Kde sa rozmanitosť stretáva s hodnotou - Katalo.sk

O sexu (978-80-7306-930-8)

Elektronická kniha - autor Osho, 261 stran Sex je naprosto přirozený, říká kontroverzní duchovní učitel Osho, a kritizuje církve za spojování sexu s hříchem a s pocitem viny. V knize odpovídá na otázky svých žáků a nabádá je, aby se oprostili od zažitých názorů a znovu odhalili čirost svého bytí. Velmi kriticky ukazuje, jakou škodu na lidstvu napáchalo odsuzování a potlačování sexu, a nevyhýbá se ani citlivým a intimním záležitostem. Na cestě k opravdové lásce nelze zavrhnout biologickou energii – a pokud spojíme sex s meditací, povzneseme své vědomí do neuvěřitelných výšin.

Pozrite sa aj O sexu s Jitkou Asterovou

cena 9.1 €

Zábavná kniha o sexu (978-80-271-0603-5)

Elektronická kniha - autor Peter Gitzinger, 96 stran SEX, dříve známý jako ta nejúžasnější věc na světě, už dnes není, co býval. Přitom bychom si s ním všichni měli vědět rady – sex se dneska v jednom kuse analyzuje, pitvá a diskutuje se o něm až do aleluja. A k čemu to vede? Jste snad lepší v posteli? Že ne? Tak si z toho nic nedělejte. Nejlepší bude, když zahodíte všechny zábrany a prudérnost a bez obav se zasmějete. Pak vám to určitě začne zase klapat i v ložnici. Nebo kde všude to máte rádi…

Pozrite sa aj O sexu (978-80-7306-930-8)

cena 5.77 €

Dobrá zpráva o sexu a manželství (978-80-745-0204-0)

Elektronická kniha - autor Christopher West, 260 stran Předností Dobré zprávy o sexu a manželství – kromě její „dobré zprávy“, tedy vysvětlení, jaká je úloha lidské sexuality a manželství v Božím plánu – je její praktické uspořádání. Většina textu je napsána formou otázka-odpověď. Autor se rozhodl přistoupit k tématu odvážně a otevřeně – nebojí se odhalit příběh své vlastní cesty k pochopení krásy sexuality a nevyhýbá se odpovědím ani na ty nejchoulostivější otázky.

Pozrite sa aj CIAO sexu

cena 4.79 €

Hollý Martin - O duši a sexu (978-80-262-1004-7)

Elektronická kniha - autor Martin Hollý, Marie Těthalová, 248 stran Rozhovor s psychiatrem a sexuologem Martinem Hollým nahlíží do systému psychiatrické péče, jeho úskalí a nadcházejících proměn v podobě reformy psychiatrie, překonává mýty o psychických poruchách a představuje možnosti jejich léčení. Zabývá se také sexualitou jako nedílnou součástí života každého člověka, a to jak v jejích obvyklých projevech, tak v případných variantách a poruchách. Cílem rozhovoru je přispět k odtabuizování tématu psychiatrie a duševních poruch, destigmatizace duševně nemocných a otevření prostoru pro dialog mezi laiky a odborníky. Seznamuje také s oborem lékařské sexuologie.MUDr. Martin Hollý, MBA, je psychiatr a sexuolog. Publikoval v monografii a odborných časopisech, přednáší na domácích i zahraničních konferencích. Působí také jako externí lektor poradenských a vzdělávacích firem, specializuje se na trénink komunikace a týmové spolupráce.Mgr. Marie Těthalová vystudovala...

Objav podobné ako Hollý Martin - O duši a sexu (978-80-262-1004-7)

cena 11.9 €

SENCOR SEX 002 (SEX 002 vodní filtr k SES 4900SS)

Filter do kávovaru – s priemerom 136cm Filter Sencor SEX 002 je určený pre kávovar Sencor SES 4900SS. Filter zlepšuje chuť i vôňu kávy, redukuje vodný kameň a tým vylepšuje kvalitu vody. Napomáha tiež k optimálnemu výkonu kávovaru a súčasne predlžuje jeho životnosť. Veľmi rýchlo a ľahko sa tiež inštaluje. Filter Sencor je tak nepostrádateľným doplnkom ku kávovaru Sencor SES 4900SS. Kľúčové vlastnosti filtra do kávovaru Sencor SEX 002Filter do kávovaru Sencor SES 4900SSZlepšuje chuť i vôňu kávyRedukuje vodný kameňNapomáha k optimálnemu výkonu kávovaruVeľmi jednoduchá a rýchla inštalácia Rozmery:13,6 × 5,5 × 4 cm Hmotnosť:70 g

Objav podobné ako SENCOR SEX 002 (SEX 002 vodní filtr k SES 4900SS)

cena 9.89 €

SENCOR SES 4900SS SEX 002 vodný filter k

Charakteristika vodný filter k SES SEX 002: Vodný filter Filter je vhodný pre kávovar Sencor SES 4900SS Zlepšuje chuť a vôňu kávy Ľahko a rýchlo sa inštaluje Redukuje vodný kameň a tým vylepšuje kvalitu vody Pomáha lepšiemu výkonu kávovaru Predlžuje životnosť kávovaru Pre optimálne výsledky je vhodná výmena každé 2 mesiace Charakteristika parametrov vodný filter k SES SEX 002: Rozmery (šírka × hĺbka × výška): 40 × 55 × 136 mm Hmotnosť: 70 g

Objav podobné ako SENCOR SES 4900SS SEX 002 vodný filter k

cena 8.76 €

Mluvit o ex…není dobré pro sex (978-80-243-8060-5)

Elektronická kniha - autor Alena Jakoubková, 224 stran, česky Ella je vynikající kuchařka, vaří v obyčejné hospůdce, ale její tradiční česká jídla jsou vyhlášená široko daleko. Robert, její přiženěný bratranec, je též skvělý kuchař, má michelinskou hvězdu ze svého působení v cizině a teď vaří ve vyhlášené pražské restauraci. Oba mají sen – mít vlastní restauraci někde na venkově. Splnění snu se přiblíží, když jim, jako jediným kuchařům z rodiny, nějaký vzdálený příbuzný odkáže rovným dílem výletní restauraci u jezera. Má to ale háček – Ella je do Roberta zamilovaná, ale Robert skoro pořád mluví o manželce, která mu utekla s nějakým cizincem...

