Kde sa rozmanitosť stretáva s hodnotou - Katalo.sk

Roncato LIGHT L, čierny (8008957287989)

Cestovný kufor – na kolieskach, veľký, škrupinový, objem 109 l, rozmery 75 × 53 × 30 cm (V׊×H), 4 otočné kolieska, zapínanie na patent, TSA zámok, teleskopické, bočné a horné držadlo, čierna farba, hmotnosť 4,8 kg Zháňate cestovný kufor, ktorý bude ako praktický, tak designový? Roncato LIGHT L, čierny pre vás bude ideálny. Na jeho výrobu poslúžil kvalitný materiál, konkrétne polypropylén. Škrupinový kufor Roncato prináša vysokú odolnosť a nepremokavý povrch. Je vhodný aj na prevážanie krehkých vecí. Má hmotnosť 4,8 kg. Keď budete zvažovať, akú veľkosť si zaobstarať, môžu vám pomôcť jeho rozmery, ktoré dosahujú 75 × 53 × 30 cm (vך×h) a objem, ktorý vám umožní pohodlne uložiť všetky dôležité veci je 109 l. Vzhľadom na svoju veľkosť L je tento kufor dostačujúci na pobyty a služobné cesty trvajúce dlhšie ako sedem dní. Zásadné vlastnosti cestovného kufra Roncato LIGHT L, čierny Na jeho zhotovenie bol použitý kvalitný materiál, akým je polypropylén Ide o...

Pozrite sa aj Roncato LIGHT červená (SPTron016nad)

cena 202.87 €

Roncato LIGHT L, červený (8008957288672)

Cestovný kufor – na kolieskach, veľký, škrupinový, objem 109 l, rozmery 75 × 53 × 31 cm (V׊×H), 4 kolieska, TSA zámok, teleskopické, bočné a horné držadlo, červená farba, hmotnosť 4,8 kg Zháňate cestovný kufor, ktorý bude ako praktický, tak moderný? Roncato LIGHT L, červený určite oceníte. Na jeho zhotovenie bol použitý kvalitný materiál, akým je polypropylén. Škrupinový kufor Roncato je sympatický pre svoju odolnosť a nepremokavý povrch. Hodí sa tak ideálne aj pre krehkejšie predmety. Váži 4,8 kg. Pri rozhodovaní, akú veľkosť zaobstarať, vám môžu pomôcť rozmery, ktoré zodpovedajú 75 × 53 × 31 cm (vך×h) a objem pre uloženie všetkých nevyhnutných vecí je 109 l. Vzhľadom na svoju veľkosť L, ktorá postačuje na pobyty a služobné cesty trvajúce viac ako sedem dní, je tento kufor vhodný v zimnom aj letnom období. Jeho farba je červená. Zásadné vlastnosti cestovného kufra Roncato LIGHT L, červený Bol vyrobený z kvalitného materiálu, akým je polypropylén Ide o...

Pozrite sa aj Roncato LIGHT čierna (SPTrct051nad)

cena 202.87 €

Roncato LIGHT M, červený (8008957288696)

Cestovný kufor – na kolieskach, stredný, škrupinový, objem 80 l, rozmery 68 × 48 × 27 cm (V׊×H), 4 kolieska, TSA zámok, teleskopické, bočné a horné držadlo, červená farba, hmotnosť 3,8 kg Chcete cestovný kufor, ktorý bude nielen funkčný, ale aj štýlový? Roncato LIGHT M, červený bude pre vás trefa do čierneho. Na jeho zhotovenie zvolil výrobca kvalitný materiál, akým je polypropylén. Škrupinový kufor Roncato je veľmi odolný a nepremokavý. Je tak perfektným variantom aj pre krehkejšie veci. Má hmotnosť 3,8 kg. Pri vyberaní vám môžu pomôcť rozmery, ktoré zodpovedajú 68 × 48 × 27 cm (vך×h) a celkový objem pre uloženie všetkých potrebných vecí je 80 l. Vďaka svojej veľkosti M je tento kufor vhodný ako osobná batožina pre letné týždenné pobyty. Jeho farba je červená. Hlavné prednosti cestovného kufra Roncato LIGHT M, červený Bol vyrobený z kvalitného materiálu, akým je polypropylén Ide o škrupinový kufor Veľkosť kufra je M Rozmery cestovného kufra zodpovedajú 68 ×...

