Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš Fyda Wireless Mouse Eco , Trust fyda wireless mouse eco certified (24727)Myš bezdrôtová, bezdrôtový USB prijímač, vhodná pre pravákov, optická, 6 tlačidiel, zmena DPI, 2400DPI, čierna Ergonomická bezdrôtová myš podporujúca udržateľný rozvojDoprajte si mnohohodinové pohodlie pri práci s ergonomicky tvarovanou myšou Trust Fyda Wireless. Svojím dizajnovým vyhotovením je vhodná pre pravákov. Bezdôtová myš Trust Fyda disponuje optickým senzorom a možnosťou voľby zo štyroch úrovní DPI (600/1 400/2 800/5 000). Boky myši Trust disponujú opierkami pre palec a malíček. Bezdrôtová myš má celkom 6 tlačidiel, pričom dve bočné tlačidlá je možné ľahko ovládať palcom (pohybdopredu a dozadu).Kľúčové vlastnosti čiernej bezdrôtovej myši Trust Fyda WirelessMyš na PC disponuje celkom 6 tlačidlamiDve bočné tlačidlá je možné ľahko ovládať palcom (pohyb dopredu a dozadu)Myš na počítač Trust Fyda je vyrobená z 50 % z recyklovaných materiálovPočítačová myš má zabudovaný akumulátor na opätovné nabitieBezdrôtový dosah až 10 metrovFyzický vypínač na úsporu... (alza.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST FYDA WIRELESS MOUSE ECO certified (24727) , Trust fyda mouse eco certified (24728)(tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš Fyda Mouse Eco , Trust yvi+ wireless mouse eco certified (24549)(tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš Bayo Ergo Wireless Mouse Eco , Trust yvi+ wireless mouse eco certified, červená (24550)(tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš Yvi+ Wireless Mouse Eco Green, zelená , Trust bayo ergo wireless mouse eco certified (24731)(tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš Yvi+ Wireless Mouse Eco Blue, modrá , Trust yvi+ wireless mouse eco certified – green/zelená (24552)(tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš Yvi+ Wireless Mouse Eco Red, červená , Trust yvi+ wireless mouse eco certified – blue/modrá (24551)(tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš Yvi+ Wireless Mouse Eco Black, čierna , Trust kuza wireless mouse (24114)TM-201 Silent Wireless Mouse Compact bezdrôtová myš s hrubými tlačidlami; made with 83% recycled materials TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS General Ergonomic design no Features Power saving yes DPI adjustable yes Silent click no Gliding pads UPE Softvér no Sensor DPI 800,1600 Max. DPI 1600 DPI Sensor technology optical Control Grip type claw Left-right handed use right-handed Scroll wheel yes Trackball no Horizontal scrolling no Controls left, right, mid, right Number of buttons 4 DPI button yes On/off button yes Programmable buttons no Adjustable weights no Suitable surface non-reflective flat surface Connectivity Connection type wireless Bluetooth no USB version 1.0 Connector type USB Wireless protocols RF 2.4GHz Wireless range 8 m USB receiver included yes USB receiver storable yes Gaming Designed for gaming no Lighting Lights no Input Power source battery Compatibility Compatible Device Types laptop, pc Compatible Software Platforms Windows, Mac OS, Chrome OS Size & Weight Formfactor compact Total weight 84 g Depth of main product (in mm) 40 mm Width of main product (in mm) 57 mm Height of main product (in mm) 95 mm Power Batteries included yes Rechargeable battery no Number of batteries 1 Battery type (AA, AAA, etc.) AA Battery life (months) 6 mesiacov Wireless transmission power (mW) 1mW (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš TM-201 WIRELESS MOUSE ECO, optická, čierna , Trust nito wireless mouse (24115)Myš drôtová, USB, vhodná pre pravákov, optická, 6 tlačidiel, zmena DPI, 5000DPI, dĺžka kábla 1.5 m, čierna Ergonomická drôtová myš podporujúca udržateľný rozvojDoprajte si mnohohodinové pohodlie pri práci s ergonomicky tvarovanou drôtovou myšou Trust Fyda. Svojím dizajnovým vyhotovením je vhodná pre pravákov. Myš na PC Trust Fyda disponuje optickým senzorom a možnosťou voľby zo štyroch úrovní DPI (600/1 400/2 800/5 000). Boky myši Trust disponujú opierkami pre palec a malíček. Drôtová myš má celkom 6 tlačidiel, pričom dve bočné tlačidlá je možné ľahko ovládať palcom (pohyb dopredua dozadu).Kľúčové vlastnosti čiernej drôtovej myši Trust FydaMyš na počítač disponuje celkom 6 tlačidlamiDve bočné tlačidlá je možné ľahko ovládať palcom (pohyb dopredu a dozadu)Trust Fyda je vyrobená z 52 % z recyklovaných materiálov1,5-metrový kábel s USB zaisťujúci dostatočnú flexibilituPočítačová myš Trust Fyda má tlačidlo na prepínanie medzi štyrmi režimami DPI (600/1 400/2 800/5... (alza.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST FYDA MOUSE ECO certified (24728) , Trust basics wireless mouse (24658)TRUST Myš Yvi Wireless Mouse - parrot Všeobecný popis TRUST Myš Yvi je bezdrôtová, kompaktná optická myš s pohodlným tvarovaním. Je vybavená gumovými stranami pre pohodlie a priľnavosť. Technické špecifikácie Myš má bezdrôtový dosah 8 metrov a tlačidlo na výber rýchlosti (800/1600 DPI). Je určená pre pravákov aj ľavákov a má uložiteľný mikroprijímač USB. Celková hmotnosť myši je 84 gramov, s rozmermi 95 x 57 x 40 mm. Systémové požiadavky Windows 10, 8 alebo 7 Mac s procesorom Intel a Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) alebo vyšší Chrome OS USB port Konektivita Myš sa pripája bezdrôtovo pomocou RF 2.4GHz protokolu. Verzia USB je 1.0. Funkcia Myš má nastaviteľné DPI a uložiteľný USB prijímač. Úspora energie je samozrejmosťou. Power V balení je zahrnutá batéria typu AAA. Životnosť batérie je 6 mesiacov. Senzor Myš je vybavená optickým senzorom s maximálnym DPI 1600. Kompatibilita Myš je kompatibilná s počítačmi, notebookmi a softvérovými platformami Windows, Mac OS a Chrome OS. Kontrola Myš má 4 tlačidlá vrátane tlačidla DPI. Vhodný povrch na použitie je nereflexný rovný povrch. (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST Myš Yvi Wireless Mouse - parrot , Trust trezo silent wireless deskset eco certified – cz/sk (24917) + zdarma herná podložka pod myš trust(tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST Myš BASICS GAMING WIRELESS MOUSE , Trust puck wireless mouse, čierna (24059)TRUST Myš Yvi Wireless Mouse - toucan Spoľahlivá a štýlová bezdrôtová myš s farebným vzorom tukan na každodenné použitie aj na cestách. Bezdrôtová technológia Pripojenie pomocou RF 2.4GHz bezdrôtovej technológie s dosahom až 8 metrov pre maximálnu flexibilitu. Jednoduché ovládanie Myš je vybavená tlačidlom na výber rýchlosti (800/1600 DPI) na prispôsobenie citlivosti podľa vašich potrieb. Pohodlie a uchopiteľnosť Gumové boky pre lepšiu uchopiteľnosť a pohodlie pri dlhodobom použití. Navrhnutá na použitie ľavou aj pravou rukou. Praktický mikroprijímač USB Myš je vybavená uložiteľným mikroprijímačom USB, ktorý je možné ľahko prenášať a skladovať. Technické špecifikácie Výška: 95 mm Šírka: 57 mm Hĺbka: 40 mm