav podobné ako KISS Umelé riasy Lash Couture Triple Push-Up Collection 1 pár Teddy

cena 8.4 €

KISS Umelé riasy pre prirodzený objem My Lash But Better 1 pár 01

Umelé mihalnice My Lash But Better sú plné delikátnych zhlukov v tvare písmena V, ktoré ponúkajú ideálne množstvo každodenného objeme, ktorý vyzerá prirodzene. Riasy sú krásne našuchorené a ľahké.

Objav podobné ako KISS Umelé riasy pre prirodzený objem My Lash But Better 1 pár 01

cena 8.1 €

KISS Umelé riasy pre prirodzený objem My Lash But Better 1 pár 02

Umelé mihalnice My Lash But Better sú plné delikátnych zhlukov v tvare písmena V, ktoré ponúkajú ideálne množstvo každodenného objeme, ktorý vyzerá prirodzene. Riasy sú krásne našuchorené a ľahké.

Objav podobné ako KISS Umelé riasy pre prirodzený objem My Lash But Better 1 pár 02

cena 7.3 €

KISS Umelé riasy pre prirodzený objem My Lash But Better 1 pár 03

Umelé mihalnice My Lash But Better sú plné delikátnych zhlukov v tvare písmena V, ktoré ponúkajú ideálne množstvo každodenného objeme, ktorý vyzerá prirodzene. Riasy sú krásne našuchorené a ľahké.

Objav podobné ako KISS Umelé riasy pre prirodzený objem My Lash But Better 1 pár 03

cena 7.0 €

KISS Umelé riasy pre prirodzený objem My Lash But Better 1 pár 04

Umelé mihalnice My Lash But Better sú plné delikátnych zhlukov v tvare písmena V, ktoré ponúkajú ideálne množstvo každodenného objeme, ktorý vyzerá prirodzene. Riasy sú krásne našuchorené a ľahké.

Objav podobné ako KISS Umelé riasy pre prirodzený objem My Lash But Better 1 pár 04

cena 7.0 €

KISS Trsové umelé riasy Falscara Wisps Multi Bambi

Nadýchané a ľahké trsové riasy s neviditeľným pásikom vám poskytnú maximálny objem a zároveň zahustí vaše riasy.

Objav podobné ako KISS Trsové umelé riasy Falscara Wisps Multi Bambi

cena 12.1 €

KISS Jednotlivé umelé riasy Haute Couture 70 ks

Jednotlivé umelé riasy Haute Couture sú určené na denné nosenie - tieto umelé riasy sú ľahké, pohodlné, prispôsobivé a komfortné na nosenie.

Objav podobné ako KISS Jednotlivé umelé riasy Haute Couture 70 ks

cena 6.5 €

KISS Trsové umelé riasy Falscara Wisps Multi Shorty

Nadýchané a ľahké trsové riasy s neviditeľným pásikom vám poskytnú maximálny objem a zároveň zahustí vaše riasy.

Objav podobné ako KISS Trsové umelé riasy Falscara Wisps Multi Shorty

cena 12.1 €

KISS Luxusné umelé riasy Lash Couture 1 pár Midnight

Umelé mihalnice pre prirodzený vzhľad Lash Couture s ľahkosťou perie majú zúžený konček a syntetické vlákno. Kto by tušil, že zmeniť váš vzhľad by mohlo byť tak jednoduché a rýchle. Nečakajte - pripravte sa na umelé riasy a užite si ich zmenu tak, aby vyhovovala každej vašej nálade a každému okamihu!

Objav podobné ako KISS Luxusné umelé riasy Lash Couture 1 pár Midnight

cena 7.3 €

KISS Trsové riasy Falscara Multipack - Clear band

Trsové riasy Falscara Multipack pre prirodzený vzhľad vašich očí môžete použiť znova až 3x. Sú vhodné aj pre nositeľky kontaktných šošoviek.

Objav podobné ako KISS Trsové riasy Falscara Multipack - Clear band

cena 10.5 €

Catrice Pure Volume Mascara - 10 Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

Catrice Pure Volume Mascara - 10 Black Čierna. 10 Black - Catrice's Pure Volume Mascara provides instant volume with its hydrating formula enriched with almond and castor oils. Its fiber brush ensures precise application, for lashes full of volume, elegance, and glamour. Vegan, fragrance-free, and long-lasting. Opt for Catrice's Pure Volume Waterproof Mascara to enhance your lashes with instant volume. Its hydrating formula, infused with almond and castor oils, nourishes the lashes while providing remarkable fullness. These oils, known for their moisturizing properties and lash growth stimulation, ensure healthier and fuller lashes over time. The unique fiber brush is specially designed to reach each lash, enveloping them in a highly pigmented formula that enhances volume and density. Catrice's Pure Volume Waterproof Mascara not only offers exceptional results but also embodies pure elegance and glamour with each application. Whether you're looking for a natural look or a bold, dramatic effect, this mascara meets all your expectations. Its long-lasting formula ensures your lashes stay voluminous and defined throughout the day, without smudging or flaking. What sets Catrice's Pure Volume Mascara apart is its commitment to quality and animal-friendly ingredients. Fragrance-free and free from harsh chemicals, this mascara is suitable even for sensitive eyes, while still offering outstanding performance. Whether you're a makeup enthusiast or a beauty beginner, you can trust Catrice to provide you with the best in lash enhancement. Say goodbye to dull lashes and hello to pure volume, thanks to Catrice's Pure Volume Waterproof Mascara..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Pure Volume Mascara - 10 Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

