Kde sa rozmanitosť stretáva s hodnotou - Katalo.sk

Redskins SEEK Kabelky Čierna

Redskins SEEK Čierna. SEEK - Redskins. Tóny: ČIERNI. Model: kabelka. Horná časť/podstavec: textil. Logo: záplata, inkrustované. Vreckové: viacvrecko. Ramenný popruh: odnímateľný, nastaviteľné. Uzávierka: ZIP. Šírka: 50 cm. Výška: 26 cm. Hĺbka: 26,5 cm. Materiál: Syntetické..

Pozrite sa aj Seek Thermal RevealPRO Fast Frame (RQ-EAAX)

cena 50.0 €

Little Tikes Seek & Explore (0050743626272)

Detská preliezka – vhodná od 2 rokov, materiál plast, rozmery 125 × 190 × 360 cm (V׊×D), súčasťou výbavy je šmykľavka, preliezačka, tunel na preliezanie a plošina Pokiaľ máte záhradu či dvorček, kúpte svojim deťom toto detské plastové ihrisko - preliezačku Seek & Explore značky Little Tikes napodobňujúcu pevnosť s hradbami. Deti z nej budú určite nadšené - nájdu na nej šmykľavka, naklonenú lávku, rebrík, hornú plošinu a preliezací tunel. Vaši najmenší sa vďaka tejto preliezačke zabavia aj s kamarátmi na celé hodiny a navyše sa budú fyzicky rozvíjať.Kľúčové vlastnosti detského ihriska Seek & ExploreDetská plastová preliezačka - ihrisko značky Little TikesIdeálne na záhradu či dvorčekŠmykľavka, naklonená lávka, horná plošina, preliezací tunelVzhľad pevnosti s hradbamiNa hru niekoľkých detí narazVhodné pre deti od cca 2 rokovRozmer:125 × 360 × 190 cm

Objav podobné ako Little Tikes Seek & Explore (0050743626272)

cena 309.9 €

Seek Thermal Compact pre Android (UW-EAA)

Termokamera pre mobilný telefón, kompatibilná s Androidom, konektor USB micro Seek Compact je prvý infračervená kamera dostatočne malá, aby sa dala pripojiť k spodnej časti telefónu. Využite pokročilú infračervenú technológiu, aby ste videli teplotné obraz v dennú i nočnú dobu. Infračervené snímanie ukáže veci úplne skryté vašim očiam. Kamera je dobre prenosná a dodávaná s padnúcim puzdrom, a tak môže byť stále s vami. Seek Compact v sebe spája termálnej videnie v 36 stupňov širokom zornom uhle a rozlišovaciu schopnosť tepla až do 300 ma rozsah teploty.Seek Compact je prvá infračervená kamera dostatočne malá, aby sa dala pripojiť k spodnej časti telefónu. Využite pokročilú infračervenú technológiu, aby ste videli teplotný obraz v dennú i nočnú dobu. Infračervené snímanie ukáže veci úplne skryté vašim očiam. Kamera je dobre prenosná a dodávaná s padnúcim púzdrom, a tak môže byť stále s vami. Seek Compact v sebe spája termálne videnie v 36...

Objav podobné ako Seek Thermal Compact pre Android (UW-EAA)

cena 269.9 €

Seek Thermal Compact pre iOS (LW-EAA)

Termokamera pre mobilný telefón, kompatibilná s iOS, konektor Lightning port Seek Compact je prvý infračervená kamera dostatočne malá, aby sa dala pripojiť k spodnej časti telefónu. Využite pokročilú infračervenú technológiu, aby ste videli teplotné obraz v dennú i nočnú dobu. Infračervené snímanie ukáže veci úplne skryté vašim očiam. Kamera je dobre prenosná a dodávaná s padnúcim puzdrom, a tak môže byť stále s vami. Seek Compact v sebe spája termálnej videnie v 36 stupňov širokom zornom uhle a rozlišovaciu schopnosť tepla až do 300 ma rozsah teploty.Seek Compact je prvá infračervená kamera dostatočne malá, aby sa dala pripojiť k spodnej časti telefónu. Využite pokročilú infračervenú technológiu, aby ste videli teplotný obraz v dennej aj nočnej dobe. Infračervené snímanie ukáže veci úplne skryté vašim očiam. Kamera je dobre prenosná a dodávaná s puzdrom, preto môže byť stále s vami. Seek Compact v sebe spája termálne videnie v 36 stupňov širokom zornom uhle a...

Objav podobné ako Seek Thermal Compact pre iOS (LW-EAA)

cena 345.72 €

Seek Thermal RevealPRO Fast Frame (RQ-EAAX)

Termokamera pre mobilný telefón Vylepšená verzia termálne kamery sníma obraz vo vyššom rozlíšení a na väčšiu vzdialenosť. Odhaľte skrytý svet teplotných stôp.Nová, vylepšená verzia termálnej kamery prichádza s vyšším rozlíšením snímača, s dlhšou detekčnou vzdialenosťou, a aj napriek tomu si zachováva široký uhol pohľadu. FastFrame umožňuje oveľa plynulejšie premietanie obrazu. Využite pokročilú infračervenú technológiu, aby ste videli teplotný obraz v dennú i nočnú dobu. Infračervené snímanie ukáže aj veci úplne skryté vašim očiam. Teplotný obraz naservíruje na farebnom, jasnom displeji alebo si ho môžete uložiť na SD kartu na neskoršiu analýzu problematických oblastí.Kľúčové vlastnostiSamostatná infračervená kameraZvýšené rozlíšenie a detekčné vzdialenosť (76 kPx, až do 550 m, uhol 32 °)FASTFRAME na rýchlejšie zobrazovanieTeplotné rozdiely zobrazené na displejiMožnosť ukladania na micro SD kartuNie je závislá na osvetlení (pracuje...

Objav podobné ako Seek Thermal RevealPRO Fast Frame (RQ-EAAX)

cena 874.9 €

Seek Thermal CompactPRO pre iOS (LQ-EAAX)

Termokamera pre mobilný telefón, kompatibilná s iOS, konektor Lightning port Seek Compact je prvý infračervená kamera dostatočne malá, aby sa dala pripojiť k spodnej časti telefónu. Využite pokročilú infračervenú technológiu, aby ste videli teplotné obraz v dennú i nočnú dobu. Infračervené snímanie ukáže veci úplne skryté vašim očiam. Kamera je dobre prenosná a dodávaná s padnúcim puzdrom, a tak môže byť stále s vami. Seek Compact v sebe spája termálnej videnie v 36 stupňov širokom zornom uhle a rozlišovaciu schopnosť tepla až do 300 ma rozsah teploty.Seek Compact je prvý infračervená kamera dostatočne malá, aby sa dala pripojiť k spodnej časti telefónu. Využite pokročilú infračervenú technológiu, aby ste videli teplotný obraz v dennú i nočnú dobu. Infračervené snímanie ukáže veci úplne skryté vašim očiam. Kamera je dobre prenosná a dodávaná s padnúcim puzdrom, a tak môže byť stále s vami. Seek CompactPro má zvýšené rozlíšenie a rozlišovaciu schopnosť...