Pozrite sa aj Roncato LIGHT L, modrý (8008957418840)

cena 182.18 €

Roncato LIGHT S, modrá (8008957419496)

Cestovný kufor – na kolieskach, malý, škrupinový, objem 41 l, rozmery 55 × 41 × 21 cm (V׊×H), 4 otočné kolieska, zapínanie na patent, TSA zámok, teleskopické, bočné a horné držadlo, modrá farba, hmotnosť 3 kg Hľadáte cestovný kufor, ktorý bude praktický a zároveň elegantný? Roncato LIGHT S, modrá sa vám bude páčiť. Na jeho výrobu bol zvolený kvalitný materiál, konkrétne polypropylén. Škrupinový kufor Roncato zaujme svojou odolnosťou a nepremokavým povrchom. Je vhodný aj na prevážanie krehkých vecí. Váži 3 kg. Pri vyberaní vám môžu pomôcť rozmery, ktoré zodpovedajú 55 × 41 × 21 cm (vך×h) a objem pre uloženie všetkých nevyhnutných vecí je 41 l. Vďaka svojim rozmerom, ktoré spĺňajú kritériá veľkosti S, je tento kufor uznávaný ako príručná batožina mnohými leteckými spoločnosťami. Hovoríme o spoločnosti WizzAir, Easyjet a Smartwings. Je skvelý nielen ako kufor do lietadla, ale poslúži aj na pracovných cestách či iných výletoch. Zásadné vlastnosti cestovného kufra...

Objav podobné ako Roncato LIGHT S, modrá (8008957419496)

cena 161.44 €

Roncato LIGHT S, červená (8008957297087)

Cestovný kufor – na kolieskach, malý, škrupinový, objem 41 l, rozmery 55 × 41 × 21 cm (V׊×H), 4 kolieska, TSA zámok, teleskopické, bočné a horné držadlo, červená farba, hmotnosť 3 kg Potrebujete cestovný kufor, ktorý bude spájať praktickosť a vkusný design? Roncato LIGHT S, červená bude pre vás tým pravým. Jeho výrobným materiálom je polypropylén. Škrupinový kufor Roncato je veľmi odolný a vyniká svojou nepremokavosťou. Je vhodný aj na prevážanie krehkých vecí. Váži 3 kg. Pri rozhodovaní, akú veľkosť zaobstarať, vám môžu pomôcť rozmery, ktoré zodpovedajú 55 × 41 × 21 cm (vך×h) a objem pre uloženie všetkých nevyhnutných vecí je 41 l. Vzhľadom k jeho rozmerom zodpovedajúcim veľkosti S, je tento kufor uznávaný väčšinou leteckých spoločností ako príručná batožina. Ide o spoločnosť WizzAir, Easyjet a Smartwings. Je praktický nielen ako kufor do lietadla, ale využijete ho aj na pracovné cesty, aj pri ďalšom cestovaní. Jeho farba je červená. Kľúčové vlastnosti...

Objav podobné ako Roncato LIGHT S, červená (8008957297087)

cena 161.44 €

Roncato LIGHT M, čierna (8008957287996)

Cestovný kufor – na kolieskach, stredný, škrupinový, objem 80 l, rozmery 68 × 48 × 27 cm (V׊×H), 4 kolieska, TSA zámok, teleskopické, bočné a horné držadlo, čierna farba, hmotnosť 3,8 kg Zháňate cestovný kufor, ktorý bude ako praktický, tak designový? Roncato LIGHT M, čierna pre vás bude perfektný. Výrobca pre jeho zhotovenie zvolil kvalitný materiál, akým je polypropylén. Škrupinový kufor Roncato vás zaujme svojou odolnosťou a nepremokavosťou. Hodí sa tak ideálne aj pre krehkejšie predmety. Má hmotnosť 3,8 kg. Pri rozhodovaní o správnej veľkosti kufra vám môžu byť nápomocné jeho rozmery, ktoré sú 68 × 48 × 27 cm (vך×h) a objem, vďaka ktorému do neho môžete uložiť všetky dôležité veci je 80 l. Vďaka svojej veľkosti M je tento kufor ideálny ako osobná batožina na týždenné letné pobyty. Jeho farba je čierna. Hlavné prednosti cestovného kufra Roncato LIGHT M, čierna Bol zhotovený z kvalitného materiálu, akým je polypropylén Ide o škrupinový kufor Veľkosť kufra...