cena 6.39 €

Essence Princess Lash Lash Volume Mascara Riasenky a umelé riasy Other

Essence Princess Lash Lash Volume Mascara . Experience glamour with Essence's Lash Princess Volume Mascara. Fragrance and paraben-free, this vegan formula delivers spectacular volume. Its cobra-shaped brush precisely coats each lash in a deep black, creating an intense and irresistible gaze. Achieve dazzling lashes fit for royalty. Discover the essence of beauty with Essence's Lash Princess Volume Mascara. Uncompromising on quality, this vegan formula is free from fragrance, parabens, alcohol, and oil. The innovative cobra-shaped brush captures each lash with precision, enveloping them in an ultra-deep black. Each application creates breathtaking volume, adding a spectacular curve to your lashes.The Lash Princess Mascara transforms your beauty routine into a royal ritual. The liquid formula provides an intense gaze and voluminous lashes that last all day. Like a princess never leaving without her evening gown, this mascara is your go-to for elegant evenings and special moments. Its unique design ensures effortless application, coating each lash individually for flawless results.Be ready to captivate with sublime lashes, without compromising your well-being. The paraben-free formula ensures a gentle and safe experience for your eyes. Get irresistible fluttering lashes and breathtaking volume with Essence's Lash Princess Volume Mascara. Redefine your gaze with this perfect blend of sophistication and performance..

Objav podobné ako Essence Princess Lash Lash Volume Mascara Riasenky a umelé riasy Other

cena 5.19 €

KISS Magnetické umelé riasy s očnými linkami (Magnetic Eyeliner & Lash Kit) Lure

Užite si magnetický pohľad - a to doslova. Magnetické riasy s revolučnou technológiou zaistí až 16 hodín trvajúci bezchybný look. Očná linka obsahuje biotín a je odolná voči rozmazaniu. Aplikátor má jemnú špičku a vďaka tomu zaistí presnú a jednoduchú aplikáciu. Magnetické riasy majú 5 magnetov Double-Strenghth pre presné a bezpečné použitie a pohodlné nosenie. Zaistí perfektný vzhľad vašich očí po celý deň aj noc.

Objav podobné ako KISS Magnetické umelé riasy s očnými linkami (Magnetic Eyeliner & Lash Kit) Lure

cena 15.7 €

KISS Magnetické umelé riasy s očnými linkami Eyelash Kit 03 (Magnetic Eyeliner)

Užite si magnetický pohľad – a to doslova. Magnetické riasy s revolučnou technológiou zaistia bezchybný look. Očná linka obsahuje biotín a je odolná voči rozmazaniu. Aplikátor má jemnú špičku a vďaka tomu zaistí presnú a jednoduchú aplikáciu. Magnetické riasy majú 5 magnetov Double -Strenghth na presné a bezpečné použitie a pohodlné nosenie. Zaistí perfektný vzhľad vašich očí po celý deň aj noc.

Objav podobné ako KISS Magnetické umelé riasy s očnými linkami Eyelash Kit 03 (Magnetic Eyeliner)

cena 16.2 €

Essence Mascara Volume I Love Extreme Waterproof Riasenky a umelé riasy Other

Essence Mascara Volume I Love Extreme Waterproof . Discover Essence's I Love Extreme Waterproof Volume Mascara, a paraben-free, 100% vegan essential. Treat your lashes to an explosion of volume with its waterproof formula in ultra-black pigments. Ideal for a captivating look, even during sports or summer days at the beach. Essence proudly presents its latest gem for irresistible lashes: the I Love Extreme Waterproof Volume Mascara. Designed without parabens and entirely vegan, this mascara offers a unique experience. Its innovation lies in its waterproof formula that bravely withstands water, ideal for those who want to maintain extreme volume during hot days or refreshing summer dives.The large-format brush of this revolutionary mascara delicately coats each lash with ultra-black pigments, creating a breathtaking volumizing effect. Each lash is individually cared for, ensuring complete coverage and a uniform result. The waterproof formula ensures impeccable hold throughout the day, providing a captivating look without compromise.Whether during intense workout sessions or relaxing moments at the beach, Essence's I Love Extreme Volume Waterproof Mascara is the perfect companion. Enhance your lashes with maximum volume that doesn't go unnoticed, even during summer vacations. Get captivating lashes with this must-have mascara, where elegance meets resilience for a look that fears neither water nor the challenges of everyday life..