Objav podobné ako Mluvit o ex…není dobré pro sex (978-80-243-8060-5)

cena 8.2 €

Essence Eyelash Comb Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Essence Eyelash Comb . Enhance your look with Essence's Eyelash Comb, an essential tool for perfectly defined lashes. Apply your favorite mascara and use our comb to remove excess, preventing clumps. Foldable and easy to clean, it's ideal for on-the-go touch-ups, ensuring flawless lashes wherever you are. Discover the secret to a flawless gaze with Essence's Eyelash Comb. Crafted to separate and define each lash after mascara application, this ingenious tool eliminates excess product, delivering perfectly fanned-out lashes without a hint of clumping. When applying your favorite mascara, follow up with our comb for a polished, professional finish.Essence's Eyelash Comb provides a convenient, portable solution for beauty touch-ups on the go. Its foldable design makes it easy to slip into any bag or pouch, allowing you to maintain your 'on-fleek' lashes wherever your day takes you. For optimal use, simply clean the comb with a damp cloth, ensuring impeccable hygiene and long-lasting durability.Transform your beauty routine with this versatile accessory that ensures perfectly defined, separated lashes without any clumps. With Essence's Eyelash Comb, every mascara application becomes a neatly effortless beauty experience, letting you radiate confidence and style..

Objav podobné ako Essence Eyelash Comb Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 3.99 €

Cosmé'chic Eyebrow Brush Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Cosmé'chic Eyebrow Brush . The Eyebrow Brush is the ultimate tool for perfect brows. With its dual-sided versatility, it provides a complete solution. One side precisely shapes brows with a brush, while the other gently removes excess mascara, ensuring a flawless look in an instant. The Eyebrow Brush is a must-have for makeup enthusiasts seeking perfection. Featuring dual-sided functionality, this brush offers outstanding versatility. On one end, its brush precisely shapes eyebrows, styling each hair for a neat and natural appearance. Whether aiming for well-defined brows or a more casual look, this brush provides the necessary control.On the other end, the comb side of the Eyebrow Brush plays a crucial role in makeup finishing touches. After applying mascara, use the comb to gently remove excess product, preventing clumps and ensuring a clean, professional look. Its ergonomic design facilitates a comfortable grip, ensuring easy use even for beginners.The Eyebrow Brush goes beyond adding a final touch to your makeup routine it becomes an essential tool for achieving impeccable eyebrows. Its superior quality and durable materials make it a reliable choice for daily use. Add this brush to your makeup kit and discover how it can transform your beauty routine, delivering flawless brows that elegantly complement your overall look..

Objav podobné ako Cosmé'chic Eyebrow Brush Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 3.21 €

Essence Curved Eyeliner Brush Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Essence Curved Eyeliner Brush . Discover the Curved Eyeliner Brush from the renowned brand EssenceThis revolutionary brush, equipped with an angled handle and an ultra-fine tip, provides precise application for various eyeliners. Its design ensures a comfortable grip, allowing limitless creative expression. Achieve flawless eyeliner strokes with this expert brush, your essential ally for a professional-looking gaze. Explore new makeup horizons with the Curved Eyeliner Brush from the prestigious brand Essence Its innovative design combines an ergonomic angled handle with an ultra-fine tip, offering exceptional versatility in applying different eyeliners. Whether you prefer a thin and delicate line or a dramatic look, this brush enables you to express your creativity with unmatched precision.The ultra-fine tip ensures optimal control, allowing sharp and defined lines. Thanks to its easy grip, even beginners can master the art of eyeliner like professionals. This brush quickly becomes an essential tool in your makeup kit, providing the confidence to create stunning looks.The Curved Eyeliner Brush from Essence is not just a makeup accessory but an extension of your artistic expression. Whether for simple everyday looks or bold creations for special occasions, this brush accompanies you in all your beauty challenges. Experience the perfection of eyeliner application with this high-end brush that combines functionality and elegance, transforming your makeup routine into a true work of art..

Objav podobné ako Essence Curved Eyeliner Brush Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 3.29 €

Essence False Eyelash Applicator Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Essence False Eyelash Applicator . Discover Essence's Rose Gold False Eyelash Applicator, the essential tool for easy and quick false lash application. Its glamorous design ensures precise and hygienic application, simplifying the process even for beginners. Treat yourself to flawless lashes with this must-have tool. Immerse yourself in the beauty realm with Essence's Rose Gold False Eyelash Applicator, a game-changer for all lash enthusiasts. Contrary to popular belief that false lash application is reserved for professionals, this accessory makes the experience accessible to everyone. With its rounded tip, the applicator gently glides along the eyelid, facilitating optimal placement of the lash band. Essence designed this tool to fit seamlessly into the hand, ensuring a comfortable and secure grip without any slipping.Essence's False Eyelash Applicator goes beyond simplicity by offering precise application. The meticulous design of this accessory ensures easy handling, allowing total control during false lash application. Thanks to its ergonomic shape, it becomes the ideal ally for creating bold and flawless looks, even for those venturing into the art of false lashes.In addition to its ease of use and precise application, this applicator ensures hygienic false lash application. The high-quality materials used by Essence guarantee safe usage, minimizing risks related to the sensitivity of the eye area. Opt for Essence's Rose Gold False Eyelash Applicator for a hassle-free experience and professional-worthy results, redefining how you approach everyday lash beauty..

Objav podobné ako Essence False Eyelash Applicator Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 4.79 €

Catrice Eyelash Glue - Transparent Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Catrice Eyelash Glue - Transparent . Transparent - Discover Catrice Eyelash Glue, your ally for flawless false lashes. Paraben-free, fragrance-free, and entirely vegan, this formula ensures long-lasting hold. The beveled applicator guarantees precise application, keeping your false lashes in place for hours. Explore excellence with Catrice Eyelash Glue, an innovative creation to enhance your gaze. Formulated without parabens, fragrance-free, and 100% vegan, this formula combines beauty and ethics. Precise application becomes a breeze with the beveled applicator, ensuring perfect adherence of false lashes. Enjoy long-lasting hold resisting the challenges of the day, while highlighting your natural beauty. Catrice Eyelash Glue offers more than just fixation it creates a sensory experience, boosting your confidence and elegance.Reveal your style with an advanced formula, keeping your false lashes in place for hours without compromise. The beveled applicator offers unparalleled precision, allowing a seamless application. Catrice Eyelash Glue is not just a cosmetic product it's an essential accessory for a carefree beauty routine. Choose excellence with Catrice, where quality meets innovation, for captivating false lashes and an enchanting gaze..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Eyelash Glue - Transparent Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 3.39 €

