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Makeup Revolution Brow Sculpt Kit - Dark paleta pre líčenie obočia

Dekoratívna kozmetika v našej ponuke nesie mená tých najslávnejších kozmetických značiek.

Pozrite sa aj REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Dark 2,2 g (5057566176408)

cena 5.8 €

Makeup Revolution Brow Sculpt Kit sada pre dokonalé obočie odtieň Dark 2.2 g

Makeup Revolution Brow Sculpt Kit, 2,2 g, Paletky pre ženy, Nič vám neorámuje tvár tak dobre ako upravené, dokonale tvarované obočie. Paletka na líčenie obočia Makeup Revolution Brow Sculpt Kit umožňuje v priebehu chvíľky vytvarovať obočie do požadovanej podoby, zvýrazniť ho a usmerniť neposedné chĺpky. Obsahuje nie jeden, ale hneď niekoľko produktov dekoratívnej kozmetiky potrebnej na túto úpravu. Nemusíte si tak vyberať alebo sa strácať v bezpočte rôznych produktov – pestovaný, upravený a precízny vzhľad možno obočiu dodať pomocou jedinej paletky. Vďaka svojej praktickosti sa táto sada navyše hodí aj na cesty. Perfektného obočia sa tak nemusíte vzdávať ani na dovolenke, služobnej ceste či víkende mimo domova. Vlastnosti: zvýrazní obočie a podčiarkne jeho prirodzenú krásu zaistí precíznu úpravu obočia v priebehu chvíľky zaistí farbu, tvar aj fixáciu Zloženie: aplikátor pinzeta zrkadielko Použitie: Aplikujte na obočie pomocou aplikačnej kefky od stredu tváre smerom von.

Pozrite sa aj REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Medium 2,2 g (5057566176422)

cena 4.48 €

Makeup Revolution Brow Sculpt Kit sada pre dokonalé obočie odtieň Brown 2.2 g

Makeup Revolution Brow Sculpt Kit, 2.2 g, Paletky pre ženy, Nič vám neorámuje tvár tak dobre ako upravené, dokonale tvarované obočie. Paletka na líčenie obočia Makeup Revolution Brow Sculpt Kit umožňuje v priebehu chvíľky vytvarovať obočie do požadovanej podoby, zvýrazniť ho a usmerniť neposedné chĺpky. Obsahuje nie jeden, ale hneď niekoľko produktov dekoratívnej kozmetiky potrebnej na túto úpravu. Nemusíte si tak vyberať alebo sa strácať v bezpočte rôznych produktov – pestovaný, upravený a precízny vzhľad možno obočiu dodať pomocou jedinej paletky. Vďaka svojej praktickosti sa táto sada navyše hodí aj na cesty. Perfektného obočia sa tak nemusíte vzdávať ani na dovolenke, služobnej ceste či víkende mimo domova. Vlastnosti: zvýrazní obočie a podčiarkne jeho prirodzenú krásu zaistí precíznu úpravu obočia v priebehu chvíľky zaistí farbu, tvar aj fixáciu Zloženie: aplikátor pinzeta zrkadielko Použitie: Aplikujte na obočie pomocou aplikačnej kefky od stredu tváre smerom von.

Pozrite sa aj REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Brown 2,2 g (5057566176415)

cena 4.48 €

Makeup Revolution Brow Sculpt Kit sada pre dokonalé obočie odtieň Medium 2.2 g

Makeup Revolution Brow Sculpt Kit, 2.2 g, Paletky pre ženy, Nič vám neorámuje tvár tak dobre ako upravené, dokonale tvarované obočie. Paletka na líčenie obočia Makeup Revolution Brow Sculpt Kit umožňuje v priebehu chvíľky vytvarovať obočie do požadovanej podoby, zvýrazniť ho a usmerniť neposedné chĺpky. Obsahuje nie jeden, ale hneď niekoľko produktov dekoratívnej kozmetiky potrebnej na túto úpravu. Nemusíte si tak vyberať alebo sa strácať v bezpočte rôznych produktov – pestovaný, upravený a precízny vzhľad možno obočiu dodať pomocou jedinej paletky. Vďaka svojej praktickosti sa táto sada navyše hodí aj na cesty. Perfektného obočia sa tak nemusíte vzdávať ani na dovolenke, služobnej ceste či víkende mimo domova. Vlastnosti: zvýrazní obočie a podčiarkne jeho prirodzenú krásu zaistí precíznu úpravu obočia v priebehu chvíľky zaistí farbu, tvar aj fixáciu Zloženie: aplikátor pinzeta zrkadielko Použitie: Aplikujte na obočie pomocou aplikačnej kefky od stredu tváre smerom von.

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Brow Sculpt Kit sada pre dokonalé obočie odtieň Medium 2.2 g

cena 4.48 €

REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Dark 2,2 g (5057566176408)

Kozmetická paletka – 3v1 na úpravu obočia Kozmetická paletka na úpravu obočia londýnskej značky REVOLUTION ponúka tónovanú farbu v púdri, vosk a rozjasňovač. Vnútri kovovo ružového puzdra nájdete všetko potrebné na úpravu obočia – pinzetu, kefku, štetec aj zrkadielko. Praktické balenie v uzatvárateľnej škatuľke vám umožní mať kozmetickú paletku kedykoľvek poruke. Paletka na úpravu obočia REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Dark sa môže stať vhodným darčekom pre každú ženu. V priebehu okamihu dodáte vášmu obočiu farbu i tvar. Najprv nanesiete púdrový tieň, následne vosk a úpravu zakončíte rozjasňovačom. K dokonalému mejkapu patrí aj dokonalé obočie s REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Dark.Kľúčové vlastnosti kozmetickej paletky REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit DarkKozmetická paletka prináša londýnsku kvalitu pre dokonalý mejkapREVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Dark obsahuje všetko potrebné na úpravu obočiaVnútri puzdra nájdete zrkadielko, pinzetu, kefku a štetecV priebehu...

Objav podobné ako REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Dark 2,2 g (5057566176408)

cena 5.5 €

REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Dark, súprava na úpravu obočia

Revolution Brow Sculpt Kit Dark, súprava na úpravu obočia Revolution Brow Sculpt Kit Dark. Kozmetická paleta obočia, ponúka tónované farby v púdre, vosku a rozjasňovači.

Objav podobné ako REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Dark, súprava na úpravu obočia

cena 6.9 €

REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Medium 2,2 g (5057566176422)

Kozmetická paletka – 3v1 na úpravu obočia Kozmetická paletka na úpravu obočia londýnskej značky REVOLUTION ponúka tónovanú farbu v púdri, vosk a rozjasňovač. Vnútri kovovo ružového puzdra nájdete všetko potrebné na úpravu obočia – pinzetu, kefku, štetec aj zrkadielko. Praktické balenie v uzatvárateľnej škatuľke vám umožní mať kozmetickú paletku kedykoľvek poruke. Paletka na úpravu obočia REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Medium sa môže stať vhodným darčekom pre každú ženu. V priebehu okamihu dodáte vášmu obočiu farbu i tvar. Najprv nanesiete púdrový tieň, následne vosk a úpravu zakončíte rozjasňovačom. K dokonalému mejkapu patrí aj dokonalé obočie s REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Medium.Kľúčové vlastnosti kozmetickej paletky REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit MediumKozmetická paletka prináša londýnsku kvalitu pre dokonalý mejkapREVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Medium obsahuje všetko potrebné na úpravu obočiaVnútri puzdra nájdete zrkadielko, pinzetu, kefku a štetecV...

Objav podobné ako REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Medium 2,2 g (5057566176422)

cena 5.5 €

REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Brown 2,2 g (5057566176415)

Kozmetická paletka – 3v1 na úpravu obočia Kozmetická paletka na úpravu obočia londýnskej značky REVOLUTION ponúkatónovanú farbu v púdri, vosk a rozjasňovač.V kovovoružovom puzdre nájdete všetko potrebné na úpravu obočia – pinzetu, kefku, štetec aj zrkadielko. Praktické balenie v uzatvárateľnej škatuľke umožňuje mať kozmetickú paletku kedykoľvek poruke. Paletka na úpravu obočia REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Brown sa môže stať vhodným darčekom pre každú ženu. V priebehu okamihu dodáte obočiu farbu i tvar. Najprv nanesiete púdrový tieň, následne vosk a úpravu zakončíte rozjasňovačom. K dokonalému mejkapu patrí aj dokonalé obočie s paletkou REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Brown.Kľúčové vlastnosti kozmetickej paletky REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit BrownKozmetická paletka prináša londýnsku kvalitu pre dokonalý mejkapREVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Brown obsahuje všetko potrebné na úpravu obočiaV puzdre nájdete zrkadielko, pinzetu, kefku a štetecV priebehu okamihu dodáte obočiu farbu i...

