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Revolution Darčeková sada leskov na pery Maxi Plump Lip Duo

Súprava obsahuje: Lesk na pery Maxi Plump Hot Chilli (Lip Gloss) 1 ks Lesk na pery Maxi Plump Cool As Ice (Lip Gloss) 1 ks

Pozrite sa aj REVOLUTION Rehab Lip Plump Maximiser Lip Conditioner 10 ml (5057566442886)

cena 14.2 €

Bobbi Brown Extra Plump Lip Serum Duo darčeková sada na pery

Bobbi Brown Extra Plump Lip Serum Duo, 1 ks, Kozmetické sady pre ženy, Všetko pre perfektné nalíčenie v jednom balení. Kozmetická sada Bobbi Brown Extra Plump Lip Serum Duo obsahuje nie jeden, ale hneď niekoľko beauty kúskov, ktoré pomôžu vytvoriť alebo obohatiť pravidelnú make-up rutinu. Balíček plný dekoratívnej kozmetiky urobí radosť vám alebo ako darček poteší vašich blízkych. Obsah sady: Extra Plump Lip Serum - Bare Pink hydratačný lesk na pery 6 ml Extra Plump Lip Serum - Bare Pink hydratačný lesk na pery 6 ml Vlastnosti: dodáva perám väčší objem trblieta sa hydratuje a zvláčňuje pery dlhotrvajúci efekt jemne pery zafarbí mix kozmetických produktov na každodenné použitie pre dokonalé zvýraznenie pier Použitie: Naneste na pery rovnomernú vrstvu pomocou aplikátora. Opakujte podľa potreby.

Pozrite sa aj Make It Real Veľká sada leskov na pery (0638241100182)

cena 43.44 €

Bobbi Brown Holiday Sheer Shine Extra Plump Lip Serum Set sada hydratačných leskov na pery

Bobbi Brown Holiday Sheer Shine Extra Plump Lip Serum Set, 2x35 ml, Zväčšenie pier pre ženy, Obsah sady: Bobbi Brown Extra Plump Lip Serum Bare Pink hydratačný lesk na pery 35 ml Bobbi Brown Extra Plump Lip Serum Bare Plum hydratačný lesk na pery 35 ml Vlastnosti: limitovaná edícia pre dokonalé zvýraznenie pier dlhotrvajúci efekt dodáva perám väčší objem poteší všetky ženy Zloženie: ricínový olej Použitie: Nanášajte primerané množstvo lesku na pery pre okamžitý efekt väčšieho objemu. Možno aplikovať aj na rúž či iné líčidlo.

Pozrite sa aj Výroba leskov na pery 3 v 1 (5015934432259)

cena 48.8 €

Makeup Revolution Xmass 2024 Maxi Plump darčeková sada na pery odtieň Cool As Ice and Hot As Chilli 1 ks

Makeup Revolution Xmass 2024 Maxi Plump, 1 ks, Lesky na pery pre ženy, Príroda vám nenadelila také plné pery, ako by ste si priali? Nemusíte hneď podstupovať invazívne kozmetické zákroky. Lesk pre objem pier Makeup Revolution Xmass 2024 Maxi Plump sa postará o bezbolestné a bezpečné zväčšenie pier v pohodlí vášho domova. Tento výsledok vám pomôže dosiahnuť vďaka lesklému finišu pre opticky plnší vzhľad a vďaka obsahu zložiek, ktoré spôsobia urýchlenú cirkuláciu krvi v perách. Dôjde tak k jemnému mravčeniu, začervenaniu a predovšetkým ku zväčšeniu objemu pier. Po chvíli pocit mravčenia odznie a vy budete mať na niekoľko hodín plnšie pery. A čo je na používaní tejto starostlivosti na zväčšenie objemu pier príjemným bonusom? Jej kúzlo môžete vždy ľahko obnoviť. Stačí ju mať so sebou vo vrecku či v kabelke a v prípade potreby pery znova pretrieť. Obsah sady: Makeup Revolution Maxi Plump Cool As Ice lesk na pery so zväčšujúcim efektom 6 ml Makeup Revolution Maxi Plump Hot As Chilli lesk na pery pre väčší objem 6 ml Vlastnosti: dodáva perám väčší objem hydratuje a zvláčňuje pery dlhotrvajúci efekt jemne pery zafarbí vyhladzuje jemné linky na perách Zloženie: vegánsky produkt Použitie: Nanášajte primerané množstvo lesku na pery pre okamžitý efekt väčšieho objemu.

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Xmass 2024 Maxi Plump darčeková sada na pery odtieň Cool As Ice and Hot As Chilli 1 ks

cena 11.2 €

Revolution Darčeková sada Mini Cheek and Lip Duo Gift Set

Súprava obsahuje: Krémová lícenka Cute Pink (Mini Blush Bomb) Lesk na pery (Mini Pout Bomb)

Objav podobné ako Revolution Darčeková sada Mini Cheek and Lip Duo Gift Set

cena 7.7 €

Revolution Darčeková sada dekoratívnej kozmetiky na pery X Friends Monica (Lip Kit)

Sada obsahuje: Broskyňový lesk na pery (Lip Gloss) 3 ml Studený nude lesk na pery (Lip Gloss) 3 ml Kontúrovacia ceruzka na pery Mauve (Lip Liner) 1 g

Objav podobné ako Revolution Darčeková sada dekoratívnej kozmetiky na pery X Friends Monica (Lip Kit)

cena 10.1 €

Revolution Darčeková sada Peptide Power Lash and Lip Duo Gift Set

Súprava obsahuje: Peptidová starostlivosť na pery Peptidové sérum na riasy a obočie

Objav podobné ako Revolution Darčeková sada Peptide Power Lash and Lip Duo Gift Set

cena 15.8 €

Anastasia Beverly Hills Lip Luster Duo sada leskov na pery odtieň Guava & Deep Taupe

Anastasia Beverly Hills Lip Luster Duo, Kozmetické sady pre ženy, Všetko pre perfektné nalíčenie v jednom balení. Kozmetická sada Anastasia Beverly Hills Lip Luster Duoobsahuje nie jeden, ale hneď niekoľko beauty kúskov, ktoré pomôžu vytvoriť alebo obohatiť pravidelnú make-up rutinu. Balíček plný dekoratívnej kozmetiky urobí radosť vám alebo ako darček poteší vašich blízkych. Obsah sady: Lip Gloss Brillant À Lèvres Guava lesk na pery 4,7 ml Lip Gloss Brillant À Lèvres Deep Taupe lesk na pery 4,5 ml Vlastnosti: dodáva perám väčší objem pre perfektný vzhľad po celý deň trblieta sa hydratuje a zvláčňuje pery poteší všetky ženy Použitie: Naneste na pery rovnomernú vrstvu pomocou aplikátora.