Objav podobné ako Roncato LIGHT M, čierna (8008957287996)

cena 182.18 €


Pri návrhu modelu CUBIX sme sa chceli jednoznačne odlíšiť od ostatných indikátorov na trhu. Proti zväčša valcovitým dizajnom sme postavili model, ktorého tvary sú skôr kubické. Odtiaľ pochádza aj názov CUBIX. Veríme, že rybárom,


cena 7.78 €

Roncato cestovný kufor S-Light, 55 cm, ružový (8008957492086)

Cestovný kufor – na kolieskach, malý, textilný, objem 42 l, rozmery 55 × 40 × 20 cm (V׊×H), upínacie pásy, 2 pevné kolieska, zapínanie zipsom, teleskopické a horné držadlo, ružová farba, hmotnosť 1,4 kg Kufor Roncato S-Light je ideálnou voľbou na vaše kratšie aj dlhšie cesty. Vďaka svojim rozmerom spĺňa parametre príručnej batožiny a môžete ho tak zobrať aj na palubu lietadla. Kufor vyniká tiež extrémne nízkou hmotnosťou a kapacitou, ktorá pojme všetko potrebné na cesty. Hlavný priestor je opatrený vnútornými pásmi, pomocou ktorých upevníte obsah v kufri. Nechýba ani vnútorné sieťové vrecko na veku a veľké vonkajšie predné vrecko. Roncato S-Light pritom ľahko uzavriete kvalitným zipsom a zabezpečíte TSA visiacim zámkom. Kľúčové vlastnosti cestovného kufra Roncato S-Light, 55 cm, ružovéhoExtrémne ľahký cestovný kufor Roncato S-LightSpĺňa parametre príručnej batožinyHlavný priestor s vnútornými pásmi pre upevnenie obsahuVnútorné sieťové vrecko na...

Objav podobné ako Roncato cestovný kufor S-Light, 55 cm, ružový (8008957492086)

cena 92.9 €

Roncato 185-25

Roncato 185-25

Objav podobné ako Roncato 185-25

cena 32.5 €

Pánska peňaženka Roncato

Pánska peňaženka Roncato, vyrobená z pravej kože.

Objav podobné ako Pánska peňaženka Roncato

cena 33.0 €

Pánska peňaženka Roncato

Pánska peňaženka Roncato, vyrobená z pravej kože.

Objav podobné ako Pánska peňaženka Roncato

cena 33.0 €

Roncato 416220 Kabelky Čierna

Roncato 416220 Čierna. By hand suitcases BLACK Roncato Dimensions: 60x50x7 cm Closure: zip Roncato garment bag with double portability, top handle or adjustable and removable shoulder strap. Equipped with two front pockets and a large main compartment.

Objav podobné ako Roncato 416220 Kabelky Čierna

cena 81.1 €

Roncato 400716 Aktovky Čierna

Roncato 400716 Čierna. Card Holder Accessories BLACK Roncato External Pockets: 1 zip pocket Internal Compartments: various card holder pockets Dimensions: 7x10x1 cm Card holder from the Roncato line made of leather. It has a rear zip pocket on the outside, and various card holder compartments inside. Embellished with RFID shielding for protection from cloning..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 400716 Aktovky Čierna

cena 45.9 €

Roncato 400715 Aktovky Červená

Roncato 400715 Červená. Cardholder Accessories Bordeaux Roncato External Pockets: 1 zip pocket Internal Compartments: various card holder pockets Dimensions: 7x10x1 cm Card holder from the Roncato line made of leather. It has a rear zip pocket on the outside, and various card holder compartments inside. Embellished with RFID shielding for protection from cloning..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 400715 Aktovky Červená

cena 55.0 €

Roncato 412904 Peňaženky Čierna

Roncato 412904 Čierna. Men's Wallets Accessories BLACK Roncato Dimensions: CM 9,5X13X1 Article: 412904.