Objav podobné ako REVOLUTION Brow Sculpt Kit Brown 2,2 g (5057566176415)

cena 5.5 €

Makeup Revolution Brow Gel - Medium Brown Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Brow Gel - Medium Brown Hnedá. Medium Brown - Discover Makeup Revolution's Brow Gel, enriched with avocado oil for flawless brows. Its nourishing formula protects and tames hairs, while its precise brush allows for seamless application. Get perfectly structured and styled brows in an instant. Give your brows the attention they deserve with Makeup Revolution's Brow Gel. Carefully formulated and enriched with precious avocado oil, this revolutionary gel ensures flawless brows with every use. Designed to tame, structure, and style your brows, this product will quickly become a staple in your beauty routine.The nourishing formula of this gel is specially crafted to protect delicate brow hairs, leaving them soft and healthy. Avocado oil, renowned for its moisturizing and revitalizing properties, helps strengthen and rejuvenate brows, making them visibly thicker and stronger. No need to fear damage from harsh makeup products with Makeup Revolution's Brow Gel, your brows are in good hands.Featuring a precise brush, this gel offers easy and effortless application. Its lightweight, non-sticky formula glides smoothly onto brows, allowing for even coverage and impeccable results. Whether you prefer a natural or bold look, this versatile gel allows you to create a variety of brow styles with just a few simple strokes. Whether you're a makeup novice or seasoned pro, this product caters to all skill levels.Add a touch of sophistication to your beauty routine with Makeup Revolution's Brow Gel. Get perfectly defined and styled brows that will elevate your look in an instant. Say goodbye to unruly brows and hello to flawless brows, thanks to this revolutionary product from Makeup Revolution..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Brow Gel - Medium Brown Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 5.44 €

Revolution Relove Colour Cult paleta pre líčenie obočia odtieň Dark 3,2 g

Revolution Relove Colour Cult, 3,2 g, Obočie pre ženy, Paleta na líčenie obočia Revolution Relove Colour Cult vám pomôže dodať obočiu pestovaný, upravený a precízny vzhľad. Vlastnosti: zvýrazní obočie a podčiarkne jeho prirodzenú krásu dodá obočiu objem aj tvar zaistí precíznu úpravu obočia v priebehu chvíľky púdrová textúra vosk na obočie Zloženie: vegánsky produkt aplikátor Použitie: Za pomoci štetčeka či aplikátora vytvarujte a vyfarbite obočie pre dosiahnutie ideálnej farby a tvaru.

Objav podobné ako Revolution Relove Colour Cult paleta pre líčenie obočia odtieň Dark 3,2 g

cena 2.56 €

Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Dark Brown Bi-Color Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Dark Brown Bi-Color Hnedá. Dark Brown Bi-Color - Discover Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder for perfectly defined brows. This dual-tone formula offers easy and natural application, allowing you to sculpt and fill your brows according to your preferences. Achieve a flawless look that lasts all day with this lightweight and long-lasting powder. Enhance your brows with Duo Brow Powder, a must-have from Makeup Revolution. Reveal the beauty of your brows with Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder. This innovative formula offers a combination of two perfectly matched shades to help you create natural and well-defined brows. Whether you prefer a subtle or bold look, this powder gives you total control over your appearance. Easy to apply with precision thanks to its included applicator, it glides smoothly onto the skin for a flawless result.Makeup Revolution offers a range of versatile shades to suit all skin and hair tones. Whether you have light or dark brows, you'll find the perfect combination to enhance your natural beauty. Its lightweight and silky texture blends seamlessly with your brows, creating a smooth and long-lasting finish that stands the test of time.Add Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder to your daily makeup routine for flawless brows from morning to night. Its compact format is perfect for touch-ups on the go, allowing you to maintain your perfect look wherever you are. With Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder, achieve brows that are both natural and spectacular, elegantly enhancing your face with confidence..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Dark Brown Bi-Color Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 4.4 €

Rimmel Brow This Way paleta pre líčenie obočia odtieň 003 Dark Brown 1,3 g

Rimmel Brow This Way, 1,3 g, Paletky pre ženy, Nič vám neorámuje tvár tak dobre ako upravené, dokonale tvarované obočie. Ceruzka na obočie Rimmel Brow This Way vám pomôže vytvoriť dokonale tvarované a plné obočie. Umožní ho dokresliť, zvýrazniť a vyplniť preriedené či úplne holé miesta. Dodá tak obočiu zahustený, objemný vzhľad a tvar presne podľa vašich predstáv. Vďaka lichotivému zvýrazneniu obočia podčiarkne prirodzenú krásu rysov vašej tváre. Vlastnosti: zvýrazní obočie a podčiarkne jeho prirodzenú krásu dodá obočiu objem aj tvar zafarbí málo výrazné obočie vytvára prirodzený efekt Zloženie: aplikátor Použitie: Aplikujte na obočie pomocou aplikačnej kefky od stredu tváre smerom von.

Objav podobné ako Rimmel Brow This Way paleta pre líčenie obočia odtieň 003 Dark Brown 1,3 g

