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STEALTH Twin Battery Charging Pack – Xbox (5055269711643)

Dobíjacia stanica – kompatibilná s XBOX ONE a XBOX Series X/S, 2× dobíjacia batéria s kapacitou 2200mAh, LED indikátory nabíjania, až 60 hodín herného času, dĺžka USB kábla 1 meter Dobíjacia stanica STEALTH Twin Battery Charging Pack predĺži výdrž vášho XBOX One a XBOX Series X/S ovládača. Umožní nabíjať dve dobíjacie batérie, ktoré sú súčasťou balenia a stave nabitia informuje pomocou LED indikátorov. Dohromady obe batérie s kapacitou 2200 mAh poskytnú až 60 hodín herného času naviac. Dobíjacia stanica STEALTH Twin Battery Charging Pack je napájaná cez USB pomocou 1m dlhého USB kábla. Umožňuje tiež priame pripojenie ku konzole XBOX a nabíjanie v pohotovostnom režime. Povrch tohto zariadenia tvoria abstraktný hexagonálny dizajn v čiernejfarbe, ktorý bude ladiť s vašou konzolou.Kľúčové vlastnosti dobíjacia stanica STEALTH Twin Battery Charging PackDobíjacia stanica STEALTH Twin Battery Charging Pack predĺži výdrž vášho ovládačaSúčasťou balenia sú dve batérie s...

Pozrite sa aj STEALTH Twin Battery Charging Pack – Xbox (5055269711643)

cena 24.9 €

STEALTH Twin Charging Dock + Battery Packs - White - Xbox (5055269711865)

Dobíjacia stanica - na 2 ovládače na Xbox, 2× battery pack, biela STEALTH Twin Charging Dock nabíja súčasne dva bezdrôtové ovládače pre Xbox X/S. Súčasťou balenia sú dve dobíjacie batérie, nabíja sa USB-C káblom. O stave nabíjania STEALTH Twin Charging Dock informuje LED indikátor. Využite funkciu Play and Charge na nabíjanie počas hrania.Kľúčové vlastnosti dobíjacej stanice STEALTH Twin Charging DockSTEALTH Twin Charging Dock na súčasné nabíjanie dvoch ovládačov Xbox X/SPlay and Charge nabíjanie počas hraniaLED indikátor stavu nabíjaniaNabíjanie USB-C káblomDve dobíjacie batérie v balení

Pozrite sa aj STEALTH Twin Charging Dock + Battery Packs - White - Xbox (5055269711865)

cena 24.9 €

STEALTH Twin Charging Dock + Play and Charge Cable - White - PS5 (5055269711636)

Dobíjacia stanica - na 2 ovládače PS5, LED indikátor nabíjania, LED osvetlenie, 2 doky na nabíjanie z USB C do USB C, funkcia "Play and Charge", dĺžka USB kábla 1 meter, farba biela Stealth SP-C100 V je nabíjacia stanica na dva ovládače DualSense PlayStation 5. Nabíja sa odnímateľným USB-C káblom s dĺžkou 1 m. Kábel funguje aj ako pripojenie Play & Charge, takže môžete pokračovať v hraní a zároveň nabíjať ovládač. Elegantný dizajn nabíjacej stanice Stealth SP-C100 V je doplnený pruhom modrého svetla s pulzným efektom. Stav nabíjania je viditeľný na dvoch LED indikátoroch.Kľúčové vlastnosti dobíjacej stanice Stealth SP-C100 VDobíjacia stanica Stealth SP-C100 V na dva ovládače DualSense PlayStation 5Nabíjanie USB-C káblomKábel využiteľný na súčasné hranie a nabíjanie Play & ChargeElegantný dizajn s modrým LED pruhomLED indikátory nabíjania

Pozrite sa aj VENOM VS2882 Xbox Series S/X & One Twin Battery Pack + 3m kábel

cena 19.9 €

Zebra battery charging station

Battery charging station, 1 slot, incl.: power supply, power cord (UK), fits for: L10