Hmotnosť: 84 g Typ batérie: AAA Životnosť batérie: 6 mesiacov Systémové požiadavky Windows 10, 8 alebo 7, Mac s procesorom Intel a Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) alebo vyšší, Chrome OS, USB port. Záruka 2 roky (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST Myš Yvi Wireless Mouse - toucan , Trust puck wireless mouse, modrá (24126)TRUST Myš Yvi Wireless Mouse - peacock Bezdrôtová optická myš s pohodlným tvarom a dosahom až 800/1600 DPI. Technické špecifikácie EAN: 8713439233889 Hmotnosť: 84 g Dimenzia: 95 mm x 57 mm x 40 mm Formfactor: kompaktný Výrobok je určený pre ľavákov aj pravákov. Systémové požiadavky Windows 10, 8, 7, Mac s procesorom Intel a Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) alebo vyšší, Chrome OS, USB port. Konektivita Bezdrôtové pripojenie s dosahom 8 m. USB mikroprijímač je súčasťou balenia. Funkcia Úspora energie Uložiteľný USB prijímač Nastaviteľné DPI Power Batéria AAA je súčasťou balenia. Životnosť batérie je 6 mesiacov. Senzor Optický senzor s maximálnymi DPI 1600. Kompatibilita Kompatibilný s počítačmi a notebookmi. Podporované platformy: Windows, Mac OS, Chrome OS. Kontrola 4 tlačidlá vrátane tlačidla pre nastavenie DPI. Pohodlné použitie pre pravákov. (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST Myš Yvi Wireless Mouse - peacock , Trust primo bt wireless mouse (24966)YVI FX WIRELESS MOUSE - WHITE Compact bezdrôtová myš s LED illumination in continuously changing colours LED illumination in continuously changing coloursStorable USB micro receiverRubber sides for comfort and grip8m wireless range (2.4 GHz)Speed select button (800/1600 DPI)On-off power switchFor left and right hand use TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERALPN22335EAN8713439223354ColorWhiteTotal weight84 gProduct size95 x 57 x 40 mmPackage contentsWireless optical mouseUSB micro receiver1x AA batteryFormfactorcompactWarranty2 yearsMinimum requirementsWindows 10, 8, alebo 7Intel-based Mac with Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or higherChrome OSUSB portCONNECTIVITYConnection typewirelessWireless protocolsRF 2.4GHzWireless range8 mReceiver includedyesUSB version1.0Connector typeUSBFEATURESUSB receiver storageyesPower savingyesGAMINGDesigned for gamingnoPOWERBatteries includedyesBattery life6 monthWireless transmission1 mWRechargeable batterynoNumber of batteries1Battery type (AA, AAA, etc.)AAAINPUTPower sourceBatterySENSORDPI800, 1600Sensor technology mouseopticalCOMPATIBILITYCompatible Software PlatformsWindows, Mac OSCONTROLHorizontal scrollingnoControlsleft, right, mid, dpiNumber of buttons4DPI buttonyesOn/off buttonsnoProgrammable buttonsnoAdjustable weightnoSuitable surfacenon-reflective flat surfaceLeft-right handed useright-handedScroll wheelyesTrackballno (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš Yvi FX Wireless Mouse - white , Trust gxt117 strike wireless mouse (22625)YVI FX WIRELESS MOUSE - BLACK Compact bezdrôtová myš s LED illumination in continuously changing colours LED illumination in continuously changing coloursStorable USB micro receiverRubber sides for comfort and grip8m wireless range (2.4 GHz)Speed select button (800/1600 DPI)On-off power switchFor left and right hand use TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERALPN22333EAN8713439223330ColorBlackTotal weight84 gProduct size95 x 57 x 40 mmPackage contentsWireless optical mouseUSB micro receiver1x AA batteryFormfactorcompactWarranty2 yearsMinimum requirementsWindows 10, 8, alebo 7Intel-based Mac with Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or higherChrome OSUSB portCONNECTIVITYConnection typewirelessWireless protocolsRF 2.4GHzWireless range8 mReceiver includedyesUSB version1.0Connector typeUSBFEATURESUSB receiver storageyesPower savingyesGAMINGDesigned for gamingnoPOWERBatteries includedyesBattery life6 mesiacovWireless transmission1 mWRechargeable batterynoNumber of batteries1Battery type (AA, AAA, etc.)AAAINPUTPower sourceBatterySENSORDPI800, 1600Sensor technology mouseopticalCOMPATIBILITYCompatible Software PlatformsWindows, Mac OSCONTROLHorizontal scrollingnoControlsleft, right, mid, dpiNumber of buttons4DPI buttonyesOn/off buttonsnoProgrammable buttonsnoAdjustable weightnoSuitable surfacenon-reflective flat surfaceLeft-right handed useright-handedScroll wheelyesTrackballno (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš Yvi FX Wireless Mouse - black , Trust verro wireless ergo mouse (23507)Yvi Wireless Mouse - pink circles Compact wireless optical mouse with comfortable shape 8m wireless range Speed select button (800/1600 DPI) Rubber sides for comfort and grip Storable USB micro receiver For left and right hand use Energy saving on/off switch TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Height of main product 95 mm Width of main product 57 mm Depth of main product 40 mm Total weight 84 g Formfactor compact Ergonomic design no Connectivity Connection type wireless Bluetooth no Wireless range 8 m Wireless protocols RF 2.4GHz USB receiver included yes USB version 1.0 Connector type USB Features Silent click no Gliding pads UPE Softvér no USB receiver storable yes DPI adjustable yes Power saving yes Gaming Designed for gaming no Lighting Lights no Power Batteries included yes Battery life (months) 6 month Rechargeable battery no Number of batteries 1 Wireless transmission power (mW) 1 mW Battery type (AA, AAA, etc.) AA Sensor DPI 800, 1600 Max. DPI 1600 dpi Sensor technology Optical Input Power source battery Compatibility Compatible Software Platforms Windows, Mac OS, Chrome OS Compatible Device Types laptop, pc Control Grip type claw Horizontal scrolling No Controls left, right, mid, dpi Number of buttons 4 DPI button yes On/off button yes Programmable buttons no Adjustable weight no Suitable surface non-reflective flat surface Left-right handed use right-handed Scroll wheel yes Trackball no (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš YVI Wireless Mouse, optická, ružová , Trust gxt923 ybar wireless mouse (24888)Yvi Wireless Mouse - blue brush Compact wireless optical mouse with comfortable shape 8m wireless range Speed select button (800/1600 DPI) Rubber sides for comfort and grip Storable USB micro receiver For left and right hand use Energy saving on/off switch TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Height of main product 95 mm Width of main product 57 mm Depth of main product 40 mm Total weight 84 g Formfactor compact Ergonomic design no Connectivity Connection type wireless Bluetooth no Wireless range 8 m Wireless protocols RF 2.4GHz USB receiver included yes USB version 1.0 Connector type USB Features Silent click no Gliding pads UPE Softvér no USB receiver storable yes DPI adjustable yes Power saving yes Gaming Designed for gaming no Lighting Lights no Power Batteries included