cena 2.94 €

Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Blonde Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Blonde Hnedá. Blonde - Discover Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder for perfectly defined brows. This dual-tone formula offers easy and natural application, allowing you to sculpt and fill your brows according to your preferences. Achieve a flawless look that lasts all day with this lightweight and long-lasting powder. Enhance your brows with Duo Brow Powder, a must-have from Makeup Revolution. Reveal the beauty of your brows with Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder. This innovative formula offers a combination of two perfectly matched shades to help you create natural and well-defined brows. Whether you prefer a subtle or bold look, this powder gives you total control over your appearance. Easy to apply with precision thanks to its included applicator, it glides smoothly onto the skin for a flawless result.Makeup Revolution offers a range of versatile shades to suit all skin and hair tones. Whether you have light or dark brows, you'll find the perfect combination to enhance your natural beauty. Its lightweight and silky texture blends seamlessly with your brows, creating a smooth and long-lasting finish that stands the test of time.Add Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder to your daily makeup routine for flawless brows from morning to night. Its compact format is perfect for touch-ups on the go, allowing you to maintain your perfect look wherever you are. With Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder, achieve brows that are both natural and spectacular, elegantly enhancing your face with confidence..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Blonde Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Auburn Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Auburn Hnedá. Auburn - Discover Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder for perfectly defined brows. This dual-tone formula offers easy and natural application, allowing you to sculpt and fill your brows according to your preferences. Achieve a flawless look that lasts all day with this lightweight and long-lasting powder. Enhance your brows with Duo Brow Powder, a must-have from Makeup Revolution. Reveal the beauty of your brows with Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder. This innovative formula offers a combination of two perfectly matched shades to help you create natural and well-defined brows. Whether you prefer a subtle or bold look, this powder gives you total control over your appearance. Easy to apply with precision thanks to its included applicator, it glides smoothly onto the skin for a flawless result.Makeup Revolution offers a range of versatile shades to suit all skin and hair tones. Whether you have light or dark brows, you'll find the perfect combination to enhance your natural beauty. Its lightweight and silky texture blends seamlessly with your brows, creating a smooth and long-lasting finish that stands the test of time.Add Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder to your daily makeup routine for flawless brows from morning to night. Its compact format is perfect for touch-ups on the go, allowing you to maintain your perfect look wherever you are. With Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder, achieve brows that are both natural and spectacular, elegantly enhancing your face with confidence..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Auburn Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Ebony Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Ebony Hnedá. Ebony - Discover Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder for perfectly defined brows. This dual-tone formula offers easy and natural application, allowing you to sculpt and fill your brows according to your preferences. Achieve a flawless look that lasts all day with this lightweight and long-lasting powder. Enhance your brows with Duo Brow Powder, a must-have from Makeup Revolution. Reveal the beauty of your brows with Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder. This innovative formula offers a combination of two perfectly matched shades to help you create natural and well-defined brows. Whether you prefer a subtle or bold look, this powder gives you total control over your appearance. Easy to apply with precision thanks to its included applicator, it glides smoothly onto the skin for a flawless result.Makeup Revolution offers a range of versatile shades to suit all skin and hair tones. Whether you have light or dark brows, you'll find the perfect combination to enhance your natural beauty. Its lightweight and silky texture blends seamlessly with your brows, creating a smooth and long-lasting finish that stands the test of time.Add Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder to your daily makeup routine for flawless brows from morning to night. Its compact format is perfect for touch-ups on the go, allowing you to maintain your perfect look wherever you are. With Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder, achieve brows that are both natural and spectacular, elegantly enhancing your face with confidence..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Ebony Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Soft Brown Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Soft Brown Hnedá. Soft Brown - Discover Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder for perfectly defined brows. This dual-tone formula offers easy and natural application, allowing you to sculpt and fill your brows according to your preferences. Achieve a flawless look that lasts all day with this lightweight and long-lasting powder. Enhance your brows with Duo Brow Powder, a must-have from Makeup Revolution. Reveal the beauty of your brows with Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder. This innovative formula offers a combination of two perfectly matched shades to help you create natural and well-defined brows. Whether you prefer a subtle or bold look, this powder gives you total control over your appearance. Easy to apply with precision thanks to its included applicator, it glides smoothly onto the skin for a flawless result.Makeup Revolution offers a range of versatile shades to suit all skin and hair tones. Whether you have light or dark brows, you'll find the perfect combination to enhance your natural beauty. Its lightweight and silky texture blends seamlessly with your brows, creating a smooth and long-lasting finish that stands the test of time.Add Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder to your daily makeup routine for flawless brows from morning to night. Its compact format is perfect for touch-ups on the go, allowing you to maintain your perfect look wherever you are. With Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder, achieve brows that are both natural and spectacular, elegantly enhancing your face with confidence..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Soft Brown Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - TAUPE Bi-color Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - TAUPE Bi-color Hnedá. TAUPE Bi-color - Discover Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder for perfectly defined brows. This dual-tone formula offers easy and natural application, allowing you to sculpt and fill your brows according to your preferences. Achieve a flawless look that lasts all day with this lightweight and long-lasting powder. Enhance your brows with Duo Brow Powder, a must-have from Makeup Revolution. Reveal the beauty of your brows with Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder. This innovative formula offers a combination of two perfectly matched shades to help you create natural and well-defined brows. Whether you prefer a subtle or bold look, this powder gives you total control over your appearance. Easy to apply with precision thanks to its included applicator, it glides smoothly onto the skin for a flawless result.Makeup Revolution offers a range of versatile shades to suit all skin and hair tones. Whether you have light or dark brows, you'll find the perfect combination to enhance your natural beauty. Its lightweight and silky texture blends seamlessly with your brows, creating a smooth and long-lasting finish that stands the test of time.Add Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder to your daily makeup routine for flawless brows from morning to night. Its compact format is perfect for touch-ups on the go, allowing you to maintain your perfect look wherever you are. With Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder, achieve brows that are both natural and spectacular, elegantly enhancing your face with confidence..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - TAUPE Bi-color Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Medium Brown Bi-Color Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Medium Brown Bi-Color Hnedá. Medium Brown Bi-Color - Discover Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder for perfectly defined brows. This dual-tone formula offers easy and natural application, allowing you to sculpt and fill your brows according to your preferences. Achieve a flawless look that lasts all day with this lightweight and long-lasting powder. Enhance your brows with Duo Brow Powder, a must-have from Makeup Revolution. Reveal the beauty of your brows with Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder. This innovative formula offers a combination of two perfectly matched shades to help you create natural and well-defined brows. Whether you prefer a subtle or bold look, this powder gives you total control over your appearance. Easy to apply with precision thanks to its included applicator, it glides smoothly onto the skin for a flawless result.Makeup Revolution offers a range of versatile shades to suit all skin and hair tones. Whether you have light or dark brows, you'll find the perfect combination to enhance your natural beauty. Its lightweight and silky texture blends seamlessly with your brows, creating a smooth and long-lasting finish that stands the test of time.Add Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder to your daily makeup routine for flawless brows from morning to night. Its compact format is perfect for touch-ups on the go, allowing you to maintain your perfect look wherever you are. With Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder, achieve brows that are both natural and spectacular, elegantly enhancing your face with confidence..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Medium Brown Bi-Color Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Ash Brown Bi-colore Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Ash Brown Bi-colore Hnedá. Ash Brown Bi-colore - Discover Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder for perfectly defined brows. This dual-tone formula offers easy and natural application, allowing you to sculpt and fill your brows according to your preferences. Achieve a flawless look that lasts all day with this lightweight and long-lasting powder. Enhance your brows with Duo Brow Powder, a must-have from Makeup Revolution. Reveal the beauty of your brows with Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder. This innovative formula offers a combination of two perfectly matched shades to help you create natural and well-defined brows. Whether you prefer a subtle or bold look, this powder gives you total control over your appearance. Easy to apply with precision thanks to its included applicator, it glides smoothly onto the skin for a flawless result.Makeup Revolution offers a range of versatile shades to suit all skin and hair tones. Whether you have light or dark brows, you'll find the perfect combination to enhance your natural beauty. Its lightweight and silky texture blends seamlessly with your brows, creating a smooth and long-lasting finish that stands the test of time.Add Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder to your daily makeup routine for flawless brows from morning to night. Its compact format is perfect for touch-ups on the go, allowing you to maintain your perfect look wherever you are. With Makeup Revolution's Duo Brow Powder, achieve brows that are both natural and spectacular, elegantly enhancing your face with confidence..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Duo Brow Powder Eyebrow Powder - Ash Brown Bi-colore Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 4.4 €

Revolution Relove Colour Cult paleta pre líčenie obočia odtieň Medium 3,2 g

Revolution Relove Colour Cult, 3,2 g, Obočie pre ženy, Paleta na líčenie obočia Revolution Relove Colour Cult vám pomôže dodať obočiu pestovaný, upravený a precízny vzhľad. Vlastnosti: zvýrazní obočie a podčiarkne jeho prirodzenú krásu dodá obočiu objem aj tvar zaistí precíznu úpravu obočia v priebehu chvíľky púdrová textúra vosk na obočie Zloženie: vegánsky produkt aplikátor Použitie: Za pomoci štetčeka či aplikátora vytvarujte a vyfarbite obočie pre dosiahnutie ideálnej farby a tvaru.

Objav podobné ako Revolution Relove Colour Cult paleta pre líčenie obočia odtieň Medium 3,2 g

cena 2.56 €

Rimmel Brow This Way paleta pre líčenie obočia odtieň 002 Medium Brown 1,3 g

Rimmel Brow This Way, 1,3 g, Paletky pre ženy, Nič vám neorámuje tvár tak dobre ako upravené, dokonale tvarované obočie. Ceruzka na obočie Rimmel Brow This Way vám pomôže vytvoriť dokonale tvarované a plné obočie. Umožní ho dokresliť, zvýrazniť a vyplniť preriedené či úplne holé miesta. Dodá tak obočiu zahustený, objemný vzhľad a tvar presne podľa vašich predstáv. Vďaka lichotivému zvýrazneniu obočia podčiarkne prirodzenú krásu rysov vašej tváre. Vlastnosti: zvýrazní obočie a podčiarkne jeho prirodzenú krásu dodá obočiu objem aj tvar zafarbí málo výrazné obočie vytvára prirodzený efekt Zloženie: aplikátor Použitie: Aplikujte na obočie pomocou aplikačnej kefky od stredu tváre smerom von.

Objav podobné ako Rimmel Brow This Way paleta pre líčenie obočia odtieň 002 Medium Brown 1,3 g

cena 2.94 €

LAMEL BASIC The Brow Bar paleta pre líčenie obočia s kefkou #401 4,5 g

LAMEL BASIC The Brow Bar, 4,5 g, Úprava obočia pre ženy, Nič vám neorámuje tvár tak dobre ako upravené, dokonale tvarované obočie. Paletka na líčenie obočia LAMEL BASIC The Brow Bar umožňuje v priebehu chvíľky vytvarovať obočie do požadovanej podoby, zvýrazniť ho a usmerniť neposedné chĺpky. Obsahuje nie jeden, ale hneď niekoľko produktov dekoratívnej kozmetiky potrebnej na túto úpravu. Nemusíte si tak vyberať alebo sa strácať v bezpočte rôznych produktov – pestovaný, upravený a precízny vzhľad možno obočiu dodať pomocou jedinej paletky. Vďaka svojej praktickosti sa táto sada navyše hodí aj na cesty. Perfektného obočia sa tak nemusíte vzdávať ani na dovolenke, služobnej ceste či víkende mimo domova. Vlastnosti: rýchla a jednoduchá aplikácia púdrová textúra dokonale zvýrazní obočie Zloženie: aplikátor Použitie: Za pomoci štetčeka či aplikátora vytvarujte a vyfarbite obočie pre dosiahnutie ideálnej farby a tvaru.