Objav podobné ako Essence Mascara Volume I Love Extreme Waterproof Riasenky a umelé riasy Other

cena 4.59 €

Catrice Glam Doll Volume Mascara - 10 Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

Catrice Glam Doll Volume Mascara - 10 Black Čierna. 10 Black - Discover Catrice's Glam & Doll Volume Mascara for voluminous, long lashes. Its unique elastomer brush offers prodigious volume without weighing down the lashes. Ophthalmologically tested, this vegan mascara is paraben-free and alcohol-free, ensuring irresistibly captivating eyes safely. Immerse yourself in the world of glamour with Catrice's Glam & Doll Volume Mascara. Engineered to deliver spectacular lashes, this mascara is the essential tool to enhance your gaze. Its unique elastomer brush is specially designed to provide prodigious volume, enviable length, and breathtaking density to your lashes.The lightweight formula of this mascara effortlessly glides onto lashes, wrapping them in intense color and silky texture without weighing them down or clumping. You thus achieve perfectly defined and separated lashes for an irresistible glamorous effect. Moreover, Catrice's Glam & Doll Volume Mascara is ophthalmologically tested, ensuring optimal safety even for sensitive eyes.As a brand concerned with environmental and animal welfare, Catrice has formulated this mascara vegan, paraben-free, and alcohol-free. Thus, you can enjoy enchanting eyes without compromising on quality or your ethical values. With the Glam & Doll Volume Mascara, each application is a moment of glamour and beauty, for enhanced lashes and a captivating gaze..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Glam Doll Volume Mascara - 10 Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

cena 6.49 €

Catrice Pure Volume Waterproof Mascara - 10 Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

Catrice Pure Volume Waterproof Mascara - 10 Black Čierna. 10 Black - Achieve spectacular volume in an instant with Catrice's Pure Volume Waterproof Mascara. Its moisturizing formula with almond and castor oils nourishes your lashes while making them waterproof and long-lasting. The fiber brush reaches every lash for an instant and irresistible volumizing effect. Discover the secret to dazzling eyes with Catrice's Pure Volume Waterproof Mascara. This revolutionary mascara combines exceptional performance with nourishing natural ingredients. Its moisturizing formula, enriched with almond and castor oils, not only gives your lashes intense and long-lasting volume but also protects them from dryness and damage. The waterproof texture ensures flawless makeup all day long, even on the busiest days.Thanks to its innovative fiber brush, each lash is perfectly coated with pigment, creating a maximum volume effect from the first application. Whether you're aiming for a natural look for everyday wear or bold glamour for special occasions, this versatile mascara meets all your needs. The vegan and fragrance-free formula is suitable even for the most sensitive skin, offering comfort and peace of mind throughout the day.Catrice's Pure Volume Waterproof Mascara embodies pure elegance and glamour. With its long-lasting hold and spectacular volumizing effect, it will quickly become a staple in your makeup bag. Give your lashes the amplitude and density they deserve while preserving their health and natural beauty. Treat yourself to captivating and irresistible eyes with this revolutionary mascara that combines performance, quality, and care..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Pure Volume Waterproof Mascara - 10 Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

cena 4.99 €

Essence Mascara I Love Extreme Volume Crazy Riasenky a umelé riasy Other

Essence Mascara I Love Extreme Volume Crazy . Essence presents its I Love Extreme Volume Crazy mascara, a revolutionary product for voluminous and defined lashes. Its ultra-black formula and fiber brush provide incredible volume from the first application. Get curled, elongated lashes without clumps with this oil-free, paraben-free, and fragrance-free mascara. Discover Essence's I Love Extreme Volume Crazy mascara, a revolutionary product to enhance your lashes. Designed to provide a stunning volume effect, this oversized version of the famous I Love Extreme mascara promises even more extreme results. Its ultra-black formula, free from parabens, oil, fragrance, acetone, and alcohol, is gentle on your lashes while providing incredible volume. The creamy texture coats each lash with a deep black color, while the extra-large elastomer brush separates and evenly coats them for a clump-free result.The fiber brush of this mascara allows for precise and easy application, even for beginners. It captures each lash, from roots to tips, for a curled, elongated, and voluminous effect. Thanks to its long-lasting formula, this mascara stays flawless all day without flaking or fading. The mascara tube adopts the iconic colors of the I Love range, with black letters contrasting on a pink background, adding a touch of modernity and dynamism to your beauty routine.Give your lashes extreme volume and captivating look with Essence's I Love Extreme Volume Crazy mascara. Whether you're looking for a natural look for everyday wear or a spectacular effect for a special occasion, this versatile mascara will meet all your expectations for eye makeup. Treat yourself to defined, voluminous, and enhanced lashes with this revolutionary mascara, a must-have in your makeup bag..