Objav podobné ako Seek Thermal CompactPRO pre iOS (LQ-EAAX)

cena 554.9 €

Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek – Nintendo Switch (5060146466783)

Hra na konzolu – Nintendo Switch, krabicová verzia, žáner: arkády, – Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek sleduje tragický príbeh susednej rodiny v dramatickom predpokračovaní hry Hello Neighbor. S bratom sa zahrajte hru na schovávačku, počas toho ako sa obaja musíte vyrovnať so stratou člena rodiny. Hra vysvetľuje udalosti, ktoré viedli k originálnemu hororovému hitu Hello Neighbor. %Kým pôvodná hra sa z veľkej časti odohrávala v dvoch rôznych verziách rovnakého domu, Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek sa pýši až piatimi fantasy svetmi.5 fantasy svetov na preskúmanie.Pokročilá AI s interaktívnym prostredím.Pokročilá umelá inteligenciaHra ponúka neustále sa vyvíjajúcu hrateľnosť, kde sa AI susedov učí váš štýl hry a učí sa z toho, čo robíte.Objasnite si udalosti pôvodného dieluHello Neighbor: Hide and Seek je tragický príbeh susedovej rodiny v dramatickom prequeli hello Neighbor, v ktorom ste sa tajne zakrádali domom svojho suseda a snažili sa prísť na to, aké hrozivé...

Objav podobné ako Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek – Nintendo Switch (5060146466783)

cena 27.9 €

Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek – Xbox Digital (G3Q-00638)

Hra na konzolu – Xbox One S/Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, elektronická licencia, kľúč pre Xbox Live, žáner: akčný a logický,. % Kým pôvodná hra sa z veľkej časti odohrávala v dvoch rôznych verziách rovnakého domu, Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek sa pýši až piatich fantasy svety. 5 fantasy svetov na preskúmanie. Pokročilá AI s interaktívnym prostredím. Pokročilá umelá inteligencia Hra ponúka neustále sa vyvíjajúce hrateľnosť, kde sa AI susedov učí váš štýl hrania a učí sa z toho, čo robíte....

Objav podobné ako Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek – Xbox Digital (G3Q-00638)

cena 32.9 €

Seek Thermal Compact pre Android, USB-C (CW-AAA)

Termokamera pre mobilný telefón, kompatibilná s Androidom, konektor USB-C Seek Compact je prvý infračervená kamera dostatočne malá, aby sa dala pripojiť k spodnej časti telefónu. Využite pokročilú infračervenú technológiu, aby ste videli teplotný obraz v dennú i nočnú dobu. Infračervené snímanie ukáže veci úplne skryté vašim očiam. Kamera je dobre prenosná a dodávaná s padnúcim puzdrom, a tak môže byť stále s vami. Seek Compact v sebe spája termálnej videnie v 36 stupňov širokom zornom uhle a rozlišovaciu schopnosť tepla až do 300 ma rozsah teploty.Seek Thermal Compact je infračervená termokamera na skúmanie tepelného obrazu objektov a odhalenie možných problémov (slabé miesta, úniky tepla), skúmať a trasovať možno aj elektrické vedenie pod omietkou či podľa intenzity vyžarovania tepla odhaliť problematické miesto na elektrickom spotrebiči. Kamera je malá, pripája sa k dátovému konektoru telefónu, ktorý prostredníctvom aplikácie vykonáva postprosessing....

Objav podobné ako Seek Thermal Compact pre Android, USB-C (CW-AAA)

cena 269.9 €

Seek Thermal CompactXR (Xtra Range) pre Android (UT-EAA)

Termokamera pre mobilný telefón, kompatibilná s Androidom, konektor USB micro Seek Compact XR je prvý infračervená kamera s veľkým dosahom a dostatočne malá, aby sa dala pripojiť k spodnej časti telefónu. Využite pokročilú infračervenú technológiu, aby ste videli teplotné obraz v dennú i nočnú dobu. Infračervené snímanie ukáže veci úplne skryté vašim očiam. Kamera je dobre prenosná a dodávaná s padnúcim puzdrom, a tak môže byť stále s vami. Seek Compact XR má oproti základnej verzii rozšírenú rozlišovaciu schopnosť tepla až vzdialenosť 600 m.Seek Compact XR je prvá infračervená kamera s veľkým dosahom a dostatočne malá, aby sa dala pripojiť k spodnej časti telefónu. Využite pokročilú infračervenú technológiu, aby ste videli teplotný obraz v dennú i nočnú dobu. Infračervené snímanie ukáže veci úplne skryté vašim očiam. Kamera je dobre prenosná a dodávaná s padnúcim puzdrom, a tak môže byť stále s vami. Seek Compact XR má oproti základnej verzii...

Objav podobné ako Seek Thermal CompactXR (Xtra Range) pre Android (UT-EAA)

cena 326.9 €

Seek Thermal CompactXR (Xtra Range) pre iOS (LT-EAA)

Termokamera pre mobilný telefón, kompatibilná s iOS, konektor Lightning port Seek Compact XR je prvý infračervená kamera s veľkým dosahom a dostatočne malá, aby sa dala pripojiť k spodnej časti telefónu. Využite pokročilú infračervenú technológiu, aby ste videli teplotné obraz v dennú i nočnú dobu. Infračervené snímanie ukáže veci úplne skryté vašim očiam. Kamera je dobre prenosná a dodávaná s padnúcim puzdrom, a tak môže byť stále s vami. Seek Compact XR má oproti základnej verzii rozšírenú rozlišovaciu schopnosť tepla až vzdialenosť 600 m.Seek Compact XR je prvá infračervená kamera s veľkým dosahom, ktorá je zároveň dostatočne malá, dá sa teda pripojiť k spodnej časti telefónu. Využite pokročilú infračervenú technológiu, aby ste videli teplotný obraz počas dňa aj noci. Infračervené snímanie ukáže veci úplne skryté vašim očiam. Kamera je dobre prenosná a dodávaná s vhodným puzdrom, môže byť teda stále s vami. Seek Compact XR má oproti základnej verzii...

Objav podobné ako Seek Thermal CompactXR (Xtra Range) pre iOS (LT-EAA)

cena 414.9 €

Seek Thermal Compact PRO pre Android, USB-C (CQ-AAAX)

Termokamera pre mobilný telefón, kompatibilná s Androidom, konektor USB-C Seek Compact je prvý infračervená kamera dostatočne malá, aby sa dala pripojiť k spodnej časti telefónu. Využite pokročilú infračervenú technológiu, aby ste videli teplotný obraz v dennú i nočnú dobu. Infračervené snímanie ukáže veci úplne skryté vašim očiam. Kamera je dobre prenosná a dodávaná s padnúcim puzdrom, a tak môže byť stále s vami. Seek Compact v sebe spája termálnej videnie v 36 stupňov širokom zornom uhle a rozlišovaciu schopnosť tepla až do 300 ma rozsah teploty.Seek Thermal CompactPRO je infračervená termokamera na skúmanie tepelného obrazu objektov. Kamera je malá, pripája sa k dátovému konektoru telefónu, ktorý prostredníctvom aplikácie vykonáva postprosessing. Pokročilá IR technológia umožňuje vidieť teplotný obraz v dennú i nočnú dobu. Thermal CompactPRO umožňuje maximálne ostrý obraz a vďaka technológii Fastframe je obraz pri skenovaní a chôdzi zobrazovaný plynule....

Objav podobné ako Seek Thermal Compact PRO pre Android, USB-C (CQ-AAAX)

cena 612.9 €

Seek Thermal Compact XR pro Android, USB-C (CT-AAA)

Termokamera pre mobilný telefón, kompatibilná s Androidom, konektor USB-C Seek Compact je prvý infračervená kamera dostatočne malá, aby sa dala pripojiť k spodnej časti telefónu. Využite pokročilú infračervenú technológiu, aby ste videli teplotný obraz v dennú i nočnú dobu. Infračervené snímanie ukáže veci úplne skryté vašim očiam. Kamera je dobre prenosná a dodávaná s padnúcim puzdrom, a tak môže byť stále s vami. Seek Compact v sebe spája termálnej videnie v 36 stupňov širokom zornom uhle a rozlišovaciu schopnosť tepla až do 300 ma rozsah teploty.Seek Thermal CompactXR je infračervená termokamera na skúmanie tepelného obrazu objektov a odhalenie možných problémov (slabé miesta, úniky tepla, prehriatie, tepelné mosty). Kamera je malá, pripája sa k dátovému konektoru telefónu, ktorý prostredníctvom aplikácie vykonáva postprosessing. Pokročilá IR technológia umožňuje vidieť teplotný obraz v dennú i nočnú dobu. Thermal CompactXR má výhodu snímania obrazu...

