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Zebra 5-Slot Device Charger

5-Slot Device Charge-Only ShareCradle, compatible with protective boot, order separately: Power Supply, Power Cord, fits for: TC22, TC727

Pozrite sa aj Theragun Multi-Device Wireless Charger, Bezdrôtová multi-prístrojová nabíjačka pre zariadenia 4. generácie

cena 612.38 €

Zebra 2-Slot Device Charger

2-Slot Device Charger, order separately: power supply, shim and charging cable, fits for: RS5100, RS6100

Pozrite sa aj Kanva Zebra šalvia, 5 l

cena 154.64 €

Zebra CRD-MPM-5SCHGUK1-01 5-Slot Device Cradle

Zebra CRD-MPM-5SCHGUK1-01 5-Slot Device Cradle

Pozrite sa aj ZEBRA Kirarich – sada 5 ks (51210)

cena 410.51 €

Zebra 20-Slot Charger

20-Slot Charger, charges up to 20 devices, Ringscanner needs trigger with charge contacts, order separately: Power Supply, AC+DC cable, fits for: RS6100

Objav podobné ako Zebra 20-Slot Charger

cena 1414.4 €

Zebra 4-Slot Charger

4-Slot Charger, charges up to 4 devices, Ringscanner needs trigger with charge contacts, order separately: Power Supply, AC+DC cable, fits for: RS6100

Objav podobné ako Zebra 4-Slot Charger

cena 326.38 €

Zebra 4-Slot Battery Charger

4-Slot Battery Charger, order separately: power supply, power cord, fits for: HC20, HC50

Objav podobné ako Zebra 4-Slot Battery Charger

cena 364.39 €

Zebra 4-Slot Battery Charger

4-Slot Battery Charger, order separately: Power Supply, AC and DC Cable, fits for: WT5400, WT6400

Objav podobné ako Zebra 4-Slot Battery Charger

cena 345.28 €

Zebra 20 Slot Battery Charger

20-Slot Battery Charger, no Fast-Charging, 0-90% in 6 hours, order separately:AC-Cable, DC-Cable, power supply, fits for: TC5X Batteries

Objav podobné ako Zebra 20 Slot Battery Charger

cena 1601.39 €

Zebra 4-Slot Battery Charger

4-Slot Battery Charger, 800mAh Batteries, fits for: WS50

Objav podobné ako Zebra 4-Slot Battery Charger

cena 331.45 €

Zebra 20-Slot Spare Battery Charger

20-Slot Spare Battery Charger, order separately: Power Supply, AC and DC Cable, fits for: WT5400, WT6400

Objav podobné ako Zebra 20-Slot Spare Battery Charger

cena 1508.78 €

Zebra 4-Slot Battery Charger Conversion Kit

4-Slot Battery Charger Conversion Kit, typically used with TC21/TC26 legacy battery charger

Objav podobné ako Zebra 4-Slot Battery Charger Conversion Kit

cena 129.38 €

Zebra 5-Slot ShareCradle

5-Slot Ethernet/Charging ShareCradle, device with or without hand strap/trigger handle, order separately: power supply, power cord, fits for: TC22, TC27

Objav podobné ako Zebra 5-Slot ShareCradle

cena 918.58 €

Zebra SAC-TC2L-4SCHG-01 4-Slot Battery Charger

4-Slot Battery Charger, order separately: Power Supply, AC/DC Cable, fits for: TC22, TC27

Objav podobné ako Zebra SAC-TC2L-4SCHG-01 4-Slot Battery Charger

cena 355.96 €

Zebra SAC-ET6X-2SCHG-01 2-Slot Battery Charger

2-Slot Battery Charger, order separately: Power Supply, AC and DC Cable, fits for: ET6X

Objav podobné ako Zebra SAC-ET6X-2SCHG-01 2-Slot Battery Charger

cena 182.56 €

Zebra 5-Slot Ethernet Cradle

5-Slot Ethernet Cradle, charges up to 5 devices and 5 spare batteries, order separately: Power Supply, AC and DC Cable, fits for: WT5400, WT6400