Objav podobné ako Essence Mascara I Love Extreme Volume Crazy Riasenky a umelé riasy Other

cena 4.89 €

KISS Magnetické umelé riasy s očnými linkami (Magnetic Eyeliner & Lash Kit) 02 Tempt

Užite si magnetický pohľad - a to doslova. Magnetické riasy s revolučnou technológiou zaistí až 16 hodín trvajúci bezchybný look. Očná linka obsahuje biotín a je odolná voči rozmazaniu. Aplikátor má jemnú špičku a vďaka tomu zaistí presnú a jednoduchú aplikáciu. Magnetické riasy majú 5 magnetov Double-Strenghth pre presné a bezpečné použitie a pohodlné nosenie. Zaistí perfektný vzhľad vašich očí po celý deň aj noc.

Objav podobné ako KISS Magnetické umelé riasy s očnými linkami (Magnetic Eyeliner & Lash Kit) 02 Tempt

cena 12.9 €

KISS Magnetické umelé riasy s očnými linkami (Magnetic Eyeliner & Lash Kit) 07 Charm

Užite si magnetický pohľad - a to doslova. Magnetické riasy s revolučnou technológiou zaistí až 16 hodín trvajúci bezchybný look. Očná linka obsahuje biotín a je odolná voči rozmazaniu. Aplikátor má jemnú špičku a vďaka tomu zaistí presnú a jednoduchú aplikáciu. Magnetické riasy majú 5 magnetov Double-Strenghth pre presné a bezpečné použitie a pohodlné nosenie. Zaistí perfektný vzhľad vašich očí po celý deň aj noc.

Objav podobné ako KISS Magnetické umelé riasy s očnými linkami (Magnetic Eyeliner & Lash Kit) 07 Charm

cena 12.8 €

Essence Mascara I Love Extreme Volume Crazy Waterproof Riasenky a umelé riasy Other

Essence Mascara I Love Extreme Volume Crazy Waterproof . Discover Essence's waterproof ultra-black mascara, the best-selling Mascara I Love Extreme Volume Crazy Waterproof. Its paraben-free, vegan formula delivers intense black for ultra-voluminous lashes. The XL brush ensures extreme volume with just one application, offering long-lasting waterproof hold. Immerse yourself in the captivating makeup world with Essence's must-have mascara, the Mascara I Love Extreme Volume Crazy Waterproof. This waterproof version of the best-seller features a paraben-free and vegan formula, perfect for those seeking both performance and quality. The XL brush precisely applies this mascara, enveloping each lash in intense black. The result: ultra-voluminous lashes that defy the limits of glamour.The secret lies in the ability of this waterproof formula to provide long-lasting hold, resisting the challenges of the day. Whether it's raining, at the beach, or in your daily routine, this mascara stays in place, preserving the depth of its rich black hue. The combination of a high-quality formula and an innovative brush achieves curled, elongated, voluminous, and perfectly defined lashes. Get an irresistible gaze with the Mascara I Love Extreme Volume Crazy Waterproof, a must-have for beauty enthusiasts looking for a high-performing and respectful product.Explore a unique experience with Essence, where beauty meets innovation, and give your lashes the attention they deserve. Choose this waterproof mascara and experience a true volume revolution, redefining the beauty of your lashes with each application..

Objav podobné ako Essence Mascara I Love Extreme Volume Crazy Waterproof Riasenky a umelé riasy Other

cena 4.49 €

Catrice Mascara Glam Doll Sculpt Volume - 10 Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

Catrice Mascara Glam Doll Sculpt Volume - 10 Black Čierna. 10 Black - Discover Catrice's Glam & Doll Sculpt & Volume Mascara for perfectly defined lashes. Its deep black formula offers instant volume and sensational curvature. Get beautifully sculpted lashes without clumps, for an irresistible look. Dive into the beauty universe with Catrice's Glam & Doll Sculpt & Volume Mascara, a must-have for stunning lashes. Its formula enriched with deep black pigments creates unparalleled intensity, providing a captivating look with every application. Designed to meet the needs of demanding makeup enthusiasts, this mascara combines volume and curvature for a spectacular effect. The high-quality elastomer brush captures each lash, evenly coating them from root to tip, for perfect definition without clumps.The major advantage of this mascara lies in its ability to create instant volume. From the first stroke, your lashes are densified and thickened, for a deep and intense look that leaves no one indifferent. Thanks to its lightweight and creamy texture, application is effortless, allowing for quick and easy makeup. Whether you're looking for a natural effect for everyday wear or a glamorous look for a special evening, this mascara offers the versatility you need to express your style with confidence.In addition to its incredible effectiveness, Catrice's Glam & Doll Sculpt & Volume Mascara takes care of your lashes. Its gentle and respectful formula nourishes and protects the lashes, leaving them soft and silky throughout the day. By choosing this mascara, you opt for a professional-quality product that enhances your look while caring for your natural beauty. Elevate your makeup routine with this essential mascara and be seduced by voluminous, defined, and irresistible lashes..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Mascara Glam Doll Sculpt Volume - 10 Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

cena 6.39 €

Catrice Glam Doll Volume Waterproof Mascara - 10 Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