Objav podobné ako Seek Thermal Compact XR pro Android, USB-C (CT-AAA)

cena 289.9 €

MAYBELLINE NEW YORK SuperStay Ink Crayon rúž v ceruzke odtieň 30 Seek Adventure 1.5 g

MAYBELLINE NEW YORK SuperStay Ink Crayon, 1,5 g, Pery pre ženy, Krásne zvýraznené pery nikdy nevyjdú z módy. Rúž MAYBELLINE NEW YORK SuperStay Ink Crayon pokryje povrch vašich pier súvislou vrstvou neodolateľnej sýtej farby, a tak perfektne podčiarkne akékoľvek líčenie, či už sa chystáte do práce, na schôdzku alebo na večierok. Umožní vám však pery nielen zvýrazniť, ale im aj dodať žiaduci tvar, prípadne im aj dopomôcť k plnšiemu vzhľadu. V priebehu chvíľky vám skrátka pomôže dosiahnuť nádherne sfarbené a dokonale tvarované pery, ktoré doslova priťahujú pohľady a zvádzajú k bozkom. Vlastnosti: ľahko sa nanášajú krémová textúra matný efekt Použitie: Rúž naneste jemnými ťahmi na pery od stredu ku kútikom.

Objav podobné ako MAYBELLINE NEW YORK SuperStay Ink Crayon rúž v ceruzke odtieň 30 Seek Adventure 1.5 g

cena 6.09 €


Audiokniha MP3 Vladimir John, čte Julie Dawn Cole, David Riley, Richard Allinson As the name suggests, this is a very current topic. It is intended for all entrepreneurs who either find themselves in crisis and are trying to mitigate it or those who seek to prevent it. It offers a comprehensive overview of company crisis, signals and forms of crises and, most importantly, the potential solutions to the crisis and, ideally, how to avoid it.


cena 4.39 €

AT SUNDOWN: Shots in the Dark (PC) DIGITAL (692392)

Hra na PC – elektronická licencia, kľúč pre Steam, žáner: akčný, % Hide-and-seek pre 4 hráčov v režime deathmatch na rôznorodých temných mapách. Budete bojovať v temnote, pretože svetlo je vaším nepriateľom. Mapy nájdete v 6 rôznych oblastiach. Len skutoční šampióni prežijú. Unikátne súboje s prvkami stealth Vžite sa do dynamických bitiek, kde dochádza k neustálym zmenám ako tempa, tak smeru, kadiaľ sa bitka uberá. Všetko sa odohráva v tieňoch. Chráňte sa svetla. MultiplayerHra je pripravená...

Objav podobné ako AT SUNDOWN: Shots in the Dark (PC) DIGITAL (692392)

cena 14.99 €

Barcode Berlin Strong Wax - Strong Effect 150ml Stylingové & modelujúce prípravky na vlasy Other

Barcode Berlin Strong Wax - Strong Effect 150ml . The Barecode Strong Wax - Strong Effect hair wax for men delivers a shiny finish, enabling you to craft your desired style effortlessly. Barecode's Strong Wax - Strong Effect hair wax is an essential styling product for men. This professional hair wax provides a shiny sheen and remarkable hold, making it easy to craft and maintain your desired hairstyle. Whether you seek a textured look, tousled strands, or a sleek finish, this wax offers exceptional versatility. Its advanced formula ensures long-lasting hold without weighing hair down, providing a superb finish for every style. Redefine your look with Barecode's hair wax, specifically designed for men seeking impeccable hairstyles and a polished appearance, delivering noticeable results..

Objav podobné ako Barcode Berlin Strong Wax - Strong Effect 150ml Stylingové & modelujúce prípravky na vlasy Other

cena 5.44 €

MAYBELLINE NEW YORK SuperStay Crayon 30 (30174078)

Rúž – dlhotrvajúci, plné krytie, matná textúra Pre zvýraznenie vašich pier sýtymi pigmentami s jemným matným efektom je tu rúž v ceruzke Maybelline New York SuperStay Ink Crayon odtieň 30 Seek Adventure. Osem nádherných sviežich odtieňov sa vďaka špeciálnej technológii aplikuje na pery tenkou vrstvou s pigmentami, ktoré majú dlhotrvajúce zloženie a ľahkú textúru. To všetko umožní pocítiť vašim perám príjemný pocit po aplikácii. Rúž pery nevysušuje a nie je nutné ju opätovne nanášať. Širokú škálu odtieňov môžete striedať podľa momentálnej nálady alebo s nimi doladíte svoj outfit k dokonalosti. Praktické balenie v ceruzke je jednoduché na použitie i skladovanie. Kľúčové vlastnosti rúžu Maybelline SuperStay Ink Crayon 30Rúž v ceruzke Maybelline New York SuperStay Ink Crayon 30Sýte pigmenty s jemným matným efektomDlhotrvajúce zloženie bez nutnosti opätovného nanášaniaOsem nádherných sviežich odtieňov s ľahkou textúrouPery nevysušuje a zanecháva...

Objav podobné ako MAYBELLINE NEW YORK SuperStay Crayon 30 (30174078)

cena 8.39 €

Hayward TigerShark QC, bazénový vysávač (RC9990CEF)

Vysávač do bazéna – automatický, vhodný pre nadzemné bazény a zapustené bazény, maximálna veľkosť bazénu 72 m2, rozmery 41 × 41 × 28 cm (V׊×H) Hayward TigerShark QC je inteligentný, tichý a plne automatický bazénový vysávač, ktorý dokáže dôkladne vyčistiť bazény do veľkosti 12 × 6 m. Prístroj využíva mikroprocesorové inteligentné riadenie Adaptive Seek Control Logic, ktoré optimalizuje pohyb robota v priebehu čistenie bazéna, čím je zaistené dôkladné vyčistenie dna, stien aj hladiny. Tigershark QC disponuje výkonným čerpadlom s kapacitou 17 m3 vody za hodinu a kvalitnými filtrami s jemnosťou filtrácie 20 mikrometrov, vďaka ktorým dokáže zbaviť bazénovú vodu všetkých nečistôt, vrátane jemných častíc. Filtračný kôš s kazetovými filtrami je ľahko prístupný zhora, pričom kôš aj filtre možno ľahko opláchnuť záhradnou hadicou a nechať uschnúť. Bezpečné používanie robota zaručuje elektronická autodiagnostika, ktorá presne deteguje vodnú hladinu a chráni...

Objav podobné ako Hayward TigerShark QC, bazénový vysávač (RC9990CEF)

cena 1324.66 €

Barcode Berlin Cream Wax - Styling Effect 150ml Stylingové & modelujúce prípravky na vlasy Other

Barcode Berlin Cream Wax - Styling Effect 150ml . Barecode's Cream Wax - Styling Effect 150ml, designed for men, ensures a shining finish for a perfectly styled look, allowing you to customize your hairstyle as desired. Barecode's Cream Wax - Styling Effect 150ml is a must-have for those who care about their style. This professional hair wax offers brilliant shine and exceptional hold, making it effortless to create and maintain your desired hairstyle. Whether you prefer texture, a tousled look, or a smooth finish, this wax provides unparalleled flexibility. Its advanced formula ensures long-lasting hold without weighing hair down, providing an outstanding finish for every style. Redefine your look with this Barecode Hair Wax, specially designed for men who seek impeccable hairstyles and a polished style, ensuring results that won't go unnoticed..