Objav podobné ako Zebra 5-Slot Ethernet Cradle

cena 1415.39 €

Zebra 5-Slot Ethernet Cradle

5-Slot Ethernet Cradle, charge up to 5 devices and 5 spare batteries, order separately: AC+DC cable and power supply, for: WT6000

Objav podobné ako Zebra 5-Slot Ethernet Cradle

cena 1415.8 €

Honeywell 4-Slot Device Charging Cradle

4-Slot Device Charging Cradle, with or without protective Boot, compatible with hand strap, incl.: convertible adapter cup, power supply and power cord (EU), fits for: EDA10

Objav podobné ako Honeywell 4-Slot Device Charging Cradle

cena 533.72 €

Honeywell 4-Slot Device Charging Cradle

4-Slot Device Charging Cradle, with or without protective Boot, compatible with hand strap, incl.: convertible adapter cup, power supply and power cord (UK), fits for: EDA10

Objav podobné ako Honeywell 4-Slot Device Charging Cradle

cena 533.72 €

Zebra 5-Slot Charge Only Cradle

5-Slot Charge Only Cradle, charges up to 5 devices and 5 spare batteries, order separately: Power Supply, AC and DC Cable, fits for: WT5400, WT6400

Objav podobné ako Zebra 5-Slot Charge Only Cradle

cena 955.36 €

Zebra 5-Slot Ethernet Charging Cradle

5-Slot Ethernet Charging Cradle, charges up to 5 devices and 5 800mAh batteries, order separately: Power cord and Power Supply, fits for: WS50

Objav podobné ako Zebra 5-Slot Ethernet Charging Cradle

cena 1335.77 €

Zebra CRD-HC2L5L-BS5CO 5-Slot Charge-Only Cradle

5-Slot Charge-Only Cradle, ShareCradle, order separately: Power Supply, AC/DC Cable, fits for: HC2X, HC5X

Objav podobné ako Zebra CRD-HC2L5L-BS5CO 5-Slot Charge-Only Cradle

cena 612.38 €

Newland 4-Slot Battery Charger

4-Slot Battery Charger, incl. multiplug adapter, fits for: HR23, HR33

Objav podobné ako Newland 4-Slot Battery Charger

cena 85.51 €

Zebra charging-/communication station CRD-NGTC7-5SE5D, Ethernet, 5 slot

Zebra charging-/communication station CRD-NGTC7-5SE5D, Ethernet, 5 slot

Objav podobné ako Zebra charging-/communication station CRD-NGTC7-5SE5D, Ethernet, 5 slot

cena 1017.55 €

Datalogic 4-Slot Multi-Battery Charger

4-Slot Multi-Battery Charger, order separately: Power Supply, Power Cord (C13), fits for: Memor 30/35