Catrice Glam Doll Volume Waterproof Mascara - 10 Black Čierna. 10 Black - Discover Catrice's Glamour Doll Volume Waterproof Mascara for voluminous, waterproof lashes. Offering maximum length and density, this mascara enhances your gaze with elegance. Ophthalmologically tested, it ensures perfect curves all day long. Get incredible lashes with Catrice! Catrice's Glamour Doll Volume Waterproof Mascara is the perfect ally for an irresistible gaze. Its innovative formula provides the perfect combination of volume, length, and waterproofing. Wrapping each lash with precision, this mascara creates a spectacular false lash effect effortlessly. Whether you desire a natural look or glamorous intensity, this mascara meets all your eyelash beauty needs.Designed to maintain the natural curve of your lashes, this mascara ensures a dazzling gaze that lasts all day long. Its water-resistant formula ensures that even the busiest days won't compromise your style. Ophthalmologically tested, it's suitable even for sensitive eyes, offering peace of mind while enhancing your natural beauty.Enriched with volumizing agents, this mascara gives your lashes remarkable thickness, instantly adding glamour to your look. Whether you're preparing for a special evening or an ordinary day, Catrice's Glamour Doll Volume Waterproof Mascara accompanies you with elegance. Transform your lashes into a bold and confident style statement with this premium-quality product. Highlight your gaze with incredible lashes that capture everyone's attention, and let Catrice help you express your authentic beauty, one lash at a time..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Glam Doll Volume Waterproof Mascara - 10 Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

cena 6.49 €

Catrice Mascara Curl It Volume Curl - 10 Deep Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

Catrice Mascara Curl It Volume Curl - 10 Deep Black Čierna. 10 Deep Black - Achieve voluminous and perfectly curled lashes with Catrice CURL IT Volume & Curl mascara. Its clump-free formula ensures long-lasting curl, while its specially curved silicone brush precisely separates lashes. For captivating eyes that last all day. Discover the secret to irresistible lashes with Catrice CURL IT Volume & Curl mascara. Designed to deliver impressive volume and perfect curl, this mascara is the secret weapon to enhance your gaze. Its innovative formula ensures deep black curls without clumps, for impeccable results with every application. Enriched with nourishing ingredients, this mascara cares for your lashes while giving them breathtaking volume.The real magic lies in its specially curved silicone brush, which perfectly hugs the shape of lashes for precise and even application. This unique brush separates each lash, coating them uniformly from root to tip. Result: perfectly defined, curled, and voluminous lashes that last all day without losing their luster.Designed to meet the needs of even the most discerning makeup enthusiasts, Catrice CURL IT Volume & Curl mascara is your essential ally for an irresistible gaze. Whether you're after a natural everyday look or a glamorous style for a special evening, this mascara will accompany you with elegance. Give your lashes the attention they deserve and enhance your gaze with this revolutionary mascara from Catrice..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Mascara Curl It Volume Curl - 10 Deep Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

cena 7.89 €

Catrice Max It Volume Length Mascara - 10 Deep Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

Catrice Max It Volume Length Mascara - 10 Deep Black Čierna. 10 Deep Black - The Catrice Max It Volume & Length Mascara provides dense and ultra-long lashes with its innovative formula containing cellulose fibers and moisturizing shea butter. Get maximum volume and stunning length for an irresistible look. Discover Catrice's Max It Volume & Length Mascara, a true revelation for your lashes. This revolutionary formula combines cellulose fibers and moisturizing shea butter for dense and ultra-long lashes. The elastomer brush of this mascara reaches every lash, even the smallest ones, for impeccable results. Enriched with cellulose fibers, this mascara offers instant volume and spectacular length, creating a striking look in one swipe. Thanks to its creamy and nourishing texture, this mascara hydrates your lashes while enhancing them. Get an irresistible look with Catrice's Max It Volume & Length Mascara, the secret to perfect lashes every day.Catrice reinvents mascara with its MAX IT Volume & Length Mascara. Featuring a specially designed brush and an innovative formula, this mascara delivers spectacular results. The soft bristles of the brush reach every lash, enveloping them from root to tip for maximum volume. The cellulose fibers in the formula add impressive length, while moisturizing shea butter takes care of your lashes. The result? Dense, ultra-long, and irresistible lashes. Transform your look with Catrice's Max It Volume & Length Mascara, the ultimate choice for enhanced lashes..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Max It Volume Length Mascara - 10 Deep Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

cena 7.69 €

Catrice Semi-Permanent Volume Mascara Glam Doll Lash Colorist Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

