Kde sa rozmanitosť stretáva s hodnotou - Katalo.sk
Honeywell 8675i, BT, 2D, BT
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (FlexRange), Bluetooth, order separately: battery, charging cradle, power supply unit, power cable, Trigger, Hand strap
Pozrite sa aj Niceboy OFFICE K30X BT (office-k30x-BT)
Honeywell 8675i, BT, 2D, BT
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (FlexRange), Bluetooth, incl.: battery, Lanyard, Lanyard Trigger, order separately: charging cradle, power supply unit, power cable
Pozrite sa aj Niceboy OFFICE M30 BT (office-M30-BT)
Zebra RS6100, BT, 2D, BT
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (SE5500), Bluetooth, order separately: battery, charging cradle, Trigger
Pozrite sa aj Niceboy VOICE Call BT (voice-call-bt)
Honeywell 8675i, BT, 2D, BT
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (FlexRange), trigger, Bluetooth, incl.: battery, Glove (right, size: L), order separately: charging cradle, power supply unit, power cable
Pozrite sa aj
- Roadstar HIF-1993+BT (HIF-1993 BT )
- Baton BT-400
- Baton BT-300
- BRAUN BT 3240
- BRAUN BT 5242
- BRAUN BT 7320
- Roadstar IR-540D + BT BK (IR-5400D+BT BK)
- Roadstar IR-540D+BT WH (IR-5400D+BT WH)
- Roadstar HRA-1782 D + BT (HRA-1782 D+BT)
- Orava EB-600 BT
- TrueLife Pulse BT (TLPBT)
- Connects2 BT-A2DP TOY
- Connects2 BT-A2DP BMW
- Connects2 BT-A2DP OPEL
- Technaxx BT-X22 (4614)
- TrueLife X5 BT (TLOX5)
- Elektrobock BT 21 (0610)
- Elektrobock BT 22 (0656)
Honeywell 8675i, BT, 2D, SR, BT
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (standard range), Bluetooth, order separately: battery, charging cradle, power supply unit, power cable, Trigger, Hand strap
Honeywell 1472g, BT, 1D, BT, black
Bluetooth scanner, 1D, connection: Bluetooth, protection class: IP42, colour: black
Honeywell 8675i, BT, 2D, SR, BT
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (standard range), Bluetooth, incl.: battery, Lanyard, Lanyard Trigger, order separately: charging cradle, power supply unit, power cable
Honeywell 8675i, BT, 2D, SR, BT
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (standard range), Bluetooth, incl.: battery, Glove (right, size: L), order separately: charging cradle, power supply unit, power cable
Honeywell 1472g, BT, 1D, BT, white
Bluetooth scanner, 1D, connection: Bluetooth, protection class: IP42, colour: white
Zebra RS6100, Double Trigger, BT, 2D, BT
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (SE5500), trigger, Bluetooth, incl.: battery, 480mAh, order separately: charging cradle
Zebra RS6100, Single Trigger, BT, 2D, BT
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (SE5500), trigger, Bluetooth, incl.: battery, 480mAh, order separately: charging cradle
Honeywell 1472g, EMEA, BT, 2D, BT, black
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager, Bluetooth, order separately: IP42, colour: black
Niceboy VOICE Call BT (voice-call-bt)