Objav podobné ako Datalogic 4-Slot Multi-Battery Charger

cena 282.88 €

Epson C32C882391 4-Slot Battery-Charger

4-Slot Battery-Charger, fits for: TM-P20II

Objav podobné ako Epson C32C882391 4-Slot Battery-Charger

cena 240.79 €

Honeywell DX4A2AAAA00, FlexDock 8 Slot-battery charger

Honeywell DX4A2AAAA00, FlexDock 8 Slot-battery charger

Objav podobné ako Honeywell DX4A2AAAA00, FlexDock 8 Slot-battery charger

cena 1101.95 €

Datalogic MC-P096-M2 2-Slot Battery Charger

Datalogic MC-P096-M2 2-Slot Battery Charger

Objav podobné ako Datalogic MC-P096-M2 2-Slot Battery Charger

cena 119.14 €

Datalogic MC-P096-M4 4-Slot Battery Charger

Datalogic MC-P096-M4 4-Slot Battery Charger

Objav podobné ako Datalogic MC-P096-M4 4-Slot Battery Charger

cena 214.86 €

Datalogic MC-P096-E2 2-Slot Battery Charger Extension

Datalogic MC-P096-E2 2-Slot Battery Charger Extension

Objav podobné ako Datalogic MC-P096-E2 2-Slot Battery Charger Extension

cena 95.74 €

Honeywell battery charger CX80-QBC-UV-0, 4 slot

Honeywell battery charger CX80-QBC-UV-0, 4 slot

Objav podobné ako Honeywell battery charger CX80-QBC-UV-0, 4 slot

cena 326.38 €

Honeywell 4-slot battery charger COMMON-QC-2, EU

Honeywell 4-slot battery charger COMMON-QC-2, EU

Objav podobné ako Honeywell 4-slot battery charger COMMON-QC-2, EU

cena 292.73 €

Zebra CBL-MC33-USBCHG-01 charging device, USB

Zebra CBL-MC33-USBCHG-01 charging device, USB

Objav podobné ako Zebra CBL-MC33-USBCHG-01 charging device, USB

cena 83.38 €

power PWRS-14000-242R, supply for 4-slot battery charger

power PWRS-14000-242R, supply for 4-slot battery charger

Objav podobné ako power PWRS-14000-242R, supply for 4-slot battery charger

cena 107.92 €

Zebra Vehicle Charger Micro-USB

Vehicle Charger Micro-USB, Input: 12-24V, 1.3A, Output: 5V, 1.2A, fits for: TC55, MC45, MC36

Objav podobné ako Zebra Vehicle Charger Micro-USB

cena 61.52 €

Zebra Single Slot Cradle

Single Slot Cradle, charge only, charge one device and one battery, fits for: HC2X, HC5X

Objav podobné ako Zebra Single Slot Cradle

cena 325.36 €

Zebra Single Slot Cradle

Singe Slot Charge Only Cradle, compatible with hand strap and trigger handle, requires: USB-C Cable, Power Adapter, fits for: TC22, TC27

Objav podobné ako Zebra Single Slot Cradle

cena 105.64 €

Zebra 2-Slot Cradle

2-Slot Charge-Only Cradle, charges one device and one spare battery, compatible with protective boot (removing shim), order separately: Power Cord, Power Supply, fits for: TC22, TC27

Objav podobné ako Zebra 2-Slot Cradle

cena 325.36 €

Zebra Multi-Slot Charging ShareCradle

Multi-Slot Charging ShareCradle, charges RFD40 by itself, TC22/TC27 or HC20/HC50 charging by itself, both RFD40 and TC22/TC27 or HC20/HC50 when attached together, charges up to 4 RFD40 spare batteries

Objav podobné ako Zebra Multi-Slot Charging ShareCradle

cena 866.51 €

Zebra Multi-Slot Charging ShareCradle

Multi-Slot Charging ShareCradle, charges up to three RFD40 and TC5X devices and four RFD40 spare batteries, order separately: Power Supply, AC and DC-Cable, fits for: RFD40, TC51, TC52, TC56, TC57

Objav podobné ako Zebra Multi-Slot Charging ShareCradle

cena 866.51 €

Telesin 3-slot charger box nabíjačka na GoPro Hero 8 + 2 batérie (GP-BNC-801)