Objav podobné ako Roncato 412904 Peňaženky Čierna

cena 45.0 €

Roncato 419453 Kabelky Modrá


Objav podobné ako Roncato 419453 Kabelky Modrá

cena 87.4 €

Roncato 412901 Peňaženky Čierna

Roncato 412901 Čierna. Men's Wallets Accessories BLACK Roncato Dimensions: CM 12X9X1,5 Article: 412901.

Objav podobné ako Roncato 412901 Peňaženky Čierna

cena 47.9 €

Roncato 400715 Aktovky Čierna

Roncato 400715 Čierna. Card Holder Accessories BLACK Roncato Closure: snap button External pockets: 1 zip pocket Internal compartments: 1 key compartment and 3 open compartments. Dimensions: 7x10x1.5 cm Card holder from the Roncato line made of leather. It has a rear zip pocket on the outside, and several card compartments inside. Embellished with RFID shielding for protection from cloning..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 400715 Aktovky Čierna

cena 55.9 €

Roncato 41282301 Peňaženky Čierna

Roncato 41282301 Čierna. Men's Wallets Accessories BLACK Roncato Internal compartments: 2 pockets for banknotes and various card pockets Dimensions: 12.5x9. 5x1 cm Men's wallet from the Roncato line made of leather. It has 2 pockets for banknotes and various card pockets inside. Embellished with RFID shielding for protection from cloning..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 41282301 Peňaženky Čierna

cena 40.9 €

Roncato 412630 Peňaženky Čierna

Roncato 412630 Čierna. Men's Wallets Accessories BLACK Roncato Internal compartments: a coin pocket, two banknote holders and various document/card holders Dimensions: 13x9x2 cm Men's wallet made of leather. It has a coin pocket, two banknote holders and various document/card holders that optimize its space..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 412630 Peňaženky Čierna

cena 49.0 €

Roncato 415306 Kabelky Čierna

Roncato 415306 Čierna. By hand suitcases BLACK Roncato Handles: top handle for better grip and lifting. Internal compartments: one main compartment and one internal pocket with zip closure. External pockets: one zip pocket Volume: L 20 Dimensions: 40x25x20 cm Closure: zips with zip Collection: IRONIK 2.0 Category: Soft Roncato cabin bag from the IRONIK collection, ideal for traveling with Ryanair. This bag was created to meet the needs of travelers and those who travel for vacation, work or leisure..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 415306 Kabelky Čierna

cena 75.89 €

Roncato 412633 Peňaženky Čierna

Roncato 412633 Čierna. Wallets Accessories BLACK Roncato Internal Compartments: one coin compartment, one banknote compartment and several card/document compartments Dimensions: 9x11x1.5cm Wallet from the Roncato line made of leather. It has a coin compartment, a banknote compartment and several card/document compartments. It is enriched by a small front logo and patterned insert..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 412633 Peňaženky Čierna

cena 39.9 €

Roncato 412631 Peňaženky Čierna

Roncato 412631 Čierna. Men's Wallets Accessories BLACK Roncato Internal Compartments: one coin compartment, two banknote compartments and several card/document compartments Dimensions: 12.5x9.5x2.5 cm Wallet from the Roncato line made of leather. It has a coin compartment, two banknote compartments and several card/document compartments. It is enriched by a small front logo and patterned insert..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 412631 Peňaženky Čierna

cena 44.9 €

Roncato 416213 Kabelky Šedá

Roncato 416213 Šedá. By hand suitcases GREY Roncato Handles: Top and side handle for better gripping and lifting. Wheel type: multi-directional silent wheels for greater travel comfort Internal compartments: top and bottom compartment with divider Outer Pockets: 1 front pocket Towing handle: double-tube towing handle for greater comfort and the transport of professional bags. Weight: 2.1 kg Volume: L 42/48 Dimensions: 55 x 40 x 20/23 CM lockable zips in the fixed closure with 3-digit combination with tsa function necessary for travel in the usa Wheels: 4 Collection: JOY Category: Soft Hand luggage from the Joy Roncato collection. This hand luggage is 55 x 40 x 20 cm and can be taken on board. Convenience and internal organization make the Joy collection perfect for super comfortable travel. It's the ideal suitcase for your next trip!.