Objav podobné ako Barcode Berlin Cream Wax - Styling Effect 150ml Stylingové & modelujúce prípravky na vlasy Other

cena 5.44 €

Binky a kouzelná kniha / Binky and the Book of Spells (978-80-247-4842-9)

E-kniha - autor Marcela Klofáčová, 120 stran Dětem od 5 let je určen poutavý příběh žabky Binky v českém i anglickém jazyce. Malé i větší čtenáře vtáhne do světa kouzel a čarování. Skupinka zvířecích kamarádů prožívá na cestě za krásou kouzelná dobrodružství, při nichž si stále více uvědomují, jak velký význam má přátelství. Hlavní postavou poutavého vyprávění je krásou neobdarovaná žabka Binky, která se rozhodne jít svou krásu hledat. Na strastiplné cestě pozná kamarády rozličných povah, s nimiž zažívá veselé i napínavé chvíle plné fantazie, radosti i štěstí. ally is. The main character of the story is Froglet Binky, who wasn't born beautiful and who decides to go and seek her beauty. On her distressful journey, she meets friends of various temperaments, with whom she experiences happy and sad moments full of fantasy, magic, joy and happiness.

Objav podobné ako Binky a kouzelná kniha / Binky and the Book of Spells (978-80-247-4842-9)

cena 6.42 €

Wet N Wild Quad Color Icon Eye Shadow - Flock Party Paletky pre líčenie očí Other

Wet N Wild Quad Color Icon Eye Shadow - Flock Party . Flock Party - Discover Wet N Wild's Color Icon Eyeshadow Quad, featuring 4 carefully curated shades for a natural, sophisticated, and elegant look. These highly pigmented hues offer versatile options for any occasion, seamlessly blending matte and shimmer effects. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Wet N Wild's Color Icon Eyeshadow Quad. Carefully crafted, this palette offers a selection of 4 distinctive shades, allowing you to create looks ranging from natural to sophisticated with a touch of elegance. The highly pigmented hues, both practical and versatile, provide endless options for every occasion. Each shade, whether matte or shimmering, effortlessly adapts to any setting, enabling you to customize your style with ease. Whether you seek a subtle glow for everyday wear or a pronounced intensity for a special evening, this palette exceeds expectations, revealing the unique beauty of every gaze..

Objav podobné ako Wet N Wild Quad Color Icon Eye Shadow - Flock Party Paletky pre líčenie očí Other

cena 6.93 €

BABY EINSTEIN Hračka aktívna Go Opus Go™ 4v1 3m+

Plazte sa, tancujte, naháňajte sa a učte sa s hračkou Baby Einstein Ocean Explorers Go Opus Go 4 v 1 na preliezanie a naháňanie. Táto pohybom aktivovaná hračka rastie s dieťatkom od bábätka so 4 režimami učenia a zábavy, ktoré inšpirujú k hudobnému skúmaniu, učeniu čísel a tvarov, zmyslovému objavovaniu a pohybu. Opus ožíva a hrá 4 piesne z novej série Baby Einstein Ocean Explorers – „Chobotnica Hide & Seek“, „Feeling Curious“, „Still Learning“ a „Medúza Wiggle“. Dotknite sa mäkkého ramena v režime Tummy Time a uvidíte, ako sa Opus rozsvieti, roztočí a zaspieva. V režime Sit & Play sa dieťatko môže učiť čísla, farby a tvary, keď sa Opus točí. V režime prenasledovania sa Opus vzďaľuje aby dieťatko snímalo prekážky, povzbudzuje plazenie alebo chôdzu. Po chytení odmení oslavnou piesňou. Dance Mode prináša párty pre všetky vekové kategórie, pretože Opus učí protiklady a hrá hudbu. Hovoriaca anglicky. Vhodné pre vek od 3 mesiacov. Rozmery: 22,86 cm (V) x 23,88 cm (Š) x 23,88 cm (D) Funguje za pomoci 3 AA alkalických batérií (súčasťou balenia sú iba batérie na skúšku).

Objav podobné ako BABY EINSTEIN Hračka aktívna Go Opus Go™ 4v1 3m+

cena 49.95 €

Essence Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil - 04 Dark Blond Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Essence Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil - 04 Dark Blond Hnedá. 04 Dark Blonde - Experience excellence with Essence's Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil. The ultra-thin tip ensures precise application, mimicking the look of natural hairs. Paraben-free, vegan, its creamy texture effortlessly fills brows for a natural, long-lasting result. Achieve dense, perfectly defined brows. Immerse yourself in elegance with Essence's Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil, a must-have for impeccable brows. Its paraben-free, vegan formula offers a beauty experience without compromise. The revolutionary ultra-thin tip ensures precise application, replicating the appearance of natural hairs.The pencil's creamy texture glides smoothly, effortlessly filling every space for perfectly defined brows. Its matte finish adds a touch of sophistication, enhancing the radiance of your gaze. Not only does this pencil deliver an ultra-natural result, but its long-lasting formula ensures impeccable wear throughout the day. Waterproof, it withstands the most active days and changing weather conditions.Enhance your natural beauty with Essence's Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil. Create brows with enviable density and perfect definition. Whether you seek a subtle everyday look or a more sophisticated allure for a special occasion, this pencil will become your essential beauty ally. Explore perfection with Essence..

Objav podobné ako Essence Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil - 04 Dark Blond Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 3.49 €

Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 301 ROMANTIC Ceruzky na pery Béžová

Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 301 ROMANTIC Béžová. 301 ROMANTIC - Discover elegance with every stroke using Essence's Soft & Precise Lip Pencil. Its soft, highly pigmented formula ensures precise application, creating flawless lips. Fragrance-free, paraben-free, and 100% vegan, this lip pencil guarantees a velvety matte finish at an affordable price. Indulge in the refinement of Essence's Soft & Precise Lip Pencil. This pencil embodies the perfect blend of a soft formula and intense pigmentation, offering exceptional precision to elegantly define your lips. The range, free from fragrance, parabens, and entirely vegan, promises a commitment to quality and environmental respect.The LIP PENCILS by Essence transcend the art of lip contouring. Their silky texture glides smoothly, ensuring a velvety matte finish that enhances the natural color of your lips. This versatile collection suits every look, from subtle to bold. Easy to apply, these pencils define an ultra-precise contour, adding an impeccable finishing touch to your makeup.Offering superb value for money, the Soft & Precise Lip Pencil is the ideal companion to enhance your smile without compromise. Whether you seek subtle definition or vibrant creativity, this versatile lip pencil meets all your expectations. Infuse a touch of sophistication into your daily beauty routine with Essence..

Objav podobné ako Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 301 ROMANTIC Ceruzky na pery Béžová

cena 2.29 €

Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 303 DELICATE Ceruzky na pery Červená

Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 303 DELICATE Červená. 303 DELICATE - Discover elegance with every stroke using Essence's Soft & Precise Lip Pencil. Its soft, highly pigmented formula ensures precise application, creating flawless lips. Fragrance-free, paraben-free, and 100% vegan, this lip pencil guarantees a velvety matte finish at an affordable price. Indulge in the refinement of Essence's Soft & Precise Lip Pencil. This pencil embodies the perfect blend of a soft formula and intense pigmentation, offering exceptional precision to elegantly define your lips. The range, free from fragrance, parabens, and entirely vegan, promises a commitment to quality and environmental respect.The LIP PENCILS by Essence transcend the art of lip contouring. Their silky texture glides smoothly, ensuring a velvety matte finish that enhances the natural color of your lips. This versatile collection suits every look, from subtle to bold. Easy to apply, these pencils define an ultra-precise contour, adding an impeccable finishing touch to your makeup.Offering superb value for money, the Soft & Precise Lip Pencil is the ideal companion to enhance your smile without compromise. Whether you seek subtle definition or vibrant creativity, this versatile lip pencil meets all your expectations. Infuse a touch of sophistication into your daily beauty routine with Essence..