Catrice False Eyelash Applicator Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Catrice False Eyelash Applicator . Discover Catrice's False Eyelash Applicator, an essential tool for effortless application. Vegan, paraben, and fragrance-free, it ensures ultra-precise results. The ergonomic design provides a professional touch, guaranteeing impeccable results with every use. Immerse yourself in the beauty realm with Catrice's False Eyelash Applicator, a groundbreaking accessory crafted to simplify your makeup routine. This exclusive product, free from parabens, fragrances, and entirely vegan, embodies the brand's commitment to quality and environmental consciousness.Catrice's False Eyelash Applicator stands out with its ergonomic design, ensuring a perfect grip. Its gentle touch makes false eyelash application a precision task, akin to the work of beauty professionals. With this tool, every application becomes a delightful experience, resulting in flawless lashes that spectacularly enhance your gaze.Thanks to its ultra-precise application, this applicator makes false eyelash placement accessible to everyone. Its intuitive usage makes it ideal for beginners while meeting the expectations of makeup enthusiasts. Achieve captivating eyes with exceptionally precise results, highlighting the natural beauty of your eyes. Catrice's False Eyelash Applicator transcends cosmetic industry standards, providing each user with the opportunity to create an impeccable, uncompromising look..

Objav podobné ako Catrice False Eyelash Applicator Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 5.59 €

Essence Eye Blender Brush Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Essence Eye Blender Brush . Discover makeup excellence with Essence's Eye Blender Brush. Vegan and crafted with ultra-soft synthetic bristles, this tool provides perfect blending for captivating eyes. Choose Essence for elegance and quality. Explore the world of makeup with Essence's Eye Blender Brush, a benchmark in ethical beauty. This vegan brush is designed to create impeccable eye makeup with a focus on blending. Its ultra-soft synthetic bristles glide gently on the skin, providing a luxurious feel while ensuring precise application.The uniqueness of this brush lies in its ability to both apply and blend seamlessly. The long, silky bristles facilitate the harmonious fusion of shades, while its ergonomic shape allows for precise application, defining every detail. Whether you desire a natural look or a bolder makeup, this versatile brush adapts to all your preferences.Essence, as a renowned brand, is committed to offering you outstanding quality products. The Eye Blender Brush is the essential accessory for makeup enthusiasts looking to create captivating looks. Immerse yourself in the Essence universe and elevate your makeup experience to a higher level..

Objav podobné ako Essence Eye Blender Brush Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 2.89 €

Essence Precise Eyeliner Brush Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Essence Precise Eyeliner Brush . Explore perfection with Essence's Precise Eyeliner Brush. This vegan brush offers exceptional precision for applying gel eyeliners and eyeshadows. Ideal for creating flawless looks, it comes in a convenient pouch, ensuring easy and effortless application. Unlock the secret to perfectly accentuated eyes with Essence's Precise Eyeliner Brush. Vegan and flawlessly designed, this high-precision brush is crafted for expert application of gel eyeliners, cream eyeshadows, and powder eyeshadows. Its sophisticated design allows for precise application, ensuring sharp lines and impeccable details.When you choose Essence's Precise Eyeliner Brush, you're not only opting for quality but also versatility. It delivers excellent control for applying gel eyeliner, creamy eyeshadows, or even vibrant pigments. With synthetic bristles, this brush ensures smooth and even application while upholding high ethical standards.Convenient and stylish, this brush comes in a pouch with a side opening for optimal accessibility. Its compact size makes it perfect for daily use or on-the-go touch-ups. With Essence's Precise Eyeliner Brush, elevate your makeup routine and discover the beauty of well-defined lines with exceptional precision..

Objav podobné ako Essence Precise Eyeliner Brush Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 2.89 €

Catrice Faked Big Volume Lashes Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Catrice Faked Big Volume Lashes . Get a spectacular look with Catrice's Faked Big Volume Lashes. Ultra-lightweight and comfortable, these false lashes guarantee a wow effect! With an integrated mini-tube of glue, they are reusable and available in multiple styles to suit all your desires. Instantly transform your look with Catrice's Faked Big Volume Lashes. Designed to offer spectacular volume without compromising on comfort, these ultra-lightweight false lashes are the essential accessory to enhance your eye makeup. With their ultra-flexible band, they are easy to apply, allowing you to achieve flawless results in no time.The real advantage of these false lashes lies in their versatility. Whether you're aiming for a natural everyday look or a more dramatic effect for a special occasion, the Faked Big Volume Lashes offer a range of styles to meet all your desires. Additionally, their reusable nature allows you to store them in their case after use, extending their lifespan for continuous use.With an integrated mini-tube of lash glue, applying these false lashes is a breeze. This ensures secure adherence throughout the day, without compromising comfort. However, it's important to note that these false lashes are not suitable for sensitive or irritated skin. In case of eye contact, it's recommended to rinse thoroughly with water and consult a doctor if irritation persists. Keep them out of reach of children to avoid any risk of accidental ingestion.Offering a perfect blend of style and practicality, Catrice's Faked Big Volume Lashes are a must-have for any makeup kit. Whether you're a makeup novice or expert, these false lashes allow you to create stunning looks in an instant, adding a touch of glamour to every occasion..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Faked Big Volume Lashes Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 6.49 €

Swati Lentillas mensuales Gris Grafito Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Swati Lentillas mensuales Gris Grafito . Pripravite se na mo?an videz! Kot da bi jih narisali na papir, lahko ta temno siva zna?ka koga izstopa. Zelo vsestranski ton, ki se zdru?uje s skoraj vsemi in s katero koli osebo. Ta temno siv ton zagotavlja subtilen in naraven osvetljujo? u?inek na temnej?e o?i ali druga?en in temnej?i videz v o?eh svetlej?ih barv. Prav tako ima rahel obro? za limbal, tako da va?e o?i izstopajo na najbolj eleganten na?in..

Objav podobné ako Swati Lentillas mensuales Gris Grafito Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 34.0 €

Swati Lentillas mensuales color Miel Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Swati Lentillas mensuales color Miel . Ni treba ustaviti in zavohati vrtnic. Ta svetel in ?are? zlati ton je vreden kraljice ?ebele. Ampak samo zato, ker izgleda? slaj?e, da med ne pomeni, da se ne more? sekati. Ta ?udovit in topel le?nikov rjavi ton bo va?im naravnim o?em omogo?il okusen videz medene barve. Barvo svojih temnih o?i lahko spremenite v svetlo svetlo rjave rjave o?i z mehkim obro?kom..

