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BigBen Charging Station - PS5 (3665962006414)
Dobíjacia stanica - nabíja až dva ovládače PS5 prostredníctvom portu USB na konzole, doba nabíjania 3 hodiny Doprajte si dlhé neprerušované herné zážitky s dobíjacou stanicou BigBen Charging Station, ktorá nabíja až 2 oficiálne ovládače PS5 prostredníctvom portu USB na konzole. Nabíjačka využíva iba jeden USB port, takže zostáva miesto na pripojenie ďalších ovládačov. Ovládač PS5 bude s nabíjačkou BigBen Charging Station plne nabité počas 3 hodín. Súčasťou balenia je kábel USB-C na USB-A. Kľúčové vlastnosti dobíjacej stanice BigBen Charging StationDobíjacia stanica BigBen Charging Station na dva ovládače PS5Nabíja cez USB port konzolyDoba nabíjania 3 hodiny
Pozrite sa aj BigBen Charging Station - Xbox (3665962006421)
BigBen Charging Station - Xbox (3665962006421)
Dobíjacia stanica - nabíja až dva ovládače Xbox prostredníctvom portu USB na konzole, doba nabíjania 3 hodiny Doprajte si dlhé neprerušované herné zážitky s dobíjacou stanicou BigBen Charging Station, ktorá nabíja až 2 oficiálne ovládače Xbox prostredníctvom portu USB na konzole. Nabíjačka využíva iba jeden USB port, takže zostáva miesto na pripojenie ďalších ovládačov. Ovládač Xbox bude s nabíjačkou BigBen Charging Station plne nabité počas 3 hodín. Súčasťou balenia je kábel USB-C na USB-A. Kľúčové vlastnosti dobíjacej stanice BigBen Charging StationDobíjacia stanica BigBen Charging Station na dva ovládače XboxNabíja cez USB port konzolyDoba nabíjania 3 hodiny
Pozrite sa aj VENOM VS4796 Joy-Con Charging Station
BigBen Essential Pack 5 v 1 – PS5 (3665962006490)
Príslušenstvo k ovládaču – obsahuje headset, nabíjaciu stanicu pre ovládače, USB-C kábel, stojan na slúchadlá a 2 čiapočky na joysticky
Pozrite sa aj Nitho Charging Station – Xbox One (6971308700500)
Pozrite sa aj
- PlayStation 5 DualSense Charging Station (PS719374107)
- Hori Solo Charging Station – Xbox (810050910279)
- Hori Dual Charging Station – Xbox (810050910262)
- BigBen Essential Pack 5 v 1 – PS5 (3665962006490)
- VENOM VS4203 Meta Quest 2 Charging Station
- PowerA Duo Charging Station White - Xbox (617885028250)
- PowerA Duo Charging Station Black - Xbox (617885025594)
- PlayStation VR2 Sense controller charging station (PS719480693)
- VENOM VS5007 Black PS5 Twin Docking Station
- VENOM VS5001 White PS5 Twin Docking Station
- VENOM VS5000 White PS5 Single Docking Station
- Froggiex FX-P5-C1-W PS5 Docking Station
- iPega P5013 Charger and Cooling Station pro PS5 a PS5/PSMove Controller (303276759345)
- Bigben CD61RUSB
- Bigben CD61NUSB
- Eloop Orsen W4 Wireless Charging Station 50 W Black (W4_Black)
- Aukey Aircore Series3-in-1 Wireless Charging Station (LC-A3-BK)
- AlzaPower Car Cable For Charging Station 2 m čierny (APW-CB12TDCB)
- Bigben PARTYBTHPL (8bpbthpl)
Newland charging station
Charging station, charges 1x device and 1x spare battery, order separately: power supply, fits for: MT67
Objav podobné ako Newland charging station
Newland charging station
Charging station, charges 1x device and 1x spare battery, order separately: power supply, fits for: N7
Objav podobné ako Newland charging station
Newland charging station
Charging station, order separately: power supply, fits for: WD1-W4
Objav podobné ako Newland charging station
Zebra charging station
Charging station, USB-C, incl.: USB-C cable (120mm), order separately: power supply, fits for: TC53/58 with rugged boot
Objav podobné ako Zebra charging station
Datalogic Charging Station
Charging Station, 12 Slots, fits for: CodiScan
Objav podobné ako Datalogic Charging Station
Datalogic Charging Station
Charging Station, 2 Slot (up to 3 modules), fits for: CodiScan
Objav podobné ako Datalogic Charging Station
Newland charging station
Charging station, order separately: power supply, fits for: MT93
Objav podobné ako Newland charging station
Newland charging station
Charging station, order separately: power supply, fits for: MT95
Objav podobné ako Newland charging station
Newland charging station
Charging station, order separately: power supply, fits for: NFT10/M10
Objav podobné ako Newland charging station
Honeywell charging station
Honeywell charging station