Objav podobné ako Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 303 DELICATE Ceruzky na pery Červená

cena 2.29 €

Essence Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil - 02 Light Brow Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Essence Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil - 02 Light Brow Hnedá. 02 Light Brown - Experience excellence with Essence's Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil. The ultra-thin tip ensures precise application, mimicking the look of natural hairs. Paraben-free, vegan, its creamy texture effortlessly fills brows for a natural, long-lasting result. Achieve dense, perfectly defined brows. Immerse yourself in elegance with Essence's Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil, a must-have for impeccable brows. Its paraben-free, vegan formula offers a beauty experience without compromise. The revolutionary ultra-thin tip ensures precise application, replicating the appearance of natural hairs.The pencil's creamy texture glides smoothly, effortlessly filling every space for perfectly defined brows. Its matte finish adds a touch of sophistication, enhancing the radiance of your gaze. Not only does this pencil deliver an ultra-natural result, but its long-lasting formula ensures impeccable wear throughout the day. Waterproof, it withstands the most active days and changing weather conditions.Enhance your natural beauty with Essence's Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil. Create brows with enviable density and perfect definition. Whether you seek a subtle everyday look or a more sophisticated allure for a special occasion, this pencil will become your essential beauty ally. Explore perfection with Essence..

Objav podobné ako Essence Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil - 02 Light Brow Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 3.49 €

Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 302 Heavenly Ceruzky na pery Ružová

Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 302 Heavenly Ružová. 302 Heavenly - Discover elegance with every stroke using Essence's Soft & Precise Lip Pencil. Its soft, highly pigmented formula ensures precise application, creating flawless lips. Fragrance-free, paraben-free, and 100% vegan, this lip pencil guarantees a velvety matte finish at an affordable price. Indulge in the refinement of Essence's Soft & Precise Lip Pencil. This pencil embodies the perfect blend of a soft formula and intense pigmentation, offering exceptional precision to elegantly define your lips. The range, free from fragrance, parabens, and entirely vegan, promises a commitment to quality and environmental respect.The LIP PENCILS by Essence transcend the art of lip contouring. Their silky texture glides smoothly, ensuring a velvety matte finish that enhances the natural color of your lips. This versatile collection suits every look, from subtle to bold. Easy to apply, these pencils define an ultra-precise contour, adding an impeccable finishing touch to your makeup.Offering superb value for money, the Soft & Precise Lip Pencil is the ideal companion to enhance your smile without compromise. Whether you seek subtle definition or vibrant creativity, this versatile lip pencil meets all your expectations. Infuse a touch of sophistication into your daily beauty routine with Essence..

Objav podobné ako Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 302 Heavenly Ceruzky na pery Ružová

cena 2.29 €

Essence Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil - 05 Black Brow Líčenie obočia Hnedá

Essence Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil - 05 Black Brow Hnedá. 05 Black Brown - Experience excellence with Essence's Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil. The ultra-thin tip ensures precise application, mimicking the look of natural hairs. Paraben-free, vegan, its creamy texture effortlessly fills brows for a natural, long-lasting result. Achieve dense, perfectly defined brows. Immerse yourself in elegance with Essence's Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil, a must-have for impeccable brows. Its paraben-free, vegan formula offers a beauty experience without compromise. The revolutionary ultra-thin tip ensures precise application, replicating the appearance of natural hairs.The pencil's creamy texture glides smoothly, effortlessly filling every space for perfectly defined brows. Its matte finish adds a touch of sophistication, enhancing the radiance of your gaze. Not only does this pencil deliver an ultra-natural result, but its long-lasting formula ensures impeccable wear throughout the day. Waterproof, it withstands the most active days and changing weather conditions.Enhance your natural beauty with Essence's Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil. Create brows with enviable density and perfect definition. Whether you seek a subtle everyday look or a more sophisticated allure for a special occasion, this pencil will become your essential beauty ally. Explore perfection with Essence..

Objav podobné ako Essence Micro Precise Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil - 05 Black Brow Líčenie obočia Hnedá

cena 3.49 €

Frise Et Lise White Nail File Manikúrové sety Other

Frise Et Lise White Nail File . Explore elegance with the White Nail File from Frise and Lise, the ultimate accessory for a perfect manicure. Its medium grit sculpts your natural or artificial nails, providing a flawless finish. Embrace this essential file for consistently impeccable nails, worthy of the finest beauty salons. Experience the art of manicure with the White Nail File from Frise and Lise. This straight nail file quickly becomes a must-have to maintain consistently elegant nails. With its medium grit, it ensures optimal abrasion, perfect for sculpting artificial nails or treating toenails. For delicate finishes, the gentle grit is ideal for fingernails, offering a soft texture and a perfect final touch to your nail care routine.Frise and Lise, a brand dedicated to excellence in nail care, presents the White Nail File as the essential tool for results worthy of the best manicure salons. Embrace precision, comfort, and quality with the White Nail File from Frise and Lise, your indispensable ally for an impeccable manicure at any time. The White Nail File embodies the perfect marriage of aesthetics and performance, adding a touch of sophistication to your daily beauty routine. Experience flawless nails with this chic accessory, designed for those who seek excellence in their nail care..

Objav podobné ako Frise Et Lise White Nail File Manikúrové sety Other

cena 3.21 €

Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 207 My Passion Ceruzky na pery Ružová

Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 207 My Passion Ružová. 207 My Passion - Discover elegance with every stroke using Essence's Soft & Precise Lip Pencil. Its soft, highly pigmented formula ensures precise application, creating flawless lips. Fragrance-free, paraben-free, and 100% vegan, this lip pencil guarantees a velvety matte finish at an affordable price. Indulge in the refinement of Essence's Soft & Precise Lip Pencil. This pencil embodies the perfect blend of a soft formula and intense pigmentation, offering exceptional precision to elegantly define your lips. The range, free from fragrance, parabens, and entirely vegan, promises a commitment to quality and environmental respect.The LIP PENCILS by Essence transcend the art of lip contouring. Their silky texture glides smoothly, ensuring a velvety matte finish that enhances the natural color of your lips. This versatile collection suits every look, from subtle to bold. Easy to apply, these pencils define an ultra-precise contour, adding an impeccable finishing touch to your makeup.Offering superb value for money, the Soft & Precise Lip Pencil is the ideal companion to enhance your smile without compromise. Whether you seek subtle definition or vibrant creativity, this versatile lip pencil meets all your expectations. Infuse a touch of sophistication into your daily beauty routine with Essence..