Objav podobné ako Swati Lentillas mensuales color Miel Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 34.0 €

Swati Lentillas mensuales Verde Jade Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Swati Lentillas mensuales Verde Jade . Amado ?e od anti?nih ?asov je Jade vedno imel sre?o. Zato ta zeleni ton z intenzivnim rumenim odtenkom deluje na tiso? ?udes. S tem tonom ne boste potrebovali sre?e. Zelo naravna zelenkasto rjava barva z intenzivnim rumenim niansom. Na zunanjih robovih ima prozoren obro? za limbal, kar mu daje bolj jasen videz in o?i izgledajo ve?je in ve?je..

Objav podobné ako Swati Lentillas mensuales Verde Jade Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 34.0 €

Kotviace hliníkový profil 9598 k P9596, 3000 mm, TWINSON O-WALL

Cena je uvedená za 1 ks v dĺžke 3 m čierna farba Dĺžka mm: 3000

Objav podobné ako Kotviace hliníkový profil 9598 k P9596, 3000 mm, TWINSON O-WALL

cena 34.56 €

Catrice Brow Styling Lift Up Brush Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Catrice Brow Styling Lift Up Brush . Get flawless brows with Catrice's Lift Up Brow Styling Brush. Its ergonomic design makes shaping and styling brows effortless. Use it to apply wax, gel, or soap for a perfectly defined, natural look. Catrice's Lift Up Brow Styling Brush is the ultimate tool for flawless brows. Featuring an angled brush head, this ergonomic brush allows for precise and easy brow styling, delivering professional results with every use. Whether you're aiming for perfectly groomed brows on a daily basis or a bolder look for a special occasion, this versatile brush meets all your brow styling needs.With its special design, this brush makes it easy to brush your brows upward, creating an instant lifting effect for a more open and dynamic look. Additionally, the angled shape of the brush makes it easy to apply products such as wax, gel, or soap for brows, ensuring long-lasting hold and a flawless finish all day long.Whether you're a seasoned makeup enthusiast or just discovering the secrets of brow styling, Catrice's Lift Up Brow Styling Brush is a must-have in your makeup kit. Its versatility and ease of use make it an essential accessory for creating custom brow looks, no matter your style or preferences. Add this brush to your beauty routine for beautifully groomed brows that instantly enhance your face and highlight your eyes..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Brow Styling Lift Up Brush Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 4.49 €

Essence False Eyelashes Lash Princess Volume Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Essence False Eyelashes Lash Princess Volume . Discover ultimate elegance with Essence's Lash Princess Volume False Eyelashes. Offering exceptional length and volume, these lashes feature a soft, invisible band for a natural finish. Reusable and equipped with special glue, they provide a lightweight feel and a captivating gaze. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of false lashes with Essence's Lash Princess Volume False Eyelashes. Crafted for those seeking bold beauty and an enchanting gaze, these false lashes effortlessly deliver exceptional length and volume. The soft, invisible lash band seamlessly conforms to the lash line, providing a natural and elegant result.Application is a breeze thanks to the specially formulated glue included. Gently apply the lash band to the lash line for stunning volume and a natural effect that transforms your gaze in an instant. The extreme lightness of these false lashes ensures optimal comfort throughout the day, allowing you to shine effortlessly.This innovative product is also eco-friendly, as the Lash Princess Volume False Eyelashes are reusable. Enjoy their beauty time and again while reducing your environmental footprint. With Essence, every flutter becomes a style statement. Let yourself be charmed by the perfect blend of sophistication and practicality embodied by the Lash Princess Volume False Eyelashes. Elevate your beauty routine with this touch full of glamour..

Objav podobné ako Essence False Eyelashes Lash Princess Volume Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 4.89 €

TPMS CUB CITROEN DS5 K 01/2011 – 12/2013 [O (CI-1)] (0968S720)

TPMS senzor pre vybrané modely značky CITROĂ‹N, párovanie cez diagnostiku, 1 ks v balení TPMS senzor, neboli senzor tlaku v pneumatikách, zajistí řidičům dokonalé monitorování a při případném poklesu tlaku ihned závadu opravit. Model ACI se programuje přímo pro vozy CITROËN DS5 (HATCHBACK) [11/11-07/15]. Jedná se o TPMS senzory, které je nutné spárovat s řídicí jednotkou skrze OBDII diagnostiku. Můžete se spolehnout na jejich funkčnost jak s alu, tak s plechovými disky, tudíž je jedno, které jste si vybrali. Úžasnou výhodou snímačů tlaku TPMS CUB CITROEN DS5 K 01/2011 - 12/2013 [O (CI-1)] je velmi dlouhá výdrž baterie, vydrží v provozu více než 5 let, mají tak až o 30 % delší životnost na rozdíl od jiných modelů. Maximální odolnost získá díky kvalitnímu hliníkovému provedení, které odolá nepříznivým vlivům. Ventilky se senzorem tlaku nabízí jistotu i u pneumatik, které byly vyspraveny po defektu pěnou. Zajímavé přednosti TPMS senzoru TPMS CUB CITROEN DS5 K...

Objav podobné ako TPMS CUB CITROEN DS5 K 01/2011 – 12/2013 [O (CI-1)] (0968S720)

cena 44.9 €

TPMS CUB CITROEN DS5 K 01/2014 – 12/2018 [O (CI-1)] (0968S721)

TPMS senzor pre vybrané modely značky CITROĂ‹N, párovanie cez diagnostiku, 1 ks v balení TPMS senzor, neboli senzor tlaku v pneumatikách, přispívá k bezpečné jízdě, neboť zajišťuje řidičům stálý přehled a tím i možnost napravit případné nesrovnalosti. Model ACI se programuje a dodává majitelům vozů CITROËN DS5 (HATCHBACK) [11/11-07/15]. Jde o TPMS senzory, které vyžadují při instalaci spárování s řídicí jednotkou prostřednictvím OBDII dignostiky. Využijete je s alu i s plechovými disky, takže je jedno, které zvolíte. Úžasnou výhodou snímačů tlaku TPMS CUB CITROEN DS5 K 01/2014 - 12/2018 [O (CI-1)] je zvýšená výdrž baterie, vydrží v provozu více než 5 let, mají tak až o 30 % delší životnost na rozdíl od jiných modelů. Disponuje velmi kvalitním hliníkovým provedením, jež odolává i nepříznivým vlivům. Ventilky TPMS zajišťují funkčnost i pokud byly pneumatiky vyspraveny pěnou po defektu. Podstatné parametry TPMS senzoru TPMS CUB CITROEN DS5 K 01/2014 - 12/2018 [O...