Objav podobné ako Anastasia Beverly Hills Lip Luster Duo sada leskov na pery odtieň Guava & Deep Taupe

cena 23.5 €

Makeup Revolution Xmass 2024 Mini Cheek & Lip Duo darčeková sada na tvár

Makeup Revolution Xmass 2024 Mini Cheek & Lip Duo, 1 ks, Kozmetické sady pre ženy, Urobte radosť sebe alebo svojim blízkym perfektným kozmetickým setom Makeup Revolution Xmass 2024. Balíček plný mejkapových kúskov ako darček vždy poteší. Obsah sady: Makeup Revolution Mini Blush Bomb Cream Blusher Cute Pink tekutá lícenka 1,4 ml Makeup Revolution Mini Pout Bomb Iridescent Clear Shimmer lesk na pery 1,4 ml Vlastnosti: skvele sa hodí ako darček poteší všetky ženy pre dokonalé zvýraznenie pier perfektná na denné aj večerné líčenie na líčenie pier i líc dodá lícam zdravú farbu limitovaná edícia Zloženie: vegánsky produkt Použitie: Používajte na pery a líca.

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Xmass 2024 Mini Cheek & Lip Duo darčeková sada na tvár

cena 6.2 €

SOSU Cosmetics Lip Luxe Duo darčeková sada na pery odtieň Nude

SOSU Cosmetics Lip Luxe Duo, 1 ks, Balzamy na pery pre ženy, Urobte radosť sebe alebo svojim blízkym perfektným kozmetickým setom SOSU Cosmetics. Balíček plný mejkapových kúskov ako darček vždy poteší. Obsah sady: SOSU Cosmetics Longwear Lip Liner Hazelnut dlhotrvajúca ceruzka na pery 0,2 g SOSU Cosmetics Volumising Lip Balm Oh Honey balzam na pery so zväčšujúcim efektom 2,1 g Vlastnosti: skvele sa hodí ako darček poteší všetky ženy pre dokonalé zvýraznenie pier perfektná na denné aj večerné líčenie stimuluje prekrvenie pier zanecháva pery vláčne a zamatovo jemné Zloženie: vegánsky produkt Použitie: Vyznačte ceruzkou obrys pier, následne naneste rúž alebo lesk na pery.

Objav podobné ako SOSU Cosmetics Lip Luxe Duo darčeková sada na pery odtieň Nude

cena 25.8 €

SOSU Cosmetics Lip Luxe Duo darčeková sada na pery odtieň Pink

SOSU Cosmetics Lip Luxe Duo, 1 ks, Balzamy na pery pre ženy, Urobte radosť sebe alebo svojim blízkym perfektným kozmetickým setom SOSU Cosmetics Lip Luxe. Balíček plný mejkapových kúskov ako darček vždy poteší. Obsah sady: SOSU Cosmetics Longwear Lip Liner Naive Nude dlhotrvajúca ceruzka na pery 0,2 g SOSU Cosmetics Volumising Lip Balm Primrose balzam na pery so zväčšujúcim efektom 2,1 g Vlastnosti: skvele sa hodí ako darček poteší všetky ženy pre dokonalé zvýraznenie pier perfektná na denné aj večerné líčenie stimuluje prekrvenie pier zanecháva pery vláčne a zamatovo jemné Zloženie: vegánsky produkt Použitie: Vyznačte ceruzkou obrys pier, následne naneste rúž alebo lesk na pery.

Objav podobné ako SOSU Cosmetics Lip Luxe Duo darčeková sada na pery odtieň Pink

cena 25.8 €

MAC Cosmetics Holiday Tiny Treasures Mini Lip Duo darčeková sada na pery odtieň Red

MAC Cosmetics Holiday Tiny Treasures Mini Lip Duo, 2 ks, Kozmetické sady pre ženy, Všetko pre perfektné nalíčenie v jednom balení. Kozmetická sada MAC Cosmetics Holiday Tiny Treasures Mini Lip Duoobsahuje nie jeden, ale hneď niekoľko beauty kúskov, ktoré pomôžu vytvoriť alebo obohatiť pravidelnú make-up rutinu. Balíček plný dekoratívnej kozmetiky urobí radosť vám alebo ako darček poteší vašich blízkych. Obsah sady: Mini Lustreglass Sheer-Shine Lipstick - Cockney lesklý rúž 1,7 g Mini Lip Pencil - Ruby Woo ceruzka na pery 0,9 g Vlastnosti: dokonale orámuje a zvýrazní pery intenzívny odtieň má dlhotrvajúcu výdrž je skvelým pomocníkom pri tvarovaní pier hydratuje pery skvele sa hodí ako darček obsahuje miniverzie produktov Použitie: Dostatočne naostrenou ceruzkou obkreslite obrysy pier, a to od stredu smerom ku kútikom. Rúž naneste jemnými ťahmi na pery od stredu ku kútikom.

Objav podobné ako MAC Cosmetics Holiday Tiny Treasures Mini Lip Duo darčeková sada na pery odtieň Red

cena 16.0 €

MAC Cosmetics Holiday Tiny Treasures Mini Lip Duo darčeková sada na pery odtieň Neutral

MAC Cosmetics Holiday Tiny Treasures Mini Lip Duo, 2 ks, Kozmetické sady pre ženy, Všetko pre perfektné nalíčenie v jednom balení. Kozmetická sada MAC Cosmetics Holiday Tiny Treasures Mini Lip Duoobsahuje nie jeden, ale hneď niekoľko beauty kúskov, ktoré pomôžu vytvoriť alebo obohatiť pravidelnú make-up rutinu. Balíček plný dekoratívnej kozmetiky urobí radosť vám alebo ako darček poteší vašich blízkych. Obsah sady: Mini Lustreglass Sheer-Shine Lipstick - Cockney lesklý rúž 1,7 g Mini Lip Pencil - Ruby Woo ceruzka na pery 0,9 g Vlastnosti: dokonale orámuje a zvýrazní pery intenzívny odtieň má dlhotrvajúcu výdrž je skvelým pomocníkom pri tvarovaní pier hydratuje pery skvele sa hodí ako darček obsahuje miniverzie produktov Použitie: Dostatočne naostrenou ceruzkou obkreslite obrysy pier, a to od stredu smerom ku kútikom. Rúž naneste jemnými ťahmi na pery od stredu ku kútikom.