Súprava od Telesin vyrieši problémy s nabíjaním batérií pre GoPro Hero 8. Nabíjačka umožňuje nielen rýchlu obnovu batérií kamery, ale umožňuje aj ich uskladnenie, aby ste predišli strate. Môžete pohodlne nabíjať 3 batérie pre GoPro Hero 8 súčasne a to aj počas cestovania pripojením príslušenstva k autonabíjačke, powerbanke alebo počítaču. Rýchle a bezpečné nabíjanie Chcete rýchlo doplniť energiu GoPro hero 8? S nabíjačkou Telesin je to možné! Vďaka stabilnému napätiu 4,3V 800mA nabijete 3 batérie súčasne za cca 1,5 hodiny. O stave nabitia každej batérie vás budú informovať červené a zelené indikátory. Nabíjačka má navyše množstvo bezpečnostných prvkov, vďaka ktorým je nabíjanie bezpečné. Doplnok chráni pred nadmerným vybitím, prebitím, skratom, nadprúdom, prepätím, prehriatím atď. Vrátane batérií Lítium-iónové batérie s vysokou hustotou sú odolné a vďaka rovnakým rozmerom ako pôvodné batérie dokonale pasujú do nabíjačky. Môžete ich použiť aj pri nízkych teplotách. Nahrávanie v rozlíšení 4K30 pri -20 °C umožňuje vytvoriť cca 67 minút stopáže, čo je takmer rovnako ako pri originálnej batérii. Ba čo viac, kapacita batérie 1220 mAh (každá) poskytuje až 120 minút práce. Sú vyrobené z ohňovzdorného materiálu, takže ich používanie je bezpečné. Nabíjačka má USB-C port, takže k nej môžete pripojiť viacero zariadení a nabíjať batérie. Parametre: • Vstupné napätie (nabíjačka): 5V / 3A • Výstupné napätie (nabíjačka): 4,3V, 800mA • Rozmery (nabíjačka): 46 x 46 x 49 mm • Kapacita batérie: 1220 mAh (každá) • Typ batérie: lítium-ión • Menovité napätie (batéria): 3,85V • Pracovný čas: do 120 minút • Rozmery (batéria): 35 x 30 x 10 mm • Kompatibilita batérií: GoPro Hero 8 • Obsah balenia: nabíjačka pre GoPro Hero 8, 2 batérie, USB-C kábel

Objav podobné ako Telesin 3-slot charger box nabíjačka na GoPro Hero 8 + 2 batérie (GP-BNC-801)

cena 55.9 €

Zebra Single Slot Charging/Communication Cradle

Single Slot Charging Cradle, compatible with Protective Boot, order separately: Power Supply, Power Cord, Micro USB Cable, fits for: TC22, TC27

Objav podobné ako Zebra Single Slot Charging/Communication Cradle

cena 298.55 €

Zebra battery charging station, 1 slot

Battery charging station, 1 slot, incl.: power supply, power cord (EU), fits for: L10

Objav podobné ako Zebra battery charging station, 1 slot

cena 266.76 €

Zebra 10-Slot Charge Only Cradle

10-Slot Charge Only Cradle, charges up to 10 devices, order separately: Power Supply, AC and DC Cable, fits for: WT5400, WT6400

Objav podobné ako Zebra 10-Slot Charge Only Cradle

cena 955.36 €

Zebra 2-Slot Charging Cradle Kit

2-Slot Charging Cradle Kit, includes Cradle, USB-C Cable, Power Adapter (US), fits for: RS6100

Objav podobné ako Zebra 2-Slot Charging Cradle Kit

cena 191.66 €

Zebra Single Slot Battery Cradle Kit

Single Slot Battery Cradle Kit, includes Battery Cradle, Power Supply and an additional Battery, order separately: Power Cord, fits for: L10 Series

Objav podobné ako Zebra Single Slot Battery Cradle Kit

cena 301.6 €

Zebra battery charging station, 1-slot

Battery charging station, 1 slot, incl.: power supply, power cord, fits for: ZQ220 Plus, ZQ120 Plus, ZR138xx

Objav podobné ako Zebra battery charging station, 1-slot

cena 16.27 €

Zebra KT-STB2000-C4WW 4 slot nabíječka

Zebra KT-STB2000-C4WW 4 slot nabíječka

Objav podobné ako Zebra KT-STB2000-C4WW 4 slot nabíječka

cena 542.39 €

Zebra CRD9101-4001ER 4-slot cradle, ethernet

Zebra CRD9101-4001ER 4-slot cradle, ethernet

Objav podobné ako Zebra CRD9101-4001ER 4-slot cradle, ethernet

cena 657.55 €

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