Objav podobné ako TPMS CUB CITROEN DS5 K 01/2014 – 12/2018 [O (CI-1)] (0968S721)

cena 44.9 €

Catrice False Eyelashes Faked Everyday Natural Lashes Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Catrice False Eyelashes Faked Everyday Natural Lashes . Elevate your gaze with Catrice's Ultra-Light False Lashes for an intensified look. Featuring integrated lash adhesive and a reusable case, these lashes offer customizable results from natural to dramatic. Achieve the wow effect effortlessly with our diverse lash styles. Perfect for any occasion! Indulge in the allure of captivating eyes with Catrice's Ultra-Light False Lashes. Crafted for those seeking an intensified yet customizable look, our lashes offer a seamless blend of style and comfort. Boasting an integrated lash adhesive, application is a breeze, ensuring hassle-free wear. From subtle sophistication to breathtaking drama, our range of lash styles caters to every preference and occasion.Each pair of false lashes is meticulously designed to be ultra-lightweight, enhancing your natural beauty without weighing you down. What's more, our lashes are reusable, making them not only eco-friendly but also a cost-effective choice for beauty enthusiasts. Packaged in a reusable case, they remain safe and secure until your next glamorous moment.We understand the importance of safety, which is why our false lashes come with a cautionary note. Avoid applying them on sensitive or irritated skin and prevent contact with the inner eye area. In case of accidental contact, rinse thoroughly with water. Should you experience any discomfort or irritation, discontinue use and seek medical advice if symptoms persist. Keep out of reach of children to prevent accidental ingestion.Elevate your beauty routine with Catrice's Ultra-Light False Lashes. Whether it's a casual outing or a special event, these lashes are your go-to accessory for an instant wow factor. Experience the confidence and allure of mesmerizing eyes with our premium-quality false lashes. Discover your perfect style and make every glance unforgettable..

Objav podobné ako Catrice False Eyelashes Faked Everyday Natural Lashes Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 6.49 €

Essence Disney Mickey and Friends Eyeshadow Brush Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Essence Disney Mickey and Friends Eyeshadow Brush . Discover the Disney Mickey and Friends Eyeshadow Brush by Essence, designed for precise application and blending of eyeshadows. Its soft synthetic bristles offer light to medium coverage, perfect for creating impeccable and playful eye makeup. The Disney Mickey and Friends Eyeshadow Brush by Essence is an essential tool for all makeup enthusiasts. Inspired by the magical world of Disney, this brush offers precise application and perfect blending of eyeshadows. The ultra-soft synthetic bristles ensure comfortable use and allow you to work with eyeshadows with great finesse.With the Disney Mickey and Friends Eyeshadow Brush by Essence, every application becomes a breeze. Designed in collaboration with Mickey, this brush is ideal for applying loose or compact powder eyeshadows. The soft synthetic bristles are specially adapted for light to medium pigmentation, allowing you to create natural or more sophisticated looks according to your desires. The ergonomic design of the brush facilitates an optimal grip for always successful eye makeup.Essence and Mickey have joined forces to create the Disney Mickey and Friends Eyeshadow Brush, a must-have accessory for any makeup kit. Thanks to its ultra-soft bristles, this brush allows you to apply just the right amount of eyeshadow, avoiding excess and product fallout. Whether you are a beginner or a makeup expert, this brush helps you achieve perfectly made-up eyes with a professional finish. Transform your beauty routine with the Disney Mickey and Friends brush by Essence, and add a touch of magic to your look..

Objav podobné ako Essence Disney Mickey and Friends Eyeshadow Brush Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 3.99 €

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Flutter Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Ružová

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Flutter Ružová. Flutter - Discover ultimate elegance with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. Perfect for enhancing your look, these false lashes add definition and volume with every flutter. Ideal for hooded eyes, the spaced clusters provide a clear view of your gorgeous eyeshadow. Redefine your gaze with Oh My Lash. Oh My Lash introduces a revolution in the makeup world with its Mink False Eyelashes. Crafted to enhance the natural beauty of your eyes, these false lashes offer unparalleled definition and sumptuous volume. Whether you're a makeup novice or an expert, Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes are the perfect finishing touch.Hooded eyes find their perfect ally in this innovative product. Thanks to precision-spaced clusters, these false lashes allow total visibility of your eyeshadow, adding captivating depth to your gaze. Lightness, comfort, and elegance come together in this creation by Oh My Lash.Transform your daily beauty routine into a luxurious experience with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. The brand is committed to providing you with quality products designed to enhance every gaze. Redefine your style, reveal your natural beauty, and embrace excellence with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes..

Objav podobné ako Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Flutter Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Ružová

cena 14.35 €

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Selfie Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Čierna

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Selfie Čierna. Selfie - Discover ultimate elegance with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. Perfect for enhancing your look, these false lashes add definition and volume with every flutter. Ideal for hooded eyes, the spaced clusters provide a clear view of your gorgeous eyeshadow. Redefine your gaze with Oh My Lash. Oh My Lash introduces a revolution in the makeup world with its Mink False Eyelashes. Crafted to enhance the natural beauty of your eyes, these false lashes offer unparalleled definition and sumptuous volume. Whether you're a makeup novice or an expert, Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes are the perfect finishing touch.Hooded eyes find their perfect ally in this innovative product. Thanks to precision-spaced clusters, these false lashes allow total visibility of your eyeshadow, adding captivating depth to your gaze. Lightness, comfort, and elegance come together in this creation by Oh My Lash.Transform your daily beauty routine into a luxurious experience with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. The brand is committed to providing you with quality products designed to enhance every gaze. Redefine your style, reveal your natural beauty, and embrace excellence with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes..

Objav podobné ako Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Selfie Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Čierna

cena 14.35 €

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Luxe Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Luxe . Luxe - Discover ultimate elegance with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. Perfect for enhancing your look, these false lashes add definition and volume with every flutter. Ideal for hooded eyes, the spaced clusters provide a clear view of your gorgeous eyeshadow. Redefine your gaze with Oh My Lash. Oh My Lash introduces a revolution in the makeup world with its Mink False Eyelashes. Crafted to enhance the natural beauty of your eyes, these false lashes offer unparalleled definition and sumptuous volume. Whether you're a makeup novice or an expert, Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes are the perfect finishing touch.Hooded eyes find their perfect ally in this innovative product. Thanks to precision-spaced clusters, these false lashes allow total visibility of your eyeshadow, adding captivating depth to your gaze. Lightness, comfort, and elegance come together in this creation by Oh My Lash.Transform your daily beauty routine into a luxurious experience with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. The brand is committed to providing you with quality products designed to enhance every gaze. Redefine your style, reveal your natural beauty, and embrace excellence with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes..