yes Battery life (months) 6 month Rechargeable battery no Number of batteries 1 Wireless transmission power (mW) 1 mW Battery type (AA, AAA, etc.) AA Sensor DPI 800, 1600 Max. DPI 1600 dpi Sensor technology Optical Input Power source battery Compatibility Compatible Software Platforms Windows, Mac OS, Chrome OS Compatible Device Types laptop, pc Control Grip type claw Horizontal scrolling No Controls left, right, mid, dpi Number of buttons 4 DPI button yes On/off button yes Programmable buttons no Adjustable weight no Suitable surface non-reflective flat surface Left-right handed use right-handed Scroll wheel yes Trackball no (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš YVI Wireless Mouse, optická, modrá , Trust basics gaming wireless mouse (24750)YVI FX WIRELESS MOUSE - GEOMETRICS LED illumination in continuously changing coloursStorable USB micro receiverRubber sides for comfort and grip8m wireless range (2.4 GHz)Speed select button (800/1600 DPI)On-off power switchFor left and right hand useTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERALPN22337EAN8713439223378Colorgeometric designTotal size95 x 57 x 40 mmTotal weight84 gForm factorcompactWarranty2 yearsCONNECTIVITYConnection typewirelessWireless protocolsRF 2.4GHzUSB version1.0Wireless range8 mReceiver includedyesConnector typeUSBFEATURESUSB receiver storableyesPower savingyesDesigned for gamingnoPOWERBatteries includedyesBattery life6 mesiacovWireless transmission power1 mWRechargeable batterynoNumber of batteries1Battery typeAAAINPUTPower sourcebatterySENSORDPI800, 1600Sensor technology mouseopticalCOMPATIBILITYCompatible Software PlatformsWindows, Mac OSCONTROLControlsleft, right, mid, dpiNumber of buttons4DPI buttonyesOn/off buttonnoProgrammable buttonsnoAdjustable weightnoSuitable surfacenon-reflective flat surfaceLeft-right handed useright-handedScroll wheelyesTrackballnoHorizontal scrollingno (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST Myš Yvi Wireless Mouse USB, geometrics , Trust gxt922 ybar gaming mouse eco (24729)Myš bezdrôtová, bezdrôtový USB prijímač, vhodná pre pravákov a vhodná pre ľavákov, optická, 3 tlačidlá, zmena DPI a tiché, 1600DPI, čierna a sivá Malá bezdrôtová myš podporujúca udržateľný rozvojZaobstarajte si k počítaču alebo notebooku kompaktnú a ľahko prenosnú myš, ktorá sa dobre drží v pravej aj ľavej ruke. Myš na PC Trust YVI+ disponuje optickým senzorom a možnosťou voľby z dvoch úrovní DPI (800/1 600). Bezdrôtová myš vám pomôže udržiavať poriadok na pracovnom stole vďaka absencii prekážajúceho a zamotávajúceho sa kábla. Strany myši Trust sú potiahnuté gumou, čo zlepšuje úchop. Súčasťoubalenia je jedna AA batéria s až 12 mesačnou výdržou.Kľúčové vlastnosti čiernej bezdrôtovej myši Trust YVI+Myš na počítač má tiché tlačidlá na ničím nerušenú prácuPočítačová myš Trust YVI+ je vyrobená z 83 % z recyklovaných materiálovBezdrôtové vyhotovenie s výdržou batérie až pre 12 mesiacov používaniaNa spodnej strane myši je priestor na schovanie micro USB... (alza.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST YVI+ Wireless Mouse ECO certified (24549) , Trust yvi wireless mouse pink circles (24441)MYDO SILENT CLICK WIRELESS MOUSE - BLUE Comfortable wireless mouse with advanced silent tlačidlá Reduces key-click sounds with at least 90%10m wireless range (2.4 GHz)Speed select button (1000/1400/1800 DPI)Storable micro USB receiverOn/off power switchFor left and right hand use TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERALPN21870EAN8713439218701ColorBlueTotal size104 x 70 x 35 mmTotal weight84 gPackage contentsWireless mouseMicro USB receiver2x AAA batteryWarranty2 yearsMinimum requirementsWindows 10, 8, 7 alebo VistaIntel-based Mac with Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or higherChrome OSUSB portAndroid 3.1 or higherFormfactorcompactErgonomic designnoCONNECTIVITYConnection typewirelessWireless protocolsRF 2.4GHzWireless range10 mReceiver includedyesUSB version2.0Connector typeUSBFEATURESGliding padsUPEUSB receiver storagenoPower savingyesSpecial featuressilent buttonsGAMINGDesigned for gamingnoPOWERBatteries includedyesBattery life6 monthWireless transmission power (mW)1 mWRechargeable batterynoNumber of batteries2Battery type (AA, AAA, etc.)AAAINPUTPower sourceBatterySENSORDPI1000, 1400, 1800Sensor technology mouseOpticalCOMPATIBILITYCompatible Software PlatformsWindows, Mac OS, Chrome OS, AndroidCONTROLHorizontal scrollingnoControlsleft, right, mid, dpiNumber of buttons4DPI buttonyesOn/off buttonyesProgrammable buttonsnoAdjustable weightnoSuitable surfacenon-reflective flat surfaceLeft-right handed useright-handed, left-handedScroll wheelyesTrackballno (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš Mydo Silent Click Wireless Mouse - blue , Trust primo wireless mouse matt, čierna (24794)MYDO SILENT CLICK WIRELESS MOUSE - RED Comfortable wireless mouse with advanced silent tlačidlá Reduces key-click sounds with at least 90%10m wireless range (2.4 GHz)Speed select button (1000/1400/1800 DPI)Storable micro USB receiverOn/off power switchFor left and right hand use TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERALPN21871EAN8713439218718ColorRedTotal size104 x 70 x 35 mmTotal weight84 gPackage contentsWireless mouseMicro USB receiver2x AAA batteryWarranty2 yearsMinimum requirementsWindows 10, 8, 7 alebo VistaIntel-based Mac with Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or higherChrome OSUSB portAndroid 3.1 or higherFormfactorcompactErgonomic designnoCONNECTIVITYConnection typewirelessWireless protocolsRF 2.4GHzWireless range10 mReceiver includedyesUSB version2.0Connector typeUSBFEATURESGliding padsUPEUSB receiver storagenoPower savingyesSpecial featuressilent buttonsGAMINGDesigned for gamingnoPOWERBatteries includedyesBattery life6 monthWireless transmission power (mW)1 mWRechargeable batterynoNumber of batteries2Battery type (AA, AAA, etc.)AAAINPUTPower sourceBatterySENSORDPI1000, 1400, 1800Sensor technology mouseOpticalCOMPATIBILITYCompatible Software PlatformsWindows, Mac OS, Chrome OS, AndroidCONTROLHorizontal scrollingnoControlsleft, right, mid, dpiNumber of buttons4DPI buttonyesOn/off buttonyesProgrammable buttonsnoAdjustable weightnoSuitable surfacenon-reflective flat surfaceLeft-right handed useright-handed, left-handedScroll wheelyesTrackballno (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš Mydo Silent Click Wireless Mouse - red , Trust yvi fx wireless mouse – geometrics (22337)MYDO SILENT CLICK WIRELESS MOUSE - BLACK Comfortable wireless mouse with advanced silent tlačidlá Reduces key-click sounds with at least 90%10m wireless range (2.4 GHz)Speed select button (1000/1400/1800 DPI)Storable micro USB receiverOn/off power switchFor left and right hand use TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERALPN21870EAN8713439218701ColorBlackTotal