Objav podobné ako Zebra battery charging station

cena 267.04 €

Citizen 2000437, battery charging station

Citizen 2000437, battery charging station

Objav podobné ako Citizen 2000437, battery charging station

cena 26.53 €

Citizen 2000438, battery charging station

Citizen 2000438, battery charging station

Objav podobné ako Citizen 2000438, battery charging station

cena 26.53 €

Zebra Spare Battery Charging Shim

Spare Battery Charging Shim, allows the 2-Slot Charging Cradle to charge spare battery, fits for: 2-Slot Charging Cradle (RS5100, RS6100)

Objav podobné ako Zebra Spare Battery Charging Shim

cena 38.28 €

Zebra battery charging station, 1 slot

Battery charging station, 1 slot, incl.: power supply, power cord (EU), fits for: L10

Objav podobné ako Zebra battery charging station, 1 slot

cena 266.76 €

Honeywell battery charging station, 4 slots

Battery charging station, 4 slots, incl.: power supply, power cord (UK), fits for: EDA10A

Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station, 4 slots

cena 275.11 €

Honeywell battery charging station, 4 slots

Battery charging station, 4 slots, incl.: power supply, power cord (EU), fits for: EDA10

Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station, 4 slots

cena 275.11 €

Newland battery charging station, 4 slots

Battery charging station, 4 slots, incl.: power supply (EU, UK, US, IN), fits for: MT67

Objav podobné ako Newland battery charging station, 4 slots

cena 117.23 €

Newland battery charging station, 4 slots

Battery charging station, 4 slots, incl.: power supply (EU, UK), fits for: MT90

Objav podobné ako Newland battery charging station, 4 slots

cena 117.23 €

Newland battery charging station, 4 slots

Battery charging station, 4 slots, incl.: power supply (EU), fits for: N7

Objav podobné ako Newland battery charging station, 4 slots

cena 93.43 €

Newland battery charging station, 4 slots

Battery charging station, 4 slots, incl.: power supply, plugs (UK, EU), fits for: MT65

Objav podobné ako Newland battery charging station, 4 slots

cena 105.78 €

Newland battery charging station, 4 slots

Battery charging station, 4 slots, incl.: power supply (EU, UK, US, IN), fits for: MT93

Objav podobné ako Newland battery charging station, 4 slots

cena 109.31 €

Newland battery charging station, 4 slots

Battery charging station, 4 slots, incl.: power supply (EU, UK, US, IN), fits for: MT95

Objav podobné ako Newland battery charging station, 4 slots

cena 117.23 €

Zebra battery charging station, 40 slots

Battery charging station, 40 slots, rack mount ready, order separately: power supply, DC line cord, power cord (C13), fits for: RS5100

Objav podobné ako Zebra battery charging station, 40 slots

cena 2360.5 €

Zebra battery charging station, 8 slots

Battery charging station, 8 slots, order separately: power supply, DC line cord, power cord (C13), fits for: RS5100

Objav podobné ako Zebra battery charging station, 8 slots

cena 562.93 €

Zebra battery charging station, 1-slot

Battery charging station, 1 slot, incl.: power supply, power cord, fits for: ZQ220 Plus, ZQ120 Plus, ZR138xx

Objav podobné ako Zebra battery charging station, 1-slot

cena 16.27 €

Zebra battery charging station, 20 slots

Battery charging station, 20 slots, for 1300mAh battery, order separately: power supply, DC cable, power cord, fits for: WS50

Objav podobné ako Zebra battery charging station, 20 slots

cena 1376.51 €

Zebra battery charging station, 4 slots

Battery charging station, 4 slots, for 1300mAh battery, order separately: power supply, DC cable, power cord, fits for: WS50

Objav podobné ako Zebra battery charging station, 4 slots

cena 357.98 €

TSC battery charging station, 4 slots

Battery charging station, 4 slots, incl.: power supply, power cord (UK), fits for: Alpha-30L, Alpha-40L, Alpha-30R, RE310