Objav podobné ako MAC Cosmetics Holiday Tiny Treasures Mini Lip Duo darčeková sada na pery odtieň Neutral

cena 16.0 €

Makeup Revolution Xmass 2024 Mini Shimmer Bomb Duo darčeková sada na pery

Makeup Revolution Xmass 2024 Mini Shimmer Bomb Duo, 1 ks, Kozmetické sady pre ženy, Pery hladké ako sklo a lesklé ako zrkadlo? Lesk na pery Makeup Revolution Xmass 2024 Mini Shimmer Bomb Duo premení tento sen na skutočnosť. Pery pokryje vysoko lesklou vrstvou, vyhladí a vyrovná ich povrch tak, že všetky ryhy či vrásky budú dokonale zamaskované a navyše perám zaistí dlhotrvajúci komfortný pocit. Podporí ich zvláčnený vzhľad a zabráni viditeľnej suchosti narúšajúcej bezchybné líčenie. V okamihu vám skrátka pomôže dosiahnuť nádherne lesklé, šťavnaté pery, ktoré priťahujú pohľady a zvádzajú k bozkom. Obsah sady: Makeup Revolution Mini Shimmer Bomb Sparkle Pink lesk na pery s trblietkami 1,4 ml Makeup Revolution Mini Shimmer Bomb Glistening Gold lesk na pery s trblietkami 1,4 ml Vlastnosti: pre dokonalé zvýraznenie pier skvele sa hodí ako darček poteší všetky ženy jemne pery zafarbí trblieta sa limitovaná edícia Zloženie: vegánsky produkt Použitie: Naneste na pery rovnomernú vrstvu pomocou aplikátora.

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Xmass 2024 Mini Shimmer Bomb Duo darčeková sada na pery

cena 6.2 €

REVOLUTION Peptide Power Lash and Lip Duo darčeková sada 2 ks

Revolution Peptide Power Lash and Lip Duo darčeková sada 2 ks Darujte prirodzene plnšie obočie, riasy a pery s našou peptidovou súpravou na ošetrenie rias a pier.

Objav podobné ako REVOLUTION Peptide Power Lash and Lip Duo darčeková sada 2 ks

cena 14.9 €

NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Duck Plump Lip Gloss lesk na pery 17 Pure plump 7 ml

NYX Professional Makeup Duck Plump Lip Gloss lesk na pery 17 Pure plump 7 ml Pozor! Pozor! Môže spôsobiť "duck" efekt pier! Získajte okamžité i pretrvávajúce zväčšenie pier aj bez injekcií vďaka lesku na pery Duck Plump s extrémnym pocitom vyplnenia. A netreba ani viacero vrstiev! Dosiahnite extrémne lesklý a vysokopigmentovaný vý

Objav podobné ako NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Duck Plump Lip Gloss lesk na pery 17 Pure plump 7 ml

cena 11.9 €

Baylis & Harding Darčeková sada leskov na pery Jednorožec 3 ks

Súprava obsahuje: Lesk na pery Vanilla Frosting 8 ml Lesk na pery Vanilla Ice Cream 8 ml Lesk na pery Vanilla Bean 8 ml Lesk na pery Obalí pery hodvábne jemnou textúrou, ktorá zanechá hebké, vláčne a vyživené pery s trblietavým efektom. Použitie: Jemne pretrite pery pomocou aplikátora. V priebehu dňa opakujte podľa potreby. Kolekcia Beauticology je hravá, zábavná, kúzelná a farebná. Dizajn s holografickými detailmi, pastelovými farbami a magickými motívmi tvorí spoločne s rozmanitými vôňami cukroviniek perfektnú kolekciu pre malých či väčších milovníkov jednorožcov, ktorí majú chuť na sladké! Produkty iba na vonkajšie použitie. Vyhnite sa kontaktu s očami a očným okolím. Pri akýchkoľvek známkach podráždenie prestaňte používať. Vegan & Cruelty-Free.

Objav podobné ako Baylis & Harding Darčeková sada leskov na pery Jednorožec 3 ks

cena 13.5 €

Barry M Lip Care Duo darčeková sada na pery s vôňou Peach Martini

Barry M Lip Care Duo, 2x14 g, Masky na pery pre ženy, Všetko pre krásne vyzerajúcu pleť v jednom balení. Kozmetická sada Barry M Lip Care Duo obsahuje nie jeden, ale hneď niekoľko produktov, ktoré pomôžu vytvoriť alebo obohatiť každodennú kozmetickú rutinu a urobia tak radosť vám alebo ako darček potešia vašich blízkych. Obsah sady: tónovací balzam na pery 14 g hydratačná maska na pery 14 g Vlastnosti: hĺbkovo hydratuje a intenzívne vyživuje zanecháva pery hebké a jemné jemne pery tónuje Zloženie: vegánsky produkt Použitie: Naneste na pery kedykoľvek počas dňa podľa potreby.

Objav podobné ako Barry M Lip Care Duo darčeková sada na pery s vôňou Peach Martini

cena 9.1 €

Anastasia Beverly Hills Velvet-Matte Lip Duo darčeková sada na pery odtieň Deep Taupe & Blush Brown

Anastasia Beverly Hills Velvet-Matte Lip Duo, Kozmetické sady pre ženy, Všetko pre perfektné nalíčenie v jednom balení. Kozmetická sada Anastasia Beverly Hills Velvet-Matte Lip Duoobsahuje nie jeden, ale hneď niekoľko beauty kúskov, ktoré pomôžu vytvoriť alebo obohatiť pravidelnú make-up rutinu. Balíček plný dekoratívnej kozmetiky urobí radosť vám alebo ako darček poteší vašich blízkych. Obsah sady: matný rúž 3 g kontúrovacia ceruzka na pery 1,14 g Vlastnosti: dokonale orámuje a zvýrazní pery príjemná krémová textúra dodáva perám zmyselný objem Použitie: Každý produkt z kozmetického setu používajte podľa uvedeného návodu.

Objav podobné ako Anastasia Beverly Hills Velvet-Matte Lip Duo darčeková sada na pery odtieň Deep Taupe & Blush Brown

cena 24.16 €

Anastasia Beverly Hills Velvet-Matte Lip Duo darčeková sada na pery odtieň Warm Taupe & Warm Taupe

Anastasia Beverly Hills Velvet-Matte Lip Duo, Kozmetické sady pre ženy, Všetko pre perfektné nalíčenie v jednom balení. Kozmetická sada Anastasia Beverly Hills Velvet-Matte Lip Duoobsahuje nie jeden, ale hneď niekoľko beauty kúskov, ktoré pomôžu vytvoriť alebo obohatiť pravidelnú make-up rutinu. Balíček plný dekoratívnej kozmetiky urobí radosť vám alebo ako darček poteší vašich blízkych. Obsah sady: matný rúž 3 g kontúrovacia ceruzka na pery 1,14 g Vlastnosti: dokonale orámuje a zvýrazní pery príjemná krémová textúra dodáva perám zmyselný objem Použitie: Každý produkt z kozmetického setu používajte podľa uvedeného návodu.

Objav podobné ako Anastasia Beverly Hills Velvet-Matte Lip Duo darčeková sada na pery odtieň Warm Taupe & Warm Taupe

cena 21.04 €

Anastasia Beverly Hills Velvet-Matte Lip Duo darčeková sada na pery odtieň Muted Mauve & Hush Rose

Anastasia Beverly Hills Velvet-Matte Lip Duo, Kozmetické sady pre ženy, Všetko pre perfektné nalíčenie v jednom balení. Kozmetická sada Anastasia Beverly Hills Velvet-Matte Lip Duoobsahuje nie jeden, ale hneď niekoľko beauty kúskov, ktoré pomôžu vytvoriť alebo obohatiť pravidelnú make-up rutinu. Balíček plný dekoratívnej kozmetiky urobí radosť vám alebo ako darček poteší vašich blízkych. Obsah sady: matný rúž 3 g kontúrovacia ceruzka na pery 1,14 g Vlastnosti: dokonale orámuje a zvýrazní pery príjemná krémová textúra dodáva perám zmyselný objem Použitie: Každý produkt z kozmetického setu používajte podľa uvedeného návodu.