Objav podobné ako LAMEL BASIC The Brow Bar paleta pre líčenie obočia s kefkou #401 4,5 g

cena 3.0 €

LAMEL BASIC The Brow Bar paleta pre líčenie obočia s kefkou #402 4,5 g

LAMEL BASIC The Brow Bar, 4,5 g, Úprava obočia pre ženy, Nič vám neorámuje tvár tak dobre ako upravené, dokonale tvarované obočie. Paletka na líčenie obočia LAMEL BASIC The Brow Bar umožňuje v priebehu chvíľky vytvarovať obočie do požadovanej podoby, zvýrazniť ho a usmerniť neposedné chĺpky. Obsahuje nie jeden, ale hneď niekoľko produktov dekoratívnej kozmetiky potrebnej na túto úpravu. Nemusíte si tak vyberať alebo sa strácať v bezpočte rôznych produktov – pestovaný, upravený a precízny vzhľad možno obočiu dodať pomocou jedinej paletky. Vďaka svojej praktickosti sa táto sada navyše hodí aj na cesty. Perfektného obočia sa tak nemusíte vzdávať ani na dovolenke, služobnej ceste či víkende mimo domova. Vlastnosti: rýchla a jednoduchá aplikácia púdrová textúra dokonale zvýrazní obočie Zloženie: aplikátor Použitie: Za pomoci štetčeka či aplikátora vytvarujte a vyfarbite obočie pre dosiahnutie ideálnej farby a tvaru.

Objav podobné ako LAMEL BASIC The Brow Bar paleta pre líčenie obočia s kefkou #402 4,5 g

cena 2.24 €

Makeup Revolution Brow Fixer gél na obočie odtieň Dark Brown 6 ml

Makeup Revolution Brow Fixer, 6 ml, Riasenky a gély na obočie pre ženy, Vlastnosti: zvýrazní obočie a podčiarkne jeho prirodzenú krásu Použitie: Krátkymi ťahmi vykreslite a doplňte obočie do požadovaného tvaru.

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Brow Fixer gél na obočie odtieň Dark Brown 6 ml

cena 4.48 €

Makeup Revolution Ultra Sculpt & Contour paleta na kontúry tváre odtieň Ultra Fair C01 11 g

Makeup Revolution Ultra Sculpt & Contour, 11 g, Paletky pre ženy, Inšpiruje vás umenie profesionálnych vizážistov a chcete vyskúšať ich techniku optického tvarovania tváre? Kontúrovacia paletka Makeup Revolution Ultra Sculpt & Contour túto prácu so svetlom a tieňmi umožňuje. Obsahuje nie jeden, ale hneď niekoľko odtieňov, ktoré sa ľahko aplikujú aj miešajú dohromady, môžete ich použiť na viac spôsobov aj ľubovoľne kombinovať. Táto paletka pomáha zvýrazniť tie rysy tváre, ktoré chcete nechať vyniknúť, a naopak zamaskovať či opticky pozmeniť vzhľad iných. Vďaka nej môžete svojej tvári dodať jasnú definíciu, zvýrazniť jej prirodzené kontúry a podčiarknuť jej prednosti. Vytvoriť okúzľujúci a profesionálne vyzerajúci make-up, za aký by sa nehanbili ani filmové hviezdy, nikdy nebolo jednoduchšie. Vlastnosti: zvýrazňuje kontúry tváre intenzívna pigmentácia rozjasňuje Použitie: Tmavšie odtiene nanášajte na priehlbine v tvári a rozjasňovač na miesta, ktoré chcete zdôrazniť.

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Ultra Sculpt & Contour paleta na kontúry tváre odtieň Ultra Fair C01 11 g

cena 2.88 €

Makeup Revolution Ultra Sculpt & Contour paleta na kontúry tváre odtieň 04 Ultra Ligt/Medium 11 g

Makeup Revolution Ultra Sculpt & Contour, 11 g, Paletky pre ženy, Inšpiruje vás umenie profesionálnych vizážistov a chcete vyskúšať ich techniku optického tvarovania tváre? Kontúrovacia paletka Makeup Revolution Ultra Sculpt & Contour túto prácu so svetlom a tieňmi umožňuje. Obsahuje nie jeden, ale hneď niekoľko odtieňov, ktoré sa ľahko aplikujú aj miešajú dohromady, môžete ich použiť na viac spôsobov aj ľubovoľne kombinovať. Táto paletka pomáha zvýrazniť tie rysy tváre, ktoré chcete nechať vyniknúť, a naopak zamaskovať či opticky pozmeniť vzhľad iných. Vďaka nej môžete svojej tvári dodať jasnú definíciu, zvýrazniť jej prirodzené kontúry a podčiarknuť jej prednosti. Vytvoriť okúzľujúci a profesionálne vyzerajúci make-up, za aký by sa nehanbili ani filmové hviezdy, nikdy nebolo jednoduchšie. Vlastnosti: zvýrazňuje kontúry tváre intenzívna pigmentácia rozjasňuje Použitie: Tmavšie odtiene nanášajte na priehlbine v tvári a rozjasňovač na miesta, ktoré chcete zdôrazniť.

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Ultra Sculpt & Contour paleta na kontúry tváre odtieň 04 Ultra Ligt/Medium 11 g

cena 3.12 €

Makeup Revolution Renaissance Lipstick - Vow Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Renaissance Lipstick - Vow Hnedá. Vow - Explore the Makeup Revolution Renaissance Lipstick, an even more refined brilliance. This collection offers a dazzling palette, from delicate nudes to deep browns, with an impeccable semi-gloss finish. The vegan and cruelty-free formula glides smoothly, enveloping your lips in intense, luxurious color. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of makeup with Makeup Revolution's Renaissance Lipstick. This collection redefines elegance with captivating shades, from delicate nudes to deep browns, creating a symphony of colors for every mood and occasion. The creamy formula ensures a smooth application, while the semi-gloss finish imparts a sumptuous look to your lips.Makeup Revolution, renowned for its commitment to veganism and cruelty-free practices, offers you an ethical beauty product without compromise. Our lipsticks are vegan and not tested on animals, ensuring a conscientious beauty experience. Transform your lips with a luxurious touch of intense color while contributing to a world of ethical beauty.The Renaissance Lipstick is not just a makeup accessory but a style statement. The enveloping formula creates a velvety finish, enhancing the natural beauty of your lips. Pair it with our satin lip pencil for a perfect harmony, further intensifying the radiance of your smile. Explore the infinite expression of your beauty with Makeup Revolution, where quality, ethics, and elegance converge..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Renaissance Lipstick - Vow Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 5.15 €

Makeup Revolution Iconic Smokey Eyeshadow Palette Paletky pre líčenie očí Other

Makeup Revolution Iconic Smokey Eyeshadow Palette . Discover the Revolution Iconic Smokey Palette for flawless smoky looks. This 12-shade palette, ranging from dark grey to deep brown, features creamy, ultra-pigmented colors for easy blending and a professional finish. Includes a double-ended brush for precise and convenient application. The Revolution Iconic Smokey Palette is the perfect tool for achieving classic smoky looks with a professional touch. Comprising 12 elegant shades ranging from dark grey to deep brown, this palette allows you to create a variety of sophisticated looks, from day to night. Each color features a creamy, ultra-pigmented formula that ensures intense color payoff and smooth application. With high-quality pigments, the palette allows for easy blending, delivering a professional result effortlessly.The Revolution Iconic Smokey Palette stands out with its ability to transform your eyes with shades ranging from subtle grey to intense black. The shades are carefully designed to be blendable, giving you the perfect smoky eye with every use. For easy and precise application, the palette includes a double-ended Pro brush made from the finest synthetic bristles for flawless eye makeup.By choosing the Revolution Iconic Smokey Palette, you opt for highly pigmented and perfectly blendable colors, ideal for creating captivating smoky looks. Whether preparing for a glamorous evening or a sophisticated everyday look, this palette offers the flexibility and quality needed for professional and attractive eye makeup..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Iconic Smokey Eyeshadow Palette Paletky pre líčenie očí Other