Catrice Semi-Permanent Volume Mascara Glam Doll Lash Colorist Čierna. 10 Ultra Black - The Catrice Glam & Doll Lash Colorist Semi-Permanent Volume Mascara provides instant volume and spectacular definition. Its semi-permanent tinting formula will darken lashes over time. The ultra-precise elastomer brush ensures flawless application. Get voluminous and defined lashes with the Catrice Glam & Doll Lash Colorist Semi-Permanent Volume Mascara. This revolutionary mascara offers instant volume and spectacular definition from the first application. But that's not all: thanks to its semi-permanent tinting effect, your lashes will gradually darken after just two weeks of daily use. Imagine darker, more seductive lashes without any extra effort!The key to this mascara lies in its ultra-precise elastomer brush. Designed to grip each lash, this brush perfectly defines even the smallest lashes, intensifying your look in an instant. Plus, its shape allows for easy, smudge-free application, ensuring flawless lashes every time.Whether you want a natural look for everyday wear or a bold look for a special evening, the Catrice Glam & Doll Lash Colorist Semi-Permanent Volume Mascara is your ideal ally. Its lightweight, long-lasting formula ensures all-day comfort without compromising on dramatic lash effects. Dare to experiment with buildable volume for lashes that look almost fake, but without the hassle of false lashes.In summary, with the Catrice Glam & Doll Lash Colorist Semi-Permanent Volume Mascara, you not only get instant volume and spectacular definition, but also darker, more seductive lashes over time. Enhance your gaze with this revolutionary mascara that offers the best of both worlds: instant beauty and long-term care for your lashes..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Semi-Permanent Volume Mascara Glam Doll Lash Colorist Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

cena 6.89 €

Bourjois Volume Glamor Max Definition Mascara - 51 Max Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

Bourjois Volume Glamor Max Definition Mascara - 51 Max Black Čierna. 51 Max Black - Discover Bourjois' Volume Glamour Max Definition Mascara, a revolutionary formula enriched with black pearl extract for divine, volumized lashes. Its innovative micro-sensor brush delivers x8 volume, while its long-lasting 16-hour wear ensures irresistible glamour. Achieve spectacular lashes with this must-have mascara! Discover Bourjois' Volume Glamour Max Definition Mascara, a revolution in the world of lashes. Its special brush, equipped with 500 bristles, infiltrates between each lash, loading them one by one with intense volume, without exception. Thanks to its unique formula enriched with natural waxes and black pearl extracts with protective virtues, this mascara intensifies the lash fringe while being suitable for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers.The maxi brush with sensors ensures extreme volume without clumps, thickening the lash fringe for a captivating look. The black pearl extract extends the mascara's wear, ensuring impeccable lashes throughout the day. The precise plastic bristles of the brush slip between each lash, creating a voluminous and natural effect.Choose the Volume Glamour Max Definition Mascara for a spectacular look and beautifully voluminous lashes. Give your lashes the attention they deserve with this mascara that combines performance and care, ideal for enhancing your sensitive eyes and those of contact lens wearers. Redefine your look with this essential Bourjois product..

Objav podobné ako Bourjois Volume Glamor Max Definition Mascara - 51 Max Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

cena 12.12 €

Catrice Volume Mascara Glam Doll Sensitive - 10 Ultra Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

Catrice Volume Mascara Glam Doll Sensitive - 10 Ultra Black Čierna. 10 Ultra Black - Discover Catrice's Glam & Doll Sensitive Volume Mascara, perfect for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers. Its fragrance-free formula and precise elastomer brush completely open up the eyes, offering a luminous and naturally beautiful look. Immerse yourself in the world of uncompromising beauty with Catrice's Glam & Doll Sensitive Volume Mascara. Specifically designed for those with sensitive eyes or contact lens wearers, this mascara combines performance with gentleness. Its fragrance-free formula respects the delicate eye area, while its ultra-precise elastomer brush completely opens up the eyes, revealing voluminous and beautifully defined lashes.The Sensitive Volume Mascara embodies Catrice's Clean Beauty principles, providing a no-compromise experience. Ophthalmologically tested, it ensures optimal tolerance, even for the most sensitive eyes. Its ultra-black texture intensifies the gaze, for a radiant and naturally captivating result.Display an irresistible allure in the blink of an eye with the Glam & Doll Sensitive Volume Mascara. Whether you're looking for a subtle effect for daily wear or a bolder look for a special evening, this versatile mascara meets all your needs. Enhance your gaze and embrace your natural beauty with Catrice, the brand that combines quality, performance, and respect for your skin..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Volume Mascara Glam Doll Sensitive - 10 Ultra Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

cena 6.49 €

KISS Lash Couture LuXtension – Cluster Kit (731509798531)

Kozmetická sada – nalepovacie 3D mihalnice; jednoduchá aplikácia; súčasťou je lepidlo a odstraňovač; materiál: syntetické štetiny Nie ste spokojná s kvalitou či dĺžkou svojich mihalníc? Nie je nič jednoduchšie ako si zakúpiť nalepovacie 3D mihalnice značky KISS Lash Couture LuXtension. Mihalnice majú prirodzený vzhľad aj napriek tomu, že sú vyrobené zo syntetických štetín, takže nikto nespozná, že nie sú pravé. Pásikové mihalnice majú veľkú výhodu tiež v aplikácii, ich nalepenie je veľmi jednoduché. Očarte svoje okolie novými mihalnicami značky KISS. Kľúčové vlastnosti nalepovacích mihalníc KISS Lash Couture LuXtension – Cluster KitKISS sú kvalitné nalepovacie mihalniceMajú prirodzený vzhľadSú vyrobené zo syntetických štetínMihalnice Lash Couture LuXtension sú pásikovéJednoducho sa aplikujú