Objav podobné ako Anastasia Beverly Hills Velvet-Matte Lip Duo darčeková sada na pery odtieň Muted Mauve & Hush Rose

cena 21.0 €

NARS MINI Afterglow Lip Shine sada leskov na pery

NARS MINI Afterglow Lip Shine, Kozmetické sady pre ženy, Pery hladké ako sklo a lesklé ako zrkadlo? Lesk na pery NARS MINI Afterglow Lip Shine premení tento sen na skutočnosť. Pery pokryje vysoko lesklou vrstvou, vyhladí a vyrovná ich povrch tak, že všetky ryhy či vrásky budú dokonale zamaskované a navyše perám zaistí dlhotrvajúci komfortný pocit. Podporí ich zvláčnený vzhľad a zabráni viditeľnej suchosti narúšajúcej bezchybné líčenie. V okamihu vám skrátka pomôže dosiahnuť nádherne lesklé, šťavnaté pery, ktoré priťahujú pohľady a zvádzajú k bozkom. Obsah sady: NYMPHO hydratačný lesk na pery 3,7 ml ORGASM hydratačný lesk na pery 3,7 ml A-LISTER hydratačný lesk na pery 3,7 ml ARAGÓN hydratačný lesk na pery 3,7 ml Vlastnosti: hydratuje a zvláčňuje pery vyhladzuje jemné linky na perách zaisťuje vysoký lesk skvele sa hodí ako darček perfektná na denné aj večerné líčenie Použitie: Naneste na pery rovnomernú vrstvu pomocou aplikátora.

Objav podobné ako NARS MINI Afterglow Lip Shine sada leskov na pery

cena 40.0 €

NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Duck Plump Lip Gloss lesk na pery 03 Nude swings 7 ml

NYX Professional Makeup Duck Plump Lip Gloss lesk na pery 03 Nude swings 7 ml Pozor! Pozor! Môže spôsobiť "duck" efekt pier! Získajte okamžité i pretrvávajúce zväčšenie pier aj bez injekcií vďaka lesku na pery Duck Plump s extrémnym pocitom vyplnenia. A netreba ani viacero vrstiev!

Objav podobné ako NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Duck Plump Lip Gloss lesk na pery 03 Nude swings 7 ml

cena 11.9 €

NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Duck Plump Lip Gloss lesk na pery 19 Cherry spice 7 ml

NYX Professional Makeup Duck Plump Lip Gloss lesk na pery 19 Cherry spice 7 ml Pozor! Pozor! Môže spôsobiť kačacie pery! Získajte okamžite zväčšené pery aj bez injekcií vďaka lesku na pery Duck Plump s extrémnym pocitom vyplnenia. A nepotrebujete ani viac vrstiev!

Objav podobné ako NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Duck Plump Lip Gloss lesk na pery 19 Cherry spice 7 ml

cena 11.9 €

Baylis & Harding Darčeková sada leskov na pery Fík & Granátové jablko 3 ks

Súprava obsahuje: Lesk na pery 3 × 2,5 ml Lesk na pery Lesk na pery s vitamínom E zjemňuje a hydratuje pery. Jeho lesklý a trblietavý efekt rozžiari váš denný aj večerný look. Použitie: Jemnými ťahmi naneste na suché pery. Podľa potreby opakujte. Moonlight Fig Kolekcia Moonlight Fig je prezentovaná fialovými a sýto ružovými tónmi s explóziou luxusných zlatých detailov, ktoré navodzujú sviatočnú atmosféru. Trblietavé odlesky a konfety pripomínajú novoročný ohňostroj a prebudia vo Vás chuť navštíviť večierok a osláviť príchod nového roka. Len na vonkajšie použitie. Vyhnite sa kontaktu s očami a očným okolím. Pri akýchkoľvek známkach podráždenie prestaňte používať. Vegan & Cruelty-Free

Objav podobné ako Baylis & Harding Darčeková sada leskov na pery Fík & Granátové jablko 3 ks

cena 14.6 €

Baylis & Harding Darčeková sada leskov na pery Jojoba, Vanilka & Mandľový olej 3 ks

Súprava obsahuje: Lesk na pery 3 × 2,5 ml Lesk na pery Lesk na pery s trblietavým efektom s vôňou jojoby, sladkej vanilky a mandľového oleja. Zloženie s vitamínom E jemne zvlhčuje a hydratuje pery. Ľahko sa zmestia do kabelky, do auta alebo do Vašej kozmetickej taštičky. Použitie: Jemnými ťahmi naneste na suché pery. Podľa potreby opakujte. Jojoba, Vanilla & Almond Oil Luxusná kolekcia Jojoba, Vanilla & Almond Oil je prezentovaná metalickými, ombré odtiene fialovo-modrých farieb s explóziou trblietavých detailov, ktoré spoločne s holografickým baliacim papierom prepožičiavajú kolekcii ojedinelý vzhľad inšpirujúci sa krásou poznania astrológie. Kolekciu sprevádzajú decentné tóny kokosu, jojoby a sladkých mandlí, ktoré prechádzajú v kvetinovej esencii av závere ucítite vôňu vanilky, karamelu, pačuli a tonky. Len na vonkajšie použitie. Vyhnite sa kontaktu s očami a očným okolím. Pri akýchkoľvek známkach podráždenie prestaňte používať. Bez parabénov, silikónov a ftalátov Vegánske a Cruelty free

Objav podobné ako Baylis & Harding Darčeková sada leskov na pery Jojoba, Vanilka & Mandľový olej 3 ks

cena 14.6 €

Barry M Lip Care Duo darčeková sada na pery s vôňou Mint Mojito 2x14 g

Barry M Lip Care Duo, 2x14 g, Masky na pery pre ženy, Všetko pre krásne vyzerajúcu pleť v jednom balení. Kozmetická sada Barry M Lip Care Duo obsahuje nie jeden, ale hneď niekoľko produktov, ktoré pomôžu vytvoriť alebo obohatiť každodennú kozmetickú rutinu a urobia tak radosť vám alebo ako darček potešia vašich blízkych. Obsah sady: tónovací balzam na pery 14 g hydratačná maska na pery 14 g Vlastnosti: hĺbkovo hydratuje a intenzívne vyživuje zanecháva pery hebké a jemné jemne pery tónuje Zloženie: vegánsky produkt Použitie: Naneste na pery kedykoľvek počas dňa podľa potreby.