Objav podobné ako Roncato 416213 Kabelky Šedá

cena 135.91 €

Roncato 419723 Kabelky Čierna

Roncato 419723 Čierna. By hand suitcases BLACK Roncato Handles: Top and side handle for better gripping and lifting. Wheel Type: Multi-directional silent wheels for greater travel comfort Internal Compartments: Upper and lower compartment with divider Towing handle: Bitube towing handle for greater comfort and the transport of professional bags. Weight: 2.6 kg Volume: lt. 40 Dimensions: cm. 55x40x20 Closure: Triple combination closure and TSA function (Travel Sentry Approved) Wheels: 4 Collection: WAVE Category: Rigid Roncato hand luggage from the Wave collection. This hand luggage is 55 x 40 x 20 cm and can be taken on board. The Wave collection expresses all its elegant soul, it is the ideal suitcase for your next trip!.

Objav podobné ako Roncato 419723 Kabelky Čierna

cena 141.3 €

Roncato 412635 Peňaženky Čierna

Roncato 412635 Čierna. Men's Wallets Accessories BLACK Roncato Internal Compartments: one coin compartment, one banknote compartment and several card/document compartments Dimensions: 9x11x1.5cm Wallet from the Roncato line made of leather. It has a coin compartment, a banknote compartment and several card/document compartments. It is enriched by a small front logo and patterned insert..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 412635 Peňaženky Čierna

cena 45.9 €

Roncato 415310 Kabelky Čierna

Roncato 415310 Čierna. By hand suitcases BLACK Roncato Handles: Top handle for better grip and lifting. Internal compartments: equipped with pockets and compartments for better internal organization Volume: 21 lt. Dimensions: 61 x 50 x 7 cm Closure: zip Collection: IRONIK Category: MORBIDO Roncato garment bag with double portability, top handle or adjustable and removable shoulder strap. Equipped with two front pockets and a large main compartment..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 415310 Kabelky Čierna

cena 81.1 €

Roncato 576301 Kabelky Zelená

Roncato 576301 Zelená. By hand suitcases GREEN Roncato Handles: Top handle for better grip and lifting. Wheel Type: Multi-directional double wheels for better maneuverability of the luggage Internal Compartments: Zipped compartments Tow Handle: Double tube tow handle for greater comfort and carrying professional bags Weight: 2.7 KG Volume: L 40/47 Dimensions: cm 55 x 40 x 20/25 Closure: Lockable zippers in the fixed lock with 3-digit combination with TSA function Wheels: 4.

Objav podobné ako Roncato 576301 Kabelky Zelená

cena 180.1 €

Roncato 418173 Kabelky Modrá

Roncato 418173 Modrá. By hand suitcases HEAVENLY Roncato Handles: Top handle for better grip and lifting. Wheel Type: Multi-directional double wheels for better maneuverability of the luggage Internal Compartments: Garment straps and mesh pockets with zip Tow Handle: Double tube tow handle for greater comfort and carrying of professional bags Weight: 2.6 KG Volume: L 41 Dimensions: cm. 55 x 40 x 20 Closure: Lockable zippers in the fixed lock with 3-digit combination with TSA function necessary for travel in the USA Wheels: 4.