size104 x 70 x 35 mmTotal weight84 gPackage contentsWireless mouseMicro USB receiver2x AAA batteryWarranty2 yearsMinimum requirementsWindows 10, 8, 7 alebo VistaIntel-based Mac with Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or higherChrome OSUSB portAndroid 3.1 or higherFormfactorcompactErgonomic designnoCONNECTIVITYConnection typewirelessWireless protocolsRF 2.4GHzWireless range10 mReceiver includedyesUSB version2.0Connector typeUSBFEATURESGliding padsUPEUSB receiver storagenoPower savingyesSpecial featuressilent buttonsGAMINGDesigned for gamingnoPOWERBatteries includedyesBattery life6 monthWireless transmission power (mW)1 mWRechargeable batterynoNumber of batteries2Battery type (AA, AAA, etc.)AAAINPUTPower sourceBatterySENSORDPI1000, 1400, 1800Sensor technology mouseOpticalCOMPATIBILITYCompatible Software PlatformsWindows, Mac OS, Chrome OS, AndroidCONTROLHorizontal scrollingnoControlsleft, right, mid, dpiNumber of buttons4DPI buttonyesOn/off buttonyesProgrammable buttonsnoAdjustable weightnoSuitable surfacenon-reflective flat surfaceLeft-right handed useright-handed, left-handedScroll wheelyesTrackballno (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš Mydo Silent Click Wireless Mouse - black , Trust ozaa rechargeable wireless mouse, modrá (24034)YVI FX WIRELESS MOUSE - PINK LED illumination in continuously changing coloursStorable USB micro receiverRubber sides for comfort and grip8m wireless range (2.4 GHz)Speed select button (800/1600 DPI)On-off power switchFor left and right hand useTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERALPN22336EAN8713439223361ColorpinkTotal size95 x 57 x 40 mmTotal weight84 gForm factorcompactWarranty2 yearsCONNECTIVITYConnection typewirelessWireless protocolsRF 2.4GHzUSB version1.0Wireless range8 mReceiver includedyesConnector typeUSBFEATURESUSB receiver storableyesPower savingyesDesigned for gamingnoPOWERBatteries includedyesBattery life6 mesiacovWireless transmission power1 mWRechargeable batterynoNumber of batteries1Battery typeAAAINPUTPower sourcebatterySENSORDPI800, 1600Sensor technology mouseopticalCOMPATIBILITYCompatible Software PlatformsWindows, Mac OSCONTROLControlsleft, right, mid, dpiNumber of buttons4DPI buttonyesOn/off buttonnoProgrammable buttonsnoAdjustable weightnoSuitable surfacenon-reflective flat surfaceLeft-right handed useright-handedScroll wheelyesTrackballnoHorizontal scrollingno (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST Myš Yvi Wireless Mouse USB, pink (ružová) , Trust yvi fx wireless mouse – black (22333)(tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST Bezdrôtová Myš BASICS Wireless Mouse , Trust yvi fx wireless mouse – pink (22336)Myš bezdrôtová, bezdrôtový USB prijímač, vertikálna, optická, 6 tlačidiel, zmena DPI, RGB podsvietenie, 2400DPI, čierna Ergonomická bezdrôtová myš podporujúca udržateľný rozvojDoprajte si mnohohodinové pohodlie pri práci s ergonomicky tvarovanou myšou Trust Bayo Ergo Wireless. Vertikálny dizajn znižuje namáhanie paží a zápästia. Svojím vyhotovením je vhodná pre pravákov. Myš na PC Trust Bayo disponuje optickým senzorom a možnosťou voľby z piatich úrovní DPI (800/1 200/1 600/2 000/2 400). Bezdrôtová myš má celkom 6 tlačidiel, pričom dve bočné tlačidlá je možné ľahko ovládať palcom (pohyb dopredu adozadu).Kľúčové vlastnosti čiernej bezdrôtovej myši Trust Bayo Ergo WirelessMyš disponuje celkom 6 tlačidlamiDve bočné tlačidlá je možné ľahko ovládať palcom (pohyb dopredu a dozadu)Myš na počítač Trust Bayo Ergo je vyrobená zo 79 % z recyklovaných materiálovPočítačová myš má zabudovaný akumulátor na opätovné nabitieDodávaný USB-C kábel môžete do myši zapojiť a... (alza.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST BAYO ERGO Wireless Mouse ECO certified (24731) , Trust ozaa rechargeable wireless mouse, čierna (23812)Myš bezdrôtová, bezdrôtový USB prijímač, vhodná pre pravákov a vhodná pre ľavákov, optická, 3 tlačidlá, zmena DPI a tiché, 1600DPI, červená Malá bezdrôtová myš podporujúca udržateľný rozvojZaobstarajte si k počítaču alebo notebooku kompaktnú a ľahko prenosnú myš, ktorá sa dobre drží v pravej aj ľavej ruke. Myš na PC Trust YVI+ disponuje optickým senzorom a možnosťou voľby z dvoch úrovní DPI (800/1 600). Bezdrôtová myš vám pomôže udržiavať poriadok na pracovnom stole vďaka absencii prekážajúceho a zamotávajúceho sa kábla. Strany počítačovej myši Trust sú potiahnuté gumou, čo zlepšuje úchop. Súčasťoubalenia je jedna AA batéria s až 12 mesačnou výdržou.Kľúčové vlastnosti červenej bezdrôtovej myši Trust YVI+Myš má tiché tlačidlá na ničím nerušenú prácuMyš na počítač Trust YVI+ je vyrobená z 83 % z recyklovaných materiálovBezdrôtové vyhotovenie s výdržou batérie až na 12 mesiacov používaniaNa spodnej strane myši je priestor na schovanie micro USB prijímačaDosah... (alza.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST YVI+ Wireless Mouse ECO certified, červená (24550) , Trust zaya rechargeable wireless mouse, čierna (23809)TRUST Myš Primo Bluetooth Wireless MouseBezdrôtová myš s technológiou Bluetooth Užite si slobodu bez káblov s myšou Primo od spoločnosti TRUST. Vďaka bezdrôtovému pripojeniu Bluetooth udržíte svoj stôl a zariadenie čisté a prehľadné. Špecifikácia Typ senzora: Optický Maximálna DPI: 1600 Nastaviteľné DPI: Áno Počet tlačidiel: 3 Typ pripojenia: Bezdrôtové, Bluetooth Pohodlie a ovládanie Použitie: pre pravákov/ľavákov Koliesko: Áno Rozmery a váha Rozmery: 40 x 55 x 95 mm Váha: 50 g TRUST Primo Bluetooth Wireless Mouse - kvalita a pohodlie bez káblov. (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš Primo Bluetooth Wireless Mouse, optická, USB, čierna , Trust yvi fx wireless mouse – white (22335)(tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST Myš PRIMO WIRELESS MOUSE MATT WHITE, USB, bezdrôtová , Trust primo wireless mouse matt, modrá (24796)(tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST Myš PRIMO WIRELESS MOUSE MATT BLUE, USB, bezdrôtová , Trust verto wireless ergo mouse white (25132)Myš bezdrôtová, bezdrôtový USB prijímač, vhodná pre pravákov a vhodná pre ľavákov, optická, 3 tlačidlá, zmena DPI a tiché, 1600DPI, modrá Malá bezdrôtová myš podporujúca udržateľný rozvojZaobstarajte si k počítaču alebo notebooku kompaktnú a ľahko prenosnú myš, ktorá sa dobre drží v pravej aj ľavej ruke. Myš na PC Trust YVI+ disponuje optickým senzorom a možnosťou voľby z dvoch úrovní DPI (800/1 600). Bezdrôtová myš vám pomôže udržiavať poriadok na pracovnom stole vďaka absencii prekážajúceho a zamotávajúceho sa kábla. Strany počítačovej myši Trust sú potiahnuté gumou, čo zlepšuje úchop. Súčasťoubalenia je jedna AA batéria s až 12 mesačnou výdržou.Kľúčové vlastnosti modrej bezdrôtovej myši Trust YVI+Myš na počítač má tiché tlačidlá na ničím nerušenú prácuMyš Trust YVI+ je vyrobená z 83 % z recyklovaných materiálovBezdrôtové vyhotovenie s výdržou batérie až na 12 mesiacov používaniaNa spodnej strane myši je priestor na schovanie micro USB prijímačaDosah... (alza.