Objav podobné ako Barry M Lip Care Duo darčeková sada na pery s vôňou Mint Mojito 2x14 g

cena 9.03 €

NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Duck Plump Lip Gloss lesk na pery 14 Hall of flame 7 ml

NYX Professional Makeup Duck Plump Lip Gloss lesk na pery 14 Hall of flame 7 ml Pozor! Pozor! Môže spôsobiť "duck" efekt pier! Získajte okamžité i pretrvávajúce zväčšenie pier aj bez injekcií vďaka lesku na pery Duck Plump s extrémnym pocitom vyplnenia. A netreba ani viacero vrstiev! Dosiahnite extrémne lesklý a vysokopigmentovaný vý

Objav podobné ako NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Duck Plump Lip Gloss lesk na pery 14 Hall of flame 7 ml

cena 11.9 €

Martinelia My Best Friends Purse & Lip sada leskov na pery pre deti

Martinelia My Best Friends Purse & Lip, Sady pre deti pre deti, Zábava na prvom mieste. Produkt Martinelia My Best Friends Purse & Lip deti zabaví, umožní im na chvíľu sa cítiť ako dospelí a hravý dizajn je stávkou na istotu. Vlastnosti: hydratuje a zvláčňuje pery jemne pery zafarbí poteší každé dievčatko skvele sa hodí ako darček Obsah sady: lesk na pery 2 ks peňaženka pre deti

Objav podobné ako Martinelia My Best Friends Purse & Lip sada leskov na pery pre deti

cena 8.4 €

Revolution Vyživujúce sérum na pery Rehab Plump Me Up Pink Glaze (Lip Serum) 4,6 ml

Vráťte svojim perám život s Revolution Rehab Plump Me Up Lip Serum Pink Glaze. Sérum na pery, nabité vitamínom E vyživuje pery a zároveň vytvára ich plnší vzhľad.

Objav podobné ako Revolution Vyživujúce sérum na pery Rehab Plump Me Up Pink Glaze (Lip Serum) 4,6 ml

cena 7.1 €

Revolution Vyživujúce sérum na pery Rehab Plump Me Up Orange Glaze (Lip Serum) 4,6 ml

Vráťte svojim perám život s Revolution Rehab Plump Me Up Lip Serum Orange Glaze. Sérum na pery, nabité vitamínom E vyživuje pery a zároveň vytvára ich plnší vzhľad.

Objav podobné ako Revolution Vyživujúce sérum na pery Rehab Plump Me Up Orange Glaze (Lip Serum) 4,6 ml

cena 7.4 €

Revolution Darčeková sada Ultimate Nude Lip Kit

Súprava obsahuje: Rúž Chauffeur Nude (Satin Kiss Lipstick) Rúž Lip Allure Chauffeur Nude (Soft Satin Lipstick) Ceruzka na pery Chauffeur Nude (Satin Kiss Lipliner) Lesk na pery Chauffeur Nude (Vinyl Lipgloss) Lesk na pery Clear (Vinyl Lipgloss) Lesk na pery Light Catcher (Shimmer Bomb)

Objav podobné ako Revolution Darčeková sada Ultimate Nude Lip Kit

cena 26.3 €

Makeup Revolution Lip Vinyl Ballerina lesk na pery 3,6 ml

Dekoratívna kozmetika v našej ponuke nesie mená tých najslávnejších kozmetických značiek.

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Lip Vinyl Ballerina lesk na pery 3,6 ml

cena 7.05 €

Disney Frozen 2 Lip Gloss Set sada leskov na pery pre deti 6x3,6 g

Disney Frozen 2 Lip Gloss Set, 6x3,6 g, Maľovátka pre deti pre deti, Lesk na pery Disney Frozen 2 zaistí vašim perám krásny vzhľad. Vlastnosti: trblieta sa jemne pery zafarbí Použitie: Naneste na pery rovnomernú vrstvu pomocou aplikátora.

Objav podobné ako Disney Frozen 2 Lip Gloss Set sada leskov na pery pre deti 6x3,6 g

cena 6.4 €

Revolution PRO Glossy Lips darčeková sada na pery

Revolution PRO Glossy Lips, Balzamy na pery pre ženy, Urobte radosť sebe alebo svojim blízkym perfektným kozmetickým setom Revolution PRO Glossy Lips. Balíček plný mejkapových kúskov ako darček vždy poteší. Obsah sady: olej na pery s vyživujúcim účinkom 8 ml olej na pery s vôňou ruží 8 ml Vlastnosti: poskytuje suchým perám okamžitú úľavu krásne zabalené zanecháva pery hebké a jemné Zloženie: vegánsky produkt Použitie: Naneste na pery kedykoľvek počas dňa podľa potreby.

Objav podobné ako Revolution PRO Glossy Lips darčeková sada na pery

cena 15.6 €

Disney Minnie Lip Gloss Set sada leskov na pery so zrkadielkom a aplikátorom 1 ks

Disney Minnie Lip Gloss Set, 1 ks, Maľovátka pre deti pre deti, Zábava na prvom mieste. Produkt Disney Minnie Lip Gloss Set deti zabaví, umožní im na chvíľu sa cítiť ako dospelí a hravý dizajn je stávkou na istotu. Vlastnosti: lesk na pery dá sa ľahko zmyť vodou

Objav podobné ako Disney Minnie Lip Gloss Set sada leskov na pery so zrkadielkom a aplikátorom 1 ks

cena 4.84 €

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Poser Lesky na pery Ružová

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Poser Ružová. Poser - Discover Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss for dazzling lips. Its lightweight, non-sticky formula is enriched with pigments for intense color and remarkable shine. This long-lasting gloss offers a semi-matte finish for a chic and enduring look. Use it alone or in combination with a matte lipstick for an even more spectacular effect. Cruelty-free and vegan. Immerse yourself in the beauty universe with Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss. This flagship product embodies the quintessence of elegance, offering sumptuous shine and dazzling brilliance to your lips. Its innovative, non-sticky, lightweight formula is infused with intense pigments that combine to create rich and vibrant color, enhancing your lips with a deep and seductive hue. Featuring a semi-matte finish, this gloss adds a sophisticated touch to your look, ideal for all occasions, from glamorous evenings to casual days. Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is much more than just a cosmetic product it's an essential accessory for any makeup enthusiast. Its velvety texture effortlessly glides onto the lips, thanks to its soft applicator, providing smooth and precise application. Comfortable to wear and long-lasting, it accompanies you throughout the day without requiring constant touch-ups, allowing you to shine in all circumstances. Designed to meet the demands of modern consumers, Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is not only a symbol of glamour and sophistication, but also an environmentally and animal-friendly product. Certified cruelty-free and vegan, it embodies Makeup Revolution's ethical values, a brand committed to animal welfare and sustainability. With this gloss, you can flaunt your sublime lips with a clear conscience, knowing that you are supporting a brand that cares about the future of our planet and its inhabitants..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Poser Lesky na pery Ružová

cena 4.55 €

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Turmoil Lesky na pery Fialová