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging station
Honeywell charging station
Charging station, incl.: connection cable (USB), power supply, fits for: EDA10A
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging station
Datalogic 94A150111 charging station
Datalogic 94A150111 charging station
Objav podobné ako Datalogic 94A150111 charging station
Datalogic 94A150095 charging station
Datalogic 94A150095 charging station
Objav podobné ako Datalogic 94A150095 charging station
Datalogic 94ACC0208 charging station
Datalogic 94ACC0208 charging station
Objav podobné ako Datalogic 94ACC0208 charging station
Datalogic 94A150099 charging station
Datalogic 94A150099 charging station
Objav podobné ako Datalogic 94A150099 charging station
Star 39569410, charging station
Star 39569410, charging station
Objav podobné ako Star 39569410, charging station
Zebra battery charging station
Battery charging station, 1 slot, incl.: power supply, power cord (UK), fits for: L10
Objav podobné ako Zebra battery charging station
Zebra vehicle charging station
Vehicle charging station, 2x USB 2.0, IP55, incl.: vehicle adapter, fits for: L10
Objav podobné ako Zebra vehicle charging station
Zebra vehicle charging station
vehicle charging station, drilling: VESA 100x100, VESA 75x75, IP65, order separately: vehicle mount, vehicle adapter, fits for: ET8X
Objav podobné ako Zebra vehicle charging station
iPega P5013 Charger and Cooling Station pro PS5 a PS5/PSMove Controller (303276759345)
Dobíjacia stanica - na PS5 a príslušenstvo, ventilátory, dobíjacia stanica pre dva PS5 ovládače, praktický stojan na slúchadlá, zoraďovač na obľúbené hry, prepojenie pomocou USB kábla, jednoduchá inštalácia V dnešnej dobe disponuje každá moderná domácnosť hneď niekoľkými šikovnými zariadeniami, ktoré je potrebné nabíjať. Na tento účel bude ideálnou voľbou nabíjací stojan iPega, ktorý disponuje elegantným a funkčným dizajnom.Najdôležitejšie parametre nabíjacieho stojanu iPega P5013 Charger and Cooling Station pre PS5 a PS5/PSMove ControllerElegantné a pohodlné nabíjanie inteligentných zariadeníNabíjací stojan iPega vás zaujme nielen svojim dizajnom, ale aj funkčnosťouPrednosti nabíjacieho stojanu iPegaNabíjací stojan ponúka jeden zo spôsobov, ako je možné nabiť svoje zariadenia moderne a pohodlne.
Objav podobné ako iPega P5013 Charger and Cooling Station pro PS5 a PS5/PSMove Controller (303276759345)
Citizen 2000437, battery charging station
Citizen 2000437, battery charging station
Objav podobné ako Citizen 2000437, battery charging station
Datalogic CHR-P090 charging station
Datalogic CHR-P090 charging station
Objav podobné ako Datalogic CHR-P090 charging station
Datalogic 94A150106 charging station, wireless
Datalogic 94A150106 charging station, wireless
Objav podobné ako Datalogic 94A150106 charging station, wireless
Citizen 2000438, battery charging station
Citizen 2000438, battery charging station
Objav podobné ako Citizen 2000438, battery charging station
Datalogic 94A150098 charging station, healthautoe
Datalogic 94A150098 charging station, healthautoe
Objav podobné ako Datalogic 94A150098 charging station, healthautoe
Datalogic 94A150097 auto charging station
Datalogic 94A150097 auto charging station
Objav podobné ako Datalogic 94A150097 auto charging station
Datalogic 94ACC0207 charging station, lockable
Datalogic 94ACC0207 charging station, lockable
Objav podobné ako Datalogic 94ACC0207 charging station, lockable
Datalogic 94A150101 charging station, Healthcare
Datalogic 94A150101 charging station, Healthcare
Objav podobné ako Datalogic 94A150101 charging station, Healthcare
Datalogic 94A150105 vehicle charging station
Datalogic 94A150105 vehicle charging station
Objav podobné ako Datalogic 94A150105 vehicle charging station
Epson C32C881002, printer charging station
Epson C32C881002, printer charging station
Objav podobné ako Epson C32C881002, printer charging station
Newland charging station, 3 slots
Charging station, 3 slots, incl.: power supply (UK/EU), fits for: MT90
Objav podobné ako Newland charging station, 3 slots
Newland charging station, 2 slots
Charging station, 2 slots, order separately: power supply, fits for: BS80
Objav podobné ako Newland charging station, 2 slots