Objav podobné ako Roncato 418173 Kabelky Modrá

cena 126.91 €

Roncato 412913 Aktovky Čierna

Roncato 412913 Čierna. Card Holder Accessories BLACK Roncato Internal Compartments: eight card/document holders Dimensions: 12x8.5x1.5 cm Money clip from the Roncato line made of leather. It has eight internal card/document holders. It is embellished with an engraved front logo..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 412913 Aktovky Čierna

cena 45.9 €

Roncato 410022 Peňaženky Čierna

Roncato 410022 Čierna. Men's Wallets Accessories BLACK Roncato Internal compartments: one coin compartment, two banknote compartments and several card/document compartments Dimensions: 12x9.5x3cm Wallet from the Roncato line made of leather. Embellished with embossed logo near the edge. Inside it has a coin compartment, two banknote compartments and several card/document compartments..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 410022 Peňaženky Čierna

cena 40.9 €

Roncato 415303 Kabelky Čierna

Roncato 415303 Čierna. By hand suitcases BLACK Roncato Handles: Top handle for better grip and lifting. Wheel Type: Multi-directional silent wheels for greater comfort while traveling Internal Compartments: Equipped with pockets and compartments for better internal organization Tow Handle: Double tube tow handle for greater comfort and carrying professional bags. Weight: 2.2 kg Volume: 42-48 lt Dimensions: 55 x 40 x 20/23 cm Closure: Lockable zippers in the 3-digit combination with TSA function Wheels: 4 Collection: IRONIK Category: SOFT Roncato cabin trolley from the IRONIK collection. This luggage successfully combines safety, resistance and lightness. The contemporary square design and the numerous features that have caught your attention will not disappoint you..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 415303 Kabelky Čierna

cena 139.9 €

Roncato 412112 Peňaženky Čierna

Roncato 412112 Čierna. Men's Wallets Accessories BLACK Roncato Internal Compartments: two compartments for banknotes and several compartments for cards/documents Dimensions: 12.5x9.5x1.5 cm Wallet from the Roncato line made of leather. It has two compartments for banknotes and several compartments for cards/documents. It is enriched by a small front logo and an insert with a dotted pattern..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 412112 Peňaženky Čierna

cena 44.89 €

Roncato 412632 Peňaženky Čierna

Roncato 412632 Čierna. Men's Wallets Accessories BLACK Roncato Internal Compartments: two compartments for banknotes and several compartments for cards/documents Dimensions: 13x9x1.5 cm Wallet from the Roncato line made of leather. It has two compartments for banknotes and several compartments for cards/documents. It is enriched by a small front logo..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 412632 Peňaženky Čierna

cena 43.9 €

Roncato 410023 Peňaženky Čierna

Roncato 410023 Čierna. Men's Wallets Accessories BLACK Roncato Closure: flap Internal compartments: one coin compartment, two compartments for banknotes and several compartments for cards/documents Dimensions: 9x10.5x2.5 cm Wallet from the Roncato line made of leather. Embellished with a logo printed near the edge. It has a coin compartment inside, two compartments for banknotes and several compartments for cards/documents..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 410023 Peňaženky Čierna

cena 45.0 €

Roncato 418183 Kabelky Ružová

Roncato 418183 Ružová. By hand suitcases FUCHSIA Roncato Handles: Top handle for better grip and lifting. Wheel Type: Multi-directional silent wheels for greater comfort while traveling Internal Compartments: Equipped with pockets and compartments for better internal organization Tow Handle: Double tube tow handle for greater comfort and carrying professional bags. Weight: 2.4 kg Volume: 40/47 lt Dimensions: 55 x 40 x 20/25 cm Closure: Lockable zippers in the 3-digit combination with TSA function Wheels: 4 Collection: BUTTERFLY Category: HARD Roncato cabin trolley from the BUTTERFLY collection. This luggage successfully combines safety, resistance and lightness. The contemporary square design and the numerous features that have caught your attention will not disappoint you..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 418183 Kabelky Ružová

cena 149.9 €

Roncato 412413 Peňaženky Čierna

Roncato 412413 Čierna. Men's Wallets Accessories BLACK Roncato Internal Compartments: one coin compartment, two banknote compartments and several card/document compartments Dimensions: 12.5x9.5x2.5 cm Wallet from the Roncato line made of leather. It has a coin compartment, two banknote compartments and several card/document compartments. It is enriched by a small front logo..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 412413 Peňaženky Čierna