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Turmoil Fialová. Turmoil - Discover Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss for dazzling lips. Its lightweight, non-sticky formula is enriched with pigments for intense color and remarkable shine. This long-lasting gloss offers a semi-matte finish for a chic and enduring look. Use it alone or in combination with a matte lipstick for an even more spectacular effect. Cruelty-free and vegan. Immerse yourself in the beauty universe with Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss. This flagship product embodies the quintessence of elegance, offering sumptuous shine and dazzling brilliance to your lips. Its innovative, non-sticky, lightweight formula is infused with intense pigments that combine to create rich and vibrant color, enhancing your lips with a deep and seductive hue. Featuring a semi-matte finish, this gloss adds a sophisticated touch to your look, ideal for all occasions, from glamorous evenings to casual days. Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is much more than just a cosmetic product it's an essential accessory for any makeup enthusiast. Its velvety texture effortlessly glides onto the lips, thanks to its soft applicator, providing smooth and precise application. Comfortable to wear and long-lasting, it accompanies you throughout the day without requiring constant touch-ups, allowing you to shine in all circumstances. Designed to meet the demands of modern consumers, Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is not only a symbol of glamour and sophistication, but also an environmentally and animal-friendly product. Certified cruelty-free and vegan, it embodies Makeup Revolution's ethical values, a brand committed to animal welfare and sustainability. With this gloss, you can flaunt your sublime lips with a clear conscience, knowing that you are supporting a brand that cares about the future of our planet and its inhabitants..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Turmoil Lesky na pery Fialová

cena 4.55 €

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Turnabout Lesky na pery Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Turnabout Hnedá. Turnabout - Discover Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss for dazzling lips. Its lightweight, non-sticky formula is enriched with pigments for intense color and remarkable shine. This long-lasting gloss offers a semi-matte finish for a chic and enduring look. Use it alone or in combination with a matte lipstick for an even more spectacular effect. Cruelty-free and vegan. Immerse yourself in the beauty universe with Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss. This flagship product embodies the quintessence of elegance, offering sumptuous shine and dazzling brilliance to your lips. Its innovative, non-sticky, lightweight formula is infused with intense pigments that combine to create rich and vibrant color, enhancing your lips with a deep and seductive hue. Featuring a semi-matte finish, this gloss adds a sophisticated touch to your look, ideal for all occasions, from glamorous evenings to casual days. Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is much more than just a cosmetic product it's an essential accessory for any makeup enthusiast. Its velvety texture effortlessly glides onto the lips, thanks to its soft applicator, providing smooth and precise application. Comfortable to wear and long-lasting, it accompanies you throughout the day without requiring constant touch-ups, allowing you to shine in all circumstances. Designed to meet the demands of modern consumers, Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is not only a symbol of glamour and sophistication, but also an environmentally and animal-friendly product. Certified cruelty-free and vegan, it embodies Makeup Revolution's ethical values, a brand committed to animal welfare and sustainability. With this gloss, you can flaunt your sublime lips with a clear conscience, knowing that you are supporting a brand that cares about the future of our planet and its inhabitants..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Turnabout Lesky na pery Hnedá

cena 4.55 €

Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 107 RBF Lesky na pery Fialová

Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 107 RBF Fialová. 107 RBF - Makeup Revolution introduces the Matte Lip Gloss, an explosion of intense color for your lips. This velvety-finish lipstick provides high coverage, allowing you to make a bold statement. Cruelty-free and vegan, it's the perfect companion for a striking look. Explore a diverse range of shades and finishes to enhance your style. Experience vibrant glamour with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lip Gloss. This lipstick is a true revelation for beauty enthusiasts seeking rich color and powerful impact. Its velvety finish glides smoothly onto your lips, ensuring flawless coverage. The highly-pigmented formula allows you to create bold and alluring lips in just one stroke.Makeup Revolution is committed to animal welfare, offering a completely cruelty-free and vegan product. You can rest assured that your radiant beauty doesn't compromise ethics. The Matte Lip Gloss is more than just a cosmetic product it's a conscious choice for a stunning look.Discover a myriad of possibilities with an extensive range of colors and four distinct finishes. Whether you're looking for a classic shade for everyday wear or a bold hue for a special evening, Makeup Revolution has you covered. Express yourself limitlessly and elevate your style with the Matte Lip Gloss. Make each application a sensory experience, embracing beauty, ethics, and individuality while staying true to the exceptional quality that defines Makeup Revolution..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 107 RBF Lesky na pery Fialová

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Sincere Lesky na pery Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Sincere Hnedá. Sincere - Discover Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss for dazzling lips. Its lightweight, non-sticky formula is enriched with pigments for intense color and remarkable shine. This long-lasting gloss offers a semi-matte finish for a chic and enduring look. Use it alone or in combination with a matte lipstick for an even more spectacular effect. Cruelty-free and vegan. Immerse yourself in the beauty universe with Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss. This flagship product embodies the quintessence of elegance, offering sumptuous shine and dazzling brilliance to your lips. Its innovative, non-sticky, lightweight formula is infused with intense pigments that combine to create rich and vibrant color, enhancing your lips with a deep and seductive hue. Featuring a semi-matte finish, this gloss adds a sophisticated touch to your look, ideal for all occasions, from glamorous evenings to casual days. Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is much more than just a cosmetic product it's an essential accessory for any makeup enthusiast. Its velvety texture effortlessly glides onto the lips, thanks to its soft applicator, providing smooth and precise application. Comfortable to wear and long-lasting, it accompanies you throughout the day without requiring constant touch-ups, allowing you to shine in all circumstances. Designed to meet the demands of modern consumers, Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is not only a symbol of glamour and sophistication, but also an environmentally and animal-friendly product. Certified cruelty-free and vegan, it embodies Makeup Revolution's ethical values, a brand committed to animal welfare and sustainability. With this gloss, you can flaunt your sublime lips with a clear conscience, knowing that you are supporting a brand that cares about the future of our planet and its inhabitants..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Sincere Lesky na pery Hnedá

cena 4.55 €

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Hysteria Lesky na pery Ružová

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Hysteria Ružová. Hysteria - Discover Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss for dazzling lips. Its lightweight, non-sticky formula is enriched with pigments for intense color and remarkable shine. This long-lasting gloss offers a semi-matte finish for a chic and enduring look. Use it alone or in combination with a matte lipstick for an even more spectacular effect. Cruelty-free and vegan. Immerse yourself in the beauty universe with Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss. This flagship product embodies the quintessence of elegance, offering sumptuous shine and dazzling brilliance to your lips. Its innovative, non-sticky, lightweight formula is infused with intense pigments that combine to create rich and vibrant color, enhancing your lips with a deep and seductive hue. Featuring a semi-matte finish, this gloss adds a sophisticated touch to your look, ideal for all occasions, from glamorous evenings to casual days. Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is much more than just a cosmetic product it's an essential accessory for any makeup enthusiast. Its velvety texture effortlessly glides onto the lips, thanks to its soft applicator, providing smooth and precise application. Comfortable to wear and long-lasting, it accompanies you throughout the day without requiring constant touch-ups, allowing you to shine in all circumstances. Designed to meet the demands of modern consumers, Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is not only a symbol of glamour and sophistication, but also an environmentally and animal-friendly product. Certified cruelty-free and vegan, it embodies Makeup Revolution's ethical values, a brand committed to animal welfare and sustainability. With this gloss, you can flaunt your sublime lips with a clear conscience, knowing that you are supporting a brand that cares about the future of our planet and its inhabitants..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Hysteria Lesky na pery Ružová

cena 4.55 €

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Ignition Lesky na pery Červená