Objav podobné ako Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 207 My Passion Ceruzky na pery Ružová

cena 2.29 €

Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 204 My Way Ceruzky na pery Červená

Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 204 My Way Červená. 204 My Way - Discover elegance with every stroke using Essence's Soft & Precise Lip Pencil. Its soft, highly pigmented formula ensures precise application, creating flawless lips. Fragrance-free, paraben-free, and 100% vegan, this lip pencil guarantees a velvety matte finish at an affordable price. Indulge in the refinement of Essence's Soft & Precise Lip Pencil. This pencil embodies the perfect blend of a soft formula and intense pigmentation, offering exceptional precision to elegantly define your lips. The range, free from fragrance, parabens, and entirely vegan, promises a commitment to quality and environmental respect.The LIP PENCILS by Essence transcend the art of lip contouring. Their silky texture glides smoothly, ensuring a velvety matte finish that enhances the natural color of your lips. This versatile collection suits every look, from subtle to bold. Easy to apply, these pencils define an ultra-precise contour, adding an impeccable finishing touch to your makeup.Offering superb value for money, the Soft & Precise Lip Pencil is the ideal companion to enhance your smile without compromise. Whether you seek subtle definition or vibrant creativity, this versatile lip pencil meets all your expectations. Infuse a touch of sophistication into your daily beauty routine with Essence..

Objav podobné ako Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 204 My Way Ceruzky na pery Červená

cena 2.29 €

Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 202 My Mind Ceruzky na pery Ružová

Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 202 My Mind Ružová. 202 My Mind - Discover elegance with every stroke using Essence's Soft & Precise Lip Pencil. Its soft, highly pigmented formula ensures precise application, creating flawless lips. Fragrance-free, paraben-free, and 100% vegan, this lip pencil guarantees a velvety matte finish at an affordable price. Indulge in the refinement of Essence's Soft & Precise Lip Pencil. This pencil embodies the perfect blend of a soft formula and intense pigmentation, offering exceptional precision to elegantly define your lips. The range, free from fragrance, parabens, and entirely vegan, promises a commitment to quality and environmental respect.The LIP PENCILS by Essence transcend the art of lip contouring. Their silky texture glides smoothly, ensuring a velvety matte finish that enhances the natural color of your lips. This versatile collection suits every look, from subtle to bold. Easy to apply, these pencils define an ultra-precise contour, adding an impeccable finishing touch to your makeup.Offering superb value for money, the Soft & Precise Lip Pencil is the ideal companion to enhance your smile without compromise. Whether you seek subtle definition or vibrant creativity, this versatile lip pencil meets all your expectations. Infuse a touch of sophistication into your daily beauty routine with Essence..

Objav podobné ako Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 202 My Mind Ceruzky na pery Ružová

cena 2.29 €

Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 203 My Advice Ceruzky na pery Červená

Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 203 My Advice Červená. 203 My Advice - Discover elegance with every stroke using Essence's Soft & Precise Lip Pencil. Its soft, highly pigmented formula ensures precise application, creating flawless lips. Fragrance-free, paraben-free, and 100% vegan, this lip pencil guarantees a velvety matte finish at an affordable price. Indulge in the refinement of Essence's Soft & Precise Lip Pencil. This pencil embodies the perfect blend of a soft formula and intense pigmentation, offering exceptional precision to elegantly define your lips. The range, free from fragrance, parabens, and entirely vegan, promises a commitment to quality and environmental respect.The LIP PENCILS by Essence transcend the art of lip contouring. Their silky texture glides smoothly, ensuring a velvety matte finish that enhances the natural color of your lips. This versatile collection suits every look, from subtle to bold. Easy to apply, these pencils define an ultra-precise contour, adding an impeccable finishing touch to your makeup.Offering superb value for money, the Soft & Precise Lip Pencil is the ideal companion to enhance your smile without compromise. Whether you seek subtle definition or vibrant creativity, this versatile lip pencil meets all your expectations. Infuse a touch of sophistication into your daily beauty routine with Essence..

Objav podobné ako Essence Soft Precise Lip Pen - 203 My Advice Ceruzky na pery Červená

cena 2.29 €

L'oréal Infallible Lip Liner Pencil - 103 Fushia Wars Ceruzky na pery Ružová

L'oréal Infallible Lip Liner Pencil - 103 Fushia Wars Ružová. 103 Fushia Wars - Discover L'Oréal Paris Infallible Lip Liner Pencil, a perfect blend of comfort and precision. Redefine your lips effortlessly with its pigment-rich formula, delivering a colorful and plump pout. Choose from 14 coordinated shades, specifically crafted to complement your favorite lip paints for a flawless, seamless look. L'Oréal Paris introduces the Infallible Lip Liner Pencil, a must-have to elevate your makeup routine. Infused with saturated pigments, this pencil meticulously redesigns your lips with exceptional precision, resulting in a vibrant and visibly fuller mouth. The comfortable formula glides seamlessly, ensuring impeccable wear throughout the day.Offering 14 vibrant shades, the Infallible Lip Liner effortlessly complements your favorite L'Oréal Paris lip paints. This comprehensive range of colors allows for endless combinations, ensuring a seamless transition between lip contour and lip paint. Each shade is carefully selected to adapt to various skin tones, providing exceptional versatility.Whether you seek a natural finish or a bold statement, the Infallible Lip Liner fulfills all your expectations. Effortlessly redefine your smile and express your style with confidence using this essential L'Oréal Paris product. With its perfect combination of comfort, precision, and color variety, this lip liner quickly becomes a favorite in your makeup collection, adding a touch of elegance to every application..

Objav podobné ako L'oréal Infallible Lip Liner Pencil - 103 Fushia Wars Ceruzky na pery Ružová

cena 6.93 €

L'oréal Infallible Lip Liner Pencil - 201 Hollywood Beige Ceruzky na pery Béžová

L'oréal Infallible Lip Liner Pencil - 201 Hollywood Beige Béžová. 201 Hollywood Beige - Discover L'Oréal Paris Infallible Lip Liner Pencil, a perfect blend of comfort and precision. Redefine your lips effortlessly with its pigment-rich formula, delivering a colorful and plump pout. Choose from 14 coordinated shades, specifically crafted to complement your favorite lip paints for a flawless, seamless look. L'Oréal Paris introduces the Infallible Lip Liner Pencil, a must-have to elevate your makeup routine. Infused with saturated pigments, this pencil meticulously redesigns your lips with exceptional precision, resulting in a vibrant and visibly fuller mouth. The comfortable formula glides seamlessly, ensuring impeccable wear throughout the day.Offering 14 vibrant shades, the Infallible Lip Liner effortlessly complements your favorite L'Oréal Paris lip paints. This comprehensive range of colors allows for endless combinations, ensuring a seamless transition between lip contour and lip paint. Each shade is carefully selected to adapt to various skin tones, providing exceptional versatility.Whether you seek a natural finish or a bold statement, the Infallible Lip Liner fulfills all your expectations. Effortlessly redefine your smile and express your style with confidence using this essential L'Oréal Paris product. With its perfect combination of comfort, precision, and color variety, this lip liner quickly becomes a favorite in your makeup collection, adding a touch of elegance to every application..

Objav podobné ako L'oréal Infallible Lip Liner Pencil - 201 Hollywood Beige Ceruzky na pery Béžová

cena 6.93 €

Essence Welcome to Marrakesh Eyeshadow Palette Paletky pre líčenie očí Other

Essence Welcome to Marrakesh Eyeshadow Palette . Explore the enchanting shades of the Essence Welcome to Marrakesh Eyeshadow Palette. Inspired by the vibrant colors of Marrakech, this vegan palette offers 12 highly pigmented, fragrance, and paraben-free eyeshadows with various finishes from matte to metallic for endless creativity. Experience the captivating brilliance of Essence's Welcome to Marrakesh Eyeshadow Palette, an homage to the rich colors of the Moroccan city. This versatile palette presents 12 vegan, fragrance-free, and paraben-free eyeshadows, each carefully chosen to encapsulate the magic of Marrakech. From warm to cool tones, the shades offer an endless array of makeup possibilities.The highly pigmented eyeshadows ensure intense color payoff and long-lasting wear. The assortment includes various finishes, from subtle matte to dazzling metallic, enabling the creation of looks as diverse as the city that inspires it. The powder texture of the palette facilitates easy application and blending, providing an effortless makeup experience.The Welcome to Marrakesh Palette is an open invitation to artistic exploration. With a selection of matte and metallic finishes, this palette allows every user to craft personalized looks, capturing the vibrant and enchanting essence of Marrakech. Whether you seek a casual everyday style or a glamorous look for a special evening, this versatile palette caters to all desires, bringing a Moroccan touch to every gaze..