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST YVI+ Wireless Mouse ECO certified – BLUE/modrá (24551)Myš bezdrôtová, bezdrôtový USB prijímač, vhodná pre pravákov a vhodná pre ľavákov, optická, 3 tlačidlá, zmena DPI a tiché, 1600DPI, zelená Malá bezdrôtová myš podporujúca udržateľný rozvojZaobstarajte si k počítaču alebo notebooku kompaktnú a ľahko prenosnú myš, ktorá sa dobre drží v pravej aj ľavej ruke. Myš na PC Trust YVI+ disponuje optickým senzorom a možnosťou voľby z dvoch úrovní DPI (800/1 600). Bezdrôtová myš vám pomôže udržiavať poriadok na pracovnom stole vďaka absencii prekážajúceho a zamotávajúceho sa kábla. Strany počítačovej myši Trust sú potiahnuté gumou, čo zlepšuje úchop. Súčasťoubalenia je jedna AA batéria s až 12 mesačnou výdržou.Kľúčové vlastnosti zelenej bezdrôtovej myši Trust YVI+Myš má tiché tlačidlá na ničím nerušenú prácuMyš na počítač Trust YVI+ je vyrobená z 83 % z recyklovaných materiálovBezdrôtové vyhotovenie s výdržou batérie až pre 12 mesiacov používaniaNa spodnej strane myši je priestor na schovanie micro USB prijímačaDosah... (alza.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST YVI+ Wireless Mouse ECO certified – GREEN/zelená (24552)GXT 115 MACCI WIRELESS GAMING MOUSE Wireless gaming mouse with 6 responsive buttons 2400 DPI optical sensor10M wireless range6 responsive buttonsSpeed select button (800-2400dpi)Ambidextrous form factorStorable micro USB receiver TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERALPN22417EAN8713439224177Package contentsGaming mouseUSB micro receiver1x AA batteryUser guideGaming stickerWarranty2 yearsMinimum requirementsWindows 10, 8, alebo 7USB portTotal weight100 gWeight of main unit75 gErgonomic designyesCONNECTIVITYConnection typewirelessWireless protocolsRF 2.4GHzWireless range10 mReceiver includedyesUSB version2.0Connector typeUSB-AFEATURESOn-board memorynoUSB receiver storableyesSoftvér includednoPower savingyesGAMINGDesigned for gamingyesGame typeFPSPOWERBatteries includedyesBattery life3 monthRechargeable batteryyesNumber of batteries1Battery type (AA, AAA, etc.)AAINPUTPower sourceBatterySENSORDPI800, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2400Sensor technology mouseopticalAcceleration10 GTracking speed30 ipsCONTROLGrip typepalmHorizontal scrollingyesControlsbackward, forward, LED, on/off, shift dpiNumber of buttons6DPI buttonyesOn/off buttonyesProgrammable buttonsnoAdjustable weightnoSuitable surfacenon-reflective flat surfaceLeft-right handed useright-handedScroll wheelyesTrackballno (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš GXT 115 Macci Wireless Gaming MouseGXT 117 STRIKE WIRELESS GAMING MOUSE Wireless gaming mouse with built-in rechargeable battery and illuminated top cover Illuminated top cover with continuously changing coloursBuilt-in rechargeable battery pre up to [30h] playtimeSpeed select button (600-1400 dpi)4 responsive buttonsRubberized top cover for a firm gripAmbidextrous8m wireless rangeLED illumination can be switched on/off TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERALPN22625EAN8713439226256Package contentsGaming mouseCharging cableUSB micro-receiverUser guideGaming stickerWarranty2 yearsMinimum requirementsWindows 10, 8, alebo 7Mac OSX (Sierra alebo later)USB portProduct size (HxWxD):110 x 66 x 30 mmCONNECTIVITYConnection typewirelessWireless protocolsRF 2.4GHzWireless range8 mReceiver includedyesUSB version2.0Connector typeUSBFEATURESOn-board memorynoGliding padsUPEUSB receiver storableyesSoftvér includednoSpecial featuresWireless rechargeable , Multiple color loopPOWERRechargeable batteryyesINPUTPower sourceBatterySENSORDPI600, 1000, 1400DPI range600 - 1400 dpiSensor technology mouseopticalAcceleration8 GCOMPATABILITYCompatible Software PlatformsWindows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac OSCONTROLGrip typeclawHorizontal scrollingnoControlsdpi, left, mid, rightNumber of buttons6DPI buttonyesOn/off buttonnoProgrammable buttonsnoAdjustable weightnoMacro programmingnoLeft-right handed useright-handedScroll wheelyesTrackballno (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš GXT 117 Strike Wireless Gaming MouseTRUST GXT 110 FELOX - Bezdrôtová Herná Myš Užite si vrcholnú slobodu s bezdrôtovou hernou myšou TRUST GXT 110 FELOX. Bez obmedzujúcich káblov, hrá sa doslova bez akýchkoľvek obmedzení. Špecifikácia Software: Áno Nastaviteľné DPI: Áno Maximálna DPI: 6400 Typ senzora: Optický Zrýchlenie: 20 G Ovládanie Použitie: Pre pravákov/ľavákov Koliesko: Áno Počet tlačidiel: 6 Programovateľné tlačidlá: Áno Pripojenie Typ pripojenia: Bezdrôtové USB: 2.0 dongle Kábel na nabíjanie myši: 1m USB-A na USB-C dobíjací kábel Osvetlenie Myš je vybavená viacfarebným LED osvetlením pre lepší herný zážitok. (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš GXT 110 FELOX Gaming Wireless Mouse, optická, USB, čiernaTRUST GXT 110W FELOX - Bezdrôtová Herná MyšUžite si slobodu bez káblov s bezdrôtovou hernou myšou TRUST GXT 110W FELOX. Hrajte bez akýchkoľvek obmedzení. Špecifikácia Vlastnosti Software: Áno Nastaviteľné DPI: Áno Senzor Maximálna DPI: 6400 Typ senzora: Optický Zrýchlenie: 20 G Ovládanie Použitie: pre pravákov/ľavákov Koliesko: Áno Počet tlačidiel: 6 Programovateľné tlačidlá: Áno Pripojenie Typ pripojenia: Bezdrôtové USB: 2.0 dongle Kábel na nabíjanie myši: 1m USB-A na USB-C dobíjací kábel Osvetlenie Svetlá: Áno TRUST GXT 110W FELOX - bezdrôtová herná myš s viacfarebným LED osvetlením pre dokonalý herný zážitok. (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš GXT 110W FELOX Gaming Wireless Mouse, optická, USB, bielaOzaa Rechargeable Wireless Mouse - blackPremium bezdrôtová myš s ergonomickým dizajnom, ktorý provides hours of working comfortEnvironment-friendly, no need for batteries due to built-in rechargeable batterySix buttons including silent left/right buttons plus thumb scroll wheel for horizontal scrollingPersonalise your cursor speed (800-1200-1600-2400 DPI)Charge via micro-USB port with included cableUp to 10 meter wireless rangePlug-and-play USB receiverEnergy saving on/off switchTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Height of main product77 mmWidth of main product46 mmDepth of main product118 mmTotal weight122 gWeight of main unit99 gFormfactorŠtandardErgonomic designNoConnectivityConnection typeWirelessBluetoothNoWireless range10 mWireless protocolsRF 2.4 GHzUSB receiver includedYesUSB version2.0Connector typeUSB-A maleFeaturesSilent clickYesGliding padsTeflónSoftvérNoUSB receiver storableYesDPI adjustableYesPower savingYesGamingDesigned for gamingNoLightingLightsNoPowerRechargeable batteryYesSensorDPI800, 1200, 1600, 2400DPI range800 - 2400 dpiMax. DPI2400 dpiSensor