Objav podobné ako Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Luxe Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 14.35 €

VICHY Normaderm S.O.S. lokálna starostlivosť o pleť so sklonou k akné 20 ml

Vichy Normaderm S.O.S. lokálna starostlivosť o pleť so sklonou k akné 20 ml Lokálna starostlivosť proti nedokonalostiam so sírou. Vysušuje vyrážky, upokojuje a zmierňuje výskyt nedokonalostí. Vhodné pre pleť so sklonom k akné ako doplnková lokálna starostlivosť v rámci každodennej starostlivosti o pleť.

Objav podobné ako VICHY Normaderm S.O.S. lokálna starostlivosť o pleť so sklonou k akné 20 ml

cena 14.32 €

Swati Lentillas Verde Jade de 6 meses Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Swati Lentillas Verde Jade de 6 meses . Amado ?e od anti?nih ?asov je Jade vedno imel sre?o. Zato ta zeleni ton z intenzivnim rumenim odtenkom deluje na tiso? ?udes. S tem tonom ne boste potrebovali sre?e. Zelo naravna zelenkasto rjava barva z intenzivnim rumenim niansom. Na zunanjih robovih ima prozoren obro? za limbal, kar mu daje bolj jasen videz in o?i izgledajo ve?je in ve?je..

Objav podobné ako Swati Lentillas Verde Jade de 6 meses Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 57.0 €

Catrice False Eyelashes Faked Insane Length Lashes Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Catrice False Eyelashes Faked Insane Length Lashes . Discover Catrice's ultra-light false eyelashes for an intense and personalized look. With integrated lash glue and a reusable case, these false lashes offer a guaranteed wow effect. Available in multiple styles, from natural to spectacular. Discover the ultimate accessory to enhance your look: Catrice's ultra-light false eyelashes. Designed to deliver a guaranteed wow effect, these false lashes are perfect for any occasion. Whether you're going for a natural look or something more bold and spectacular, Catrice offers a variety of styles to meet your needs. Thanks to their lightweight design, they are comfortable to wear and allow you to customize your look according to your preferences.The secret lies in the integrated lash glue, which greatly facilitates application and ensures optimal adhesion throughout the day or night. Moreover, these false lashes are reusable, making them not only economical but also eco-friendly. You can store them in their reusable case after use, protecting them and extending their lifespan.However, it's important to take some precautions when using this product. Do not apply them to sensitive or irritated skin, and avoid any contact with the inside of the eyes. If accidental eye contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with water. If you experience any intolerance or persistent irritation, discontinue use immediately and consult a doctor if necessary. Keep them out of reach of children to avoid any risk of accidents.Opt for Catrice's ultra-light false eyelashes and let your eyes make a statement every time. With their exceptional quality and ease of use, they will quickly become a must-have in your makeup kit..

Objav podobné ako Catrice False Eyelashes Faked Insane Length Lashes Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 6.49 €

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Fierce Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Žltá

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Fierce Žltá. Fierce - Discover ultimate elegance with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. Perfect for enhancing your look, these false lashes add definition and volume with every flutter. Ideal for hooded eyes, the spaced clusters provide a clear view of your gorgeous eyeshadow. Redefine your gaze with Oh My Lash. Oh My Lash introduces a revolution in the makeup world with its Mink False Eyelashes. Crafted to enhance the natural beauty of your eyes, these false lashes offer unparalleled definition and sumptuous volume. Whether you're a makeup novice or an expert, Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes are the perfect finishing touch.Hooded eyes find their perfect ally in this innovative product. Thanks to precision-spaced clusters, these false lashes allow total visibility of your eyeshadow, adding captivating depth to your gaze. Lightness, comfort, and elegance come together in this creation by Oh My Lash.Transform your daily beauty routine into a luxurious experience with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. The brand is committed to providing you with quality products designed to enhance every gaze. Redefine your style, reveal your natural beauty, and embrace excellence with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes..

Objav podobné ako Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Fierce Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Žltá

cena 14.35 €

Swati Lentillas Gris Grafito de 6 meses Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Swati Lentillas Gris Grafito de 6 meses . Pripravite se na mo?an videz! Kot da bi jih narisali na papir, lahko ta temno siva zna?ka koga izstopa. Zelo vsestranski ton, ki se zdru?uje s skoraj vsemi in s katero koli osebo. Ta temno siv ton zagotavlja subtilen in naraven osvetljujo? u?inek na temnej?e o?i ali druga?en in temnej?i videz v o?eh svetlej?ih barv. Prav tako ima rahel obro? za limbal, tako da va?e o?i izstopajo na najbolj eleganten na?in..

Objav podobné ako Swati Lentillas Gris Grafito de 6 meses Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 57.0 €

Swati Lentillas color Miel de 6 meses Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Swati Lentillas color Miel de 6 meses . Ni treba ustaviti in zavohati vrtnic. Ta svetel in ?are? zlati ton je vreden kraljice ?ebele. Ampak samo zato, ker izgleda? slaj?e, da med ne pomeni, da se ne more? sekati. Ta ?udovit in topel le?nikov rjavi ton bo va?im naravnim o?em omogo?il okusen videz medene barve. Barvo svojih temnih o?i lahko spremenite v svetlo svetlo rjave rjave o?i z mehkim obro?kom..

Objav podobné ako Swati Lentillas color Miel de 6 meses Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 57.0 €

Swati Lentillas Gris Perla de 6 meses Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Swati Lentillas Gris Perla de 6 meses . Ni treba, da se potopite, da bi na?li popoln ton Perla. Ta svetlo siv ton vam bo zagotovo zasijal o?i. Samo zapomnite si, da je v tem tonu svet v va?em dosegu. To je jasen siv ton s svetlo modrim tonskim odtenkom. Na robovih ima tudi rahel obro? za limbal, ki mu daje bolj jasen videz. Barvo o?i lahko spremenite do 70-80%, odvisno od originalne barve o?i in vam daste svetlo svetlo sive o?i bolj naravnega videza..