Objav podobné ako Essence Welcome to Marrakesh Eyeshadow Palette Paletky pre líčenie očí Other

cena 9.99 €

Maybelline New York Color Sensational Eyeshadow - 95 Pure Teal Očné tiene & podkladové bázy Modrá

Maybelline New York Color Sensational Eyeshadow - 95 Pure Teal Modrá. 95 Pure Teal - Discover the ultimate expression of color with Maybelline New York's Color Sensational Eyeshadow. Ultra-intense pigments create a sensational look. Easy application offers matte or iridescent finishes. Inspired by the sleek design of New York, this versatile product provides shades for every look. Immerse yourself in the captivating universe of Maybelline New York's Color Sensational Eyeshadow. These ultra-pigmented formulas set a new standard for color, delivering sensational looks that command attention. Application is a breeze, offering matte or iridescent finishes. Inspired by the sleek design of New York, this versatile product exudes urban energy.Versatility is at the core of this product, delivering outstanding results for every style and occasion. Whether you seek understated elegance or vibrant boldness, the diverse shades cater to every desire. Exceptional quality meets user-friendly application, transforming your makeup routine into a limitless creative moment.Explore the Color Sensational palette and bring your eyes to life with intense colors that last all day. Treat yourself to a look that transcends norms, embodying the dynamic spirit and diversity of the city that never sleeps. Maybelline New York invites you to discover the art of color, one gaze at a time..

Objav podobné ako Maybelline New York Color Sensational Eyeshadow - 95 Pure Teal Očné tiene & podkladové bázy Modrá

cena 6.34 €

Maybelline New York Color Sensational Eyeshadow - 90 Mystic Moss Očné tiene & podkladové bázy Modrá

Maybelline New York Color Sensational Eyeshadow - 90 Mystic Moss Modrá. 90 Mystic Moss - Discover the ultimate expression of color with Maybelline New York's Color Sensational Eyeshadow. Ultra-intense pigments create a sensational look. Easy application offers matte or iridescent finishes. Inspired by the sleek design of New York, this versatile product provides shades for every look. Immerse yourself in the captivating universe of Maybelline New York's Color Sensational Eyeshadow. These ultra-pigmented formulas set a new standard for color, delivering sensational looks that command attention. Application is a breeze, offering matte or iridescent finishes. Inspired by the sleek design of New York, this versatile product exudes urban energy.Versatility is at the core of this product, delivering outstanding results for every style and occasion. Whether you seek understated elegance or vibrant boldness, the diverse shades cater to every desire. Exceptional quality meets user-friendly application, transforming your makeup routine into a limitless creative moment.Explore the Color Sensational palette and bring your eyes to life with intense colors that last all day. Treat yourself to a look that transcends norms, embodying the dynamic spirit and diversity of the city that never sleeps. Maybelline New York invites you to discover the art of color, one gaze at a time..

Objav podobné ako Maybelline New York Color Sensational Eyeshadow - 90 Mystic Moss Očné tiene & podkladové bázy Modrá

cena 6.34 €

Essence Makeup and Baking Sponge Štetce Other

Essence Makeup and Baking Sponge . Discover Essence's Makeup Sponge and Baking, the essential accessory for flawless application of foundation, concealer, and baking. Its beveled end is perfect for baking, while the rounded end ensures impeccable foundation application. Achieve a flawless complexion with this beauty must-have. Immerse yourself in the world of beauty with Essence's Makeup Sponge and Baking, the indispensable versatile tool to enhance your face. Designed for foundation, concealer, and the baking technique, this sponge becomes your perfect ally for a flawless complexion. Whether you seek a flawless foundation application, precise contouring with highlighter, blush, or bronzer, this sponge offers unparalleled versatility.Essence's Makeup Sponge and Baking is not just an ordinary sponge. When dampened, it transforms foundation application into a seamless experience. The beveled end is specially crafted for the baking technique, creating an impeccable finish that lasts all day. On the other hand, the rounded end allows a seamless blend of foundation into the skin, ensuring even and natural coverage.Add this versatile sponge to your daily beauty routine and discover makeup application worthy of professionals. Essence's Makeup Sponge and Baking gives you the opportunity to master the latest makeup techniques while adding a touch of elegance to your daily routine. Experience perfection with Essence, where beauty meets innovation..

Objav podobné ako Essence Makeup and Baking Sponge Štetce Other

cena 4.79 €

L'oréal Infallible Lip Liner Pencil - 01 High On Pointlight Ceruzky na pery Béžová

L'oréal Infallible Lip Liner Pencil - 01 High On Pointlight Béžová. 01 High On Pointlight - Discover L'Oréal Paris Infallible Lip Liner Pencil, a perfect blend of comfort and precision. Redefine your lips effortlessly with its pigment-rich formula, delivering a colorful and plump pout. Choose from 14 coordinated shades, specifically crafted to complement your favorite lip paints for a flawless, seamless look. L'Oréal Paris introduces the Infallible Lip Liner Pencil, a must-have to elevate your makeup routine. Infused with saturated pigments, this pencil meticulously redesigns your lips with exceptional precision, resulting in a vibrant and visibly fuller mouth. The comfortable formula glides seamlessly, ensuring impeccable wear throughout the day.Offering 14 vibrant shades, the Infallible Lip Liner effortlessly complements your favorite L'Oréal Paris lip paints. This comprehensive range of colors allows for endless combinations, ensuring a seamless transition between lip contour and lip paint. Each shade is carefully selected to adapt to various skin tones, providing exceptional versatility.Whether you seek a natural finish or a bold statement, the Infallible Lip Liner fulfills all your expectations. Effortlessly redefine your smile and express your style with confidence using this essential L'Oréal Paris product. With its perfect combination of comfort, precision, and color variety, this lip liner quickly becomes a favorite in your makeup collection, adding a touch of elegance to every application..

Objav podobné ako L'oréal Infallible Lip Liner Pencil - 01 High On Pointlight Ceruzky na pery Béžová

cena 6.93 €

Essence Double Trouble Mascara - Extra Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

Essence Double Trouble Mascara - Extra Black Čierna. Extra Black - Discover Essence's Double Trouble mascara, a 2-in-1 revolution for spectacular lashes. Its innovative brush provides volume, definition, and curvature. Fragrance-free, paraben-free, and vegan, this mascara combines everything in a unique packaging. Achieve captivating eyes with this essential product from the Essence brand. Immerse yourself in the realm of elegance with Essence's Double Trouble mascara, a must-have for sublime lashes. Blending innovation and performance, this 2-in-1 mascara is presented in avant-garde packaging. Sometimes, one mascara isn't enough to achieve the perfect look. This is where theDouble Trouble hybrid mascara comes into play. Its revolutionary brush with two ends offers unparalleled versatility: one end, made of elastomer, provides volume and length, while the other end, with fibers, ensures exceptional definition and curvature.Formulated without fragrance, parabens, and certified vegan, Double Trouble mascara ticks all the boxes for responsible beauty. The deep black texture intensifies the gaze, creating a captivating and seductive effect. Whether you seek a natural everyday makeup or a wow-factor look for a special occasion, this mascara is your infallible ally. Ophthalmologically tested, it's suitable even for sensitive eyes.Give your lashes a unique experience with the innovative 2-in-1 brush, designed to bring both endless volume and precise definition. Unveil the beauty of your eyes with Essence's Double Trouble mascara, the ultimate choice for an irresistible gaze..