technologyOpticalInputPower sourceBatteryCompatibilityCompatible Software PlatformsWindows, Chrome OS, Mac OSCompatible Device TypesLaptop, pcControlGrip typePalm, claw, fingerHorizontal scrollingYesControlsLeft, right, mid, forward, backward, dpi loopNumber of buttons6DPI buttonYesProgrammable buttonsNoAdjustable weightNoSuitable surfaceNon-reflective flat surfaceIndicatorsBattery empty, DPILeft-right handed useRight-handedScroll wheelYesTrackballNo (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST bezdrôtová Myš Ozaa Rechargeable Wireless Mouse - blackOzaa Rechargeable Wireless Mouse - bluePremium bezdrôtová myš s ergonomickým dizajnom, ktorý provides hours of working comfortEnvironment-friendly, no need for batteries due to built-in rechargeable batterySix buttons including silent left/right buttons plus thumb scroll wheel for horizontal scrollingPersonalise your cursor speed (800-1200-1600-2400 DPI)Charge via micro-USB port with included cableUp to 10 meter wireless rangePlug-and-play USB receiverEnergy saving on/off switchTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Height of main product77 mmWidth of main product46 mmDepth of main product118 mmTotal weight122 gWeight of main unit99 gFormfactorŠtandardErgonomic designNoConnectivityConnection typeWirelessBluetoothNoWireless range10 mWireless protocolsRF 2.4 GHzUSB receiver includedYesUSB version2.0Connector typeUSB-A maleFeaturesSilent clickYesGliding padsTeflónSoftvérNoUSB receiver storableYesDPI adjustableYesPower savingYesGamingDesigned for gamingNoLightingLightsNoPowerRechargeable batteryYesSensorDPI800, 1200, 1600, 2400DPI range800 - 2400 dpiMax. DPI2400 dpiSensor technologyOpticalInputPower sourceBatteryCompatibilityCompatible Software PlatformsWindows, Chrome OS, Mac OSCompatible Device TypesLaptop, pcControlGrip typePalm, claw, fingerHorizontal scrollingYesControlsLeft, right, mid, forward, backward, dpi loopNumber of buttons6DPI buttonYesOn/off buttonYesProgrammable buttonsNoAdjustable weightNoSuitable surfaceNon-reflective flat surfaceIndicatorsBattery empty, DPILeft-right handed useRight-handedScroll wheelYesTrackballNo (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST bezdrôtová Myš Ozaa Rechargeable Wireless Mouse - blueOzaa Rechargeable Wireless Mouse - whitePremium bezdrôtová myš s ergonomickým dizajnom, ktorý provides hours of working comfortEnvironment-friendly, no need for batteries due to built-in rechargeable batterySix buttons including silent left/right buttons plus thumb scroll wheel for horizontal scrollingPersonalise your cursor speed (800-1200-1600-2400 DPI)Charge via micro-USB port with included cableUp to 10 meter wireless rangePlug-and-play USB receiverEnergy saving on/off switchTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Height of main product77 mmWidth of main product46 mmDepth of main product118 mmTotal weight122 gWeight of main unit99 gFormfactorŠtandardErgonomic designNoConnectivityConnection typeWirelessBluetoothNoWireless range10 mWireless protocolsRF 2.4 GHzUSB receiver includedYesUSB version2.0Connector typeUSB-A maleFeaturesSilent clickYesGliding padsTeflónSoftvérNoUSB receiver storableYesDPI adjustableYesPower savingYesGamingDesigned for gamingNoLightingLightsNoPowerRechargeable batteryYesSensorDPI800, 1200, 1600, 2400DPI range800 - 2400 dpiMax. DPI2400 dpiSensor technologyOpticalInputPower sourceBatteryCompatibilityCompatible Software PlatformsWindows, Chrome OS, Mac OSCompatible Device TypesLaptop, pcControlGrip typePalm, claw, fingerHorizontal scrollingYesControlsLeft, right, mid, forward, backward, dpi loopNumber of buttons6DPI buttonYesOn/off buttonYesProgrammable buttonsNoAdjustable weightNoSuitable surfaceNon-reflective flat surfaceIndicatorsBattery empty, DPILeft-right handed useRight-handedScroll wheelYesTrackballNo (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST bezdrôtová Myš Ozaa Rechargeable Wireless Mouse - whiteZaya Rechargeable Wireless Mouse - blueConnect the mouse wirelessly to PC or laptopEnvironment-friendly, no need for batteries due to built-in rechargeable batteryUSB micro-receiver, storable inside the mouseCompact size suitable for left and right-handed useRubber finish for a moderný vzhľad a pohodlný feel4 Buttons including a DPI speed button to change cursor speed (800-1200-1600 dpi)USB-C port pre recharge the battery (cable included)Energy saving on/off switchTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Height of main product105 mmWidth of main product68 mmDepth of main product38 mmTotal weight72 gWeight of main unit70 gFormfactorŠtandardErgonomic designNoConnectivityConnection typeWirelessBluetoothNoWireless range10 mWireless protocolsRF 2.4 GHzUSB receiver includedYesUSB version2.0Connector typeUSB-AFeaturesSilent clickNoGliding padsUPESoftvérNoUSB receiver storableYesDPI adjustableYesPower savingYesGamingDesigned for gamingNoLightingLightsNoPowerRechargeable batteryYesWireless transmission power1 mWSensorDPI800, 1200, 1600Max. DPI1600 dpiSensor technologyOpticalInputPower sourceBatteryCompatibilityCompatible Software PlatformsWindows, Chrome OS, Mac OSCompatible Device TypesLaptop, pcControlGrip typePalm, fingerHorizontal scrollingNoControlsLeft, right, dpi, power on/offNumber of buttons4DPI buttonYesOn/off buttonYesProgrammable buttonsNoAdjustable weightNoSuitable surfaceCarpet/laminate/parket/resin floors/floor tilesIndicatorsBattery empty, Charging, DPILeft-right handed useRight-handed, left-handedScroll wheelYesTrackballNo (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST bezdrôtová Myš Zaya Rechargeable Wireless Mouse - blueZaya Rechargeable Wireless Mouse - červenáConnect the mouse wirelessly to PC or laptopEnvironment-friendly, no need for batteries due to built-in rechargeable batteryUSB micro-receiver, storable inside the mouseCompact size suitable for left and right-handed useRubber finish for a moderný vzhľad a pohodlný feel4 Buttons including a DPI speed button to change cursor speed (800-1200-1600 dpi)USB-C port pre recharge the battery (cable included)Energy saving on/off switchTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Height of main product105 mmWidth of main product68 mmDepth of main product38 mmTotal weight72 gWeight of main unit70 gFormfactorŠtandardErgonomic designNoConnectivityConnection typeWirelessBluetoothNoWireless range10 mWireless protocolsRF 2.4 GHzUSB receiver includedYesUSB version2.0Connector typeUSB-AFeaturesSilent clickNoGliding padsUPESoftvérNoUSB receiver storableYesDPI adjustableYesPower savingYesGamingDesigned for gamingNoLightingLightsNoPowerRechargeable batteryYesWireless transmission power1 mWSensorDPI800, 1200, 1600Max. DPI1600 dpiSensor technologyOpticalInputPower sourceBatteryCompatibilityCompatible Software PlatformsWindows, Chrome OS, Mac OSCompatible Device TypesLaptop, pcControlGrip