cena 55.0 €

Roncato 415327 Kabelky Čierna

Roncato 415327 Čierna. By hand suitcases BLACK Roncato Handles: Top handle for better grip and lifting. Wheel Type: Silent wheels for greater comfort while traveling Internal Compartments: Two fairly roomy compartments, one with locking straps and the other with an internal pocket and two external ones with zips. Towing Handle: Double-tube towing handle for greater comfort and carrying professional bags. Weight: 1.8 kg Volume: 29 lt Dimensions: 45 x 36 x 20 cm Closure: Lockable zippers in the 3-digit combination with TSA function Wheels: 2 Collection: IRONIK Category: SOFT Roncato soft cabin trolley from the ICONIK collection made of recycled polyester. This luggage successfully combines safety, resistance and lightness. The contemporary square design and the numerous features that have caught your attention will not disappoint you..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 415327 Kabelky Čierna

cena 129.0 €

Roncato 412410 Peňaženky Čierna

Roncato 412410 Čierna. Men's Wallets Accessories BLACK Roncato Internal Compartments: one coin compartment, two banknote compartments and several card/document compartments Dimensions: 10x12x2.5 cm Wallet from the Roncato line made of leather. It has a coin compartment, two banknote compartments and several card/document compartments. It is enriched by a small front logo..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 412410 Peňaženky Čierna

cena 55.86 €

Roncato 418173 Kabelky Zelená

Roncato 418173 Zelená. By hand suitcases GREEN Roncato Handles: Top handle for better grip and lifting. Wheel Type: Multi-directional double wheels for better maneuverability of the luggage Internal Compartments: Garment straps and mesh pockets with zip Tow Handle: Double tube tow handle for greater comfort and carrying of professional bags Weight: 2.6 KG Volume: L 41 Dimensions: cm. 55 x 40 x 20 Closure: Lockable zippers in the fixed lock with 3-digit combination with TSA function necessary for travel in the USA Wheels: 4.

Objav podobné ako Roncato 418173 Kabelky Zelená

cena 126.91 €

Roncato 412900 Peňaženky Čierna

Roncato 412900 Čierna. Men's Wallets Accessories BLACK Roncato Internal Compartments: one coin compartment, one banknote compartment and several card/document compartments Dimensions: 12x9x2 Roncato wallet made of leather. Embellished with an embossed logo. It has a coin compartment, a banknote compartment and several card/document compartments inside..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 412900 Peňaženky Čierna

cena 49.9 €

Roncato 412911 Peňaženky Čierna

Roncato 412911 Čierna. Men's Wallets Accessories BLACK Roncato Internal compartments: one coin compartment, two banknote compartments and various compartments for cards and documents Dimensions: 9x12x2cm Wallet from the Roncato line made of leather. It has a coin compartment, two banknote compartments and various compartments for cards and documents. It is enriched by a small front logo..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 412911 Peňaženky Čierna

cena 50.9 €

Roncato 412412 Peňaženky Čierna

Roncato 412412 Čierna. Men's Wallets Accessories BLACK Roncato Internal Compartments: two compartments for banknotes and several compartments for cards/documents Dimensions: 11x8x1.5 cm Wallet from the Roncato line made of leather. It has a compartment for banknotes and several compartments for cards/documents. It is enriched by a small front logo..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 412412 Peňaženky Čierna

cena 45.89 €

Roncato 416213 Kabelky Modrá

Roncato 416213 Modrá. By hand suitcases BLUE Roncato Handles: Top handle for better grip and lift. Wheels Type: Double multidirectional wheels for better maneuverability of the luggage Internal Compartments: Garment straps and mesh pockets with zip Towing handle: Bitube towing handle for greater comfort and the transport of professional bags Weight: 2.1KG Volume: L 42/48 Dimensions: 55 x 40 x 20/23 cm Closure: Lockable hinges in the fixed closure with 3-digit combination with tsa function Outer Pockets: 2 zipped pockets Wheels: 4 Roncato soft cabin trolley from the JOY collection made of recycled fabric. This luggage successfully combines safety, strength and lightness. The contemporary boxy design and the many features that have caught your eye will not let you down..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 416213 Kabelky Modrá