Objav podobné ako Essence Double Trouble Mascara - Extra Black Riasenky a umelé riasy Čierna

cena 5.89 €

Circa Beauty Picture Perfect Bronzing Powder - 02 Amalfi Coast Lícenky & púdre Hnedá

Circa Beauty Picture Perfect Bronzing Powder - 02 Amalfi Coast Hnedá. 02 Amalfi Coast - Discover Circa Beauty's Picture Perfect Bronzing Powder, creating shimmering accents and dynamic lines that enhance every skin tone. This silky formula blends effortlessly for subtle and contoured highlights, delivering an irresistible glow with each application. Immerse yourself in elegance with Circa Beauty's Picture Perfect Bronzing Powder. This cosmetic centerpiece creates shimmering accents and dynamic lines, enhancing the natural radiance of every skin tone. Circa Beauty's silky formula allows for effortless application, seamlessly blending with the skin for subtle and contoured highlights. Whether you seek a delicate glow or a bold sheen, this versatile bronzing powder adapts to all styles, delivering a luxurious experience with each use.The secret lies in the Picture Perfect Bronzing Powder's ability to elevate individual beauty, creating a perfect harmony between color and texture. Enriched with high-quality pigments, this formula ensures long-lasting wear while providing a lightweight and airy feel. Treat yourself to a personalized glow, boosting your confidence with every application. Circa Beauty celebrates the uniqueness of each individual, embodying elegance and innovation in every product, and the Picture Perfect Bronzing Powder is no exception to this captivating philosophy. Transform your beauty routine with this bronzing powder, a true work of art that reveals and enhances the true beauty of every woman..

Objav podobné ako Circa Beauty Picture Perfect Bronzing Powder - 02 Amalfi Coast Lícenky & púdre Hnedá

cena 7.67 €

Catrice Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick - 10 Golden Toffee Očné tiene & podkladové bázy Čierna

Catrice Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick - 10 Golden Toffee Čierna. 10 Golden Toffee - Catrice presents its Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick, an ideal choice for expressive eyes. This highly pigmented stick eyeshadow offers creamy application and long-lasting wear. Enriched with aloe vera extract, it ensures hydration and comfort throughout the day. Paraben-free and fragrance-free, suitable for vegans. Discover Catrice's Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick, a true revelation for those who seek expressive makeup. With its creamy and highly pigmented texture, this stick eyeshadow offers an ultra-easy application and a flawless finish. Engineered for long-lasting wear, it doesn't smudge and remains perfectly in place all day long. Enriched with aloe vera extract, this product also provides optimal hydration for your eyelids, leaving them soft and comfortable.This stick eyeshadow is a real ally for quick and effective makeup. Its convenient format allows precise application without the need for a brush. Whether for a natural look on a daily basis or a sophisticated makeup for a special occasion, this versatile product adapts to all your desires. Moreover, its formula free from parabens and fragrances suits even the most sensitive skins and those prone to allergens. Catrice also commits to vegans by offering a 100% vegan formula, respectful of animals and the environment. With the Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick, treat your eyes to irresistible makeup, without compromising on quality or comfort..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick - 10 Golden Toffee Očné tiene & podkladové bázy Čierna

cena 6.29 €

Catrice Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick - 40 Lavender Brown Očné tiene & podkladové bázy Šedá

Catrice Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick - 40 Lavender Brown Šedá. 40 Lavender Brown - Catrice presents its Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick, an ideal choice for expressive eyes. This highly pigmented stick eyeshadow offers creamy application and long-lasting wear. Enriched with aloe vera extract, it ensures hydration and comfort throughout the day. Paraben-free and fragrance-free, suitable for vegans. Discover Catrice's Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick, a true revelation for those who seek expressive makeup. With its creamy and highly pigmented texture, this stick eyeshadow offers an ultra-easy application and a flawless finish. Engineered for long-lasting wear, it doesn't smudge and remains perfectly in place all day long. Enriched with aloe vera extract, this product also provides optimal hydration for your eyelids, leaving them soft and comfortable.This stick eyeshadow is a real ally for quick and effective makeup. Its convenient format allows precise application without the need for a brush. Whether for a natural look on a daily basis or a sophisticated makeup for a special occasion, this versatile product adapts to all your desires. Moreover, its formula free from parabens and fragrances suits even the most sensitive skins and those prone to allergens. Catrice also commits to vegans by offering a 100% vegan formula, respectful of animals and the environment. With the Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick, treat your eyes to irresistible makeup, without compromising on quality or comfort..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick - 40 Lavender Brown Očné tiene & podkladové bázy Šedá

cena 6.29 €

Catrice Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick - 20 Touch of Rose Očné tiene & podkladové bázy Ružová

Catrice Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick - 20 Touch of Rose Ružová. 20 Touch of Rose - Catrice presents its Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick, an ideal choice for expressive eyes. This highly pigmented stick eyeshadow offers creamy application and long-lasting wear. Enriched with aloe vera extract, it ensures hydration and comfort throughout the day. Paraben-free and fragrance-free, suitable for vegans. Discover Catrice's Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick, a true revelation for those who seek expressive makeup. With its creamy and highly pigmented texture, this stick eyeshadow offers an ultra-easy application and a flawless finish. Engineered for long-lasting wear, it doesn't smudge and remains perfectly in place all day long. Enriched with aloe vera extract, this product also provides optimal hydration for your eyelids, leaving them soft and comfortable.This stick eyeshadow is a real ally for quick and effective makeup. Its convenient format allows precise application without the need for a brush. Whether for a natural look on a daily basis or a sophisticated makeup for a special occasion, this versatile product adapts to all your desires. Moreover, its formula free from parabens and fragrances suits even the most sensitive skins and those prone to allergens. Catrice also commits to vegans by offering a 100% vegan formula, respectful of animals and the environment. With the Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick, treat your eyes to irresistible makeup, without compromising on quality or comfort..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick - 20 Touch of Rose Očné tiene & podkladové bázy Ružová

cena 6.29 €

Catrice Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick - 30 Olive Glam Očné tiene & podkladové bázy Zelená

Catrice Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick - 30 Olive Glam Zelená. 30 Olive Glam - Catrice presents its Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick, an ideal choice for expressive eyes. This highly pigmented stick eyeshadow offers creamy application and long-lasting wear. Enriched with aloe vera extract, it ensures hydration and comfort throughout the day. Paraben-free and fragrance-free, suitable for vegans. Discover Catrice's Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick, a true revelation for those who seek expressive makeup. With its creamy and highly pigmented texture, this stick eyeshadow offers an ultra-easy application and a flawless finish. Engineered for long-lasting wear, it doesn't smudge and remains perfectly in place all day long. Enriched with aloe vera extract, this product also provides optimal hydration for your eyelids, leaving them soft and comfortable.This stick eyeshadow is a real ally for quick and effective makeup. Its convenient format allows precise application without the need for a brush. Whether for a natural look on a daily basis or a sophisticated makeup for a special occasion, this versatile product adapts to all your desires. Moreover, its formula free from parabens and fragrances suits even the most sensitive skins and those prone to allergens. Catrice also commits to vegans by offering a 100% vegan formula, respectful of animals and the environment. With the Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick, treat your eyes to irresistible makeup, without compromising on quality or comfort..

Objav podobné ako Catrice Aloe Vera Eyeshadow Stick - 30 Olive Glam Očné tiene & podkladové bázy Zelená

cena 6.29 €