Objav podobné ako Swati Lentillas Gris Perla de 6 meses Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 57.0 €

Essence Brow Spoolie - 01 Brow Game Changer Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Ružová

Essence Brow Spoolie - 01 Brow Game Changer Ružová. 01 Brow Game Changer - The Essence Eyebrow Brush offers a pleasant styling experience with its soft-touch handle and ultra-soft vegan bristles. Its unique shape and attractive color make it an essential beauty tool for perfectly groomed eyebrows. Made from 100% recycled materials, it allows for natural styling while preserving the environment. Achieve smooth and well-defined eyebrows with ease thanks to this high-quality brush. The Essence Eyebrow Brush is the perfect tool for styling and smoothing your eyebrows effortlessly. With a comfortable-to-touch handle made from 100% recycled materials, this accessory combines comfort and durability. Its unique shape and original color make it an essential item in your makeup kit. The ultra-soft vegan bristles of this brush allow you to shape your eyebrows without aggressing them, for a natural and flawless result with each use. This soft-bristled brush is designed to make eyebrow styling easier, whether they are thick or thin. Its pleasant texture and comfortable grip allow you to use it with ease. The original color and shape of the brush add a touch of style to your daily makeup routine. With its superior quality and environmentally friendly design, the Essence Eyebrow Brush is a smart choice for those looking for an effective and eco-friendly product.Choose this versatile brush for perfectly groomed eyebrows in no time. Its practicality and performance make it an essential accessory to enhance your look. Whether you want to tame unruly eyebrows or simply smooth them for a natural look, this brush will meet your needs. Treat yourself to the best of responsible beauty with the Essence Eyebrow Brush, and discover a new way to care for your makeup and the planet..

Objav podobné ako Essence Brow Spoolie - 01 Brow Game Changer Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Ružová

cena 3.49 €

Jean Louis David Eyeshadow Applicator Brush - Foam Tip Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Jean Louis David Eyeshadow Applicator Brush - Foam Tip . Jean Louis David presents the Eyeshadow Applicator Brush, featuring a foam tip for a smooth and even application of your powder eyeshadows. With an elongated handle, this accessory allows easy and precise application, enhancing your gaze in a single stroke. Immerse yourself in the world of beauty with Jean Louis David's Eyeshadow Applicator Brush. This refined brush, specially designed for applying powder eyeshadows, captivates with its exceptional flexibility. The foam tip provides a unique sensory experience, ensuring a smooth application and a homogeneous result. With its elongated handle, this brush becomes the ideal accessory for precise and professional eye makeup.When each brushstroke becomes a work of art, your gaze is perfectly adorned in an instant. Jean Louis David, a brand synonymous with innovation and excellence in the beauty industry, offers this essential accessory for all makeup enthusiasts. Precision is key as you extract the ideal amount of color for an easy and uniform application. Transform your daily beauty routine into an artistic moment, revealing the true expression of your gaze. Choose elegance and quality with Jean Louis David's Eyeshadow Applicator Brush, your indispensable ally for flawless eye makeup..

Objav podobné ako Jean Louis David Eyeshadow Applicator Brush - Foam Tip Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 2.47 €

Solight LED reflektor Easy, 20 W, 1600 lm, 4000 K, IP65 (WM-20W-O)

LED reflektor – vonkajšie použitie, príkon 20W, svetelný tok 1600lm, neutrálna biela farba, vstupné napätie: 230 V, stupeň krytia IP65, životnosť 25000h, rozmery 3.5×12.5×1cm (V׊×D) Ak potrebujete na svoju prácu dostatok svetla, určite by sa vám hodilo zakúpenie LED reflektora Solight. Stupeň krytia IP65 naznačuje, že možno použiť LED reflektor aj vo vonkajšom prostredí. Bolo by dobré spomenúť nie príliš náročný príkon reflektora 20 W a parádna životnosť 25000 h, vydrží teda naozaj dlho. Produkt prináša svetlo s teplotou 4000 K. Tomu pomáha svetelný tok 1600 lm. Ak sa zaujímate o jeho rozmery, tie sú 3,5 × 12,5 × 1 cm. Základné prednosti LED reflektora Solight LED reflektor Easy, 20 W, 1600 lm, 4000 K, IP65 LED reflektor Solight využijete na prácu v exteriéri Vhodný aj na použitie vo vlhkom prostredí v súlade s IP65 Životnosť LED reflektora: 25000 h Chromatickosť: 4000 K Svetelný tok svietidla je 1600 lm Mali by ste počítať s príkonom 20 W

Objav podobné ako Solight LED reflektor Easy, 20 W, 1600 lm, 4000 K, IP65 (WM-20W-O)

cena 9.9 €

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Girl Boss Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Čierna

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Girl Boss Čierna. Girl Boss - Discover ultimate elegance with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. Perfect for enhancing your look, these false lashes add definition and volume with every flutter. Ideal for hooded eyes, the spaced clusters provide a clear view of your gorgeous eyeshadow. Redefine your gaze with Oh My Lash. Oh My Lash introduces a revolution in the makeup world with its Mink False Eyelashes. Crafted to enhance the natural beauty of your eyes, these false lashes offer unparalleled definition and sumptuous volume. Whether you're a makeup novice or an expert, Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes are the perfect finishing touch.Hooded eyes find their perfect ally in this innovative product. Thanks to precision-spaced clusters, these false lashes allow total visibility of your eyeshadow, adding captivating depth to your gaze. Lightness, comfort, and elegance come together in this creation by Oh My Lash.Transform your daily beauty routine into a luxurious experience with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. The brand is committed to providing you with quality products designed to enhance every gaze. Redefine your style, reveal your natural beauty, and embrace excellence with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes..

Objav podobné ako Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Girl Boss Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Čierna

cena 14.35 €

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Date Night Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Šedá

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Date Night Šedá. Date Night - Discover ultimate elegance with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. Perfect for enhancing your look, these false lashes add definition and volume with every flutter. Ideal for hooded eyes, the spaced clusters provide a clear view of your gorgeous eyeshadow. Redefine your gaze with Oh My Lash. Oh My Lash introduces a revolution in the makeup world with its Mink False Eyelashes. Crafted to enhance the natural beauty of your eyes, these false lashes offer unparalleled definition and sumptuous volume. Whether you're a makeup novice or an expert, Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes are the perfect finishing touch.Hooded eyes find their perfect ally in this innovative product. Thanks to precision-spaced clusters, these false lashes allow total visibility of your eyeshadow, adding captivating depth to your gaze. Lightness, comfort, and elegance come together in this creation by Oh My Lash.Transform your daily beauty routine into a luxurious experience with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. The brand is committed to providing you with quality products designed to enhance every gaze. Redefine your style, reveal your natural beauty, and embrace excellence with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes..

Objav podobné ako Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Date Night Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Šedá

cena 14.35 €

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Girl Code Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Čierna

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Girl Code Čierna. Girl Code - Discover ultimate elegance with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. Perfect for enhancing your look, these false lashes add definition and volume with every flutter. Ideal for hooded eyes, the spaced clusters provide a clear view of your gorgeous eyeshadow. Redefine your gaze with Oh My Lash. Oh My Lash introduces a revolution in the makeup world with its Mink False Eyelashes. Crafted to enhance the natural beauty of your eyes, these false lashes offer unparalleled definition and sumptuous volume. Whether you're a makeup novice or an expert, Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes are the perfect finishing touch.Hooded eyes find their perfect ally in this innovative product. Thanks to precision-spaced clusters, these false lashes allow total visibility of your eyeshadow, adding captivating depth to your gaze. Lightness, comfort, and elegance come together in this creation by Oh My Lash.Transform your daily beauty routine into a luxurious experience with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. The brand is committed to providing you with quality products designed to enhance every gaze. Redefine your style, reveal your natural beauty, and embrace excellence with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes..