cena 135.91 €

Roncato 412412 Peňaženky Modrá

Roncato 412412 Modrá. Men's Wallets Accessories NAVY BLUE Roncato Internal Compartments: two compartments for banknotes and several compartments for cards/documents Dimensions: 11x8x1.5 cm Wallet from the Roncato line made of leather. It has a compartment for banknotes and several compartments for cards/documents. It is enriched by a small front logo..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 412412 Peňaženky Modrá

cena 45.89 €

Roncato 415327 Kabelky Modrá

Roncato 415327 Modrá. By hand suitcases BLUE Roncato Handles: Top handle for better grip and lifting. Wheel Type: Silent wheels for greater comfort while traveling Internal Compartments: Two fairly roomy compartments, one with locking straps and the other with an internal pocket and two external ones with zips. Towing Handle: Double-tube towing handle for greater comfort and carrying professional bags. Weight: 1.8 kg Volume: 29 lt Dimensions: 45 x 36 x 20 cm Closure: Lockable zippers in the 3-digit combination with TSA function Wheels: 2 Collection: IRONIK Category: SOFT Roncato soft cabin trolley from the ICONIK collection made of recycled polyester. This luggage successfully combines safety, resistance and lightness. The contemporary square design and the numerous features that have caught your attention will not disappoint you..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 415327 Kabelky Modrá

cena 129.0 €

Roncato 419453 Kabelky Červená


Objav podobné ako Roncato 419453 Kabelky Červená

cena 126.1 €

Roncato 508302 Kabelky Modrá

Roncato 508302 Modrá. By hand suitcases ARCTIC Roncato Category: HARD Dimensions: 40.0 X 55.0 X 20.0 CM Volume: 35.0 L Weight: 1.95 KG Wheels: FOUR Wheel type: MULTIDIRECTIONAL WHEELS ALLOW 360Ø MOVEMENT IN ANY DIRECTION. Closure: LOCKABLE_HINGES_IN_FIXED_LOCK_WITH_3_DIGIT_COMBINATION_WITH_TSA_FUNCTION_Item: 508302.

Objav podobné ako Roncato 508302 Kabelky Modrá

cena 139.5 €

Roncato 416216 Kabelky Čierna

Roncato 416216 Čierna. By hand suitcases BLACK Roncato Handles: Top handle for better grip and lift. Wheels Type: Double wheels for better maneuverability of the luggage Internal compartments: 1 main compartment with straps for clothes and in the upper part 1 pc pocket and 1 tablet pocket Outer Pockets: 2 zipped pockets Towing handle: Single-tube towing handle for greater comfort and the transport of professional bags Weight: 2.6KG Volume: L 27 Dimensions: cm. 47x32x18 Closure: zippers with zip Wheels: 2 Collection: Joy Category: Soft Roncato trolley backpack from the Joy collection. This backpack was created to meet the needs of travelers and those who travel for vacation, work or leisure..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 416216 Kabelky Čierna

cena 149.9 €

Roncato 415309 Kabelky Čierna

Roncato 415309 Čierna. Clutch suitcases BLACK Roncato Internal compartments: various multifunctional pockets Dimensions: 25x19x15 cm Closure: zip Clutch bag with front logo from the Roncato line made of fabric. It has a main compartment with double slider zip closure and open external pockets. The interior is lined in recycled fabric and has various multifunctional pockets. Ideal for meeting the needs of travellers and those who travel for holidays, work or leisure..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 415309 Kabelky Čierna

cena 45.0 €

Roncato 415336 Kabelky Modrá

Roncato 415336 Modrá. By hand suitcases BLUE Roncato Handles: top handle Internal compartments: several multifunctional pockets Weight: 0.6kg Volume: 15-20l Dimensions: 25x40x15/20cm Closure: zipper Collection: IRONIK 2.0 Category: soft Cabin backpack with front logo of the Roncato line made of fabric. The interior is lined in recycled fabric and has several multifunctional pockets. Ideal to meet the needs of travelers and those who travel for vacation, work or leisure..

Objav podobné ako Roncato 415336 Kabelky Modrá

cena 75.89 €

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