Mikrofón – konferenčný, pripojenie cez 3,5 mm Jack a Bluetooth, dynamický, všesmerové snímanie, frekvencia od 120 do 15000 Hz, impedancia 4 Ohm, vhodný pre hovorené slovo VOICE Call BT je precízne spracovaný mikrofón a prenosný reproduktor od spoločnosti Niceboy. Vďaka Bluetooth 5.0 je zabezpečený kvalitný bezdrôtový prenos zvuku a využiť je možné aj pripojenie pomocou AUX kábla s 3,5 mm jack konektorom. Spoľahlivý všesmerový mikrofón sníma všetok zvuk v rozsahu 360° až do vzdialenosti 5 metrov. Ovládacie prvky sú umiestnené na tele mikrofónu, vďaka čomu je ovládanie veľmi jednoduché a rýchle. Mikrofón Niceboy VOICE Call BT disponuje kvalitnou nabíjateľnou batériou, ktorá na jedno nabitie poskytne dostatok energie až na 10 hodín prevádzky.Kľúčové vlastnostiKonferenčný mikrofón aj reproduktorBezdrôtové pripojenie pomocou Bluetooth 5.0Možnosť AUX pripojenia s 3,5 mm jackomVšesmerové, 360° snímanie zvukuSnímanie hlasu až do vzdialenosti 5 metrovVýkon reproduktora 5 W
Roadstar HIF-1993+BT (HIF-1993 BT )
Gramofón – retro dizajn, s reproduktormi, rýchlosť 33,3, 45 a 78 otáčok za minútu, náhon remienkom, rovné ramienko, funkcia digitalizácie vinylov, rádio, v balení diaľkové ovládanie, hmotnosť 7,4 kg, rozmery 210 × 510 × 340 mm (V׊×H), hnedá farba Vychutnajte si originálny zvuk poctivých LP platní na tomto elegantnom gramofóne, spracovanom do retro dizajnu. Je vybavený integrovanými reproduktormi a okrem svojho vzhľadu oplýva modernými funkciami. Zaujme podsvietený LED displej, vstavaný Bluetooth, FM tuner, USB port či podpora CD i kaziet. Dokonca dokáže kopírovať hudbu z dosiek. K dispozícii budete mať aj diaľkové ovládanie.Kľúčové vlastnosti gramofónu Roadstar HIF-1993 + BTElegantný drevený retro dizajnPrehráva LP, CD a kazetyBezdrôtová konektivita Bluetooth aj káblový AUX INČelný USB konektor na prehrávanie aj kopírovaniePrehľadný LCD displejFM tuner s RDSIntegrované reproduktory 2× 5 WDiaľkové ovládanieKopírovanie hudby z gramofónuRýchlosti gramofónu...
Zebra RS6100, BT, 2D, SE5500, BT, NFC, black
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (SE5500), OCR, trigger, Bluetooth (class 5.2), NFC, incl.: battery, 480 mAh, QSG, order separately: charging cradle, protection class: IP65, colour: black
Honeywell 8675i 8675I400FR-2-R, BT, 2D, BT
Honeywell 8675i 8675I400FR-2-R, BT, 2D, BT
Zebra RS5100, BT, 2D, SE4710, BT, black, silver
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (SE4710), Bluetooth (class 4), protection class: IP65, incl.: battery, Glove (right, size: S), order separately: charging cradle, charging cable, colour: black, silver
Zebra RS5100, BT, 2D, SE4770, BT, black, silver
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (SE4770), Bluetooth (class 4), protection class: IP65, incl.: battery, Glove (left, size: M), order separately: charging cradle, charging cable, colour: black, silver
Zebra RS5100, BT, 2D, SE4710, BT, black, silver
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (SE4710), Bluetooth (class 4), protection class: IP65, incl.: battery, Glove (left, size: M), order separately: charging cradle, charging cable, colour: black, silver
Zebra RS5100, BT, 2D, SE4770, BT, black, silver
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (SE4770), OCR, Bluetooth (class 5.2), protection class: IP65, order separately: battery, charging cradle, charging cable, Trigger, Hand strap, colour: black, silver
CipherLab 1560P, BT, 1D, BT, kit (USB), black
Bluetooth scanner, 1D, linear imager, scan rate: 520 scans/sec., Bluetooth, incl.: cable (USB), power supply unit, power cable (EU), colour: black