Objav podobné ako Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Girl Code Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Čierna

cena 14.35 €

Příběhy o Erikovi - Naše oči se obracejí k tobě (978-80-879-7649-4)

E-kniha ze série Příběhy o Erikovi, autor Major Slik, 90 stran Druhý ze série příběhů s jedním hlavním hrdinou, indiánským míšencem Erikem. Z amerického i mexického prostředí počátku 20. století, s pistolníky, zločinci, střílením a krutými tresty. Příběhy, které obsahují kriminální zápletky, živé dialogy, polechtají na osrdí a vtáhnou do děje také skutečné historické osoby z té doby. Jednotlivé příběhy budou vycházet ke stažení s měsíčním odstupem.

Objav podobné ako Příběhy o Erikovi - Naše oči se obracejí k tobě (978-80-879-7649-4)

cena 3.14 €

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Self Love Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Čierna

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Self Love Čierna. Self Love - Discover ultimate elegance with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. Perfect for enhancing your look, these false lashes add definition and volume with every flutter. Ideal for hooded eyes, the spaced clusters provide a clear view of your gorgeous eyeshadow. Redefine your gaze with Oh My Lash. Oh My Lash introduces a revolution in the makeup world with its Mink False Eyelashes. Crafted to enhance the natural beauty of your eyes, these false lashes offer unparalleled definition and sumptuous volume. Whether you're a makeup novice or an expert, Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes are the perfect finishing touch.Hooded eyes find their perfect ally in this innovative product. Thanks to precision-spaced clusters, these false lashes allow total visibility of your eyeshadow, adding captivating depth to your gaze. Lightness, comfort, and elegance come together in this creation by Oh My Lash.Transform your daily beauty routine into a luxurious experience with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. The brand is committed to providing you with quality products designed to enhance every gaze. Redefine your style, reveal your natural beauty, and embrace excellence with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes..

Objav podobné ako Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Self Love Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Čierna

cena 14.35 €

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Girl Power Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Čierna

Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Girl Power Čierna. Girl Power - Discover ultimate elegance with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. Perfect for enhancing your look, these false lashes add definition and volume with every flutter. Ideal for hooded eyes, the spaced clusters provide a clear view of your gorgeous eyeshadow. Redefine your gaze with Oh My Lash. Oh My Lash introduces a revolution in the makeup world with its Mink False Eyelashes. Crafted to enhance the natural beauty of your eyes, these false lashes offer unparalleled definition and sumptuous volume. Whether you're a makeup novice or an expert, Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes are the perfect finishing touch.Hooded eyes find their perfect ally in this innovative product. Thanks to precision-spaced clusters, these false lashes allow total visibility of your eyeshadow, adding captivating depth to your gaze. Lightness, comfort, and elegance come together in this creation by Oh My Lash.Transform your daily beauty routine into a luxurious experience with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes. The brand is committed to providing you with quality products designed to enhance every gaze. Redefine your style, reveal your natural beauty, and embrace excellence with Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes..

Objav podobné ako Oh My Lash Mink False Eyelashes - Girl Power Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Čierna

cena 14.35 €

Essence Eyelash curler - 01 All The Way Up Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Ružová

Essence Eyelash curler - 01 All The Way Up Ružová. 01 All The Way Up - Discover the captivating effect of Essence's eyelash curler. This elegant design provides a perfect curve to your lashes, preparing them beautifully for your favorite mascara. Easy to use, it comes with a spare silicone strip, preserving the delicacy of your lashes. Explore the realm of elegance with Essence's renowned eyelash curler. This refined tool is not just an accessory but an essential step towards beautiful lashes. With its chic design, it imparts a perfect curve to your lashes, creating an ideal foundation for the subsequent application of your preferred mascara.Its user-friendly nature makes this tool accessible to all, offering the opportunity for effortless professional-level curling. The innovative silicone strip accompanying the eyelash curler prevents breakage of delicate lashes, ensuring a secure and pleasant experience. The kit includes a spare silicone strip, providing enhanced durability and convenience.By using this eyelash curler, your lashes will benefit from a natural curve and spectacular lift, giving your gaze an unparalleled intensity. The emphasis on protecting fine lashes showcases Essence's commitment to health and natural beauty. Make every mascara application an exceptional experience with Essence's eyelash curler, the perfect choice for enhancing your gaze every day..

Objav podobné ako Essence Eyelash curler - 01 All The Way Up Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Ružová

cena 4.79 €

Swati Estuche para lentes de contacto y pinzas Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Swati Estuche para lentes de contacto y pinzas . Seveda in s tem kompletom manipulirajte svoje barvne le?e. Kot nala?? za va?e barvne le?e. V kombinaciji z ve?namensko raztopino Swati bodo le?e vzdr?evale svoje barve in ostale sve?e v celotnem obdobju uporabe..

Objav podobné ako Swati Estuche para lentes de contacto y pinzas Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

cena 4.0 €

Catrice Brush and Brow Brush Duo Eyebrow Defining Doplnky k starostlivosti o oči Other

Catrice Brush and Brow Brush Duo Eyebrow Defining . Discover Catrice's Eyebrow Defining Brush Duo Brush, a professional 2-in-1 accessory for flawless brows. Paraben-free, fragrance-free, and entirely vegan, this angled brush precisely fills your brows, while the other side combs and blends products, leaving a perfectly defined result. Enhance your makeup routine with Catrice's Eyebrow Defining Brush Duo Brush. This professional 2-in-1 brush is designed to elevate your brows in two simple steps. Paraben-free, fragrance-free, and entirely vegan, it meets the highest standards of quality and ethics.The angled side of this brush, featuring high-quality synthetic bristles, is the perfect tool for precisely filling your brows. Whether you prefer powder or gel, this brush allows for even application, delivering a naturally defined result. On the other side, the brush ensures a flawless finish by combing and blending products for a harmonious look.Brows frame your gaze, and this Catrice brush provides you the opportunity to showcase them like a professional. Enjoy the perfect combination of the convenience of a double-ended brush and the exceptional quality of synthetic bristles. Incorporate Catrice's Eyebrow Defining Brush Duo Brush into your makeup kit for perfectly defined brows, all while adhering to your ethical values..

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