cena 11.68 €

Makeup Revolution Vinyl Liquid Lipstick - Bewitched Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Vinyl Liquid Lipstick - Bewitched Hnedá. Bewitched - Makeup Revolution presents its cruelty-free and vegan Halloween collection. Haunted delivers vivid, blood-red vibes in a highly glossy vinyl finish. Scream, a deep burgundy vinyl lipstick, provides a strikingly shiny finish for a fierce and macabre look. Nightmare, an extreme black vinyl liquid lipstick, takes darkness to the next level. Bewitching brings a touch of soft glamour with its realistic matte nude pink liquid lipstick. Horror, an essential dark red matte liquid lipstick for any spooky Halloween look, if you have it, haunt it. Explore the captivating universe of Makeup Revolution's Halloween collection, a cruelty-free and vegan range that redefines festive makeup. At the forefront is the vinyl liquid lipstick Haunted, promising a sensory experience with vibrant vibes and a blood-red finish, providing a striking glow to your lips.Dive deeper into the collection with Scream, a deep burgundy vinyl lipstick. Its highly glossy finish creates a macabre and fierce look, perfect for unforgettable Halloween nights. For those daring to push boundaries, Nightmare takes black to the EXTREME with an extremely glossy vinyl finish, capturing all eyes.For a subtle balance between spooky and glamorous, discover Bewitching, a matte nude pink liquid lipstick. Ideal for adding a soft and realistic touch to any Halloween makeup. Lastly, don't miss Horror, an essential dark red matte liquid lipstick to perfect any frightening Halloween look. If you have it, haunt it, as this deep shade is sure to captivate attention.With Makeup Revolution, immerse yourself in artistic expression, creativity, and boldness. Each shade in this collection transports you to a world where makeup becomes a form of art, leaving an unforgettable mark with every application..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Vinyl Liquid Lipstick - Bewitched Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 5.15 €

Makeup Revolution Lipstick Soph X - Cake Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Lipstick Soph X - Cake Hnedá. Cake - Discover Makeup Revolution's Soph X Lipstick, a must-have for enhanced lips. Its creamy formula offers intense pigmentation and a nude satin finish. Soph X ensures irresistible lips, combining lasting comfort with elegance. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of beauty with Makeup Revolution's Soph X Lipstick. The renowned brand, committed to quality, presents this cosmetic gem designed to enhance your lips with unparalleled elegance. The Soph X Lipstick, part of the signature Soph X collection, embodies the perfect fusion of sophistication and casual style.Makeup Revolution Soph X introduces this exclusive lipstick, specially formulated to offer a creamy texture, creating a captivating nude satin finish. The lips benefit from intense pigmentation that accentuates the natural allure of your smile. This high-quality product not only ensures a dazzling visual glow but also provides lasting comfort, preserving the softness and hydration of your lips.The Soph X Soph X Lipstick seamlessly integrates into your daily routine, enhancing your day and night makeup looks. Its satin effect adds a touch of glamour, while its creamy texture ensures smooth application. Soph X from Makeup Revolution becomes the ideal companion to express your individual style with confidence. Rediscover the power of a radiant smile and standout beauty with the Soph X Lipstick. An essential from the Soph X collection, created for you by Makeup Revolution..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Lipstick Soph X - Cake Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 106 Glorified Líčenie obočia Zelená

Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 106 Glorified Zelená. 106 Glorified - Explore the intensity of Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick, a burst of vibrant pigments for bold lips. Its velvety formula ensures long-lasting and uniform color, suitable for all skin types. Choose from three finishes: Liquid Matte, Sheer, or Cream. Cruelty-free. Dive into the beauty realm with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick, a must-have for lovers of ultra-pigmented lipsticks. This iconic product offers a burst of vibrant colors and a velvety texture that effortlessly glides onto your lips. With its highly pigmented formula, a single application is enough to achieve intense and long-lasting color.The Makeup Revolution brand stands out for its commitment to quality and skin respect. This matte lipstick is designed to suit all skin types, ensuring an inclusive beauty experience. Its even application creates a sophisticated look, perfect for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick offers exceptional versatility with three different finishes to choose from according to your preference: Liquid Matte for a fluid and modern effect, Sheer for a subtle and natural touch, and Cream for a rich and creamy texture. Whatever your mood or style, this range of finishes allows you to express your personality uniquely.Add an ethical touch to your beauty routine with Makeup Revolution's cruelty-free certification, demonstrating a commitment to animal welfare. Opt for makeup excellence with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick - a perfect fusion of color, comfort, and ethical consciousness..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 106 Glorified Líčenie obočia Zelená

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 130 Decadence Líčenie obočia Oranžová

Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 130 Decadence Oranžová. 130 Decadence - Explore the intensity of Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick, a burst of vibrant pigments for bold lips. Its velvety formula ensures long-lasting and uniform color, suitable for all skin types. Choose from three finishes: Liquid Matte, Sheer, or Cream. Cruelty-free. Dive into the beauty realm with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick, a must-have for lovers of ultra-pigmented lipsticks. This iconic product offers a burst of vibrant colors and a velvety texture that effortlessly glides onto your lips. With its highly pigmented formula, a single application is enough to achieve intense and long-lasting color.The Makeup Revolution brand stands out for its commitment to quality and skin respect. This matte lipstick is designed to suit all skin types, ensuring an inclusive beauty experience. Its even application creates a sophisticated look, perfect for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick offers exceptional versatility with three different finishes to choose from according to your preference: Liquid Matte for a fluid and modern effect, Sheer for a subtle and natural touch, and Cream for a rich and creamy texture. Whatever your mood or style, this range of finishes allows you to express your personality uniquely.Add an ethical touch to your beauty routine with Makeup Revolution's cruelty-free certification, demonstrating a commitment to animal welfare. Opt for makeup excellence with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick - a perfect fusion of color, comfort, and ethical consciousness..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 130 Decadence Líčenie obočia Oranžová

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 134 Ruby Líčenie obočia Červená

Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 134 Ruby Červená. 134 Ruby - Explore the intensity of Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick, a burst of vibrant pigments for bold lips. Its velvety formula ensures long-lasting and uniform color, suitable for all skin types. Choose from three finishes: Liquid Matte, Sheer, or Cream. Cruelty-free. Dive into the beauty realm with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick, a must-have for lovers of ultra-pigmented lipsticks. This iconic product offers a burst of vibrant colors and a velvety texture that effortlessly glides onto your lips. With its highly pigmented formula, a single application is enough to achieve intense and long-lasting color.The Makeup Revolution brand stands out for its commitment to quality and skin respect. This matte lipstick is designed to suit all skin types, ensuring an inclusive beauty experience. Its even application creates a sophisticated look, perfect for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick offers exceptional versatility with three different finishes to choose from according to your preference: Liquid Matte for a fluid and modern effect, Sheer for a subtle and natural touch, and Cream for a rich and creamy texture. Whatever your mood or style, this range of finishes allows you to express your personality uniquely.Add an ethical touch to your beauty routine with Makeup Revolution's cruelty-free certification, demonstrating a commitment to animal welfare. Opt for makeup excellence with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick - a perfect fusion of color, comfort, and ethical consciousness..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 134 Ruby Líčenie obočia Červená

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Lipstick Soph X - Syrup Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Lipstick Soph X - Syrup Hnedá. Syrup - Discover Makeup Revolution's Soph X Lipstick, a must-have for enhanced lips. Its creamy formula offers intense pigmentation and a nude satin finish. Soph X ensures irresistible lips, combining lasting comfort with elegance. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of beauty with Makeup Revolution's Soph X Lipstick. The renowned brand, committed to quality, presents this cosmetic gem designed to enhance your lips with unparalleled elegance. The Soph X Lipstick, part of the signature Soph X collection, embodies the perfect fusion of sophistication and casual style.Makeup Revolution Soph X introduces this exclusive lipstick, specially formulated to offer a creamy texture, creating a captivating nude satin finish. The lips benefit from intense pigmentation that accentuates the natural allure of your smile. This high-quality product not only ensures a dazzling visual glow but also provides lasting comfort, preserving the softness and hydration of your lips.The Soph X Soph X Lipstick seamlessly integrates into your daily routine, enhancing your day and night makeup looks. Its satin effect adds a touch of glamour, while its creamy texture ensures smooth application. Soph X from Makeup Revolution becomes the ideal companion to express your individual style with confidence. Rediscover the power of a radiant smile and standout beauty with the Soph X Lipstick. An essential from the Soph X collection, created for you by Makeup Revolution..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Lipstick Soph X - Syrup Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 148 Plum Líčenie obočia Fialová

Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 148 Plum Fialová. 148 Plum - Explore the intensity of Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick, a burst of vibrant pigments for bold lips. Its velvety formula ensures long-lasting and uniform color, suitable for all skin types. Choose from three finishes: Liquid Matte, Sheer, or Cream. Cruelty-free. Dive into the beauty realm with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick, a must-have for lovers of ultra-pigmented lipsticks. This iconic product offers a burst of vibrant colors and a velvety texture that effortlessly glides onto your lips. With its highly pigmented formula, a single application is enough to achieve intense and long-lasting color.The Makeup Revolution brand stands out for its commitment to quality and skin respect. This matte lipstick is designed to suit all skin types, ensuring an inclusive beauty experience. Its even application creates a sophisticated look, perfect for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick offers exceptional versatility with three different finishes to choose from according to your preference: Liquid Matte for a fluid and modern effect, Sheer for a subtle and natural touch, and Cream for a rich and creamy texture. Whatever your mood or style, this range of finishes allows you to express your personality uniquely.Add an ethical touch to your beauty routine with Makeup Revolution's cruelty-free certification, demonstrating a commitment to animal welfare. Opt for makeup excellence with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick - a perfect fusion of color, comfort, and ethical consciousness..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 148 Plum Líčenie obočia Fialová

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Vinyl Liquid Lipstick - Scream Líčenie obočia Červená

Makeup Revolution Vinyl Liquid Lipstick - Scream Červená. Scream - Makeup Revolution presents its cruelty-free and vegan Halloween collection. Haunted delivers vivid, blood-red vibes in a highly glossy vinyl finish. Scream, a deep burgundy vinyl lipstick, provides a strikingly shiny finish for a fierce and macabre look. Nightmare, an extreme black vinyl liquid lipstick, takes darkness to the next level. Bewitching brings a touch of soft glamour with its realistic matte nude pink liquid lipstick. Horror, an essential dark red matte liquid lipstick for any spooky Halloween look, if you have it, haunt it. Explore the captivating universe of Makeup Revolution's Halloween collection, a cruelty-free and vegan range that redefines festive makeup. At the forefront is the vinyl liquid lipstick Haunted, promising a sensory experience with vibrant vibes and a blood-red finish, providing a striking glow to your lips.Dive deeper into the collection with Scream, a deep burgundy vinyl lipstick. Its highly glossy finish creates a macabre and fierce look, perfect for unforgettable Halloween nights. For those daring to push boundaries, Nightmare takes black to the EXTREME with an extremely glossy vinyl finish, capturing all eyes.For a subtle balance between spooky and glamorous, discover Bewitching, a matte nude pink liquid lipstick. Ideal for adding a soft and realistic touch to any Halloween makeup. Lastly, don't miss Horror, an essential dark red matte liquid lipstick to perfect any frightening Halloween look. If you have it, haunt it, as this deep shade is sure to captivate attention.With Makeup Revolution, immerse yourself in artistic expression, creativity, and boldness. Each shade in this collection transports you to a world where makeup becomes a form of art, leaving an unforgettable mark with every application..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Vinyl Liquid Lipstick - Scream Líčenie obočia Červená

cena 5.15 €

Makeup Revolution Vinyl Liquid Lipstick - Haunted Líčenie obočia Červená

Makeup Revolution Vinyl Liquid Lipstick - Haunted Červená. Haunted - Makeup Revolution presents its cruelty-free and vegan Halloween collection. Haunted delivers vivid, blood-red vibes in a highly glossy vinyl finish. Scream, a deep burgundy vinyl lipstick, provides a strikingly shiny finish for a fierce and macabre look. Nightmare, an extreme black vinyl liquid lipstick, takes darkness to the next level. Bewitching brings a touch of soft glamour with its realistic matte nude pink liquid lipstick. Horror, an essential dark red matte liquid lipstick for any spooky Halloween look, if you have it, haunt it. Explore the captivating universe of Makeup Revolution's Halloween collection, a cruelty-free and vegan range that redefines festive makeup. At the forefront is the vinyl liquid lipstick Haunted, promising a sensory experience with vibrant vibes and a blood-red finish, providing a striking glow to your lips.Dive deeper into the collection with Scream, a deep burgundy vinyl lipstick. Its highly glossy finish creates a macabre and fierce look, perfect for unforgettable Halloween nights. For those daring to push boundaries, Nightmare takes black to the EXTREME with an extremely glossy vinyl finish, capturing all eyes.For a subtle balance between spooky and glamorous, discover Bewitching, a matte nude pink liquid lipstick. Ideal for adding a soft and realistic touch to any Halloween makeup. Lastly, don't miss Horror, an essential dark red matte liquid lipstick to perfect any frightening Halloween look. If you have it, haunt it, as this deep shade is sure to captivate attention.With Makeup Revolution, immerse yourself in artistic expression, creativity, and boldness. Each shade in this collection transports you to a world where makeup becomes a form of art, leaving an unforgettable mark with every application..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Vinyl Liquid Lipstick - Haunted Líčenie obočia Červená

cena 5.15 €

Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 137 Cupcake Líčenie obočia Ružová

Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 137 Cupcake Ružová. 137 Cupcake - Explore the intensity of Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick, a burst of vibrant pigments for bold lips. Its velvety formula ensures long-lasting and uniform color, suitable for all skin types. Choose from three finishes: Liquid Matte, Sheer, or Cream. Cruelty-free. Dive into the beauty realm with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick, a must-have for lovers of ultra-pigmented lipsticks. This iconic product offers a burst of vibrant colors and a velvety texture that effortlessly glides onto your lips. With its highly pigmented formula, a single application is enough to achieve intense and long-lasting color.The Makeup Revolution brand stands out for its commitment to quality and skin respect. This matte lipstick is designed to suit all skin types, ensuring an inclusive beauty experience. Its even application creates a sophisticated look, perfect for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick offers exceptional versatility with three different finishes to choose from according to your preference: Liquid Matte for a fluid and modern effect, Sheer for a subtle and natural touch, and Cream for a rich and creamy texture. Whatever your mood or style, this range of finishes allows you to express your personality uniquely.Add an ethical touch to your beauty routine with Makeup Revolution's cruelty-free certification, demonstrating a commitment to animal welfare. Opt for makeup excellence with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick - a perfect fusion of color, comfort, and ethical consciousness..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 137 Cupcake Líčenie obočia Ružová