Zebra RS6100, Enterprise Hand Mount, BT, 2D, BT
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (SE5500), trigger, Bluetooth, incl.: battery, 480mAh, order separately: charging cradle, Hand strap
Zebra RS6100, Back of Hand, BT, 2D, BT
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (SE5500), trigger, Bluetooth, incl.: battery, 480mAh, order separately: charging cradle
Zebra RS5100, BT, 2D, SE4710, BT, black, silver
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (SE4710), OCR, Bluetooth (class 5.2), protection class: IP65, order separately: battery, charging cradle, charging cable, Trigger, colour: black, silver
CipherLab 2560, BT, 1D, BT, kit (USB), black
Bluetooth scanner, 1D, linear imager, scan rate: 578 scans/sec., Bluetooth, incl.: cable (USB), power supply unit (EU), charging/transmitter cradle, IP65, colour: black
CipherLab 1560P, BT, 1D, BT, kit (USB), black
Bluetooth scanner, 1D, linear imager, scan rate: 520 scans/sec., Bluetooth, incl.: cable (USB), power supply unit, power cable (UK), colour: black
CipherLab 1560P, BT, 1D, BT, kit (RS232), black
Bluetooth scanner, 1D, linear imager, scan rate: 520 scans/sec., Bluetooth, incl.: cable (RS232), power supply unit, power cable (UK), colour: black
Star BSH-32B, BT, 2D, HD, BT, black
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (high density), connection: Bluetooth, protection class: IP42, colour: black
CipherLab 1560P, BT, 1D, BT, kit (RS232), black
Bluetooth scanner, 1D, linear imager, scan rate: 520 scans/sec., Bluetooth, incl.: cable (RS232), power supply unit, power cable (EU), colour: black
CipherLab 2560, BT, 1D, BT, kit (RS232), black
Bluetooth scanner, 1D, linear imager, scan rate: 578 scans/sec., Bluetooth, incl.: cable (RS232), power supply unit (EU), charging/transmitter cradle, IP65, colour: black
Zebra CS60, BT, 2D, BT (5.0), kit, black
Bluetooth scanner, retail, 2D, imager, vibration, Bluetooth (class 5.0), incl.: cable (USB-C), charging cradle, battery, IP65, colour: black
Star BSH-20B, BT, 2D, HD, BT, black
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (high density), connection: Bluetooth, protection class: IP42, colour: black
Roadstar HRA-1782 D + BT (HRA-1782 D+BT)
Rádio – klasické, prenosné, DAB+, FM a RDS tuner s 10 predvoľbami, podpora MP3, výkon 30 W, vstup s USB a AUX, výstup 3,5 mm Jack, ekvalizér, s Bluetooth, k podporovaným médiám patrí CD a USB flash disk, displej, diaľkové ovládanie súčasťou, zo siete napájanie, klasický dizajn, rozmery 270 × 400 × 270 mm (V׊×H), hmotnosť 3,25 kg, hnedá farba Ak máte radi tradičný retro štýl výrobkov a zároveň si potrpíte na moderné technológie, rádio Roadstar HRA-1782 D vás určite poteší. Na prvý pohľad zaujme svojím vzhľadom, ktorý pripomenie tie najlepšie kúsky z doby, kedy bol dizajn nadčasový a dokonale funkčný. Retrovzhľad rádia Roadstar však skrýva moderné technológie, takže sa rádio spoľahlivo vyrovná všetkým svojim súčasným konkurentom. K dispozícii je prehrávanie MP3, prepojenie so smartfónom pomocou bezdrôtového rozhrania Bluetooth aj vstup na USB flash disk. Nie ste tak rozhodne odkázaní len na to, čo práve hrajú v rádiu.Kľúčové vlastnosti rádia Roadstar...