Newland charging station, 2 slots
Charging station, 2 slots, incl.: connection cable (USB-C), fits for: WD4
Objav podobné ako Newland charging station, 2 slots
Zebra charging station, 2 slots
Charging station, 2 slots, order separately: power supply, connection cable (USB-C), fits for: RS2100
Objav podobné ako Zebra charging station, 2 slots
Zebra charging station, 4 slots
Charging station, charges 4x devices and 4x spare battery, order separately: power supply, DC cable, power cord, fits for: TC53, TC58, TC53e, TC58e
Objav podobné ako Zebra charging station, 4 slots
Newland charging station, 4 slots
Charging station, 4 slots, incl.: power supply (EU), fits for: NFT10/M10
Objav podobné ako Newland charging station, 4 slots
Zebra Charging station, 2 slots
Charging station, 2 slots, order separately: power supply, DC cable, power cord, fits for: WS50 (Wrist)
Objav podobné ako Zebra Charging station, 2 slots
Zebra charging station, 5 slots
Charging station, 5 slots, order separately: power supply, DC cable, power cord (C13), fits for: TC53, TC53e, TC58, TC58e
Objav podobné ako Zebra charging station, 5 slots
Honeywell charging station, 5 slots
Charging station, 5 slots, incl.: power supply, power cord (C5, EU), fits for: CT40, CT40XP, CT45, CT45XP
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging station, 5 slots
Zebra P1063406-052 charging station
Zebra P1063406-052 charging station
Objav podobné ako Zebra P1063406-052 charging station
Zebra charging station, 5 slots
Charging station, charges 5x WT6000 and 5x RS6000, order separately: power supply, DC cable, power cord, fits for: WT6000, RS6000
Objav podobné ako Zebra charging station, 5 slots
Zebra charging station, 10 slots
Charging station, 10 slots, order separately: power supply, DC cable, power cord, fits for: WT6000
Objav podobné ako Zebra charging station, 10 slots
Zebra charging station, 5 slots
Charging station, 5 slots, charges 5x device and 5x spare battery, order separately: power supply, DC cable, power cord, fits for: WT6000, WT6300
Objav podobné ako Zebra charging station, 5 slots
Zebra charging station, 5 slots
Charging station, charges 5x device and 5x spare battery, order separately: power supply; DC cable, power cord, fits for: RS6000
Objav podobné ako Zebra charging station, 5 slots
Zebra charging station, 20 slots
Charging station, 20 slots, rack mount ready, order separately: power supply, DC line cord, power cord (C13), fits for: RS5100
Objav podobné ako Zebra charging station, 20 slots
Zebra charging station, 4 slots
Charging station, 4 slots, order separately: power supply, DC line cord, power cord (C13), fits for: RS5100
Objav podobné ako Zebra charging station, 4 slots
Honeywell charging station, 4 slots
Charging station, 4 slots, incl.: power supply, order separately: power cord (C13), fits for: CK65
Objav podobné ako Honeywell charging station, 4 slots
Zebra charging station, 10 slots
Charging station, 10 slots, order separately: power supply, DC cable, power cord, fits for: WS50
Objav podobné ako Zebra charging station, 10 slots
Pozrite sa aj
- Bigben PARTYBTHPXL (8bpbthpxl)
- Bigben PARTYBTHPS (8bpbthps)
- Bigben PARTYBTHPM (8bpbthpm)
- Bigben PARTYMIC (8bpartymic)
- Bigben RKIDSFROG (8brkidsfrog)
- Bigben RKIDSPANDA (8brkidspanda)
- Bigben RKIDSRABBIT (8brkidsrabbit)
- Bigben PARTYBTPRO (8bpbtp)
- Bigben TR24DAB (8tr24dab)
- Choetech 2 400 W/640.000 mAh Bidirectional Charging Superspeed Power Station (BS008)
- STEALTH Twin Charging Dock + Play and Charge Cable - White - PS5 (5055269711636)
- Bigben Hello Kitty (8bhk)
- Bigben Pokémon – EEVEE (8beevee)
- Siguro SGR-RV Charging station for SGR-RV-G57/L65 (SGR-RV-X076)
- Choetech 3 600 W / 1 200 000 mAh Bidirectional Charging Superspeed Power Station (BS009)
- FIXED Charging Station na dva bezdrôtové ovládače DualSense PlayStation 5 čierno-biela (FIXPS5-DCC-BW)
- BigBen Protection case – Nintendo Switch (3499550365887)
- Lenovo TAB M8 (3rd Gen) 4 GB + 64 GB LTE Iron Grey + Smart Charging Station (ZA8B0038CZ)
- ChoeTech Multi Charge USB-C PD 60 W + 3× USB-A Charging Station (PD72-1C3U-EU)
- BigBen Official GoPlay GripStand – Nintendo Switch (663293109401)
- BigBen Tempered Glass – Nintendo Switch Lite (3499550380361)