Objav podobné ako KISS Lash Couture LuXtension – Cluster Kit (731509798531)

cena 14.9 €

Catrice Mascara Curl and Volume Glam Doll - 10 Utra Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

Catrice Mascara Curl and Volume Glam Doll - 10 Utra Black Čierna. 10 Utra Black - Catrice introduces Glam & Doll Curl and Volume Mascara, delivering long-lasting curl and generous volume. The curved fiber brush reaches even the smallest lashes for a captivating look. Paraben-free, Fragrance-free, and Vegan. Discover eye elegance with Catrice's Glam & Doll Curl and Volume Mascara. This exceptional innovation ensures long-lasting curl and generous volume, featuring an ultra-black formula for spectacular lashes. The specially designed curved fiber brush precisely reaches each lash, even the tiniest, creating a dazzling effect.The advanced formula of this mascara is not only rich in ultra-black pigments but is also Paraben-free and Fragrance-free, while being entirely Vegan, adhering to the highest standards. This perfect blend of performance and quality ingredients makes it the ideal choice for makeup enthusiasts who prioritize both quality and ethics.The curved fiber brush allows for precise application, emphasizing each lash and creating a striking curl that lasts all day. Let yourself be enchanted by Catrice's Glam & Doll Curl and Volume Mascara, an essential for irresistible lashes without compromising on quality or ethics. Enjoy a captivating gaze, and rest assured that every detail of your makeup is as exceptional as you are..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Mascara Curl and Volume Glam Doll - 10 Utra Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

cena 6.39 €

Essence Lash Like A Boss Instant Volume Length Mascara - Ultr Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

Essence Lash Like A Boss Instant Volume Length Mascara - Ultr Čierna. Ultra Noir - Discover Essence's Lash Like A Boss Mascara, a vegan, fragrance-free formula for spectacular lashes. The curved brush ensures instant volume. Get defined and voluminous lashes with this must-have mascara. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Essence's Mascara Lash Like A Boss, a beauty feat for remarkable lashes. Formulated without fragrance, parabens, and entirely vegan, this mascara offers more than a touch of glamour. The intense black shade, coupled with an ultra-black texture, creates a striking result. The curved brush with soft fibers adapts to each lash, providing an instant volumizing effect and remarkable length.Application is a breeze, yet the results are worthy of a professional. You can adjust the intensity by layering multiple coats, turning your lashes into a bold work of art. It's the secret to even longer, fuller, and defined lashes. The carefully crafted formula ensures lasting comfort throughout the day, making this mascara a must-have for makeup enthusiasts.With the Essence Mascara Lash Like A Boss Instant Volume & Length, get lashes that capture attention. Redefine your beauty routine with this versatile product that meets the demands of even the most discerning makeup lovers. Elevate your style with this mascara that combines innovation with brilliance, offering curled, lengthened, voluminous, and beautifully defined lashes..

Objav podobné ako Essence Lash Like A Boss Instant Volume Length Mascara - Ultr Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

cena 5.89 €

Catrice Mascara Volume Lift Power Hold Lift Up Waterproof - 1 Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

Catrice Mascara Volume Lift Power Hold Lift Up Waterproof - 1 Čierna. 10 Black - Achieve voluminous and curved lashes with Catrice's Waterproof Volume Mascara. Its long-lasting formula offers lasting lifting effect. Enriched with almond and castor oils, it also hydrates lashes for a flawless look all day long. Discover Catrice's Waterproof Volume Mascara, a must-have for spectacular lashes. This waterproof mascara delivers stunning volume and perfect curl for an irresistible look. Its innovative formula ensures long-lasting lifting effect, keeping your lashes perfectly curled all day long. In addition to its volumizing power, this mascara is enriched with almond and castor oils, known for their moisturizing properties. These nourishing ingredients help keep lashes flexible and healthy, while protecting them from external aggressors.Thanks to its advanced waterproof formula, this mascara withstands water, humidity, and tears, ensuring flawless wear even in the most extreme conditions. Whether you're on-the-go all day or attending a glamorous evening event, this mascara stays in place without smudging or flaking. Its specially designed brush captures every lash, from root to tip, for a uniform and clump-free result.Catrice, a renowned brand in the beauty world, offers you this outstanding mascara to enhance your gaze. Whether you prefer a natural look for everyday or a more dramatic effect for a special occasion, Catrice's Waterproof Volume Mascara accompanies you with elegance and reliability. Redefine your lashes with this versatile product that combines performance, long wear, and care..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Mascara Volume Lift Power Hold Lift Up Waterproof - 1 Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

cena 7.69 €

Catrice Volume Lashes To Kill Waterproof Mascara - 10 Ultra Bla Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