Objav podobné ako TSC battery charging station, 4 slots

cena 279.23 €

Datalogic 94ACC0274 battery charging station, 4 slots

Datalogic 94ACC0274 battery charging station, 4 slots

Objav podobné ako Datalogic 94ACC0274 battery charging station, 4 slots

cena 176.62 €

Datalogic 94ACC0246 battery charging station, 4 slots

Datalogic 94ACC0246 battery charging station, 4 slots

Objav podobné ako Datalogic 94ACC0246 battery charging station, 4 slots

cena 279.82 €

Honeywell CW45-QBC-0, Battery Charging Station

Honeywell CW45-QBC-0, Battery Charging Station

Objav podobné ako Honeywell CW45-QBC-0, Battery Charging Station

cena 366.72 €

Star battery charging station 39569241, 4 slots

Star battery charging station 39569241, 4 slots

Objav podobné ako Star battery charging station 39569241, 4 slots

cena 174.59 €

Star battery charging station 39569160, 1 slot

Star battery charging station 39569160, 1 slot

Objav podobné ako Star battery charging station 39569160, 1 slot

cena 14.93 €

AlzaTools PRO CBCHS40V Brushless BatteryONE 20V (twin battery = 40V) (AT-CBCHS40V)

Motorová píla – 2× 20 V, lišta Oregon 35 cm, reťaz Oregon s 52 článkami, max. rýchlosť 19 m/s, bezpečnostná brzda reťaze, automatické mazanie, napínanie reťaze bez náradia, bezuhlíkový typ motora, hmotnosť 3,5 kg, súčasťou balenia kryt lišty a reťaze, bez aku a nabíjačky, kompatibilná so systémom BatteryONE 20V, 5 rokov záruka Výber značkyAlzaPowerAlzaErgoAlzaGuardBlackmontEternicoFerridaLa ProromanceAlzaCaféVýkonná, ľahká a obratná motorová pílaKompaktná a ľahká akumulátorová motorová píla AlzaTools PRO CBCHS40V Brushless BatteryONE 20V sa stane nepostrádateľným pomocníkom aj na vašej záhrade. Ohromí vás kvalitnými materiálmi, precíznym spracovaním a špičkovou ergonómiou, vďaka ktorej bude prerezávanie a výrub stromov, odvetvovanie alebo rezanie palivového dreva úplnou hračkou. Táto motorová píla s bezúdržbovým a spoľahlivým bezuhlíkovým motorom spĺňa všetky bezpečnostné štandardy, preto sa môžete spoľahnúť, že práca s ňou bude efektívna, pohodlná a v...

Objav podobné ako AlzaTools PRO CBCHS40V Brushless BatteryONE 20V (twin battery = 40V) (AT-CBCHS40V)

cena 143.9 €

Honeywell 8670378CHARGER-VI battery charging station, 8 slots

Honeywell 8670378CHARGER-VI battery charging station, 8 slots

Objav podobné ako Honeywell 8670378CHARGER-VI battery charging station, 8 slots

cena 251.24 €

Datalogic MC-GM45Datalgic battery charging station, 4 slots

Datalogic MC-GM45Datalgic battery charging station, 4 slots

Objav podobné ako Datalogic MC-GM45Datalgic battery charging station, 4 slots

cena 149.65 €

Honeywell battery charging station 220540-000, 4 slot

Honeywell battery charging station 220540-000, 4 slot

Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station 220540-000, 4 slot

cena 439.81 €

Honeywell FlexDock battery charging station DX4A2BBBB00, 8 slots

Honeywell FlexDock battery charging station DX4A2BBBB00, 8 slots

Objav podobné ako Honeywell FlexDock battery charging station DX4A2BBBB00, 8 slots