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Ignition Červená. Ignition - Discover Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss for dazzling lips. Its lightweight, non-sticky formula is enriched with pigments for intense color and remarkable shine. This long-lasting gloss offers a semi-matte finish for a chic and enduring look. Use it alone or in combination with a matte lipstick for an even more spectacular effect. Cruelty-free and vegan. Immerse yourself in the beauty universe with Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss. This flagship product embodies the quintessence of elegance, offering sumptuous shine and dazzling brilliance to your lips. Its innovative, non-sticky, lightweight formula is infused with intense pigments that combine to create rich and vibrant color, enhancing your lips with a deep and seductive hue. Featuring a semi-matte finish, this gloss adds a sophisticated touch to your look, ideal for all occasions, from glamorous evenings to casual days. Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is much more than just a cosmetic product it's an essential accessory for any makeup enthusiast. Its velvety texture effortlessly glides onto the lips, thanks to its soft applicator, providing smooth and precise application. Comfortable to wear and long-lasting, it accompanies you throughout the day without requiring constant touch-ups, allowing you to shine in all circumstances. Designed to meet the demands of modern consumers, Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is not only a symbol of glamour and sophistication, but also an environmentally and animal-friendly product. Certified cruelty-free and vegan, it embodies Makeup Revolution's ethical values, a brand committed to animal welfare and sustainability. With this gloss, you can flaunt your sublime lips with a clear conscience, knowing that you are supporting a brand that cares about the future of our planet and its inhabitants..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Ignition Lesky na pery Červená

cena 4.55 €

Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 130 Decadence Lesky na pery Oranžová

Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 130 Decadence Oranžová. 130 Decadence - Makeup Revolution introduces the Matte Lip Gloss, an explosion of intense color for your lips. This velvety-finish lipstick provides high coverage, allowing you to make a bold statement. Cruelty-free and vegan, it's the perfect companion for a striking look. Explore a diverse range of shades and finishes to enhance your style. Experience vibrant glamour with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lip Gloss. This lipstick is a true revelation for beauty enthusiasts seeking rich color and powerful impact. Its velvety finish glides smoothly onto your lips, ensuring flawless coverage. The highly-pigmented formula allows you to create bold and alluring lips in just one stroke.Makeup Revolution is committed to animal welfare, offering a completely cruelty-free and vegan product. You can rest assured that your radiant beauty doesn't compromise ethics. The Matte Lip Gloss is more than just a cosmetic product it's a conscious choice for a stunning look.Discover a myriad of possibilities with an extensive range of colors and four distinct finishes. Whether you're looking for a classic shade for everyday wear or a bold hue for a special evening, Makeup Revolution has you covered. Express yourself limitlessly and elevate your style with the Matte Lip Gloss. Make each application a sensory experience, embracing beauty, ethics, and individuality while staying true to the exceptional quality that defines Makeup Revolution..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 130 Decadence Lesky na pery Oranžová

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 137 Cupcake Lesky na pery Ružová

Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 137 Cupcake Ružová. 137 Cupcake - Makeup Revolution introduces the Matte Lip Gloss, an explosion of intense color for your lips. This velvety-finish lipstick provides high coverage, allowing you to make a bold statement. Cruelty-free and vegan, it's the perfect companion for a striking look. Explore a diverse range of shades and finishes to enhance your style. Experience vibrant glamour with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lip Gloss. This lipstick is a true revelation for beauty enthusiasts seeking rich color and powerful impact. Its velvety finish glides smoothly onto your lips, ensuring flawless coverage. The highly-pigmented formula allows you to create bold and alluring lips in just one stroke.Makeup Revolution is committed to animal welfare, offering a completely cruelty-free and vegan product. You can rest assured that your radiant beauty doesn't compromise ethics. The Matte Lip Gloss is more than just a cosmetic product it's a conscious choice for a stunning look.Discover a myriad of possibilities with an extensive range of colors and four distinct finishes. Whether you're looking for a classic shade for everyday wear or a bold hue for a special evening, Makeup Revolution has you covered. Express yourself limitlessly and elevate your style with the Matte Lip Gloss. Make each application a sensory experience, embracing beauty, ethics, and individuality while staying true to the exceptional quality that defines Makeup Revolution..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 137 Cupcake Lesky na pery Ružová

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Ultimatum Lesky na pery Ružová

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Ultimatum Ružová. Ultimatum - Discover Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss for dazzling lips. Its lightweight, non-sticky formula is enriched with pigments for intense color and remarkable shine. This long-lasting gloss offers a semi-matte finish for a chic and enduring look. Use it alone or in combination with a matte lipstick for an even more spectacular effect. Cruelty-free and vegan. Immerse yourself in the beauty universe with Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss. This flagship product embodies the quintessence of elegance, offering sumptuous shine and dazzling brilliance to your lips. Its innovative, non-sticky, lightweight formula is infused with intense pigments that combine to create rich and vibrant color, enhancing your lips with a deep and seductive hue. Featuring a semi-matte finish, this gloss adds a sophisticated touch to your look, ideal for all occasions, from glamorous evenings to casual days. Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is much more than just a cosmetic product it's an essential accessory for any makeup enthusiast. Its velvety texture effortlessly glides onto the lips, thanks to its soft applicator, providing smooth and precise application. Comfortable to wear and long-lasting, it accompanies you throughout the day without requiring constant touch-ups, allowing you to shine in all circumstances. Designed to meet the demands of modern consumers, Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is not only a symbol of glamour and sophistication, but also an environmentally and animal-friendly product. Certified cruelty-free and vegan, it embodies Makeup Revolution's ethical values, a brand committed to animal welfare and sustainability. With this gloss, you can flaunt your sublime lips with a clear conscience, knowing that you are supporting a brand that cares about the future of our planet and its inhabitants..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Ultimatum Lesky na pery Ružová