Newland HR33 Marlin, CMOS, BT, 2D, BT, kit (USB)
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (illumination: white), OCR, Bluetooth, incl.: cable (USB, straight), charging/transmitter cradle, protection class: IP52
Datalogic GBT4500-WH-WLC GBT4500, BT, 2D, BT, white
Datalogic GBT4500-WH-WLC GBT4500, BT, 2D, BT, biela
Zebra CS6080 CS6080-SR40000TZVW, BT, 2D, BT (5.0), black
Zebra CS6080 CS6080-SR40000TZVW, BT, 2D, BT (5.0), black
Datalogic GBT4500-BK-WLC GBT4500, BT, 2D, BT, black
Datalogic GBT4500-BK-WLC GBT4500, BT, 2D, BT, black
Zebra RS5100, Lanyard, BT, 2D, SE4770, BT, black, silver
Bluetooth scanner, warehouse, 2D, imager (SE4770), OCR, Bluetooth (class 5.2), protection class: IP65, incl.: battery, 480mAh, order separately: charging cradle, charging cable, colour: black, silver
Zebra RS5100, Lanyard, BT, 2D, SE4710, BT, black, silver
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (SE4710), OCR, Bluetooth (class 5.2), protection class: IP65, incl.: battery, 480mAh, order separately: charging cradle, charging cable, colour: black, silver
Newland WD4 Series, BT, 2D, USB, BT, kit (USB)
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (illumination: white), connection: USB, Bluetooth, incl.: cable (USB), battery, protection class: IP42
Newland WD3 Series, BT, 2D, USB-C, BT, kit
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (illumination: white), connection: USB-C, Bluetooth, incl.: cable (USB-C), Lanyard, battery, protection class: IP65
Zebra RS6100, Single Trigger, BT, 2D, BT, ext. bat.
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (SE5500), trigger, Bluetooth, incl.: battery, extended, 735mAh, order separately: charging cradle, operating: -30° up to +50°C
Zebra RS6100, Double Trigger, BT, 2D, BT, ext. bat.
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (SE5500), trigger, Bluetooth, incl.: battery, extended, 735mAh, order separately: charging cradle, operating: -30° up to +50°C
Honeywell 8675i 8675I400SR-2-R, BT, 2D, SR, BT
Honeywell 8675i 8675I400SR-2-R, BT, 2D, SR, BT
Zebra CS6080 CS6080-SR40004VZWW, BT, 2D, BT (5.0), black
Zebra CS6080 CS6080-SR40004VZWW, BT, 2D, BT (5.0), black
Datalogic PBT9600, BT, 2D, HP, BT (5.0), multi-IF
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (high performance), miscellaneous (properties/characteristics), incl.: vibration, interfaces, Bluetooth (class 5.0), multi-interface (RS232, USB), accessories, incl.: battery, 3350mAh, protection class, protection class: IP65, IP67
Datalogic PBT9600, BT, 2D, AR, BT (5.0), multi-IF
Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (Auto Range), vibration, Bluetooth (class 5.0), multi-interface (RS232, USB), incl.: battery, 3350mAh, protection class: IP65, IP67
Datalogic GBT4500-HC-WLC GBT4500 HC, BT, 2D, BT, white
Datalogic GBT4500-HC-WLC GBT4500 HC, BT, 2D, BT, biela
Zebra RS5100, double sided, BT, 2D, SE4770, BT, black, silver
Bluetooth scanner, warehouse, 2D, imager (SE4770), OCR, trigger, Bluetooth (class 5.2), protection class: IP65, incl.: battery, 480mAh, order separately: charging cradle, charging cable, colour: black, silver
Zebra RS5100, double sided, BT, 2D, SE4770, BT, black, silver
Bluetooth scanner, warehouse, 2D, imager (SE4770), OCR, trigger, vibration, Bluetooth (class 5.2), protection class: IP65, incl.: battery, 480mAh, order separately: charging cradle, charging cable, colour: black, silver
Zebra RS5100, double sided, BT, 2D, SE4710, BT, black, silver
Bluetooth scanner, warehouse, 2D, imager (SE4710), OCR, trigger, Bluetooth (class 5.2), protection class: IP65, incl.: battery, 480mAh, order separately: charging cradle, charging cable, colour: black, silver
Pozrite sa aj
- Elektrobock BT 102 (0602)
- Elektrobock BT 32 (0638)
- Elektrobock BT 012 (0603)
- Sennheiser HD458 BT (508968)
- Sennheiser BT T100 (508258)
- Trevi SCD 5702 BT
- Roadstar HRA-1782N BT
- Car BT Player MS103001
- Buxton BAA 100 BT
- Creative BT-W3 (70SA016000000)
- Technaxx BT-X31 (4685)
- Mobilly OBD-II BT
- BACtrack Keychain (BT-KC10)
- BACtrack Scout (BT-P2)
- Bosch BT 160 (0.601.091.200)
- TrueLife Oximeter X5 BT