cena 1045.02 €

Zebra battery charging station CR6080-BC40004WW, 4 slots

Zebra battery charging station CR6080-BC40004WW, 4 slots

Objav podobné ako Zebra battery charging station CR6080-BC40004WW, 4 slots

cena 287.98 €

Zebra SAC5070-800CR battery charging station, 8 slots

Zebra SAC5070-800CR battery charging station, 8 slots

Objav podobné ako Zebra SAC5070-800CR battery charging station, 8 slots

cena 610.24 €


HERNÉ SLÚCHADLÁVysoká kvalita 50mm meničovNáhlavná súprava využíva 50 mm meničov s náušníky opatrené pamäťovou penou. Vďaka tomu budete počuť vaše spoluhráčov zreteľnejšie a jasnejšie s menším skreslením. Ponorte sa v


cena 107.89 €

Bixolon battery charging station PBD-R200II/STD, 1 slot

Bixolon battery charging station PBD-R200II/STD, 1 slot

Objav podobné ako Bixolon battery charging station PBD-R200II/STD, 1 slot

cena 28.19 €

Bixolon battery charging station PBD-R300/STD, 1 slot

Bixolon battery charging station PBD-R300/STD, 1 slot

Objav podobné ako Bixolon battery charging station PBD-R300/STD, 1 slot

cena 28.19 €

Bixolon battery charging station PQC-R200/STD, 4 slots

Bixolon battery charging station PQC-R200/STD, 4 slots

Objav podobné ako Bixolon battery charging station PQC-R200/STD, 4 slots

cena 159.76 €

Bixolon battery charging station PQC-R300/STD, 4 slots

Bixolon battery charging station PQC-R300/STD, 4 slots

Objav podobné ako Bixolon battery charging station PQC-R300/STD, 4 slots

cena 169.13 €

Honeywell battery charging station 220275-000-SP, 2 slots

Honeywell battery charging station 220275-000-SP, 2 slots

Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station 220275-000-SP, 2 slots

cena 184.9 €

Zebra battery charging station KIT-SAC9000-4001ES, 4 slots

Zebra battery charging station KIT-SAC9000-4001ES, 4 slots

Objav podobné ako Zebra battery charging station KIT-SAC9000-4001ES, 4 slots

cena 377.5 €

Honeywell battery charging station MB24-BAT-SCN10, 24 slots

Honeywell battery charging station MB24-BAT-SCN10, 24 slots

Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station MB24-BAT-SCN10, 24 slots

cena 1250.93 €

Honeywell battery charging station MB8-BAT-SCN10, 8 slots

Honeywell battery charging station MB8-BAT-SCN10, 8 slots

Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station MB8-BAT-SCN10, 8 slots

cena 416.96 €

Honeywell battery charging station MB4-BAT-SCN02, 4 slots

Honeywell battery charging station MB4-BAT-SCN02, 4 slots

Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station MB4-BAT-SCN02, 4 slots

cena 376.31 €

Honeywell battery charging station CT30P-QBC-2, 4 slots

Honeywell battery charging station CT30P-QBC-2, 4 slots

Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station CT30P-QBC-2, 4 slots

cena 358.81 €

Honeywell battery charging station CT30P-QBC-3, 4 slots

Honeywell battery charging station CT30P-QBC-3, 4 slots

Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station CT30P-QBC-3, 4 slots

cena 358.81 €

Honeywell battery charging station CT40-QBC-0, 4 slot

Honeywell battery charging station CT40-QBC-0, 4 slot

Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station CT40-QBC-0, 4 slot

cena 285.25 €

Honeywell battery charging station CT40-QBC-2, 4 slots

Honeywell battery charging station CT40-QBC-2, 4 slots

Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station CT40-QBC-2, 4 slots

cena 283.27 €

Honeywell CT40-QBC-3 battery charging station, 4 slots

Honeywell CT40-QBC-3 battery charging station, 4 slots

Objav podobné ako Honeywell CT40-QBC-3 battery charging station, 4 slots

cena 283.27 €

Honeywell battery charging station 871-230-101, 4 slot

Honeywell battery charging station 871-230-101, 4 slot

Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station 871-230-101, 4 slot

cena 436.28 €

Honeywell battery charging station EDA50K-QBC-E, 4 slots

Honeywell battery charging station EDA50K-QBC-E, 4 slots

Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charging station EDA50K-QBC-E, 4 slots

cena 247.28 €

Pozrite sa aj