Catrice Volume Lashes To Kill Waterproof Mascara - 10 Ultra Bla Čierna. 10 Ultra Black - Get thick, perfectly shaped lashes with Catrice's Volume Lashes To Kill Waterproof Mascara. Its long-lasting, waterproof formula delivers exceptional volume, length, and curl, ensuring an irresistible look that lasts all day. Unlock the secret to captivating eyes with Catrice's Volume Lashes To Kill Waterproof Mascara. This innovative mascara offers more than just lash definition. With its long-lasting, waterproof formula, this product ensures thick, perfectly shaped lashes that withstand water, sweat, and intense emotions, ensuring flawless eyes from morning till night.With its specially designed brush, the Volume Lashes To Kill Mascara allows for easy and precise application, coating each lash from root to tip. Enriched with nourishing ingredients, its formula cares for your lashes while providing exceptional volume, length, and curl. Achieve an instant false lash effect without the hassle of extensions, all with one product.Whether you're aiming for a natural everyday look or a striking look for a special evening, the Volume Lashes To Kill Waterproof Mascara will meet your expectations. Give your lashes the definition and intensity they need to enhance your eyes. Never let rain, sweat, or tears compromise your beauty again. Embrace Catrice's Volume Lashes To Kill Waterproof Mascara today and reveal the beauty of your eyes with confidence and elegance, wherever you go..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Volume Lashes To Kill Waterproof Mascara - 10 Ultra Bla Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

cena 6.49 €

Catrice Mascara Glam Doll Easy Wash Off Power Hold Volume - 1 Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

Catrice Mascara Glam Doll Easy Wash Off Power Hold Volume - 1 Čierna. 10 Ultra Black - Get long-lasting volume and curl with Catrice's Glam & Doll Easy Wash Off Power Hold Volume Mascara. Featuring innovative tube technology, it ensures easy removal with warm water. Achieve expressive lashes that last up to 24 hours, effortlessly washed off at night for a hassle-free makeup routine. Indulge in the captivating allure of Catrice's Glam & Doll Easy Wash Off Power Hold Volume Mascara. Boasting an innovative tube technology, this mascara not only delivers striking volume and curl but also simplifies makeup removal with just warm water. With each application, its anti-smudge formula envelops each lash, offering expressive definition that lasts up to 24 hours. Whether you're conquering the day or glamming up for the night, this mascara ensures your lashes steal the spotlight. Bid farewell to tedious makeup removal rituals as this mascara effortlessly washes off, leaving behind no residue or irritation. Elevate your beauty routine with Catrice's iconic Glam & Doll mascara, designed to enhance your natural beauty with ease and elegance.Unleash the power of captivating lashes with Catrice's Glam & Doll Easy Wash Off Power Hold Volume Mascara. Infused with cutting-edge tube technology, this mascara revolutionizes your beauty routine by delivering long-lasting volume and curl that stays put for up to 24 hours. Its unique anti-smudge formula coats each lash, providing a dramatic yet natural look that enhances your eyes' allure. Experience effortless removal at the end of the day with just warm water, leaving your lashes feeling clean and rejuvenated. Elevate your makeup game with Catrice's Glam & Doll mascara, the ultimate solution for effortlessly glamorous lashes.Discover the secret to glamorous lashes with Catrice's Glam & Doll Easy Wash Off Power Hold Volume Mascara. Engineered with innovative tube technology, this mascara offers the perfect balance of long-lasting volume and effortless removal. Its anti-smudge formula wraps each lash, creating bold definition that lasts up to 24 hours. Enjoy hassle-free cleanup at the end of the day with warm water, ensuring a seamless transition from day to night. Elevate your beauty routine with Catrice's iconic Glam & Doll mascara, delivering unparalleled sophistication and allure to every flutter..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Mascara Glam Doll Easy Wash Off Power Hold Volume - 1 Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

cena 6.99 €

SOSU Cosmetics Umelé riasy Katie

Sexy a sofistikované umelé riasy, ktoré prirodzene splynú s líniou rias. Tieto nenápadné ale zároveň pôsobivé riasy vás prenesú od pracovného stola priamo k tanečnému parketu. Riasy sú uchytené na priehľadnom riasovom pásiku, ktorý dodáva prirodzenejší vzhľad.

Objav podobné ako SOSU Cosmetics Umelé riasy Katie

cena 8.1 €

SOSU Cosmetics Umelé riasy Gigi

Sexy a sofistikované umelé riasy, ktoré prirodzene splynú s líniou rias. Tieto nenápadné ale zároveň pôsobivé riasy vás prenesú od pracovného stola priamo k tanečnému parketu. Riasy sú uchytené na priehľadnom riasovom pásiku, ktorý dodáva prirodzenejší vzhľad.

Objav podobné ako SOSU Cosmetics Umelé riasy Gigi

cena 8.1 €

SOSU Cosmetics Umelé riasy Sophia

Sexy a sofistikované umelé riasy, ktoré prirodzene splynú s líniou rias. Tieto nenápadné ale zároveň pôsobivé riasy vás prenesú od pracovného stola priamo k tanečnému parketu. Riasy sú uchytené na priehľadnom riasovom pásiku, ktorý dodáva prirodzenejší vzhľad.

Objav podobné ako SOSU Cosmetics Umelé riasy Sophia

cena 8.1 €

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