cena 4.55 €

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Beholden Lesky na pery Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Beholden Hnedá. Beholden - Discover Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss for dazzling lips. Its lightweight, non-sticky formula is enriched with pigments for intense color and remarkable shine. This long-lasting gloss offers a semi-matte finish for a chic and enduring look. Use it alone or in combination with a matte lipstick for an even more spectacular effect. Cruelty-free and vegan. Immerse yourself in the beauty universe with Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss. This flagship product embodies the quintessence of elegance, offering sumptuous shine and dazzling brilliance to your lips. Its innovative, non-sticky, lightweight formula is infused with intense pigments that combine to create rich and vibrant color, enhancing your lips with a deep and seductive hue. Featuring a semi-matte finish, this gloss adds a sophisticated touch to your look, ideal for all occasions, from glamorous evenings to casual days. Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is much more than just a cosmetic product it's an essential accessory for any makeup enthusiast. Its velvety texture effortlessly glides onto the lips, thanks to its soft applicator, providing smooth and precise application. Comfortable to wear and long-lasting, it accompanies you throughout the day without requiring constant touch-ups, allowing you to shine in all circumstances. Designed to meet the demands of modern consumers, Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is not only a symbol of glamour and sophistication, but also an environmentally and animal-friendly product. Certified cruelty-free and vegan, it embodies Makeup Revolution's ethical values, a brand committed to animal welfare and sustainability. With this gloss, you can flaunt your sublime lips with a clear conscience, knowing that you are supporting a brand that cares about the future of our planet and its inhabitants..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Beholden Lesky na pery Hnedá

cena 4.55 €

Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 145 Vixen Lesky na pery Fialová

Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 145 Vixen Fialová. 145 Vixen - Makeup Revolution introduces the Matte Lip Gloss, an explosion of intense color for your lips. This velvety-finish lipstick provides high coverage, allowing you to make a bold statement. Cruelty-free and vegan, it's the perfect companion for a striking look. Explore a diverse range of shades and finishes to enhance your style. Experience vibrant glamour with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lip Gloss. This lipstick is a true revelation for beauty enthusiasts seeking rich color and powerful impact. Its velvety finish glides smoothly onto your lips, ensuring flawless coverage. The highly-pigmented formula allows you to create bold and alluring lips in just one stroke.Makeup Revolution is committed to animal welfare, offering a completely cruelty-free and vegan product. You can rest assured that your radiant beauty doesn't compromise ethics. The Matte Lip Gloss is more than just a cosmetic product it's a conscious choice for a stunning look.Discover a myriad of possibilities with an extensive range of colors and four distinct finishes. Whether you're looking for a classic shade for everyday wear or a bold hue for a special evening, Makeup Revolution has you covered. Express yourself limitlessly and elevate your style with the Matte Lip Gloss. Make each application a sensory experience, embracing beauty, ethics, and individuality while staying true to the exceptional quality that defines Makeup Revolution..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 145 Vixen Lesky na pery Fialová

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Revoked Lesky na pery Hnedá

Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Revoked Hnedá. Revoked - Discover Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss for dazzling lips. Its lightweight, non-sticky formula is enriched with pigments for intense color and remarkable shine. This long-lasting gloss offers a semi-matte finish for a chic and enduring look. Use it alone or in combination with a matte lipstick for an even more spectacular effect. Cruelty-free and vegan. Immerse yourself in the beauty universe with Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss. This flagship product embodies the quintessence of elegance, offering sumptuous shine and dazzling brilliance to your lips. Its innovative, non-sticky, lightweight formula is infused with intense pigments that combine to create rich and vibrant color, enhancing your lips with a deep and seductive hue. Featuring a semi-matte finish, this gloss adds a sophisticated touch to your look, ideal for all occasions, from glamorous evenings to casual days. Makeup Revolution's Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is much more than just a cosmetic product it's an essential accessory for any makeup enthusiast. Its velvety texture effortlessly glides onto the lips, thanks to its soft applicator, providing smooth and precise application. Comfortable to wear and long-lasting, it accompanies you throughout the day without requiring constant touch-ups, allowing you to shine in all circumstances. Designed to meet the demands of modern consumers, Pro Supreme Lip Gloss is not only a symbol of glamour and sophistication, but also an environmentally and animal-friendly product. Certified cruelty-free and vegan, it embodies Makeup Revolution's ethical values, a brand committed to animal welfare and sustainability. With this gloss, you can flaunt your sublime lips with a clear conscience, knowing that you are supporting a brand that cares about the future of our planet and its inhabitants..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Pro Supreme Lip Gloss - Revoked Lesky na pery Hnedá

cena 4.55 €

Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 143 Violet Lesky na pery Fialová

Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 143 Violet Fialová. 143 Violet - Makeup Revolution introduces the Matte Lip Gloss, an explosion of intense color for your lips. This velvety-finish lipstick provides high coverage, allowing you to make a bold statement. Cruelty-free and vegan, it's the perfect companion for a striking look. Explore a diverse range of shades and finishes to enhance your style. Experience vibrant glamour with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lip Gloss. This lipstick is a true revelation for beauty enthusiasts seeking rich color and powerful impact. Its velvety finish glides smoothly onto your lips, ensuring flawless coverage. The highly-pigmented formula allows you to create bold and alluring lips in just one stroke.Makeup Revolution is committed to animal welfare, offering a completely cruelty-free and vegan product. You can rest assured that your radiant beauty doesn't compromise ethics. The Matte Lip Gloss is more than just a cosmetic product it's a conscious choice for a stunning look.Discover a myriad of possibilities with an extensive range of colors and four distinct finishes. Whether you're looking for a classic shade for everyday wear or a bold hue for a special evening, Makeup Revolution has you covered. Express yourself limitlessly and elevate your style with the Matte Lip Gloss. Make each application a sensory experience, embracing beauty, ethics, and individuality while staying true to the exceptional quality that defines Makeup Revolution..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 143 Violet Lesky na pery Fialová

cena 4.4 €

Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 139 Cutie Lesky na pery Ružová

Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 139 Cutie Ružová. 139 Cutie - Makeup Revolution introduces the Matte Lip Gloss, an explosion of intense color for your lips. This velvety-finish lipstick provides high coverage, allowing you to make a bold statement. Cruelty-free and vegan, it's the perfect companion for a striking look. Explore a diverse range of shades and finishes to enhance your style. Experience vibrant glamour with Makeup Revolution's Matte Lip Gloss. This lipstick is a true revelation for beauty enthusiasts seeking rich color and powerful impact. Its velvety finish glides smoothly onto your lips, ensuring flawless coverage. The highly-pigmented formula allows you to create bold and alluring lips in just one stroke.Makeup Revolution is committed to animal welfare, offering a completely cruelty-free and vegan product. You can rest assured that your radiant beauty doesn't compromise ethics. The Matte Lip Gloss is more than just a cosmetic product it's a conscious choice for a stunning look.Discover a myriad of possibilities with an extensive range of colors and four distinct finishes. Whether you're looking for a classic shade for everyday wear or a bold hue for a special evening, Makeup Revolution has you covered. Express yourself limitlessly and elevate your style with the Matte Lip Gloss. Make each application a sensory experience, embracing beauty, ethics, and individuality while staying true to the exceptional quality that defines Makeup Revolution..

Objav podobné ako Makeup Revolution Matte Lip Gloss - 139 Cutie Lesky na pery Ružová

cena 4.4 €

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