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Lipstick Soph X - Fudge Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Lipstick Soph X - Fudge Hnedá. Fudge - Discover Makeup Revolution's Soph X Lipstick, a must-have for enhanced lips. Its creamy formula offers intense pigmentation and a nude satin finish. Soph X ensures irresistible lips, combining lasting comfort with elegance. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of beauty with Makeup Revolution's Soph X Lipstick. The renowned brand, committed to quality, presents this cosmetic gem designed to enhance your lips with unparalleled elegance. The Soph X Lipstick, part of the signature Soph X collection, embodies the perfect fusion of sophistication and casual style.Makeup Revolution Soph X introduces this exclusive lipstick, specially formulated to offer a creamy texture, creating a captivating nude satin finish. The lips benefit from intense pigmentation that accentuates the natural allure of your smile. This high-quality product not only ensures a dazzling visual glow but also provides lasting comfort, preserving the softness and hydration of your lips.The Soph X Soph X Lipstick seamlessly integrates into your daily routine, enhancing your day and night makeup looks. Its satin effect adds a touch of glamour, while its creamy texture ensures smooth application. Soph X from Makeup Revolution becomes the ideal companion to express your individual style with confidence. Rediscover the power of a radiant smile and standout beauty with the Soph X Lipstick. An essential from the Soph X collection, created for you by Makeup Revolution..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Lipstick Soph X - Fudge Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 147 Vampire Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 147 Vampire Hnedá. 147 Vampire - Explore the intensity of Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick, a burst of vibrant pigments for bold lips. Its velvety formula ensures long-lasting and uniform color, suitable for all skin types. Choose from three finishes: Liquid Matte, Sheer, or Cream. Cruelty-free. Dive into the beauty realm with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick, a must-have for lovers of ultra-pigmented lipsticks. This iconic product offers a burst of vibrant colors and a velvety texture that effortlessly glides onto your lips. With its highly pigmented formula, a single application is enough to achieve intense and long-lasting color.The Makeup Revolution brand stands out for its commitment to quality and skin respect. This matte lipstick is designed to suit all skin types, ensuring an inclusive beauty experience. Its even application creates a sophisticated look, perfect for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick offers exceptional versatility with three different finishes to choose from according to your preference: Liquid Matte for a fluid and modern effect, Sheer for a subtle and natural touch, and Cream for a rich and creamy texture. Whatever your mood or style, this range of finishes allows you to express your personality uniquely.Add an ethical touch to your beauty routine with Makeup Revolution's cruelty-free certification, demonstrating a commitment to animal welfare. Opt for makeup excellence with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick - a perfect fusion of color, comfort, and ethical consciousness..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 147 Vampire Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 110 Chauffeur Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 110 Chauffeur Hnedá. 110 Chauffeur - Explore the intensity of Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick, a burst of vibrant pigments for bold lips. Its velvety formula ensures long-lasting and uniform color, suitable for all skin types. Choose from three finishes: Liquid Matte, Sheer, or Cream. Cruelty-free. Dive into the beauty realm with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick, a must-have for lovers of ultra-pigmented lipsticks. This iconic product offers a burst of vibrant colors and a velvety texture that effortlessly glides onto your lips. With its highly pigmented formula, a single application is enough to achieve intense and long-lasting color.The Makeup Revolution brand stands out for its commitment to quality and skin respect. This matte lipstick is designed to suit all skin types, ensuring an inclusive beauty experience. Its even application creates a sophisticated look, perfect for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick offers exceptional versatility with three different finishes to choose from according to your preference: Liquid Matte for a fluid and modern effect, Sheer for a subtle and natural touch, and Cream for a rich and creamy texture. Whatever your mood or style, this range of finishes allows you to express your personality uniquely.Add an ethical touch to your beauty routine with Makeup Revolution's cruelty-free certification, demonstrating a commitment to animal welfare. Opt for makeup excellence with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick - a perfect fusion of color, comfort, and ethical consciousness..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 110 Chauffeur Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Vinyl Liquid Lipstick - Nightmare Líčenie obočia Čierna

Makeup Revolution Vinyl Liquid Lipstick - Nightmare Čierna. Nightmare - Makeup Revolution presents its cruelty-free and vegan Halloween collection. Haunted delivers vivid, blood-red vibes in a highly glossy vinyl finish. Scream, a deep burgundy vinyl lipstick, provides a strikingly shiny finish for a fierce and macabre look. Nightmare, an extreme black vinyl liquid lipstick, takes darkness to the next level. Bewitching brings a touch of soft glamour with its realistic matte nude pink liquid lipstick. Horror, an essential dark red matte liquid lipstick for any spooky Halloween look, if you have it, haunt it. Explore the captivating universe of Makeup Revolution's Halloween collection, a cruelty-free and vegan range that redefines festive makeup. At the forefront is the vinyl liquid lipstick Haunted, promising a sensory experience with vibrant vibes and a blood-red finish, providing a striking glow to your lips.Dive deeper into the collection with Scream, a deep burgundy vinyl lipstick. Its highly glossy finish creates a macabre and fierce look, perfect for unforgettable Halloween nights. For those daring to push boundaries, Nightmare takes black to the EXTREME with an extremely glossy vinyl finish, capturing all eyes.For a subtle balance between spooky and glamorous, discover Bewitching, a matte nude pink liquid lipstick. Ideal for adding a soft and realistic touch to any Halloween makeup. Lastly, don't miss Horror, an essential dark red matte liquid lipstick to perfect any frightening Halloween look. If you have it, haunt it, as this deep shade is sure to captivate attention.With Makeup Revolution, immerse yourself in artistic expression, creativity, and boldness. Each shade in this collection transports you to a world where makeup becomes a form of art, leaving an unforgettable mark with every application..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Vinyl Liquid Lipstick - Nightmare Líčenie obočia Čierna

cena 5.15 €

Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 3ml - 117 Bouquet Líčenie obočia Ružová

Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 3ml - 117 Bouquet Ružová. 117 Bouquet - Discover the elegance of Makeup Revolution Crème Liquid Lipstick. Its creamy, highly pigmented, and hydrating formula provides vibrant color while taking care of your lips. Achieve an impeccable satin finish, perfect for enhancing your day and evening makeup. Immerse yourself in the luxurious world of Makeup Revolution Crème Liquid Lipstick. This exceptional formula, enriched with intense pigments, transforms your beauty routine into a sensory experience. As you apply this lipstick, the liquid texture glides smoothly, tracing every contour with impeccable precision. The 3ml of product holds a color power that doesn't go unnoticed.Makeup Revolution's Crème Lipstick doesn't just beautify your lips it also nourishes them. Its creamy and hydrating formula cares for dry lips, leaving them soft and full of vitality. Your lips are not only beautifully pigmented but also benefit from continuous hydration, adding a touch of care to your daily makeup ritual.Whether you're preparing a natural daytime look or a glamorous evening appearance, this lipstick beautifully marks your lips, adding a touch of elegance to your face. Thanks to its high pigmentation, a single application is enough to achieve vibrant color and a satin finish. Perfectly full and radiant lips are the result of this fusion between beauty and skincare. Elevated to the status of essential, Makeup Revolution Crème Liquid Lipstick offers you more than just a pop of color. It's a statement of style and care, all in one..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 3ml - 117 Bouquet Líčenie obočia Ružová

cena 2.77 €

Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 147 Vampire Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 147 Vampire Hnedá. 147 Vampire - Discover Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, a must-have for hydrated and enhanced lips. Its liquid texture provides high pigmentation for vibrant lips.Easy to apply with its applicator, this lipstick ensures flawless makeup all day long, perfect for your day and evening looks. Give your lips the care they deserve with Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick. This renowned brand offers a premium product that hydrates and nurtures your lips while providing a liquid texture and intense pigmentation. Application is a breeze with its convenient applicator. Whether for a sophisticated daytime makeup or a glamorous evening look, this liquid lipstick is suitable for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick is a must-have in your makeup bag. Its innovative formula ensures long-lasting wear, guaranteeing flawless lips from morning to night. Its elegant and compact packaging makes it the perfect companion for your travels, allowing for quick touch-ups at any time of the day. For enhanced lips, follow our product recommendations for stunning results.Create sophisticated and glamorous looks for your special evenings using Cream Liquid Lipstick. Pair it with neutral eye makeup to highlight your lips and create an elegant contrast. You can opt for a single layer for a natural effect or layer colors for a more intense and bold look. For optimal wear, don't forget to apply a lip primer before using this lipstick. With Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, unleash your creativity and enhance your smile on any occasion..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 147 Vampire Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 4.1 €

Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 3ml - 106 Glorified Líčenie obočia Zelená

Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 3ml - 106 Glorified Zelená. 106 Glorified - Discover the elegance of Makeup Revolution Crème Liquid Lipstick. Its creamy, highly pigmented, and hydrating formula provides vibrant color while taking care of your lips. Achieve an impeccable satin finish, perfect for enhancing your day and evening makeup. Immerse yourself in the luxurious world of Makeup Revolution Crème Liquid Lipstick. This exceptional formula, enriched with intense pigments, transforms your beauty routine into a sensory experience. As you apply this lipstick, the liquid texture glides smoothly, tracing every contour with impeccable precision. The 3ml of product holds a color power that doesn't go unnoticed.Makeup Revolution's Crème Lipstick doesn't just beautify your lips it also nourishes them. Its creamy and hydrating formula cares for dry lips, leaving them soft and full of vitality. Your lips are not only beautifully pigmented but also benefit from continuous hydration, adding a touch of care to your daily makeup ritual.Whether you're preparing a natural daytime look or a glamorous evening appearance, this lipstick beautifully marks your lips, adding a touch of elegance to your face. Thanks to its high pigmentation, a single application is enough to achieve vibrant color and a satin finish. Perfectly full and radiant lips are the result of this fusion between beauty and skincare. Elevated to the status of essential, Makeup Revolution Crème Liquid Lipstick offers you more than just a pop of color. It's a statement of style and care, all in one..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 3ml - 106 Glorified Líčenie obočia Zelená

cena 2.77 €

Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 3ml - 112 Ballerina Líčenie obočia Červená

Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 3ml - 112 Ballerina Červená. 112 Ballerina - Discover the elegance of Makeup Revolution Crème Liquid Lipstick. Its creamy, highly pigmented, and hydrating formula provides vibrant color while taking care of your lips. Achieve an impeccable satin finish, perfect for enhancing your day and evening makeup. Immerse yourself in the luxurious world of Makeup Revolution Crème Liquid Lipstick. This exceptional formula, enriched with intense pigments, transforms your beauty routine into a sensory experience. As you apply this lipstick, the liquid texture glides smoothly, tracing every contour with impeccable precision. The 3ml of product holds a color power that doesn't go unnoticed.Makeup Revolution's Crème Lipstick doesn't just beautify your lips it also nourishes them. Its creamy and hydrating formula cares for dry lips, leaving them soft and full of vitality. Your lips are not only beautifully pigmented but also benefit from continuous hydration, adding a touch of care to your daily makeup ritual.Whether you're preparing a natural daytime look or a glamorous evening appearance, this lipstick beautifully marks your lips, adding a touch of elegance to your face. Thanks to its high pigmentation, a single application is enough to achieve vibrant color and a satin finish. Perfectly full and radiant lips are the result of this fusion between beauty and skincare. Elevated to the status of essential, Makeup Revolution Crème Liquid Lipstick offers you more than just a pop of color. It's a statement of style and care, all in one..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 3ml - 112 Ballerina Líčenie obočia Červená

cena 2.77 €

Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 115 Poise Líčenie obočia Ružová

Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 115 Poise Ružová. 115 Poise - Discover Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, a must-have for hydrated and enhanced lips. Its liquid texture provides high pigmentation for vibrant lips.Easy to apply with its applicator, this lipstick ensures flawless makeup all day long, perfect for your day and evening looks. Give your lips the care they deserve with Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick. This renowned brand offers a premium product that hydrates and nurtures your lips while providing a liquid texture and intense pigmentation. Application is a breeze with its convenient applicator. Whether for a sophisticated daytime makeup or a glamorous evening look, this liquid lipstick is suitable for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick is a must-have in your makeup bag. Its innovative formula ensures long-lasting wear, guaranteeing flawless lips from morning to night. Its elegant and compact packaging makes it the perfect companion for your travels, allowing for quick touch-ups at any time of the day. For enhanced lips, follow our product recommendations for stunning results.Create sophisticated and glamorous looks for your special evenings using Cream Liquid Lipstick. Pair it with neutral eye makeup to highlight your lips and create an elegant contrast. You can opt for a single layer for a natural effect or layer colors for a more intense and bold look. For optimal wear, don't forget to apply a lip primer before using this lipstick. With Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, unleash your creativity and enhance your smile on any occasion..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 115 Poise Líčenie obočia Ružová

cena 4.1 €

Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 138 Excess Líčenie obočia Ružová

Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 138 Excess Ružová. 138 Excess - Discover Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, a must-have for hydrated and enhanced lips. Its liquid texture provides high pigmentation for vibrant lips.Easy to apply with its applicator, this lipstick ensures flawless makeup all day long, perfect for your day and evening looks. Give your lips the care they deserve with Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick. This renowned brand offers a premium product that hydrates and nurtures your lips while providing a liquid texture and intense pigmentation. Application is a breeze with its convenient applicator. Whether for a sophisticated daytime makeup or a glamorous evening look, this liquid lipstick is suitable for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick is a must-have in your makeup bag. Its innovative formula ensures long-lasting wear, guaranteeing flawless lips from morning to night. Its elegant and compact packaging makes it the perfect companion for your travels, allowing for quick touch-ups at any time of the day. For enhanced lips, follow our product recommendations for stunning results.Create sophisticated and glamorous looks for your special evenings using Cream Liquid Lipstick. Pair it with neutral eye makeup to highlight your lips and create an elegant contrast. You can opt for a single layer for a natural effect or layer colors for a more intense and bold look. For optimal wear, don't forget to apply a lip primer before using this lipstick. With Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, unleash your creativity and enhance your smile on any occasion..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 138 Excess Líčenie obočia Ružová

cena 4.1 €

Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 3ml - 110 Chauffeur Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 3ml - 110 Chauffeur Hnedá. 110 Chauffeur - Discover the elegance of Makeup Revolution Crème Liquid Lipstick. Its creamy, highly pigmented, and hydrating formula provides vibrant color while taking care of your lips. Achieve an impeccable satin finish, perfect for enhancing your day and evening makeup. Immerse yourself in the luxurious world of Makeup Revolution Crème Liquid Lipstick. This exceptional formula, enriched with intense pigments, transforms your beauty routine into a sensory experience. As you apply this lipstick, the liquid texture glides smoothly, tracing every contour with impeccable precision. The 3ml of product holds a color power that doesn't go unnoticed.Makeup Revolution's Crème Lipstick doesn't just beautify your lips it also nourishes them. Its creamy and hydrating formula cares for dry lips, leaving them soft and full of vitality. Your lips are not only beautifully pigmented but also benefit from continuous hydration, adding a touch of care to your daily makeup ritual.Whether you're preparing a natural daytime look or a glamorous evening appearance, this lipstick beautifully marks your lips, adding a touch of elegance to your face. Thanks to its high pigmentation, a single application is enough to achieve vibrant color and a satin finish. Perfectly full and radiant lips are the result of this fusion between beauty and skincare. Elevated to the status of essential, Makeup Revolution Crème Liquid Lipstick offers you more than just a pop of color. It's a statement of style and care, all in one..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 3ml - 110 Chauffeur Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 2.77 €

Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 121 Head-Turner Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 121 Head-Turner Hnedá. 121 Head-Turner - Explore the intensity of Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick, a burst of vibrant pigments for bold lips. Its velvety formula ensures long-lasting and uniform color, suitable for all skin types. Choose from three finishes: Liquid Matte, Sheer, or Cream. Cruelty-free. Dive into the beauty realm with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick, a must-have for lovers of ultra-pigmented lipsticks. This iconic product offers a burst of vibrant colors and a velvety texture that effortlessly glides onto your lips. With its highly pigmented formula, a single application is enough to achieve intense and long-lasting color.The Makeup Revolution brand stands out for its commitment to quality and skin respect. This matte lipstick is designed to suit all skin types, ensuring an inclusive beauty experience. Its even application creates a sophisticated look, perfect for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick offers exceptional versatility with three different finishes to choose from according to your preference: Liquid Matte for a fluid and modern effect, Sheer for a subtle and natural touch, and Cream for a rich and creamy texture. Whatever your mood or style, this range of finishes allows you to express your personality uniquely.Add an ethical touch to your beauty routine with Makeup Revolution's cruelty-free certification, demonstrating a commitment to animal welfare. Opt for makeup excellence with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lipstick - a perfect fusion of color, comfort, and ethical consciousness..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Matte Lipstick - 121 Head-Turner Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 107 RBF Líčenie obočia Fialová

Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 107 RBF Fialová. 107 RBF - Discover Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, a must-have for hydrated and enhanced lips. Its liquid texture provides high pigmentation for vibrant lips.Easy to apply with its applicator, this lipstick ensures flawless makeup all day long, perfect for your day and evening looks. Give your lips the care they deserve with Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick. This renowned brand offers a premium product that hydrates and nurtures your lips while providing a liquid texture and intense pigmentation. Application is a breeze with its convenient applicator. Whether for a sophisticated daytime makeup or a glamorous evening look, this liquid lipstick is suitable for all occasions.Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick is a must-have in your makeup bag. Its innovative formula ensures long-lasting wear, guaranteeing flawless lips from morning to night. Its elegant and compact packaging makes it the perfect companion for your travels, allowing for quick touch-ups at any time of the day. For enhanced lips, follow our product recommendations for stunning results.Create sophisticated and glamorous looks for your special evenings using Cream Liquid Lipstick. Pair it with neutral eye makeup to highlight your lips and create an elegant contrast. You can opt for a single layer for a natural effect or layer colors for a more intense and bold look. For optimal wear, don't forget to apply a lip primer before using this lipstick. With Makeup Revolution's Cream Lipstick, unleash your creativity and enhance your smile on any occasion..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 6ml - 107 RBF Líčenie obočia Fialová

cena 4.1 €

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