typePalm, fingerHorizontal scrollingNoControlsLeft, right, dpi, power on/offNumber of buttons4DPI buttonYesOn/off buttonYesProgrammable buttonsNoAdjustable weightNoSuitable surfaceCarpet/laminate/parket/resin floors/floor tilesIndicatorsBattery empty, Charging, DPILeft-right handed useRight-handed, left-handedScroll wheelYesTrackballNo (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST bezdrôtová Myš Zaya Rechargeable Wireless Mouse - redZaya Rechargeable Wireless Mouse - blackConnect the mouse wirelessly to PC or laptopEnvironment-friendly, no need for batteries due to built-in rechargeable batteryUSB micro-receiver, storable inside the mouseCompact size suitable for left and right-handed useRubber finish for a moderný vzhľad a pohodlný feel4 Buttons including a DPI speed button to change cursor speed (800-1200-1600 dpi)USB-C port pre recharge the battery (cable included)Energy saving on/off switchTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Height of main product105 mmWidth of main product68 mmDepth of main product38 mmTotal weight72 gWeight of main unit70 gFormfactorŠtandardErgonomic designNoConnectivityConnection typeWirelessBluetoothNoWireless range10 mWireless protocolsRF 2.4 GHzUSB receiver includedYesUSB version2.0Connector typeUSB-AFeaturesSilent clickNoGliding padsUPESoftvérNoUSB receiver storableYesDPI adjustableYesPower savingYesGamingDesigned for gamingNoLightingLightsNoPowerRechargeable batteryYesWireless transmission power1 mWSensorDPI800, 1200, 1600Max. DPI1600 dpiSensor technologyOpticalInputPower sourceBatteryCompatibilityCompatible Software PlatformsWindows, Chrome OS, Mac OSCompatible Device TypesLaptop, pcControlGrip typePalm, fingerHorizontal scrollingNoControlsLeft, right, dpi, power on/offNumber of buttons4DPI buttonYesOn/off buttonYesProgrammable buttonsNoAdjustable weightNoSuitable surfaceCarpet/laminate/parket/resin floors/floor tilesIndicatorsBattery empty, Charging, DPILeft-right handed useRight-handed, left-handedScroll wheelYesTrackballNo (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST bezdrôtová Myš Zaya Rechargeable Wireless Mouse - blackVoxx Rechargeable Ergonomic Wireless MouseErgonomic vertical design reduces arm and wrist strainLED display shows battery and connection status, bezdrôtový mode a DPI settingOptimize vaše workflow by reassigning button functions via the LED display menu *Môžete použiť cez USB alebo Bluetooth na vašom PC, laptop, tablet alebo smartphoneEnvironment-friendly, no need for batteries due to built-in rechargeable battery9 Tlačidlá, vrátane jednoduchého prístupného palca s operačnými stranami tlačidiel (forward and back) a top buttons with extra gripPerfect cursor control with adjustable speed (1200-1600-2000-2400 DPI)Energy saving on/off switch*Functionality programmable buttons may vary between OSTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Height of main product111 mmWidth of main product72 mmDepth of main product74 mmTotal weight149 gWeight of main unit120 gFormfactorŠtandardErgonomic designYesConnectivityConnection typeWirelessUSB version2.0BluetoothYesWireless protocolsRF 2.4GHz, BluetoothUSB receiver includedYesConnector typeUSB-A maleFeaturesSilent clickNoGliding padsTeflónDPI adjustableYesSoftvérNoUSB receiver storableYesSpecial featuresLED displej pre batérie and connection status, bezdrôtový režim a nastavenia DPI, and pre reassigning button functionsLightingLightsNoPowerRechargeable batteryYesSensorDPI1200, 1600, 2000, 2400Max. DPI2400 dpiSensor technologyOpticalInputPower sourceBatteryCompatibilityCompatible Software PlatformsWindowsCompatible Device TypesLaptop, pcControlGrip typePalmHorizontal scrollingNoControlsLeft, right, mid, dpi, special buttonsNumber of buttons9DPI buttonYesOn/off buttonYesProgrammable buttonsYesAdjustable weightNoSuitable surfaceNon-reflective flat surfaceIndicatorsBattery level, DPI, Connection status, Wireless modeLeft-right handed useRight-handedScroll wheelYesTrackballNo (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST ergonomická Myš Voxx Rechargeable Ergonomic Wireless MouseGXT 107 Izza Wireless Optical Gaming Mouse Fully illuminated topSpeed select button (800/1400/2000 dpi)Wireless range up to 10mStorable USB micro-receiver6 responsive buttonsRubberized top cover for a firm gripAmbidextrous form factorTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERALPN23214EAN8713439232141Product weight86 gWeight of main unit73 gHeight of main product (in mm)131 mmWidth of main product (in mm)72 mmDepth of main product (in mm)42 mmFormfactorštandardErgonomic designnoPackage ContentsGaming MouseUSB micro-receiver1x AA-batteryUser guideGaming StickerSystem RequirementsPC / Laptop with USB portWindows 10, 8 alebo 7Warranty2CONNECTIVITYConnection typewirelessBluetoothyesWireless protocolsRF 2.4GHzWireless range10 mReceiver includedyesUSB version2.0Connector typeUSB-AFEATURESSilent mousenoOn-board memorynoGliding padsteflónSoftvér includednoPower savingyesUSB receiver storableyesSpecial featuresAmbidextrous form factor, special RGB LED crackle effectsDPI adjustableyesGAMINGDesigned for gamingyesLIGHTINGLightsyesLED coloursRed Green Blue Yellow Purple Cyan WhiteLED colours adjustablenoPOWERBatteries includedyesNumber of batteries1Rechargeable batterynoBattery type (AA, AAA, etc.)polymérINPUTPower sourcebatterySENSORDPI800, 1400, 2000DPI range800 dpi - 2000 dpiMax. DPI2000 dpiSensor technology mouseopticalAcceleration8 GPolling rate250HzCOMPATIBILITYCompatible Device Typespc, laptop, gaming consoleCompatible ConsolesPS4, Xbox OneCompatible Software PlatformsWindows, Mac OSCONTROLGrip typepalmHorizontal scrollingnoControlsleft, right, mid, dpi, forward, backwardNumber of buttons6DPI buttonyesOn/off buttonyesProgrammable buttonsnoAdjustable weightnoSuitable surfacenon-reflective flat surfaceMacro programmingnoLeft-right handed useright-handed, left-handedScroll wheelyesTrackballno (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST Myš GXT 107 Izza Wireless Optical Gaming MouseVERTO WIRELESS ERGONOMIC MOUSE Wireless mouse with ergonomický vertikálny dizajn to redukcia arm and wrist strain Work comfortably for long periods of time, while preventing arm and wrist complainsComfortable thumb rest and rubber coating for perfect gripSpeed select button (800/1200/1600 DPI)Storable USB micro-receiver2 palce tlačidiel: Browser back & nextOn-off switch WORK NATURALLYThanks to jeho ergonomický dizajn a pohodlné palec odpočinku, môžete pracovať alebo studia effortlessly pre hodiny na kancelárii alebo domov. Vertikálny rozvrh brings vášho underarm a rúk do prírodnej pozície, ktoré relaxujú svaly vo vašej ruke, rúk a armu. Rozmer coating of this mouse makes sure your grip remains firm while working for longer periods of time. ACCURATE CONTROLWho said ergonomics was boring? Simply plug in the micro-USB receiver do USB port a budete mať prístup k 800/1200/1600 dpi optický senzor pre kontrolu ovládania. Switch dpi s dedicated button or browse quickly cez rôzne webové stránky s dvomi palcami tlačidiel. SMART USEExperience the convenience of a wireless myš a keep your doska organizovaná. Príjemca tejto myši allows it to work wirelessly within range of 10 meters. It also features an on/off switch so that you can save energie by turning off the mouse when you not using it. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERALPN22879EAN8713439228793ColorblackWarranty2 yearsGENERALForm factorlargeWeight of main unit89 gErgonomic designyesCONNECTIVITYConnection typewirelessConnector typeUSBWireless protocolsRF 2.4GHzUSB version2.0Wireless range10 mReceiver includedyesFEATURESGliding padsteflónUSB receiver storableyesPower savingyesGAMINGDesigned for gamingnoPOWERBatteries includedyesBattery life45 mesiacovWireless transmission power0 mWNumber of batteries2Battery typeAAAINPUTPower sourcebatterySENSORDPI800, 1200, 1600Sensor technology mouseopticalCOMPATIBILITYCompatible Software PlatformsWindows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac OS, Chrome OSCONTROLGrip typepalmHorizontal scrollingnoControlsbackward, dpi, forward, mid, left, rightNumber of buttons6DPI buttonyesOn/off buttonyesProgrammable buttonsnoAdjustable weightnoSuitable surfacenon-reflective flat surfaceLeft-right handed useright-handedScroll wheelyesTrackballnoPACKAGE CONTENTSWireless mouseUSB micro receiver2x AAA batteriesMINIMUM REQUIREMENTSWindows 10, 8, alebo 7Intel-based Mac with Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or higherChrome OSUSB port (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST Myš Verto wireless ergonomic mouse USB, čierna (čierna)GXT131 RANOO WRL GAMING MOUSE ECO Wireless gaming myš s rainbow wave ilumination and total of 9 buttons Farebné ovládanie - Adjustable RGB LED svietidlá a efekty, 9 tlačidiel, integrované 'triple-fire' tlačidlo pre vás ovládajú cez vaše in-game hry a gaming setup's vibe. Accuracy matters - Need pinpoint accuracy? Switch between 6 DPI settings – 800/1200/1600/2000/2400/4800 – s press of a button. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS General Ergonomic design no Features Power saving yes DPI adjustable yes Silent click yes On-board memory yes Gliding pads teflón Softvér no Sensor DPI 800, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2400, 4800 Max. DPI 4800 dpi Sensor technology optical Sensor model PAW3212 Acceleration 10 G Polling rate 500Hz Tracking speed 30 ips Control Grip type palm Left-right handed use right-handed Scroll wheel yes Trackball no Horizontal scrolling no Controls left, right, mid, backward, forward, dpi+, dpi-, ctrl, fire Number of buttons 9 DPI button yes On/off button yes Programmable buttons no Number of Programmable buttons 0 Number of macro buttons 0 Macro programming no Adjustable weights yes Suitable surface non-reflective flat surface Indicators Battery, DPI Connectivity Connection type wireless Bluetooth no USB version 2.0 Connector type USB-A male Wireless protocols RF 2.4 GHz Wireless range 10 m USB receiver included yes USB receiver storable yes Gaming Designes for gaming yes Lighting Lights yes LED colours Full RGB LED colours adjustable yes Power Rechargeable battery no Input Power source battery Compatibility Compatible Device Types laptop, pc Compatible Software Platforms Windows, Mac OS, Chrome OS Size & Weight Formfactor štandard Total weight 138 g Weight of main unit 90 g Depth of main product 124 mm Width of main product 86 mm Height of main product 42 mm (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST myš GXT 131 Ranoo WRL Gaming Mouse Eco, optická, RGB, čiernaVerro Ergonomic Wireless Mouse Wireless mouse with ergonomický vertikálny dizajn to redukcia arm and wrist strain Work comfortably for long periods of time, while preventing arm and wrist injuriesUnique shape, designed to fit do všetkých hand shapes and sizesLightweight and comfortably shaped with rubber coating for perfect gripVertical úhly 60° pre perfektné pole position2 palce tlačidiel: Browser back & nextSpeed select button (800/1200/1600 DPI)Storable USB micro-receiverWireless range of up to 10mOn-off switchTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERALPackage contentsWireless mouseUSB micro-receiver1x AA batterySystem requirementsWindows 10, 8 alebo 7Intel-based Mac with Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or higherChrome OSUSB portHeight of main product (v mm)68 mmWidth of main product (in mm)74 mmDepth of main product (in mm)137 mmTotal weight115 gWeight of main unit115 gFormfactorštandardCONNECTIVITYConnection typewirelessBluetoothnoWireless protocolsRF 2.4GHzWireless range10 mReceiver includedyesUSB version2.0Connector typeUSB-A maleFEATURESSilent clicknoGliding padsteflónPower savingyesSoftvérnoUSB receiver storableyesSpecial featuresVertical Ergonomic Wireless MouseDPI adjustableyesPOWERBatteries includedyesBattery life3 monthWireless transmission power (mW)1 mWNumber of batteries1Battery type (AA, AAA, etc.)AARechargeable batterynoINPUTPower sourcebatterySENSORDPI1200, 1600, 600Max. DPI1600 dpiSensor technologyopticalCOMPATIBILITYCompatible Device Typespc, laptopCompatible Software PlatformsWindows, Chrome OS, Mac OSCONTROLGrip typepalmHorizontal scrollingnoControlsleft, right, mid, dpi loop, forward, backward, on/offNumber of buttons6DPI buttonyesOn/off buttonyesProgrammable buttonsnoAdjustable weightnoSuitable surfacenon-reflective flat surfaceIndicatorsCharging, Battery emptyLeft-right handed useright-handedScroll wheelyesTrackballno (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST ergonomická vertikálna myš Verro Wireless Ergonomic Mouse, blackTRUST TREZO WIRELESS DESKSET ECO USSada bezdrôtovej klávesnice a myši s tichými klávesmi a tlačidlami. Vyrobené z 85% recyklovaných plastov. Pohodlie a ticho Integrovaná opora zápästia a mäkký zdvih klávesov pre pohodlné písanie. Tiché písanie a klikanie, vďaka ktorému nebudete rušiť okolie. Ekologické prevedenie Vyrobené z 85% recyklovaných plastov. Prispieva k ochrane životného prostredia. Dlhá životnosť batérie Myš a klávesnica s mimoriadne dlhou životnosťou batérie – klávesnica až 48 mesiacov a myš až 12 mesiacov. Funkčnosť a odolnosť Desať kláves pre priamy prístup k médiám a kancelárskym funkciám. Klávesnica je chránená pred tekutinami a odolná proti poliatiu. Ľahko dosiahnuteľný vypínač na myši aj klávesnici pre úsporu batérie. Bezdrôtový dosah Bezdrôtový dosah 10 metrov; jeden adaptér USB pre myš aj klávesnicu. Univerzálna myš Obsahuje myš s obojstranným ovládaním - pre ľavákov aj pravákov. Prispôsobiteľná rýchlosť kurzora (1000-1400-1800 DPI). (tonerpartner.sk)
Podobné produkty ako TRUST TREZO WIRELESS DESKSET ECO US (myš + kláves)